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A tot
I — Studies in Omus and Cicindela.
II — Some Observations on the Carabidae, including a
New Subfamily 25
III — A Revision of the Nearctic Harpalinae 45
IV — A Review of the Genus Thyce and of the North
American Species of Polyphylla 306
V — Miscellaneous Notes and New Species 355
Having recently received a considerable series of Omus and many
interesting new forms of Cicindela, it seems desirable to draw up a
short paper on the subject and the opportunity is taken to give a
renewed systematic study of the genus Omus, which may aid in
forming a more exact and comprehensive idea of the relative degrees
of relationship of its many rather confusing species and subspecies.
Omus Esch.
This genus, as known at present, may be divided into three
passably well defined subgenera as follows:
Elytra oval; lateral margins of the pronotum acute and without setae. .2
Elytra subcylindric, the lateral thoracic margins not so acute and having
erect setae 3
2 — Elytra with numerous very large foveae, which are disposed without
order among the smaller punctures common to all the species of the
genus; median line of the pronotum dilated and foveiform at the
middle. [Type and only known species Omus dejeani Reiche].
Elytra with very small and sparse foveae mingled with the punctures;
median stria of the pronotum never so dilated centrally; coloration
deep black to slightly brownish, apparently never metallic. [Type
Omus calif ornicus Esch.] Omus
3 — Elytra punctured and with small sparse foveae nearly as in Omus;
colors generally submetallic. [Type and only known species Omus
siibmetallicus G. H. Horn] Leptomus
It is not necessary to refer more particularly to dejeani and
siibmetallicus just now and the present study will be limited to the
subgenus Omus as defined above.
Subgenus Omus Esch.
Observing critically the very numerous taxonomic forms of this
subgenus, it becomes easy to recognize seven well defined groups
as follows:
Antennae distinctly shorter in the female than in the male; prothorax
relatively narrow, feebly sculptured, deeply declivous at the sides;
elytra having a tendency to be broadest behind the middle. Northern
coast regions Group I
T. L. Casey, Mem. Col. V, Oct. 1914.
Antennae about equal in length in the two sexes, except in fraterculus. .2
2 — Pronotum very deeply and conspicuously vermiculately rugose.
Coast regions Group 1 1
Pronotum feebly and more finely vermiculately rugulose throughout the
surface 3
Pronotum smooth, at least centrally 6
3 — Prothorax somewhat as in dejeani in outline, widest near the apex, the
sides nearly straight and strongly posteriorly oblique. Sierras.
Group III
Prothorax with the sides less oblique and always more or less rounded. .4
4 — Prothorax relatively small; body very elongate; legs notably long.
Sierras Group IV
Prothorax as usual, relatively well developed; legs not conspicuously
long 5
5 — Body narrower, always notably elongate in form. Coast regions.
Group V
Body stouter, generally duller in lustre. Sierras Group VI
6 — Body stout, more ventricose, generally dull in lustre. Sierras.
Group VII
These groups are rather sharply delimited in structure and
general habitus; they will be designated below by the principal
species in each case.
Group I (audouini).
The species are moderately numerous and are confined to the
more northern regions, perhaps more especially near the coast,
but of this I am not sure in all cases.
Body ventricose, the hind body alwa'ys very much wider than the pro-
thorax 2
Body very slender, the elytra more subcylindric and but little wider than
the prothorax 7
2 — Elytral punctures strong, irregularly subconfluent, generally without
intermingled minute punctures 3
Elytral punctures feebler, more uniform in distribution and with inter-
spersed minute punctures 6
3 — Elytral punctures toward the suture feebler and finely lineiform at
the bottom; body massive, the prothorax larger, rather wider than
long, the base rather strongly bisinuate; surface between the more
rugulose apical and basal regions almost smooth, opaculate, with
very fine anastomosing lines and very minute punctulation; elytra
widest slightly behind the middle; antennse rather stouter basally
than in the other species of the group. Length (c?) 16.0 mm.;
width 6.0 mm. California (Shasta Co.), — Nunenmacher.
ambiguus Shpp.
Elytral punctures more rounded, deeper, not lineiform at the bottom at
any part of the surface 4
4 — Hind tarsi ( 9 ) shorter, about as long as the tibiae; prothorax narrow,
as long as wide even in the female, the base more transverse and
more broadly and feebly bisinuate; surface with the anastomosing
lines rather distinct, the minute punctulation evident. Length
(d71 9 ) 14.0-15.5 mm.; width 5.0-5.5 mm. Oregon and Washington
State. Rather abundant audouini Rche.
Hind tarsi ( 9 ) much longer than the tibiae 5
5 — Body small and notably slender, of a facies and in sculpture nearly
as in audouini but with shorter and more slender antennae; prothorax
nearly similar, narrow, as long as wide and nearly similar in the
two sexes as in audouini. Length (cf 9 ) 12.8-13.2 mm.; width
4.4-4.8 mm. Oregon parvulus Csy.
Body large, very stout and massive; antennae notably short in the female;
prothorax much larger and broader than in the two preceding, wider
than long, the base transverse and barely perceptibly bisinuate, the
surface opaculate and with fine anastomosing lines and minute
punctulation as in audouini; elytra broad, rather feebly convex
medially, widest at the middle and with the punctures more evenly
circular and much deeper than in any other of the group, perforate,
the interspaces rather shining, only feebly alutaceous and without
trace of minute punctulation. Length ( 9 ) 17.0 mm. ; width 6.3 mm.
Northern California (without record of more definite locality).
rugipennis n. sp.
6 — Body rather shorter, relatively broader and moderately convex, the
hind tarsi much longer than the tibiae in both sexes; prothorax
relatively larger and broader than in audouini or parvulus, though
nearly similarly sculptured ; base transverse and very feebly bisinuate ;
elytra widest at the middle, the punctures rather small and well
• separated internally and also rather more than usually obsolete
near the humeri, which are distinctly convexo-declivous as usual;
interspersed minute punctulation very obvious. Length (cf 9 )
13.8-15.8 mm.; width 5.3-5.9 mm. California (Del Norte Co.),—
Nunenmacher humeroplanatus \V. Horn
Body larger, more elongate and more convex, relatively not so ventricose
as in audouini, the prothorax much larger, very little wider than long,
. opaculate, the fine anastomosing lines evident; base transverse,
broadly and very feebly bisinuate; elytra one-half longer than wide,
barely one-half wider than the prothorax, widest a little behind the
middle; surface very convex, with the micro-granulation strong and
more conspicuous than in any other species, almost obliterating the
minute punctulation, the punctures rather coarse and confused but
unusually shallow and generally with their bottom finely lineiform
by transverse light, the scattered foveae very inconspicuous, much
less evident than in the preceding; hind tarsi but little longer than
the tibiae. Length (cf ) 16.0 mm.; width 5.9 mm. California (Shasta
Retreat, Siskiyou Co.) solidulus n. sp.
7 — Form and habitus radically different from any of the preceding, due
to the very elongate cylindric outline ; front nearly smooth and without
punctures between the foveee; prothorax about as long as wide,
sculptured nearly as in audouini, the transverse subbasal groove
rather deep, the sides at its ends feebly constricted; base transverse,
very feebly bisinuate; elytra four-fifths longer than wide, scarcely
more than a fourth wider than the prothorax, the sides parallel,
barely arcuate except basally and apically, finely, sparsely punctate
and with rather distinct foveae. Length (cf) 13.7 mm.; width 4.25
mm. California (Lassen Co.), — Nunenmacher.
cylindricus \V. Horn
I am unable to persuade myself that any one of the above forms
has less than specific value and would not know how to make the
combinations; they are undoubtedly distinct among themselves
and by no means so closely allied as in some other groups, where
many of the forms obviously have rather less than full specific
weight. At first it seemed as though parvulus might be no better
than a subspecies of audouini, but the recent discovery of the
female, with its short delicate antennae and long hind tarsi, appar-
ently determines its specific value.
Alluding to the general question of species in the genus Omus,
it is quite beyond my power of comprehension to understand how
any student, having within him a moderate development of the
sense of proportion and having before him such forms as cylin-
dricus* IcBvis, cribripennis, parvicollis and edwardsi, for instance,
could, with all their manifold peculiarities of structure and facies,
hold them to be of no greater taxonomic weight than mere sub-
ordinates of a single species. Such an opinion, I am thoroughly
convinced, could only arise from a misconception of the term species
from a pragmatic viewpoint.
Group II (calif ornicus).
The various units in this group hold much more truly to the
typical form than in the preceding and, though recognizable on
actual comparison, some of them may be rather difficult to decipher
from descriptions, however full of detail. They fall under three
rather distinct stem forms as follows :
* The original name given this species was angusto-cylindricus. The infliction of
such unwieldy names as this and intermedia- pronolalis upon our nomenclature may
betray a lack of sympathetic respect for our powers of endurance in quoting them, or
else, perhaps, they may not be intended to be permanent in their entirety as specific
names. I have assumed the latter to be the correct, because the more rational,
assumption, and have therefore omitted the unnecessary qualifying part of these
hyphenated specific names.
Body rather stout, strongly convex, the sides of the prothorax converging
and but slightly arcuate from near the apex to the base 2
Body much narrower, the elytral punctures denser; prothorax with the
sides subparallel and broadly arcuate in more than apical half, then
rapidly more convergent to the base; copulatory spicule in mimus
nearly as in californicus, concealed in the type of sculptilis 3
2 — Form only moderately elongate, ventricose, shining; head narrower
than the prothorax in both sexes, rugose throughout, the median
part of the front without punctures; prothorax obtrapezoidal, about
as long as wide, a little wider in some females, very deeply vermicu-
lato-rugose throughout; elytra oval, barely more than one-half longer
than wide, widest at the middle, the coarse strong punctures well
separated suturally, close and subconfluent laterally; copulatory
spicule obliquely and almost rectilinearly truncate externally at
tip, the latter only moderately prolonged. Length (cf 9 ) 14.0—
16.8 mm.; width 5.0-5.9 mm. California (about San Francisco
Bay) . Abundant californicus Esch.
A — Similar to californicus but rather larger and more elongate, the
elytra three-fourths or more longer than wide; prothorax always
wider than long by a fourth to third of its length in the female,
in which sex it is more than three-fourths as wide as the elytra;
copulatory spicule not exposed in the single male. Length (d71 9 )
15.5-17.5 mm.; width 5.4-6.0 mm. California (locality not recorded
but probably near San Francisco). Three examples.
vermiculatus n. subsp.
Form still more abbreviated, ventricose, much smaller in size, rather
shining; head barely narrower than the prothorax, rugose throughout;
prothorax as in californicus but with the vermiculiform rugosity
coarser and rather less deep, becoming in fact rather feeble very
near the median stria; elytra very evenly oval and widest at the
middle, with strongly arcuate sides, the punctures coarse, deep and
rather close-set, more evenly spaced throughout than in californicus;
copulatory spicule very different, narrower and more prolonged
apically and evenly arcuate in curvature, not at all truncate exter-
nally. Length (cf) 13.0 mm.; width 5.0 mm. Oregon (Josephine
Co.), — -Nunenmacher oregonensis Csy.
3 — Body rather narrow and elongate, moderately convex, moderately
shining, more densely sculptured than californicus; head narrower
than the prothorax, very closely and strongly rugose throughout;
prothorax wider than long, the vermiform rugae very deep and finer
than usual in californicus; elytra oblong-oval, two-thirds longer
than wide, the sides only moderately arcuate, widest near the middle,
coarsely, deeply and very uniformly, closely and almost subcon-
fluently punctured throughout, each puncture having a more dis-
tinct granule at its anterior end than in californicus and rather less
coarse and more elongate in form. Length (c?) 15.5 mm.; width
5.4 mm. California (north of San Francisco). A single example.
sculptilis Csy.
A — Smaller and still narrower than sculptilis but otherwise very similar,
except that the head is about as wide as the prothorax, the rugae
of the latter not so fine and the elytra more evenly elongate-oval
and less oblong; they are also more convex and have the punctures
more clearly separated and without such evident acute granules,
being more as in calif ornicus. Length (cf) 14.0-14.3 mm.; width
4.8-5.1 mm. California (the type bears no more accurate indica-
tion of locality, but another example at hand was collected near
San Francisco) mimus Csy.
Additional material serves to show that sculptilis should be given
higher relative value than previously accorded it, the narrow form
of body and peculiar outline of the prothorax, still more accentu-
ated in mimus, serving to isolate it from calif ornicus at a glance;
mimus is evidently closely related but is much more slender in its
anterior parts. The types of vermiculatus were received under the
name lecontei.
Group III (edwardsi).
The large stout forms, with very oblique and nearly straight sides
of the prothorax, constituting this group, are well known to all
collectors. They are apparently very circumscribed in habitat,
being confined to that part of the Sierras in and near Placer Co.
The elytra are frequently slightly brownish in tint, apparently not
always wholly because of immaturity. Having been fortunate
enough to personally capture a single example of the true edwardsi
on the shore of Lake Tahoe, I feel better prepared to separate the
various units in a more definite manner, for in most collections a
number of distinct modifications of the stem form figure under the
name edwardsi, which in its typical development inhabits only the
region near Lake Tahoe. There are two distinct types in the group
as follows:
Elytral sculpture coarser and denser, the punctures rather close-set
suturally, becoming densely crowded on the flanks 2
Elytral sculpture much finer, the punctures everywhere notably small,
widely separated suturally and never densely crowded on the flanks. . 3
2 — Form oblong-elongate, only moderately shining, black; head finely
and rather feebly rugulose, the front between the impressions nearly
smooth but without punctures; prothorax relatively smaller than
usual and less transverse, somewhat as in edwardsi, only a third to
two-fifths wider than long, finely and closely vermiculato-rugulose
throughout; elytra two-thirds to three-fourths longer than wide,
more oblong than usual, the sides less arcuate, widest at the middle
and less than one-half wider than the prothorax. Length (cf 9 )
17.5-18.0 mm.; width 6.0-6.6 mm. California (Placer Co.).
montanus Csy.
A — Form nearly as in montanus but rather more slender and frequently
brownish in color, the sculpture similar throughout; prothorax
shorter and more transverse, relatively more narrowed at base;
hind tarsi shorter and more slender. Length (9 ) 16.8-17.8 mm.;
width 5.8-6.0 mm. California (Placer Co.). One specimen
received at the same time as the preceding and another from a
different source brunnescens Csy.
3 — Form stouter, the hind body shorter, more dilated and with more
arcuate sides than in montanus, very faintly brunnescent; head
similar but with still feebler rugulosity; prothorax only a fourth
wider than long, finely rugulose and with some extremely minute
punctulation, the anterior transverse impression conspicuous; elytra
scarcely more than one-half longer than wide, very evenly oval,
with evenly arcuate sides, widest at the middle; punctures fine and
well separated even on the flanks. Length (c?) 17.0 mm.; width
6.2 mm. California (Lake Tahoe) edwardsi Cr.
A — Larger than edwardsi but otherwise very similar, except that the
prothorax is slightly more transverse and the fine rugulosity of
the pronotum distinctly stronger, with more shining interspaces;
labrum with the median lobe strong, more abruptly truncate at
the tip of the lobe than in edwardsi; elytra more elongate though
evenly oval, with arcuate sides, the punctures rather small and
well separated but stronger than in edwardsi, the scattered foveae
much more distinct than in that species, where they are unusually
feeble and indistinct. Length (cf1 9 ) 15.8-18.5 mm.; width 5.5-
6 7 mm. California (Placer Co.). [0. lucidicollis Csy.].
lobatus Csy.
In the above described topotype of edwardsi, the seta at each
side of the epistoma is at the middle of the length and there are
four long stiff setae above each eye, a condition which is however
unstable in the genus. Lucidicollis cannot be maintained even
as a well denned variety and must be united with lobatus.
Group IV (parvicollis) .
The general habitus in this group, due to the very elongate form,
small prothorax and fine sparse elytral punctures, is altogether
different from that of any other type of the genus; the various
units seem to be confined to the southern Sierras, in and near
Tulare Co. Those known thus far are the following:
Body very slender, elongate, convex, deep black and subopaculate; head
subequal in width to the prothorax, moderately though distinctly
rugose, the median part of the front smooth and not punctate;
apical part of the mandibles very long and slender; prothorax as
long as wide (cf ) to slightly wider than long (9 ), barely more than
half as wide as the elytra, the sides converging from near the apex
to the base and feebly arcuate; base feebly lobed medially; surface
opaque, with very fine anastomosing irregular lines and fine anterior
transverse impression, between which and the apex the surface is
longitudinally rugulose; elytra evenly oval and widest at the middle,
nearly twice as long as wide, finely sparsely and evenly punctate, the
punctures well separated and not larger on the flanks, the scattered
foveae small and generally rather feeble. Length (cf 9 ) 16.5-19.0
mm.; width 5.4-6.7 mm. California (at various points in Tulare
Co.). Rather abundant parvicollis Csy.
A — Similar to the preceding but larger, with the head (cf ) distinctly
narrower than the prothorax, the mandibles rather less prolonged
apically, the anterior impressions feebler, the front feebly rugulose
and the antennae longer; prothorax relatively not quite so small
and wider than long, the sides anteriorly more inflated, similarly
sculptured and similar at base but much more than half as wide as
the elytra, the latter nearly similar but with the sparse punctures
a little larger and the scattered fovese more distinct, not so evenly
oval and widest slightly behind the middle. Length (cT) 19.0
mm.; width 6.7 mm. California (Tulare Co.) spissipes Csy.
B — Similar to parvicollis but larger and still more elongate, the head
not quite as wide as the prothorax, the front similarly nearly
smooth and with moderate impressions; prothorax relatively
larger and wider than long, more inflated anteriorly, the base
not so lobed in the middle, very feebly and transversely bisinuate,
the sculpture of the same nature but stronger; elytra still more
elongate, evenly oval, widest at the middle and with the punctures
well separated but much larger and stronger than in either of the
preceding, the surface less even and the foveae distinct. Length
(cf 9 ) 18.5-20.0 mm. ; width 6.0-7.0 mm. California (Tulare Co.).
procerus Csy.
The copulatory spicule throughout is of the same type, long,
slender and strongly bent downward apically. Procerus is I think
more nearly a distinct species than a subspecies.
Group V (lecontei).
In this group the body is decidedly elongate, rather strongly
sculptured and usually with shining integuments; it occurs in the
coast regions from Monterey to northern Oregon, so far as now
represented in my collection, and consists of four species and
several subspecies as follows:
Elytra widest before the middle, gradually arcuately narrowed thence to
the acute apex; labrum subtruncate; body slender; lateral margin of
the prothorax fine and but slightly reflexed, attaining the base; head
and pronotum rugulose throughout. Length 15-16 mm. Cali-
fornia (southern coast ranges from Monterey to Sta. Barbara and
Fort Tejon) lecontei G. H. Horn
Elytra evenly elongate-oval, widest at the middle; labrum arcuately
produced and frequently narrowly truncate at apex; habitat less
southern 2
2 — Sides of the prothorax strongly rounded, becoming subparallel in
nearly apical half. Body slender (cf), less slender (9), rather
convex, shining; head narrower than the prothorax, coarsely wrinkled,
the front medially smoother, not punctate; prothorax coarsely but
not very strongly, vermicularly rugulose, the base transverse, not
evidently bisinuate; anterior transverse impression fine but distinct;
side margins sharply reflexed, strongly near the base, which they
virtually attain; elytra fully three-fourths longer than wide, with
evenly arcuate sides and small, widely separated punctures, becoming
closer but scarcely at all larger on the flanks. Length (cf 9 ) 17.0
mm.; width 5.8-6.0 mm. California (near San Francisco), — Dunn.
elongatus Csy.
Sides of the prothorax oblique and feebly arcuate from near the apex to
the base 3
3 — Front generally not at all punctulate though smooth or but feebly
rugulose; southern coast regions. Body elongate, strongly convex,
shining; head distinctly narrower than the prothorax, the front
feebly rugulose and with traces of very minute sparse punctulation;
prothorax slightly wider than long, widest near apical fourth, where
the sides are inflated and rounded; side margins as in the preceding,
the surface more strongly vermiculato-rugose, as in californicus though
much more feebly; elytra two-thirds longer than wide, unusually
convex, the punctures small, everywhere widely separated. Length
(d71) 16.0 mm.; width 5.5 mm. California (near San Francisco), — •
Dunn dunni Csy.
A — Narrower and still more elongate, the median part of the front
very smooth and sculptureless; labrum with the median lobe
much produced, abruptly truncate at tip; rugulosity strong;
prothorax with the sides converging and evenly, moderately
arcuate from apex to base, the margin still more strongly reflexed,
especially apically and basally; surface similar; base broadly
arcuate medially; elytra narrower and longer, the punctures
stronger, closer laterally, each similarly with a small acute an-
terior granule, the fovese small and not conspicuous. Length
(cf 9 ) 16.5-18.0 mm.; width 5.5-6.2 mm. California (Carmel,
Monterey Co.) regularis Csy.
B — Smaller and still narrower, notably slender and not so convex, less
shining; head similar, the truncate lobe of the labrum not quite
so prominent; prothorax throughout nearly as in regularis, barely
at all wider than long; elytra almost twice as long as wide, very
evenly oblong-oval, the punctures similarly small, well separated,
aciculate and strongly granuliferous, the interspaces dull and
more strongly micro-reticulate than in either of the preceding.
Length (cf ) 15.5 mm.; width 5.2 mm. California (Monterey Co.),
— Fuchs maritimus Csy.
Front generally finely, sparsely punctulate, the punctures gradually
obsolescent in some forms, northern coast regions. Body moderately
elongate, convex, more shining than in the preceding section; head
distinctly narrower than the prothorax, rugulose, the oblique im-
pressions deep, the intermediate surface broadly smooth and with
fine scattered punctures; prothorax well developed, slightly wider
than long, the sides converging and very evenly, moderately arcuate
from apex to base, the latter broadly lobed medially; side margins
acute but much more finely and feebly reflexed than in the pre-
ceding section; surface with anastomosing fine sculpture, stronger
laterally, feeble on the broadly flattened median part, which is more
rapidly declivous at the sides to the transverse impression; elytra
barely more than one-half longer than wide, the sides evenly arcuate,
rather rapidly pointed at apex; surface somewhat uneven, with
strong, rather close-set punctures and distinct foveae. Length (9 )
15.5 mm.; width 5.4 mm. Oregon borealis Csy.
A — Similar but somewhat larger and a little more elongate, the
punctures of the very smooth polished medio-frontal surface fine
and barely evident; prothorax perfectly similar throughout,
except that the rugulosity is slightly finer and feebler and the
median flattened part is better defined posteriorly by the rather
more abrupt slopes; median stria sometimes slightly deeper
centrally — a reversion toward Megomus; elytra similar and
widest at the middle, with evenly rounded sides but more elongate
and not quite so convex, two-thirds longer than wide; punctures
small and widely separated medially, stronger and closer laterally.
Length (cf) 17.0 mm.; width 6.0 mm. California (Plumas Co.),
— Nunenmacher pronotalis W. Horn
B — Similar to pronotalis but a little narrower, more convex and still
more shining, the front similar, the punctulation almost completely
obsolete though traceable; prothorax throughout as in borealis
but rather strongly and more evenly, vermicularly rugulose
throughout, the postero-median flattened part less well defined
than in pronotalis but better defined than in borealis; base trans-
verse, barely at all lobed medially; elytra nearly three-fourths
longer than wide, very evenly oval, with evenly arcuate sides, the
surface convex, the punctures fine and sparse suturally, a little
less fine and less sparse laterally, the foveae small but distinct.
Length (cf) 16.5 mm.; width 5.5 mm. California (Lassen Co.),
—Nunenmacher nunenmacheri W. Horn
The copulatory spicule, so far as exposed in examples of this
group at hand, is very slender and strongly bent arcuately down-
ward at tip, very much as in the preceding group, but I have not
been able to note its conformation in the singular borealis section,
which is of more northern distribution and quite distinct in several
directions besides the postero-medial flattening of the pronotal
surface, which is barely traceable in borealis, feeble in nunenmacheri
and somewhat pronounced in pronotalis.
Group VI (sequoiarum) .
In some of the species of this group there is a decided sexual
inequality in the antennae, similar to that so markedly developed
in the audouini group. The various species and subspecies seem
to be confined to the Sierras, from Sierra to Mariposa Co. ; they are
generally of rather stout build and with opaculate or feebly shining
integuments, but are less ventricose than in the Icevis group. So
far as known to me they may be differentiated as follows:
Body decidedly elongate and of larger size, strongly convex. Head
narrower than the prothorax, rugulose throughout, the impressions
feeble, the front between them less coarsely but distinctly rugulose
and without punctures; labrum moderately and arcuately lobed;
prothorax about as long as wide (c?) or wider than long (9 ), ob-
trapezoidal, widest near the apex, with the oblique sides but very
feebly arcuate and coarsely and strongly re flexed, the margin at-
taining the base, which is transverse, very feebly bisinuate; surface
finely and very moderately vernacularly rugose, equally throughout;
elytra very evenly elongate-oval and strongly convex, three-fourths
longer than wide, widest exactly at the middle, the punctures small,
not deep, aciculate and widely separated, but little larger and still
well separated on the flanks, the foveae small and very inconspicuous.
Length (cf 9 ) 16.5-20.0 mm.; width 5.8-7.0 mm. California
(Mokelumne Hill, Calaveras Co.), — Blaisdell blaisdelli Csy.
A — Nearly similar but still larger, the head nearly similar throughout;
prothorax larger, wider than long in both sexes, the sides similarly
coarsely reflexed but more arcuate, the rugulosity rather coarser;
elytra similar in their regularly elongate-oval form but with the
punctures very coarse and deep, separated by about their own
diameters and, on the flanks, not coarser, as is usual, but smaller
and more close-set though not in mutual contact; hind tarsi
notably long. Length (cf 9 ) 17.5-21.0 mm.; width 6.0-7.2 mm.
California (Placerville, Eldorado Co.) cribripennis Csy.
Body apparently rather elongate. Deep black, shining; head moderate,
wrinkled all over, except the middle of the front, which is smooth and
sparsely punctate, the impressions feeble; labrum moderately,
arcuately lobed; prothorax wrinkled throughout but not deeply, the
lateral margin fine and but slightly reflexed, attaining the base;
sides feebly arcuate, moderately converging to the base; elytra
elliptical, widest in front of the middle, moderately convex, closely,
not deeply punctate, confusedly so toward apex. Length 17 mm.
California (Coulterville, Mariposa Co.) intermedius Leng
Body notably stout in form; sides of the prothorax finely but rather
strongly reflexed, much more finely so than in blaisdelli and cribri-
pennis; median part of the front nearly smooth and with scattered
small but distinct punctures as in intermedius 2
2 — Body larger and very stout, rather dull in lustre as a rule; head much
smaller than the prothorax, rugulose throughout but more obsoletely
at the middle of the front, the impressions feeble; prothorax unus-
ually short, fully a third wider than long, widest near apical fourth,
the sides only very moderately oblique and rather feebly arcuate
thence posteriorly to the base (c?), or nearly to the base, where
they become strongly oblique (9), the acute margin attaining the
base, which is transverse, broadly, feebly bisinuate; surface distinctly
and evenly vermicularly rugulose throughout; elytra (cf ) evenly and
obtusely oval, widest at the middle, or ( 9 ) more acutely and ob-
liquely tapering apically and sometimes widest a little before the
middle, the punctures rather strong and deep, well separated,
coarser and dense laterally. Length (cf 9 ) 15.5-17.5 mm.; width
6.1-6.5 mm- California (Big Trees, Calaveras Co.) . sequoiarum Cr.
A — Similar but a little larger and rather more elongate, the prothorax
similar throughout, except that it is less abbreviated, being about
a fourth wider than long; elytra (cf) not evenly and obtusely oval
but widest well before the middle, thence arcuately tapering to
the acute apex, the punctures similarly strong and deep and
everywhere closer; labrum similarly with a pronounced narrowly
truncate median lobe. Length (cT) 17.5 mm.; width 6.3 mm.
California, — Levette lugubris Csy.
B — Similar to lugubris throughout but with still somewhat less trans-
verse prothorax, in which the acute side margin does not attain
the base as in the two preceding, but abruptly terminates at a
considerable distance from the base; elytra (cf ) evenly and very
obtusely oval, widest at the middle, the punctures not so coarse,
more nearly as in sequoiarum but more close-set, subcontiguous,
the fovese very few, small, widely dispersed and inconspicuous.
Length (cf) 17.0 mm.; width 6.4 mm. California, — Levette.
sierricola Csy.
C — Similar to sequoiarum but more parallel, less ventricose and less
convex; head relatively a little larger; prothorax nearly a third
wider than long, as in sequoiarum throughout but with the sides
evenly converging and subevenly and distinctly arcuate from apex
to base, very little more converging near the base, the acute
margins attaining the base; elytra more oblong-oval and more
elongate, slightly more than one-half longer than wide, more
gradually pointed at apex though similarly widest at the middle,
the punctures much finer and feebler than in any of the three
preceding, substellate and sparse, but little larger or closer laterally ;
hind tarsi much longer, being nearly one-half longer than the
tibiae. Length (cf) 16.0 mm.; width 6.0 mm. (Big Trees,
Calaveras Co.) longitarsis n. subsp.
Body much smaller, less stout and not so convex 3
3 — Male and female differing greatly, the former more slender, the latter
very stout, with much larger and more transverse prothorax and
decidedly shorter antennae. Surface rather shining; head much
narrower than the prothorax, the labrum rather strongly lobed;
prothorax (c?) barely a fifth wider than long, the sides converging,
distinctly and subevenly arcuate from apex to base, the acute
margins strongly reflexed and attaining the base; surface rather
deeply but finely vermicularly rugulose throughout, or ( 9 ) fully
a third wider than long but otherwise similar, except that the rugu-
losity is a little coarser and stronger, almost as in some modifications
of the californicus type; elytra oval, widest near the middle, more
acutely tapering apically in the female. Length (c? 9 ) 13.5-15.0
mm.; width 5.2-5.9 mm. California (Forest Hill, Placer Co.).
fraterculus Csy.
Male and female nearly similar and but very moderately stout, generally
less shining; elytral punctures very coarse and deep, the interspaces
rather shining; head nearly as in the preceding; prothorax (9) a
fifth wider than long, differing greatly in shape from fraterculus,
being widest at apical third, the sides thence oblique and more nearly
straight to the base, the side margins and sculpture nearly similar;
elytra subevenly oval, gradually acutely narrowed apically, widest
at the middle, the strong punctures distinctly separated, the inter-
spaces with scattered small punctures; at the sides the coarse punc-
tures are very dense and everywhere somewhat aciculate. Length
(9) 14.5 mm.; width 5.25 mm. California, — Levette.
punctifrons Csy.
A — Similar, but the labrum has only four instead of six setigerous
punctures in the type; prothorax (c?)' nearly as in the female type
of the preceding in every way and with the base similarly trans-
verse and feebly bisinuate; elytra rather broader than in the pre-
ceding female type, less gradually acute posteriorly, the punctures
still coarser and more conspicuous, in mutual contact and very
coarse on the flanks; foveae rather large but very few in number,
feeble and inconspicuous. Length (cf ) 14.0 mm.; width 5.28 mm.
California (Sierra Co.), — Fuchs degener Csy.
B — Similar in general form, the female a little stouter than the type of
degener; head similar; prothorax a little broader, a fourth wider
than long, as in degener, except that the sides from anterior third
to the apex are straighter; elytra barely one-half longer than wide,
oval, gradually acute at apex, only feebly convex, the side margins
strongly reflexed basally as in degener and much more elevated than
in punctifrons; sculpture differing greatly from any of the three
preceding, the punctures being less coarse, still more irregular in
form and densely coalescent throughout, the interspaces duller,
with much stronger micro-reticulation and with scattered small
punctures. Length (9 ) 14.0 mm.; width 5.4 mm. California,—
Levette confluens Csy.
I am rather of the opinion that cribripennis is a species different
from blaisdelli and that confluens has higher value than here sug-
gested for it, but feel that the modern tendency to combine rather
than to differentiate and to attribute structural differences in
related forms to accidental causes, should be respected at least to
some extent. In the females of this group the coarse setigerous
punctures forming a series bordering the acute apex of the last
abdominal segment, are rather better developed than elsewhere.
The copulatory spicule in the few instances where it is observable
without dissection, has a form in this group very different from
that seen in the preceding groups, the apex being less slender and
but very feebly curved downward.
Group VII (Icevis}.
No other group comprises within its limits such marked diversity
of elytral sculpture as this, for while the prothorax remains constant
throughout in its very smooth opaque surface, with scarcely a trace
of sculpture except the feeble rugulosity about its periphery, the
elytra may be more coarsely and conspicuously punctured than in
any other species of the genus as in compositus, or perfectly smooth,
with barely a trace of any sort of punctuation as in Icevis, this
latter condition also being a unique exception in the genus. The
body is rather short and notably stout in form and is unusually
ventricose. The copulatory spicule is somewhat as in the cali-
fornicus group, being subangularly bent apically, the distal part
straight, but it is more prolonged than in californicus. There
seem to be three species and several subspecies as follows:
Elytral punctures strong, each with an acute anterior granule. Body
( 9 ) stout, convex, dull and sericeo-alutaceous in lustre; head smaller
than the prothorax, moderately rugulose almost throughout, the
front not punctate; impressions' feeble; labrum strongly lobed;
prothorax large, much wider than long, widest near the apex, the
sides only moderately oblique and feebly arcuate, inwardly arcuate
at base, the reflexed margin moderate, stronger posteriorly, not
attaining the base; surface opaque, finely but distinctly, confusedly
rugulose basally and apically and feebly, transversely plicatulate
laterally; elytra less than one-half longer than wide, evenly oval,
pointed apically, widest at the middle, much wider than the pro-
thorax, the punctures rather coarse, moderately deep, impressed and
in mutual contact throughout, the intervals opaculate; foveae
indistinct. Male much narrower than the female, with more oblong
elytra, the punctures nearly similar but distinctly separated sutur-
ally, the interspaces similarly opaculate; prothorax as in seqiioiantin,
much narrower and more narrowed basally than in the female, the
side margin attaining the base in the single example at hand. Length
(d* 9 ) 15-5 mm.; width 5.8-6.3 mm. California (Wawona, Mariposa
Co.). [0. collar-is Csy.]. Description drawn from the type of
collaris horni Lee.
A — Male only moderately stout, convex, dull throughout; head similar
but less rugulose, the front very smooth, punctureless; supra-
orbital setae only three in number in the type; antennae more
slender; prothorax a fourth wider than long, widest anteriorly, the
sides converging rather strongly and moderately arcuate thence
posteriorly, abruptly straight and more oblique for a considerable
distance before the base, the margin fine throughout, attaining the
base; surface opaque, more feebly rugulose basally, finely, longi-
tudinally creased apically and feebly, transversely so laterally,
the stria very fine; elytra one-half longer than wide, oval, obtuse,
widest at the middle, the punctures as in the preceding but smaller,
more feebly impressed, almost in mutual contact, the intervals
sericeous. Length (cf) 16.0 mm.; width 6.0 mm. California
(Giant Forest, Tulare Co.), — Dietz temperatus n. subsp.
B — Male stout, convex, more ventricose than in any of the preceding,
opaque, the elytra rather strongly shining; head moderately
rugulose; supra-orbital setae three or four in number; prothorax
as in temperatus, the sides as strongly oblique as in sequoiarnni,
feebly arcuate, the margins abruptly rounded at the immediate
base, which they attain; surface more confusedly rugulose apically
than in temperatus, more nearly as in hortii; elytra short, broadly
oval, widest at the middle, with very coarse deep punctures, which
are separated by nearly their own diameters suturally, dense
laterally, the interspaces notably shining. Length (cf) 14.8-
16.0 mm.; width 6.0-6.2 mm. California (Wawona, Mariposa
Co.) compositus Csy.
Elytral punctures, when present, perfectly simple and without trace of
an acute anterior granule 2
2 — Elytra distinctly punctured; side margins of the prothorax attaining
the base. Body stout, convex, ventricose; head very feebly rugu-
lose, with slight impressions, the front with very fine sparse punctu-
lation; supra-orbital setae four in number; prothorax (c?1) nearly
as long as wide, opaque, with very fine or obsolescent anastomosing
lines, though virtually smooth, the basal and apical rugulosity very
feeble; outline as in sequoiarum, or ( 9 ) larger, more transverse,
with slightly less converging sides; elytra evenly oval, rather pointed
at apex, widest at the middle, much broader in the female, the
punctures rather coarse and dense throughout though not very
deep. Length (cf 9 ) 15.8-18.0 mm.; width 6.0-7.0 mm. Cali-
fornia (Tulare Co., 6400 feet). Abundant and not more than usually
variable tularensis Csy.
A — Similar to tularensis in every way, except that the body is not
quite so large and notably more slender in both sexes; head opaque,
with the rugulosity almost completely obsolete, the fine frontal
punctulation also indistinct; prothorax differing less sexually,
the sides strongly oblique and feebly arcuate in both sexes, the
surface nearly as in tularensis throughout but with the sculpture
still more obsolete; base perfectly straight and transverse in the
male type, or feebly bisinuate in a female recently received;
elytra narrower and more elongate than in tularensis though other-
wise similar. Length (cf 9 ) 15.0-16.8 mm.; width 5.5-6.2 mm.
California (Davenport, Tulare Co., 6500 feet) gracilior Csy.
B — Similar in general characters but much narrower, more elongate,
less ventricose and less convex than in tularensis, opaculate
throughout; head smooth, with the feeblest traces of sculpture;
prothorax nearly, as long as wide, the sides evenly converging and
very evenly, moderately arcuate from apex to base, the latter
transverse and very feebly bisinuate; side margins very finely
reflexed and attaining the base; surface almost perfectly smooth
throughout, the anterior transverse impression feeble, the basal
rugulosity fine and shallow; elytra one-half longer than wide and
only a third wider than the prothorax, the punctures much smaller
and feebler than in either of the preceding, becoming obsolete
basally and stronger and close laterally and apically, the small
scattered fovese very distinct. Length (o71 ) 16.5 mm.; width 5.8
mm. California (Tulare Co.), — Dietz opacellus n. subsp.
Elytra wholly impunctate, the side margins of the prothorax very finely
reflexed and not attaining the base. Body stout, ventricose, convex;
head nearly smooth, the lobe of the labrum very strong, narrowly
truncate at tip; prothorax (9 ) a third wider than long, widest near
the apex, the sides thence rather strongly oblique and feebly arcuate
to the base, which is transverse and very feebly bisinuate; surface
nearly smooth, rugulose postero-laterally and at base, the anterior
transverse impression deep; elytra rather broad, oval, widest at the
middle, arcuately and acutely ogival apically in almost posterior
half; surface smooth, opaculate, with strong micro-reticulation and
fine subobsolete anastomosing creases, also with feeble traces of
very fine punctures apically; foveae very small, scarcely larger than
the asperate punctures bearing the setae. Length (9) 19.0 mm.;
width 6.8 mm. California (Mineral King Road, Tulare Co., 8000
feet), — Fuchs laevis G. H. Horn
This group presents a rather' more difficult taxonomic study
than any other and I have puzzled long over the most probable
inter-relationships of the various units. Horni is certainly a dis-
tinct species, but whether the forms from tularensis to lams con-
stitute a single species or not, I cannot quite make up my mind.
Opacellus is a very distinct form, but there is no record at hand
concerning the altitude of its habitat.
In the above arrangement I have been obliged to omit xanti Lee.
and vandykei and fuchsi of W. Horn, not having seen any authentic
representatives of them. The descriptions of lecontei and inter -
medius are taken from the originals and with reference also to the
work of Mr. Leng. In the case of horni, its identity with collaris
is merely a surmise; the available material in this restricted section
is at present far too small for final judgment.
Cincindela Linn.
In the longilabris group, the species allied to montana, having
the upper surface black, are better defined than those allied to
longilabris, for they differ among themselves not only quite radically
in sculpture but in tarsal characters. The strong dilatation of the
first three joints of the anterior male tarsi in this group has been
noted many times; this, as well as the elongate labrum, peculiar
coarse sculpture and bald front in both sexes, causes it to be sharply
defined among the other groups. The black species may be known
by the following characters:
Elytral punctures coarse and close, everywhere either in mutual contact
or densely and polygonally crowded 2
Elytral punctures suturally smaller, rounded and clearly separated by the
more shining interspaces, larger and denser laterally; under surface
not or barely noticeably metallic at any part; tarsi very slender. .4
2 — Hind tarsi long and very slender, much longer than the tibiae in both
sexes; upper surface deep black, dull in lustre, the labrum (cf)
entirely pale, or ( 9 ) black, generally pallescent narrowly along the
middle and at the basal margin; prothorax transverse, obtrapezoidal,
dull, with deep transverse impressions; elytra with a fine faint and
feebly bent median band and a slightly pallescent transverse apical
streak; abdomen with slight metallic coloration. Length (cf 9 )
13.5-15.0 mm.; width 5.0-5.7 mm. Utah (Provo), — Spalding.
montana Lee.
Hind tarsi notably short, not longer than the tibiae in either sex 3
3 — Tarsi throughout very slender and filiform; body smaller and more
abbreviated than in montana; labrum (cf ) pale throughout, twice
as wide as long, the two apical sinuses broad and very feeble, the
lateral teeth short and very obtuse, the medial small, acutely
angular, or ( 9 ) pale, nubilously black toward the margins but not
basally, much less than twice as wide as long, more produced medially,
the lateral teeth strong, rather bluntly angular, the medial tooth
strong and very acute; prothorax very short and transverse; elytra
shorter, the fine and moderately pale median band more strongly
angulate than in montana, the apical streak obsolete; abdomen very
faintly metallic. Length (cf 9 ) 11.5-12.8 mm.; width 4.5-5.0 mm.
Alberta (Calgary), — -Griddle canadensis Csy.
Tarsi very stout, much thicker than in any other species of the genus
within our faunal limits; body small, short, the head and prothorax
peculiarly reduced, deep black, the elytra greenish-black; labrum
(9 ) deep black throughout, twice as wide as long, tridentate; pro-
thorax short and very transverse; elytra with the very fine middle
band formed as in the preceding but obsolete in the type, excepting
a pale point representing its posterior end, the apical streak obsolete;
abdomen rather brilliantly metallic green and violet intermingled.
Length (9) 1 1. 5 mm.; width 4,5 mm. Manitoba (Aweme), — Criddle.
spissitarsis Csy.
T. L. Casey, Mem. Col. V, Oct. 1914.
4 — Body moderately stout, rather convex, opaque, the elytra shining,
deep black, the abdomen with trace of metallic lustre; labrum (9 )
deep black throughout, shining, carinate medially and with only a
few coarse rugulae, not strongly bi-impressed, tridentate on the
produced tip; prothorax transverse, equal in width to the head;
elytra without pale maculation of any kind; abdomen (9 ) with the
apex produced medially, the lobe arcuately truncate, its surface
impressed; hind tarsi evidently longer than the tibiae but much shorter
than in montana. Length ( 9 ) 13.0 mm. ; width 4.8 mm. Nebraska.
nebraskana Csy.
Body larger and distinctly stouter, opaque, the elytra shining, deep black;
labrum (9 ) deep black, produced and tridentate at tip, the surface
dull, distinctly biconcave and finely, closely rugulose, strongly
carinate medially; prothorax as usual, strongly transverse; elytra
without pale maculation, though with the location of the median
band rather obviously indicated by the form of sculpture; abdomen
with feeble metallic glint, the apex ( 9 ) wholly different from the
preceding, being evenly parabolic from side to side, the middle of the
apex rather narrowly rounded, with a very minute and feeble
notch, the surface not impressed; in the male the apical sinus is
nearly as in montana; hind tarsi rather short, about as long as the
tibiae in both sexes. Length (cf 9 ) 12.8-15.0 mm.; width 4.8-5.5
mm. Alberta (Lethbridge), — J. Harms calgaryana n. sp.
The above forms are all unequivocally specific in nature, differing
among themselves in important structural features. The difference
in form of the abdominal apex in the female of nebraskana and
calgaryana is indeed remarkable. I regret being unable to give a
complete table of this interesting group ; so many of the forms allied
to longilabris are unrepresented in my material, that it is scarcely
worth while to attempt a full report. My previous statements in
regard to nebraskana and the Lethbridge specimens are erroneous
and were due to the fact that I did not at that time have the true
montana in my collection.
In the nigroccerulea group it is sufficiently evident from an ex-
ample of robusta Leng, which is now before me, that my feminalis
does not differ except varietally, robusta being of a dull sericeous
green and feminalis blackish-blue, with the same sericeous lustre;
in the female of both forms the juxta-sutural shining depressed
punctured spot near basal fourth is evident. In my opinion both
robusta and feminalis should be considered subspecies of the appar-
ently larger nigroc&rnlea.
The recent acquisition of the true pusilla of Say, enables me to
make some more usefully definite statements than were possible
last year. In the first place, cinctipennis of LeConte, is a different
species from pusilla and is not by any means a variety; this can be
seen at first glance by reason of the relatively smaller head and less
prominent eyes, as well as the paler coloration and stronger elytral
sculpture of cinctipennis. I assume cyanella Lee., to be the green
or blue form occurring in more northern regions and having still
stronger and more asperate punctures. Cyanella is a subspecies of
cinctipennis. Terricola Say, still remains unknown to me. The
following is a subspecies of pusilla:
Cicindela pusilla ssp. sayanella nov. — Form and size, the broad
head and prominent eyes as in pusilla, the elytra not quite so sombre
in ground color, being very obscure coppery-brown, the punctures similar,
sparse and fine, but becoming stronger, closer and metallic apically;
the markings consist of a slender and feebly arcuate humeral lunule, a
slender and entire apical lunule, inflexed at its anterior end and a short
median marginal streak, which is obtusely angulate internally at its
middle point; legs and tarsi (9) a little shorter than in the female of
pusilla ; truncate lobe of the last ventral more impressed than in that
species. Length (9) 10.0 mm.; width 3.4 mm. (Monroe Canon,
Sioux Co., Nebraska.) — Knaus.
In both male and female of pusilla, the elytral punctures are fine
and notably sparse from base to apex; the labrum is more strongly
lobed and tridentate than in the female of pusilla and more nearly
as in the same sex of cinctipennis. Sayanella is probably the form
indicated by Say as a variety of pusilla.
The following is a distinct member of the pusilla group:
Cicindela tularensis n. sp. — Outline and size nearly as in pusilla,
the ground color above obscure coppery-brown; under surface not very
brilliant metallic blue-green throughout, with rather dense white hair
on the sterna of the hind body and sides of the abdomen, the prosternum
glabrous, its parapleura sparsely hairy; legs very slender, black, slightly
metallic, the tibia* and tarsi in great part pallescent; head rather small,
but little wider than the prothorax, the latter subquadrate, only a little
narrowed behind, larger in the female, finely, densely sculptured; elytra
somewhat cuneiform, widest posteriorly, with nearly straight sides,
having small sparse and very unevenly distributed punctures, each within
a conspicuous ocellate spot, which is blue centrally and gray peripherally,
the foveae of the irregular subsutural series very small and inconspicuous.
Length (c/1 9 ) 9.5-10.3 mm.; width 3.3-4.0 mm. California (Tulare
Co.). Four examples, received under the name lunalonga var. tuolitmnce.
In one male the pale markings on the elytra consist of a very
slender humeral lunule, a very fine linear apical lunule, rectilinearly
deflected at right angles anteriorly and a short medial submarginal
streak, from the middle of which proceeds internally a very fine
elbowed band, which is abruptly much enlarged at its posterior end.
In another male the humeral lunule is still finer and shorter, but
there is on the disk before the middle at inner fourth, an elongate
dash, which represents the posterior end of the long lunule of
lunalonga, the other markings nearly as in the first male. In the
third male there is no trace of pale maculation at any part of the
elytra, which is the case also in the single female. Although doubt-
less allied to lunalonga, from Sierra Co., this species seems to differ
in the conspicuous ocellated elytral spots, very inconspicuous
foveae and very slender and not "broad" apical lunule.
This is the species that I had previously thought to be tuolumnce
Leng, from the Hetch Hetchy Valley, but that is described as
sericeous green and with the elytra not visibly punctate. It is
my opinion that we have in the Sierras these three species, which
are mutually distinct and valid, but if the final verdict be otherwise,
tuolumnce. and tularensis will form well marked subspecies of luna-
longa, which should in any event be regarded as valid with reference
to pusilla.
The two following species may be placed near denverensis in the
pur pur ea group:
Cicindela pugetana n. sp. — Fonm rather narrow and convex, small
in size, alutaceous, bright green throughout above and beneath, the
elytral margins brighter green; smoother, less punctate and with a feeble
violaceous reflection by oblique illumination; head (cf ) densely pubescent
on the front medially; labrum pale, with fine black anterior edge, the
median lobe advanced and sharply tridentate; prothorax much narrower
than the head, slightly transverse, moderately narrowed basally, uni-
formly green and finely, very densely sculptured; elytra two-thirds
longer than wide, not quite twice as wide as the prothorax, closely,
granularly punctate, the type without trace of humeral spot but with a
very minute pale spot representing the posterior end of a humeral lunule,
also with an externally attenuated triangular spot at the apex and with
a slender elbowed median band, not attaining the sides; terminal ab-
dominal sinus broadly parabolic; sides of the prosternum with long con-
spicuous pubescence, the remainder of the under surface glabrous or
nearly so; legs slender, the middle tarsi a little longer than the tibiae.
Length (cf) 11.5 mm.; width 4.4 mm. British Columbia, — Knaus.
A single example.
Differs from the male of denverensis in its much less pubescent
head and prothorax, coarser and stronger granuliferous elytral
sculpture, in having the palpi entirely black, the second joint of
the labial being very pale straw-yellow in denverensis, in the less
evident pubescence of the under surface and in having the long
white coarse hairs along the external sides of the tibiae very dense
and conspicuous; in denverensis there are only very sparse erect
white bristles along the tibiae.
Cicindela parallelonota n. sp. — Body nearly as in the preceding,
alutaceous and bright green, with blue reflection by oblique light through-
out above, more shining and greenish-blue beneath, the legs metallic
green; head (9 ) loosely pubescent throughout, the occiput glabrous, the
frontal convexity more densely pubescent; labrum as in the preceding
but with the median lobe rather less prominent, though even more
sharply tridentate; prothorax shorter and broader, transverse, narrower
than the head, similarly sculptured and with deep transverse impressions;
elytra nearly similar in form and proportion, very gradually smoother,
bluer and more shining toward the sides, with not very close-set but
sharply granuliferous moderate punctures uniformly distributed through-
out, the type with a slender but complete humeral lunule, a broader
complete apical lunule, which is broadly dilated and inflexed anteriorly
and, at the middle of the length between the median line and lateral
sixth, a broad transversely parallelogramic isolated white spot; under
surface with long coarse and rather sparse white hairs laterally; tibiae
with sparse erect white hairs; palpi black throughout. Length (9)
1 1. 8 mm.; width 4.7 mm. Nevada (Las Vegas), — Spalding.
The three species denverensis, pugetana and parallelonota, form a
very well defined group of the genus, not very closely allied to any
other but includable within the limits of the purpurea group; they
are all distinctly isolated and are apparently true species. Sierra
Leng also seems to be assignable to this denverensis group.
I have recently received a specimen of albertina taken by Prof.
L. Bruner at Worland, Wyoming. It does not differ from the
Alberta types. It is quite distinct in appearance from decemnotata.
The three following forms belong to the tranquebarica group.
I will describe them as species, for they are all distinctly different
from any heretofore published, but will designate their closest
Cicindela wichitana n. sp. — Body rather small in size and of stout
abbreviated, moderately convex form, dull in lustre and dark coppery-
brown to obscure green throughout above, the elytra a little brighter
greenish or coppery laterally and the bottoms of the pronotal sulci
finely blue; under surface bluish-green, the prosternal side-pieces coppery;
head and eyes moderately developed, sparsely pubescent, densely on the
frontal umbo; labrum rather short, the median lobe acutely tridentate;
prothorax barely (cf ) to distinctly (9 ) narrower than the head, a third
to two-fifths wider than long, finely, densely sculptured; elytra marked
throughout nearly as in tranquebarica, with the punctures rather small
and not close-set, though more distinct than in that species, more ab-
breviated in form and with the fine prolongation of the humeral lunule
less oblique; legs and tarsi more slender; tip of the abdomen ( 9 ) differing
in being canalicularly impressed apically. Length (cf 9 ) 11.8-12.0 mm.;
width 4.9-5.2 mm. Kansas, — Knaus. Four specimens.
This may prove to be more properly a subspecies of tranquebarica,
but it differs in its very much smaller size and in other ways as
detailed above.
Cicindela lassenica n. sp. — General form and ornamentation
nearly as in tranquebarica but differing remarkably in coloration, deep
black throughout above, beneath and on the legs, without trace of metallic
coloration at any point, very dull in lustre above, rather shining beneath;
head (cf ) moderate, with long sparse hairs, which are dense on the frontal
umbo; labrum rather short, tridentate medially; prothorax large, trans-
versely quadrate, fully one-half wider than long and as wide as the head,
densely sculptured; elytra oblong, parallel, with less arcuate sides than
in tranquebarica but with identical maculation, the middle band similar,
the posterior arm short and not long as it is in vibex and kirbyi; punctures
fine, feeble, close-set and strongly granuliferous, the ground very opaque;
under surface moderately hairy toward the sides, coarsely on the pro-
pleura; legs moderate. Length (cf) 13.5 mm.; width 5.3 mm. Cali-
fornia (without further indication of locality).
Though similar to tranquebarica in its markings, I hardly think
that the taxonomic value of this form can be less than specific.
Cicindela moapana n. sp. — Habitus similar to that of r-ibex and
kirbyi but larger and with more elongate and larger elytra, dark coppery-
brown, the head and pronotum a little brighter, cupreous, the bottom of
the deep sulci blue; sides of the elytra smoother, more shining and rather
bright coppery-red; under surface more shining, blue-green, the side-
pieces of all the sterna bright coppery; legs cupreous-red; head (9 ) well
developed, with sparse white hairs, which are dense on the frontal umbo;
labrum short, pale, with black anterior edge, acutely tridentate; prothorax
equal in width to the head, transverse, slightly narrowed from apex to
base, sculptured densely as usual; elytra large, more than one-half
longer than wide, subparallel, with feebly arcuate sides and with almost
circularly rounded apex in posterior third, the humeral lunule as in vibex,
the apical as in kirbyi but much broader, the median band unlike any-
thing else in the group, consisting solely of the posterior arm as seen in
kirbyi, the portion from the angle to the sides wholly obsolete and without
the faintest suggestion caused by irregularity of sculpture, the latter
being perfectly even over the place which is occupied by the transverse
part of the band in the allied species; legs rather long, the hind tarsi short,
not as long as the tibiae. Length ( 9 ) 15.0 mm.; width 6.2 mm. Nevada
(McGill, White Pine Co., 6500 feet).
Either this and the preceding should be regarded as distinct
species or all the forms in the true tranquebarica subgroup should
be placed as subspecies and varieties of the latter; I hold strongly
to the first view.
In the repanda group the following is a rather well marked relative
of ancocisconensis:
Cicindela ancocisconensis ssp. dowiana nov. — Similar to ancocisco-
nensis in general facies but a little larger and more elongate, rather
smoother and of a paler brown color; prothorax not quite so transverse
but similarly nearly as wide as the head; elytra larger and longer, the fine
punctures much less close-set, the rather fine pale maculation similar,
except that the humeral lunule is notably longer; tarsi similarly rather
short. Length (9 ) 14.0 mm.; width 5.3 mm. New York (De Bruce),—
R. P. Dow.
This form can be distinguished at once from typical ancocisconen-
sis on direct comparison ; my series of the latter is very homogeneous
and is from North Carolina (Asheville) and Buffalo, N. Y.
Having now at hand a topotype of apicalis of the togata group,
from Kackley, Ks., perfectly matched by another from Lincoln,
Neb., I am able to compare the three described forms more in-
telligibly. Togata and apicalis have the same slender outline, but
in the former the apical elytral spine of the female is very far
retracted, projecting from the sutural margin far from the tip; in
apicalis this spine is nearly but not quite at the apex and it differs
furthermore from togata, in having the short projection at the
position of the median band more acutely angulate, its anterior
slope more rectilinearly oblique and the reentrant angle behind the
humeral part more acute. In globicollis the body is shorter, the
elytra relatively more inflated posteriorly and the elytral markings
almost exactly as in togata, but the elytral spine is nearly at the
apex as in apicalis; the prothorax differs from either in being more
inflated at the median part of the sides. It is probable that both
apicalis and globicollis should be considered subspecies of togata,
in spite of the markedly different position of the apical spine of the
elytra in togata.
The following is a distinct species of the togata group:
Cicindela fascinans n. sp. — Nearly similar in outline to globicollis,
rather bright coppery-brown, the head throughout with short decumbent
stout white hairs, notably close-set and even, the prothorax with slightly
longer and less close-set Hairs of the same kind, the under surface green
and cupreous, with very dense white hairs, glabrous only along the middle,
more broadly on the sterna; eyes large and prominent; labrum (cf)
short, with a single small acute medial tooth; prothorax much narrower
than the head, nearly as long as wide, convex, parallel, with strongly
and evenly rounded sides; elytra subparallel, acutely ogival at tip, white
throughout, except a cupreous sutural region broad at base, narrowly
ending at two-thirds, its lateral outlines bilobate; white area minutely
and sparsely, the cupreous strongly and closely, punctate; serrulation of
the apices very fine, the sutural spine strong and acute; legs very slender,
cupreous and green. Length (c?) 9.8 mm.; width 3.4 mm. New Mexico
(Santa Rosa), — Knaus.
This is a very interesting form, much smaller in size than togata
and of very different ornamentation.
In the marginata group, amnicola should be given specific rank
and mundula attached thereto as a subspecies or variety.
Cumatilis and collusor are merely subspecies of rufiventris, but
hentzi is a different species, allied to i6-punctata and sonorana but
distinct from either. Beckeri W. Horn, is allied to sonorana but is
smaller, more slender and much more brilliantly cupreous on the
head and prothorax; I have in my collection a good series of five
examples taken by Townsend in Chihuahua.
A few more or less interesting new Carabid species and subspecies
have been in my collection for some time, awaiting a convenient
opportunity for publication. It would be better to have had them
appear in the course of systematic work, but as the groups to which
they pertain have in most instances been studied monographically
in comparatively recent times, it will be easy to make the necessary
Subfamily CARABINE.
The singularly isolated habitus of the species in this section of
the Carabidse, as well as their frequent rich metallic coloring, has
caused them to receive a large amount of attention from collectors
of the Coleoptera, but taxonomically they are rather difficult to
deal with. The following seem to be some rather evident novelties
in this tribe:
Irichroa aeneicollis ssp. tricarinata nov. — Form nearly as in cencicollis
but rather narrower and more elongate, black, without metallic reflection
at any part, except a very feeble greenish glint on the pronotum; head
and antennae nearly similar; prothorax similar in form and size, except
that the sides are not sharply angulate but prominently rounded, the
surface more rugulose transversely, the longitudinal impressions a little
more acutely and deeply impressed and the basal margin relatively
narrower; elytra nearly similar but rather more elongate and less convex,
the striae with even coarser and more crowded punctures and with inter-
vals 4-8-12 elevated, becoming feebly cariniform basally; tarsi nearly
similar. Length (cf) 18.5 mm.; width 7.7. mm. North Carolina (Blue
Ridge Mts.), — Beutenmiiller.
The geographical habitat is different from that of (eneicollis,
which has occurred so far only on the Black and Balsam Mts. of
North Carolina and Tennessee; it is a distinct species and by no
means a subspecies or variety of andrewsi.
Sphaeroderus lecontei ssp. diffractus nov. — -Similar in general form
and habitus to lecontei but more slender and very much smaller, shining,
black, with violet lustre, the elytra obscure cupreous; under surface and
legs deep black; head as in lecontei, the antennae relatively distinctly
shorter, slender; prothorax as in lecontei throughout but with the sides
more prominently rounded medially, the base similarly bi-impressed and
sparsely punctured between the foveae; elytra nearly similar but narrower,
the strial punctures less distinct and all the intervals irregularly broken
up and tuberculiferous apically and in about lateral third, except basally;
anterior tarsi (cf ) less strongly dilated, the first joint rather longer than
wide. Length (d71) 10.0 mm.; width 4.6 mm. New Brunswick.
The head and prothorax are relatively a little smaller than in
lecontei and the hind tarsi still shorter, the anterior tarsi of the
male are much less dilated and the elytral sculpture more confused
Brennus Mots.
This group of the Cychrini, whether wholly valid as a genus or
not, is at any rate very definitely circumscribed. The conditions
prevai ing within it are similar to those pertaining to Omus and
Euschides; that is to say, we see a geologically recent type splitting
into a most confusing variety of subordinate forms, due principally
to geographic isolation in mountainous country, but at the present
stage of development exhibiting a process of segregation nto a
more limited number of tolerably definite primary or stem forms,
with many allied subordinates in each case. I have no doubt at
all that these satellites of the more definite stem forms should be
called subspecies, but to go further and discriminate such categories
as varieties, aberrations and monstrosities, is wholly unwarranted
at the present stage of knowledge. It is also a very difficult matter
to decide, with our present lights, just which should be considered
stem forms and thus receive the designation of species, and which
should continue as subspecies. That Dr. Roeschke has carried
the lumping too far is I think self-evident. For example, under
ventricosus he places both striatus Lee. and fuchsianus Riv., in sub-
ordinate rank; this is clearly unwarranted, for they both differ
profoundly from ventricosus Dej., in general habitus and other
characters of moment in this genus. The author has also, quite
without any sort of warrant, suppressed my symmetricus as a
monstrosity, but for what reason is unknown; it is altogether iso-
lated in general habitus and gives no indication of being an aberra-
tion in the usual meaning of that word; but only the single char-
acteristic of sculpture was considered by him. Again, without any
kind of justification, he has relegated to inferior rank compositus,
por catus and insularis Csy., on pure assumption; his views in regard
to these four species are certainly erroneous. The finely reflexed,
completely non-metallic elytral margins and the general facies of
porcatus are more nearly as in the obliquus series, although the
supra-orbital seta shows that it must be associated with dissolutus.
Dissolutus, it seems, was not represented in my collection when I
drew up my revision of Brennus, but I have since received a speci-
men taken by Dr. Blaisdell at Mokelumne Hill, Calaveras Co.;
it is closely allied to interruptus; the elytra are more shining and
the elytral margins moderately metallic and more broadly reflexed
than in porcatus; the female of the latter is also now at hand, from
the same source as the male type; I had confused it with the female
of opacicollis, they are mutually so very similar. The forms
allied to interruptus and dissolutus are in a condition of decided
incertitude and confusion. The author has given very little
attention to points that must be of considerable taxonomic value,
such as the number of elytral striae, metallic or non-metallic elytral
margins and structure of the anterior male tarsi and his separation
of the oreophilus section because of a feeble incurvature of the
thoracic base, is a rather weak feature; this feeble sinuosity exists
also in productus described below.
In regard to my previous work in this genus, which is so severely
condemned by Dn Roeschke,* I have only to say that conditions
were such at that time that I could not consult all the original
literature and had to rely upon the identifications of my prede-
cessors, so far as possible. It is for this reason that I failed to
* The generally undisguised animus toward me and my work, exhibited by Dr. Hans
Roeschke in the course of his Monograph on the Cychrini, is quite unaccountable,
for such a personal attitude was entirely unnecessary in a critical review. The intima-
tion made on page 102, with the most amusing naivete, that my "Arten" have in
every instance proven to be spurious or to be masquerading under false pretenses,
will be in considerable part controverted under more reasonable and unbiased com-
parative study from the types. It would have been at least in better taste had the
author given the benefit of the doubt to his fellow worker, in those cases where he could
not be sure, because of lack of authentic material. As a matter of fact neither Dr.
Roeschke nor his active helper in this country, Dr. Van Dyke, has ever written me a
line concerning my collection or has ever had so much as a glimpse of any of my types
or evinced any desire whatever to see them. His work contains many errors of identi-
fication, which I hope it may be my pleasure to demonstrate to him eventually.
identify ventricosus (sinuatus Csy.), interruptus and dissolutus
properly, but from what I can glean from the Roeschke mono-
graph, my identification of ventricosus was the large form called
by him lativentris Mots. ; it was in no sense the fuchsianus of Rivers,
as stated by the author. My identification of striatopunctatus Chd.,
was the form which the author calls alternatus Mots. My deter-
mination of ovalis Mots, is correct, as it agrees thoroughly with the
description and particularly with the careful figure given by Mot-
schulsky. Gentilis Csy., is a valid subspecies at least; it has smaller
punctures than crenatus Mots., and is stouter in form in both
sexes. Opacicollis, convergens and sculptipennis are distinct among
themselves and are not all varieties of obliqims. Basalis is a valid
species and duplicatus is rather more than a subspecies of cristatus.
One source of trouble is that Dr. Roeschke does not know my work
very thoroughly, because of frequent failure to grasp my meaning,
probably largely because of unfamiliarity with the English language;
the consequence is that he has failed to identify my species cor-
rectly. Another origin of discord is the fact that we evidently
have radically different ideas as to the meaning of the word species;
this is a matter of opinion, the correctness of which need not greatly
concern us, as it will be definitely adjudicated under the light of
future knowledge ; the question now is more essentially one regarding
absolute synonymy, but in the Roeschkean sense, a synonym need
not necessarily be a synonym.
The following are some additional forms in this genus:
Brennus rugiceps ssp. congener nov. — Body moderately ventricose
and convex, deep black, shining, the pronotum opaculate; head in almost
every way as in incipiens, the irregular crest having an elongate crater-
like posterior excavation, partially closed posteriorly by a short longi-
tudinal ridge; prothorax differing decidedly, smoother and more opaque,
slightly elongate, the sides subangularly widest before the middle,
thence oblique and straight to the subbasal sinus, thence subparallel and
straight for a considerable distance to the basal margin, which is trans-
verse to feebly sinuato-truncate and half the maximum width (9),
much less (cT); elytra less than one-half longer than wide, oval, rather
transversely rounded at base, deeply but very irregularly i8-striate,
the striae moderately broken but easily traceable throughout at the
sides, rather finely and indistinctly punctate, the intervals moderately
convex, strongly so laterally; margins finely re flexed, not metallic;
anterior tarsi (cf) with the first joint in apical third, the second and third
wholly spongy-pubescent beneath, the fourth without trace of squamules.
Length (o71 9 ) 12.5-14.5 mm.; width 5.8-6.7 mm. Oregon (Josephine
Co.), — Nunenmacher. A single pair.
Differs from incipiens in the angulate sides of the prothorax,
these being strongly but evenly rounded at the point of greatest
width in incipiens, and in the latter the sides toward base are still
converging, not subparallel as in congener; the pronotum is more
shining and more coarsely rugulose in incipiens. Both of these
forms are possibly subspecies of rugiceps.
Brennus productus n. sp. — Elongate, ventricose, only very moder-
ately convex, black, alutaceous throughout, the elytra rather more shining;
head as in ventricosus but much narrower, the labral lobes similar but
less diverging; supra-orbital puncture feeble but evident; prothorax
differing greatly, being small and narrow, more nearly as in striatus,
fully as long as wide but apparently somewhat elongate, the sides an-
teriorly inflated and broadly rounded, thence oblique posteriorly, then
sinuate, becoming straight and parallel for an unusually long distance
before the base, this being fully a fifth the total length; sides strongly
re flexed but not so strongly as in ventricosus; surface nearly as in the
latter; base narrower and broadly sinuate as in oreophilus, one-half the
maximum width; elytra evenly elliptic, one-half longer than wide, finely
but deeply about ij-striate, the striae very regular and with rather small
punctures, becoming coarser laterally, the striae outside the thirteenth
much confused and barely traceable; intervals convex; margins strongly
reflexed, not metallic; anterior tarsi (cf) nearly as in the preceding
throughout. Length (cf ) 15.7 mm.; width 7.0 mm. California (exact
locality unrecorded but probably coastal).
The general appearance of this species is unlike any other known
to me but seems to approach striatus more closely than ventricosus;
the probabilities are that it will prove to be of specific rather than
subspecific value and it is therefore so announced.
Brennus integer n. sp.— Body small in size, strongly ventricose, very
shining and deep black throughout, the reflexed margins of the elytra
violaceous; head moderate, smooth and shining along the middle, with a
supra-orbital seta; antennae slender, about as long as the elytra; prothorax
relatively small, rather wider than long, the sides inflated and evenly
rounded anteriorly, rapidly very oblique posteriorly, abruptly sinuate
near the base, the sides thence parallel and straight to the base, which is
transverse and distinctly less than half the maximum width; surface
shining, finely subrugulose, feebly impressed along the sides, the trans-
verse impressions and median stria strong, the margin strongly reflexed;
elytra oval, obliquely attenuate and sharply pointed posteriorly, very
convex, with fourteen deeply impressed striae, complete and perfectly
regular throughout the width, not at all confused laterally, the punctures
not large and but slightly crenulating the very convex and perfectly even
intervals throughout, the latter very highly polished; male with the
anterior tarsi rather feebly dilated; joints two and three and less than
apical third of the first densely spongiose beneath. Length (cf) 12.4
mm.; width 5.8 mm. California (Sta. Cruz).
This species is about the smallest of the interrupt us series and
may be placed near corpulentus, which however has about fifteen
striae, irregular laterally and without trace of metallic margin.
Brennus oreophilus ssp. humeralis nov. — Smoother and more ven-
tricose than oreophilus, shining, the pronotum similarly smooth and
opaculate; head nearly similar; prothorax relatively somewhat smaller
and narrower, fully as long as wide and apparently a little longer, the
anterior angles more rounded, the sides posteriorly similarly oblique and
feebly sinuate; base slightly sinuate and one-half the maximum width;
surface and margins nearly as in oreophilus; elytra differing decidedly,
more inflated, barely a third longer than wide, the sides rapidly rounding
inward at base to the thoracic base, the humeri thus more evident than
in any other form of the genus, the apex acutely ogival; surface very
convex, rather finely striate, the striae finely, not closely punctate, very
much finer and more finely punctate than in oreophilus, confused in nearly
lateral third; male with the anterior tarsi distinctly dilated; joints two
and three and apical half of the first densely spongy-pubescent, the fourth
without squamules. Length (cT ) 15.0 mm.; width 7.0 mm. California
(Mokelumne Hill, Calaveras Co.), — Blaisdell.
In the male of oreophilus the anterior tarsi are rather less dilated
but similarly clothed beneath, except that the first joint is densely
clothed in rather less than apical half; the elytra are more evenly
rounded at the sides basally and the elytral striae, and especially
the punctures, are much coarser. From hoppingi Roe., in which
also the humeri are somewhat more evident than in oreophilus,
humeralis may be known at once by the much shorter, more finely
punctate and more shining elytra, more distinct humeri and less
sinuate oblique sides of the prothorax.
The Sierra form placed with lativentris Mots., by Dr. Roeschke
is not exactly the same, the general habitus is very similar but the
prothorax is somewhat shorter and broader.
Maronetus n. gen.
In describing Pseudonomaretus, Dr. Roeschke failed to indicate
any type species and, as he included two distinct genera under that
name, I will here designate the large and conspicuous and more
completely striate species relictus Horn as the type; regularis Lee.,
merkeli Horn and idahoensis Webb, will also form part of Pseudo-
nomaretus and perhaps one or two other similar forms. Under the
name Maronetus, I have separated the smaller and more slender
species, with less complete elytral striation, of which the following
may be regarded as the type.
Maronetus tenuis n. sp. — Form slender, very convex and shining,
somewhat piceous-black, the legs piceous; head scarcely two-thirds as
wide as the prothorax, the eyes moderate; labral lobes very slender, the
notch almost attaining the base; front smooth; supra-antennal edge
strongly elevated; antennae slender, testaceous, not quite two-thirds as
long as the body, the basal joint not quite as long as the next three com-
bined; prothorax narrow, longer than wide, the sides inflated and evenly
rounded anteriorly, oblique and straight thence to the base, which is
feebly sinuate medially, two-thirds the maximum width and slightly
wider than the apex, the latter truncate, with obtuse and broadly rounded
angles; surface smooth, the transverse impressions rather sharply marked,
the stria connecting them along the middle distinct, the basal foveae
deep, short, impunctate, separated from the margin by a thin cariniform
wall; lateral edges without trace of reflexed margin; elytra elongate-oval,
three-fourths longer than wide, less than twice as wide as the prothorax,
the sutural stria coarse, deep, coarsely punctate, extending from near
the base to apical third, the second stria much less coarse and more
finely punctate, extending less closely to the base and obsolete behind
the middle, the third stria represented only by a very fine feeble im-
punctate impressed line, very short and only visible by very oblique
illumination; all the other striae completely obsolete, the surface very
smooth and polished; the fine marginal stria is visible feebly near the
apex; reflexed margin extremely fine; legs slender, the hind tarsi rather
short, slender. Length (9) 6.8 mm.; width 2.1 mm. North Carolina
(Black Mts.), — Beutenmuller.
This remarkable species, the smallest of our Cychrini, may be
distinguished at once from imperfectus Horn, with which it has been
confounded, by the complete absence of any trace of a reflexed
lateral thoracic margin, by having only two elytral striae and by
its smaller size and more slender form. In imperfectus the pro-
thorax is much less narrow than in tenuis and there is a distinct and
entire though rather feebly developed reflexed thoracic margin.
The setigerous puncture at two-fifths from the apex — the point of
maximum width — is as well developed as usual; the subbasal punc-
ture and seta are rather small but distinct. This genus, besides
tenuis and imperfectus, will comprise a number of other species
such as hubbardi and incompletus Schwarz and schwarzi Beuten-
Calosoma Weber.
I have recently received from Mr. Knaus three specimens in
this genus that are of peculiar interest. One of them is the true
prominens, of LeConte, taken at Phoenix, Ariz., and hitherto not
represented in my collection; it is obviously widely different from
peregrinator. Another is an example of carbonata Lee., from Oak
Creek, Ariz., its most western limit of range known to me. Ingens
Csy., is, I think, a distinct species and not a subspecies; it has a
much shorter and relatively broader hind body than in peregrinator
or carbonata and is of very much larger size than amplipennis. All
of these species and subspecies, together with apacheana Csy.,
form a group distinguished by the rather large head, long antennae,
more or less feebly angulated sides of the prothorax and feeble
elycral sculpture. The third specimen represents an undescribed
species, which may be known as follows:
Calosoma Clemens n. sp. — Size very much smaller and more slender,
deep black, rather shining; head and prothorax relatively much smaller
than in the peregrinator group, the former with very prominent eyes;
vertex sparsely but rather coarsely punctate; mandibles with the incurved
apex very acute, strongly, transversely rugose throughout above; an-
tennae slender, shorter than in peregrinator, extending to] basal fifth or
sixth of the elytra, the third joint as long as the next two; prothorax
three-fourths wider than long, conspicuously small in size, the sides
obtusely angulate at the middle, strongly rounded anteriorly, oblique
and nearly straight posteriorly; base feebly sinuate at each side, the
posteriorly produced angles small and acute, somewhat everted at tip;
surface feebly convex, very finely punctulate and confusedly creased,
moderately and rather sparsely punctured along the sides and apex and
more coarsely punctured and rugose along the base; latero-basal im-
pressions rather narrow and deep; sides somewhat broadly and feebly
concavo-deplanate, the edge very moderately re flexed ; elytra nearly three-
fourths longer than wide, almost twice as wide as the prothorax, very
slightly wider at apical fourth than at base, the sides very feebly arcu-
ate, the apex obtusely ogival; surface with fine striae of minute punctures,
connected by transverse and rather deep coarse lines basally and laterally,
the foveae very minute; lateral margins somewhat broadly re flexed and
just visibly metallic steel-bluish; legs slender, rather short, the hind tarsi
three-fourths as long as the tibiae; anterior tarsi (cf ) as in peregrinator
but rather less dilated. Length (of1) 20.0 mm.; width 8.2 mm. Nevada
(Las Vegas), — -Spalding.
This species belongs to the prorninens, parvicollis, subgracilis
section of the genus, which is well distinguished from the pere-
grinator section by the smaller head; the sides of the elytra basally
are feebly serrulate in both these sections, but in lugubris, with
which peregrinator is compared by Bates, these serrulations are
obsolete; the prorninens referred to by Bates at the same place in
the "Biologia," is undoubtedly parvicollis Fall and not the true
prominent Lee. Subgracilis was when described represented by
the male alone, the female also is now at hand; it agrees thoroughly
with the male in general form and habitus but is much larger;
it is a narrower, more elongate and polished species than pere-
grinator and has a distinctly smaller head, showing that it belongs
with the prominens series.
Calosoma semilaevis ssp. davidsoni nov. — General habitus, lustre
and sculpture as in semilcevis but more elongate, with the prothorax
much smaller, less transverse and having the parallel sides much less
rounded; elytra a little smoother and more shining. Length (cf 9 )
21.0-24.0 mm.; width 9.4-10.5 mm. California (Alameda Co.).
This is the variety alluded to in my previous article on Calosoma
(Mem. Col. IV, p. 65) ; its appearance is very distinct from that of
semilcEvis and it should be designated by name ; it is named in honor
of Dr. George Davidson. Semilcevis is common near San Francisco;
there is one example in my series which does not seem to differ,
marked Guadalupe Island.
Adrimus Bates.
The following species seems certainly to belong to this genus,
which is disseminated in very moderate number from the Amazon
regions to Mexico:
*Adrimus panamensis n. sp. — Moderately stout and convex, strongly
shining throughout, the elytra with evident iridescent lustre, piceous-
black in color, rather paler beneath, the legs throughout and the palpi
pale flavo-testaceous; head smooth, nearly three-fourths as wide as the
prothorax, with large and prominent eyes, the foveae impressed and
oblique, the palpi very slender; antennae slender and filiform, rather
more than half as long as the body, feebly infuscate, clearer testaceous
basally; prothorax about a third wider than long, widest before the
middle, the sides broadly, evenly rounded, slightly converging basally,
becoming feebly sinuate at the hind angles, which are finely acute and
prominent; base transverse, beaded only laterally, a little wider than the
apex, which is moderately sinuate, with rather distinct angles; surface
smooth, finely reflexed at the sides, without trace of transverse impressions
and extremely minutely, sparsely and feebly punctulate throughout at
base, the stria very fine, not entire, the foveae elongate, narrow, linear
and moderately impressed; elytra barely two-fifths longer than wide
and about one-half wider than the prothorax, parallel, with rather arcuate
sides and rapidly ogival apex, the sinus feeble, the fold evident; striae
fine but rather deeply impressed, finely, closely and very evenly punctate,
T. L. Casey, Mem. Col. V, Oct. 1914.
the punctures gradually obsolescent apically, the scutellar stria completely
wanting, the fovea distinct; intervals moderately convex, the third with a
substrial puncture just behind basal third; lateral line of foveae not
interrupted; hind tarsi slender, filiform, the basal joint about as long as
the next two and a little longer than the fifth; anterior tarsi (d") moder-
ately dilated, biseriately and closely squamulose beneath, the middle
tarsi very slender and unmodified. Length (cf) 6.0 mm.; width 2.15
mm. Isthmus of Panama (Colon), — Beaumont.
To be readily known from olivaceus Bates, from Guatemala,
by its smaller size and, though nearly similar in outline to that
species as figured, it seems to differ so radically in its obsolete
anterior thoracic impression, feebler foveae, very much finer basal
punctures and not at all explanate basal angles, that a different
though closely related genus may be indicated. The sides of the
prothorax have a seta behind apical third and another smaller
at the hind angles.
Chlaenius Bon.
The following forms, some specific and some which may be
regarded at present as of subordinate value, may be conveniently
defined at the present opportunity:
Chlaenius regularis ssp. apacheanus nov. — Form and facies somewhat
as in regularis Lee., feebly shining, the elytra opaculate; upper surface
deep indigo-blue throughout, the under surface black, the legs rufous;
head as in regularis, the antennae similar but rather shorter; prothorax
shorter, transverse, fully two-fifths wider than long, otherwise as in
regularis throughout; elytra in form, sculpture and relationship with the
prothorax nearly similar but more abbreviated; under surface nearly
similarly but rather less densely punctured and pubescent; male with the
anterior tarsi distinctly shorter, the punctures on the upper surface of
the three dilated joints coarser, the second joint distinctly wider than
long, the third but very little longer than wide. Length (cf 9 ) 13.0-
13.5 mm.; width 5.5-6.0 mm. Arizona (southwestern) and the adjacent
parts of California. Five examples.
Closely allied to regularis Lee., which is not a variety of sericeus,
but differing in its smaller size, shorter prothorax and shorter and
more punctate anterior male tarsi; in regularis, the dilated joints
of the anterior male tarsi are feebly punctate on their upper surface,
the second is quadrate and the third much longer than wide.
It differs from viridifrons in its stouter form and entirely violet-
blue upper surface.
Comparing a male of sericeus from New York with a male of
perviridis Lee., from Siskiyou Co., California, a number of rather
radical differences become apparent; the size, for example, of
perviridis is smaller and the form more slender; the maxillary palpi,
legs and tarsi are relatively shorter; if not specifically different,
which I hold to be the case, perviridis is therefore, at any rate, a
well defined subspecies of sericeus. The following is apparently
another :
Chlaenius sericeus ssp. uteanus nov. — Form narrower and more
elongate than in sericeus, the elytra smoother; upper surface green,
changing to violet by very oblique illumination, shining anteriorly, the
elytra opaculate; head, antennae and palpi as in perviridis, the antennae,
as well as the palpi, shorter than in sericeus; prothorax differing from either,
being narrower and more elongate, nearly as long as wide, otherwise
similar, except that the punctures are not quite so coarse or close-set;
elytra differing from both in being more oblong and rectilinearly parallel
and in having the striae still finer and not in the least impressed even
basally, the punctures basally not more evident as they are in both
sericeus and perviridis; angle made by the basal and marginal beads more
acute than in either; under surface less closely or coarsely punctured than
in perviridis; anterior tarsi (cf) with the first three joints diminishing
less rapidly in width than in perviridis. Length (cf) 14.0 mm.; width
6.0 mm. Utah (Provo), — YVickham.
The type of this subspecies undoubtedly presents a different
appearance from the male of either sericeus or perviridis, but at
the same time, I have two examples that were also taken at Provo
by Wickham, that have a shorter prothorax and brighter green
color, though similar otherwise, and I regard them as identical
with uteanus; they differ in facies from perviridis, because of the
more oblong and less oval elytra. My series of the true sericeus
extends in locality from Rhode Island to Lake Superior and Arizona
and displays no very noticeable variability.
The large series at hand show quite conclusively that leucoscelis
Chev., and cordicollis Kirby are distinct species; the former is
somewhat smaller in size and very much more slender in build,
of a deeper indigo-blue color and differs in numerous other minor
characters. The following are well defined species allied to leuco-
scelis and cordicollis respectively:
Chlaenius gilensis n. sp. — Body much smaller than in lencoscelis,
the elytra more parallel and more abbreviated; head nearly similar, the
eyes still larger and more prominent; antennae and palpi longer and more
slender; prothorax similar and dark steel-blue but with more numerous
punctures anteriorly, basally and toward the median stria; elytra differing
greatly in form; being parallel, with just visibly arcuate sides and only
about one-half longer than wide, deep steel-blue, striate and punctured
as in leucoscelis but with the interstitial punctures finer; broadly rounded
reflexed edge at the humeri, the under surface and legs nearly similar.
Length (cf 9 ) 12.0 mm.; width 4.9-5.0 mm. Arizona (Yuma). A
single pair taken by the writer.
In leucoscelis the elytra are much longer and are gradually slightly
inflated posteriorly, being widest behind the middle and with
notably arcuate sides; in fact the habitus of the two species is very
different. From a personal study of the type in the LeConte
collection, the form described as monachus by LeConte, proves to
be exactly the same as leucoscelis and does not approach gilensis in
the characters described above.
Chlaenius sanantonialis n. sp. — Somewhat similar to cordicollis but
smaller and more abbreviated, dark steel-blue in color throughout above,
the under surface black; legs and antennae testaceous; head and antennae
nearly as in cordicollis, the prothorax also similar but much shorter,
distinctly wider than long; elytra shorter and rather broader, with simil-
arly rounded humeral edge and widest slightly behind the middle, the
striae coarser, more impressed and with coarser and more conspicuous
punctures; intervals not so broad, feebly convex and with the fine
punctures less close-set; under surface and sexual characters nearly
similar. Length (cf) 13.5-14.0 mm.; width 5.2-5.7 mm. Texas. Two
male examples, without more accurate indication of locality.
Distinguishable from cordicollis by its more abbreviated form,
shorter and relatively broader elytra, with much coarser, more
impressed and more coarsely punctate striae and convex, less punc-
tate intervals.
Chlaenius sierricola n. sp. — Moderately elongate, rather depressed
on the upper surface, shining and dark blue above, the elytra rather
more obscure and opaculate; under surface black and shining, the legs
and antennae pale testaceous; head not longer than wide, smooth cen-
trally, rugulose and punctate toward the eyes and basally; antenna? and
palpi rather long and slender; prothorax two-fifths wider than the head
and a third wider than long, the sides broadly rounded, slightly converg-
ing and distinctly sinuate basally, the base slightly wider than the apex;
surface strongly, rather closely punctate, less closely and rather more
irregularly so before about the middle; elytra three-fourths wider than
the prothorax, rather more than one-half longer than wide, parallel and
broadly arcuate at the sides, the basal and lateral beading forming a
sharp angle; striae very fine, feebly impressed, minutely punctulate, the
intervals nearly flat, rather closely punctate, the punctures much larger
than those of the striae though fine; pubescence fulvous; under surface
punctured throughout, strongly and rather closely on the sterna; anterior
tarsi (cf) with three dilated joints. Length (c?) 13.5 mm.; width 5.7
mm. California (Mokelumne Hill, Cala'veras Co.), — Blaisdell.
There is no species very closely allied to the above, but it may
be placed near cestivus for the present; the strial punctures are very
minute and become apparent only under careful observation.
Chlaenius cumatilis ssp. sparsellus nov. — Similar to cumatilis in
general habitus but stouter and with larger prothorax, deep indigo-blue
and opaculate throughout above; head as in cumatilis but with the an-
tennae slightly more elongate; prothorax much larger, a fourth wider
than long, the sides more broadly and feebly rounded, similar basally
and on the disk, except that the sparse punctures are much less coarse;
elytra similar but broader, with the fine striae less impressed and the fine
punctures scattered over the intervals about twice as numerous; tarsi
more elongate; under surface nearly similar, except that the punctures
are more numerous, especially on the prothorax throughout. Length
(9 ) 15.0-16.0 mm.; width 6.2-6.7 mm. Arizona.
Distinguishable from cumatilis, from the coast regions near San
Diego, by its rather larger size, stouter form, larger prothorax,
which is less rounded at the sides and by the more numerous
Chlaenius texanellus n. sp. — Body rather small in size and moderately
convex, rather shining and pure indigo-blue anteriorly, the elytra more
obscure, blackish-blue and opaque; pubescence very short, fine, obscure
fulvous; head moderate, smooth and with rather large and very convex
eyes; antennae moderate, fusculate, the three basal joints paler; prothorax
in outline and sculpture nearly as in brevilabris, the punctures rather less
close-set; elytra oblong, barely one-half longer than wide, nearly one-half
wider than the prothorax, the striae fine, rather strongly punctate, the
punctures perforate and much wider than the striae; intervals flat, very
finely, rather closely punctate, the punctures feeble and shining in the
opaque ground; basal and marginal beads joining in a broadly rounded
angle; under surface black, shining, distinctly and rather closely punc-
tured throughout, the legs testaceous. Length (cf 9 ) 9.8-11.0 mm.;
width 4.3-4.9 mm. Texas (Galveston).
This species is allied to brevilabris but is shorter and is always
of a pure deep blue color; the elytral striae are finer and the fine
punctures of the intervals are much less asperulate. In a series of
eleven specimens of brevilabris at hand, the pronotum is always
bright green to coppery, while in a series of nineteen examples of
texanellus, the pronotum is deep bright violet-blue, except in one
where the blue is mixed with blue-green. The general outline is
shorter and relatively broader than in brevilabris and the head is
smaller, with more conspicuous eyes.
Chlaenius zunianus n. sp. — General habitus and structure as in
tomentosus Say, but more elongate and parallel, deep black above, beneath
and throughout the legs and palpi, the antennae black, with the basal
joint partially pale; pubescence short, much less close than in tomentosus
and rather darker fulvous in color; head smoother, with only a few very
minute punctures laterally and no rugae; there is an isolated cluster of
three or four coarser punctures about the setigerous fovea near each
eye; prothorax in form and sculpture throughout almost as in tomentosus,
except that the punctures are everywhere coarser in corresponding posi-
tions; elytra differing decidedly, oblong, parallel, more elongate, more
rapidly obtuse at apex, a fifth wider than the prothorax, the striae,
strial punctures and humeral angle of the beading similar, the intervals
about one-half as densely and less asperately punctate; under surface
as in tomentosus throughout; prosternum margined. Length (9) 14.0
mm.; width 5.9 mm. New Mexico (Fort Wingate), — -John Woodgate.
Differs from tomentosus in its deep black color, more elongate and
abruptly obtuse, much less densely punctate elytra, rather more
transverse and somewhat less anteriorly narrowed and more
coarsely sculptured pronotum and smoother head. From insperatus
Horn, it differs in having the lateral and basal beads form a sharp
angle at the humeri and in its dark fulvous and not black vestiture.
Chlaenius pimalicus n. sp. — Body somewhat as in chrysopleurns Chd.,
but narrower and with uniform elytral coloration and flatter intervals,
shining and vivid metallic green throughout the head and pronotum,
except the convex lateral part of the latter basally, which is cupreous;
elytra opaculate, bright green throughout, the smoother marginal interval
rather brighter green; under surface, legs and tarsi black; vestiture short
but stiff, fulvous; head smooth, with the frontal foveae prolonged to a
point opposite the middle of the eyes, where there is an additional short
groove more inwardly; antennae short, stout, piceous; prothorax in form
and sculpture almost exactly as in chrysopleurus throughout; elytra
differing greatly, being narrower, with much less convex, more opaque,
more closely and much less strongly punctate intervals, the punctures
of the much shallower striae similarly very small; under surface nearly
smooth but with more coarse sternal punctures than in chrysopleurus.
Length (9) 13.5-14.0 mm.; width 5.6-5.8 mm. Southern Arizona.
Three examples from the Levette collection.
The differences as shown between this species and three examples
of chrysopleurus from Guatemala and Honduras, which I have
before me, are expressed above, but pimalicus is very much closer
to forreri Bates, from Ventanas, Mexico, and may prove to be
merely a subspecies of the latter. In forreri the elytra are described
and figured as virtually black, with the marginal interval bright
green and not of a uniform vivid green throughout as in pimalicus;
the tarsi, also, are said to be piceo-rufous.
Anomoglossus Chd.
This genus is well defined and differs from Chlcenius in the absence
of a tooth in the emargination of the mentum, more uniformly
punctate abdomen and generally much more deeply emarginate
labrum. The species are more numerous than hitherto supposed
and six are now known; they seem to be confined to the nearctic
faunal regions and are as follows:
Last joint of the maxillary palpi glabrous; body larger in size; labrum
deeply emarginate 2
Last joint with sparse stiff hairs; body of small size 4
2 — Punctures of the elytral striae extremely minute, confined to the fine
striae. Body narrower and less ventricose, shining, metallic green,
the elytra opaque and deep blackish-blue; under surface black and
shining, the legs pale-testaceous; vestiture short, stiff, fulvous; head
smooth, the occiput transversely sparsely punctate; frontal foveae
small, feeble and indefinite; antennae slender, testaceous; prothorax
but little wider than long, much wider than the head, convex, the
sides very evenly and moderately arcuate from apex to the basal
angles, which are slightly obtuse and blunt but distinct; apex almost
truncate and but very little narrower than the base, which is broadly
sinuate medially as usual; surface strongly and somewhat loosely
punctate, gradually densely toward base and near the median line,
which is strongly impressed; fovese elongate and very deep, slightly
oblique; elytra nearly three-fourths longer than wide, about a
fourth wider than the prothorax, parallel and broadly arcuate at
the sides, obtusely rounded at tip; striae very fine; interspaces flat,
finely, closely punctate, the punctures evidently stronger than those
of the striae; sterna throughout with very coarse and more or less
close-set punctures, the abdomen finely, sparsely punctate. Length
( 9 ) 11.5 mm. ; width 4.35 mm. New York (central), delectans n. sp.
Punctures of the elytral striae strong and coarser, rather wider than the
striae basally 3
3 — Body of rather large size, stout, elongate-oval, cupreous and moder-
ately shining anteriorly, the elytra very dull and blackish-blue, with
moderately long and rather fine, dull fulvous vestiture; under
surface and legs throughout as in the preceding; head three-fifths
as wide as the prothorax, rather rugulose, the occiput transversely
and strongly punctate; mandibles rather elongate; frontal foveae
very small; antennae long and very slender, testaceous; prothorax
very nearly as long as wide, the sides broadly rounded, gradually
converging anteriorly from the point of greatest width, which is well
behind the middle; apex nearly truncate, much narrower than the
base, which is transverse, becoming anteriorly oblique laterally, the
angles distinctly rounded; side margins more reflexed basally; surface
nearly as in the preceding, except that the strong median stria is
not at all impressed but sharply incised; elytra oval, with parallel
arcuate sides, three-fifths longer than wide, nearly one-half wider than
the prothorax; striae deep; intervals not quite flat, finely and very
closely punctate, the punctures very much smaller than those of
the striae; first three joints of the anterior tarsi (cf) dilated and very
gradually diminishing in width. Length (cf) 15.0 mm.; width 6.25
mm. Mississippi (Vicksburg) gravis n. sp.
Body somewhat as in the preceding in general habitus but smaller and
much narrower in build, the anterior parts more brilliantly cupreous,
generally greenish toward the sides, the elytra less opaque and of a
clearer indigo-blue; head smaller but otherwise nearly similar,
smoother, the rugae of the preceding not visible; prothorax nearly
similar, except that the sides are more evenly, feebly arcuate from
near the base to the apex and the side margins are not or only very
slightly more reflexed basally; surface otherwise similar; elytra
nearly similar but much narrower, with finer and more deeply
impressed, still more strongly and closely punctate striae and more
convex intervals, having the similarly close-set punctures a little
stronger; under surface and tarsi nearly as in the two preceding.
Length (cf1 9 ) 11.0-14.0 mm.; width 4.4-5.35 mm. Rhode Island
to Florida and westward to Tennessee and Indiana. Very common.
emarginatus Say
4 — Labrum feebly emarginate; prothorax with basal and apical widths
almost equal. Body moderately small in size, the sides of the pro-
thorax very feebly sinuate posteriorly, the hind angles slightly
rounded; reflexed margin feebly elevated basally, the surface as
long as wide, nearly flat, densely punctate, with well marked median
line and deep elongate foveae; elytra oval, wider than the prothorax,
with strongly marked and distinctly punctate striae and flat, finely
and closely punctured intervals. Length 8-9.5 mm.; width 3.3-
4.0 mm. — Description quoted from Dejean. Georgia, .amcenus Dej.
Labrum deeply emarginate; prothorax generally more narrowed basally. .5
5 — Form moderately slender, not very convex, shining, metallic bluish-
green anteriorly, the elytra feebly shining and obscure deep blue;
under surface black, closely punctate throughout as in all the
preceding species, the legs testaceous; head more than two-thirds
as wide as the prothorax, smooth centrally, punctured sparsely
toward the eyes and across the occiput, the eyes only moderately
prominent; antennae slender, testaceous, clearer basally; prothorax
slightly shorter than wide, the sides evenly and moderately rounded
to basal sixth or seventh, there sinuate and thence straight and
parallel to the basal angles, which are right and sharply defined, the
reflexed margin very fine and even throughout; apex feebly sinuate,
a little wider than the base, which is transverse and rectilinear;
surface broadly, evenly convex, moderately coarsely, deeply, rather
sparsely and somewhat unevenly punctured throughout; median
line fine, not entire; foveae sublinear, moderate in size and depth,
continued to the hind angles by a gradually feebly deplanate area;
elytra one-half longer than wide and nearly one-half wider than the
prothorax, parallel, with broadly arcuate sides and circularly
rounded apex; striae fine, feebly impressed, very minutely punctate,
except basally, where the punctures become rather strong and twice
as wide as the striae; intervals very feebly convex, rather finely but
strongly, closely punctate and with short fulvous pubescence; femora
rather distinctly though sparsely and unevenly punctate. Length
(cf 9 ) 8.0-8.8 mm.; width 2.8-3.2 mm. New York to Iowa.
[Chlcenius degantulus Dej.; feisthameli Lai.} pusillus Say
Form more abbreviated, the size much smaller; coloration, lustre and
general habitus nearly similar; head relatively larger, nearly four-
fifths as wide as the prothorax, similarly punctured; antennae slender,
not much over half as long as the body, testaceous, clearer basally;
prothorax nearly similar in form and sculpture but more nearly as
long as wide, the sides at base becoming straight only at, and not
for some distance before, the basal angles, which are distinctly
obtuse though sharply marked and not blunt; base becoming ar-
cuately oblique at the sides, barely visibly wider than the subtruncate
apex; surface not differing markedly, the foveae a little smaller;
elytra shorter, two-fifths longer than wide and two-thirds wider
than the prothorax, parallel, with broadly arcuate sides, the apex
much more rapidly and obtusely rounded; striae still finer and less
impressed, similarly but not quite so strongly punctate, the intervals
similar but not so closely punctured or pubescent; abdomen with
the fine punctures less uniformly distributed; femora less punctate;
sterna similarly coarsely and deeply punctured throughout. Length
(9)6.3 mm.; width 2.4 mm. Louisiana (Alexandria), nanulus n. sp.
These species seem to be amply distinct among themselves and
doubtless a number of others are already included in collections.
The subacute lobes of the labrum, in all the species, have a loose
tuft of stiff yellow bristles, which are different from the ordinary
setae of the labral apex.
Brachylobus Chd.
The mentum in this genus is so radically different from the usual
type in this subfamily, that a separate tribe might be organized
to include it alone, so far as now known. The surface of the
mentum is smooth and has two very deep impressed perforations;
the apex has an extremely shallow sinus, with very short angulate
lateral lobes and is completely edentate. The following is a sub-
species of the well known lithophilus:
Brachylobus lithophilus ssp. indigaceus nov. — Body nearly as in
lithophilus in form, size and sculpture, but not quite so stout and not
green but dark violet-blue throughout above, more obscure on the elytra;
head rather smaller and with somewhat less prominent eyes; prothorax
similar throughout but not quite so short or transverse; elytra similar but
slightly less obtusely rounded at tip and with the striae sensibly finer and
much less strongly punctate, the intervals flat, not quite so densely
punctate; punctures of the under surface scarcely so large but similarly
disposed. Length (cf 9 ) 8.5-9.0 mm.; width 3.7-4.0 mm. Texas.
Two examples.
My series of lithophilus is from New Jersey, Pennsylvania and
Indiana; indigaceus is a more southern development of the stem
form. Caurinus Horn, differs in the form of the prothorax.
Subfamily MICRATOPINI nov.
Middle coxal cavities entirely inclosed by the sterna, the suture
very fine and close. Head with a single supra-orbital seta. Meso-
sternal epimera very narrow, indistinct; elytra covering the ab-
domen. Mandibles without an external seta. Posterior coxae con-
tiguous. Elytral margin continuous, without an internal plica.
Last joint of the palpi minute, slender, oblique and inserted within
a cavity at the tip of the penultimate. Body minute; integuments
thin; facies nearly as in the Lebiinae.
Following the order of characters now usually admitted in the
classification of the Carabidae, the very small species serving as the
type of the new subfamily here proposed, is, as may be surmised,
extremely isolated, for, with palpi nearly as in the Bembidiinae
and habitus of the body nearly as in the Lebiinae, we have standing
out very clearly at the smooth sides of the head, near the eye,
only a single long seta, exactly as in all the other CARABID.E CON-
Micratopus n. gen.
Body very small and feebly convex, oblong-elongate, with thin
integuments, rather small short head and large convex eyes. Mouth
organs rather crowded. Mentum moderate, nearly flat, oval,
slightly transverse, with a moderate and rather deep edentate
sinus, the lobes sharply acuminate. Ligula very small, slender, the
paraglossae small, externally pointed at apex. Basal joint of the
outer maxillary lobe stout, oval, the last joint short, narrower,
* In contradistinction to the first division of the Carabidse, which may be
affixed obliquely and gradually acuminate from base to apex.
Labial palpi with the first joint minute, the second large, inflated,
pubescent, the third joint minute, slender, projecting obliquely
from the apex of the second. Maxillary palpi moderately long,
coarsely pubescent throughout, the second joint moderately slender,
the third of equal length, moderately stout, gradually narrowed
basally, the fourth minute, aciculate, oblique, extending from a
cavity in the tip of the third. Mandibles small, strongly arcuate,
almost entirely hidden under the labrum in repose, bifid at tip.
Labrum transverse, strongly convex, smooth, deeply sinuate
medially. Epistoma flat, slightly wider than long, arcuate at tip,
the suture fine, the frontal foveae obsolete, represented by large and
feeble impressions. Eyes notably large though only moderately
prominent, the facets very distinct and convex. Antennae long,
very slender, filiform, pubescent throughout, the first joint subequal
to the fourth and longer than either the second or third, which are
nearly equal. Prothorax transversely and feebly obtrapezoidal,
with a marginal seta before the middle and another at the hind
angles. Scutellum ogival, entering well between the elytra, which
are feebly striate, with obtuse apex, rounded sutural angles and a
small subapical discal puncture at the third stria, the scutellar stria
completely wanting but with the fovea very exceptional, being in
the form of a small setigerous tubercle arising from the bottom
of a rounded depression; sides with about four granuliferous seti-
gerous foveae basally and two or three apically, the latter bearing
very long setae. Prosternum unusually long before the coxae, the
process unmargined. Abdomen uniformly punctulate and minutely
setigerous throughout, with a close-set pair of apical setae at each
side, apparently in both sexes. Sexual characters not apparent.
Legs moderate, the femora strongly compressed, the tibiae simple,
with small slender spurs, the tarsi rather long, very slender through-
out, the first joint of the posterior subequal in length to the entire
remainder, the fifth a little longer than the two preceding combined ;
claws very small and slender.
Micratopus fusciceps n. sp. — Body very small in size, subparallel,
moderately convex, shining, pale piceous-brown in color, rather paler
beneath •, the legs, antennae and oral organs pale yellow-testaceous, the
head not very deep blacjc; integuments glabrous, excepting the abdomen;
head three-fifths as wide as the prothorax, short, wider than long, smooth,
alutaceous and micro-reticulate; antennae very slender and filiform, nearly
three-fifths as long as the body; prothorax one-half wider than long,
widest near apical third, where the sides are rather strongly rounded,
thence moderately converging and more feebly arcuate to the basal
angles, which are obtuse but distinct and subprominent; apex broadly
sinuate, barely as wide as the base; surface smooth and polished, with
strong abbreviated median stria and, at the basal margin near each side,
a small feeble fovea; elytra nearly one-half longer than wide, parallel,
with nearly straight sides and abruptly very obtuse apex, a third to
nearly half wider than the prothorax, the strise rather broadly impressed
and not at all sharply defined; humeri right and narrowly rounded.
Length 1.6-1.8 mm.; width 0.65-0.75 mm. Mississippi (Vicksburg).
A series of eight specimens were all that I could find among debris
of fallen leaves in one of the narrow ravines south of the town.
It is hoped that in judging the following work, some allowance
will be made for inherent difficulties, which are sufficiently well
known to all those who have given the subfamily serious considera-
tion. The apparent monotony and indefiniteness of the species,
has served to deprive this section of the Carabidse of much con-
sideration, for there is not even the compensation, offered by the
equally indefinite Chlaeniid species, of having an attractive colora-
tion. I have found the study of the Harpalids very interesting;
they are by no means devoid of very marked structural diversity.
Subfamily HARPALIN^:.
It seems preferable to regard the major groups of Carabidse, which
were termed tribes by LeConte and Horn, as subfamilies, after the
general European custom. The subfamilies can then be sub-
divided into tribes and these into groups. At any rate, I find this
to be a more convenient system in the case of such an unwieldy
complex as the Harpalinae and the suggested method of subdivision
seems also to express relative weights more consistently.
The classification of the Carabidse now in vogue has been of
very gradual evolution. The arbitrary arrangement of the earlier
authors was measurably improved by the work of LeConte (Trans.
Am. Phil. Soc., 1853), to such a degree in fact that Lacordaire in-
serted the arrangement of our able and honored predecessor in its
entirety, as an appendix to the first volume of his still invaluable
work on the genera of the Coleoptera. It is easy to trace some sub-
sequent generalizations from this early work of LeConte. For
example, further examination of the character relating to the
mesosternal parapleura led to the detection of the fundamental
structure now utilized for the division of our Carabidse into two
sections, as stated in the classification of LeConte and Horn,
based upon the extension of the mesosternal epimera in the direction
of the coxse. The other two discoveries of the systematists just
mentioned, that have given us our present arrangement — probably
the most natural that can be devised, relate to the existence of
one or two supra-orbital setse — extremely significant in the second
subdivision of the family but of no value in the first — and the
presence or absence of a postero-external elytral plica. These
very important discoveries give us the means of resolving the
family into several very clearly demarcated sections. I would
suggest in this connection that the genus Pseudomorpha be separated
from the Carabidae to form a distinct family. It does not fall in
line with the true Carabids very well either in structure or facies.
The Harpalinse, as here considered, embrace all Carabids in
which the mes-epimera fail to attain the coxae and are narrow and
parallel in form and also in which the head has but a single supra-
orbital seta, the mandibles devoid of an external setigerous punc-
ture, the posterior coxas contiguous and the elytra without a postero-
external plica. I have no means of verifying the opinion of Dr.
Horn (Tr. Am. Ent. Soc., 1881, p. 175) that the singular African
genus Glyptus, having no seta on the second labio-palpal joint,
is a component of the subfamily, but am inclined to believe that the
rernarkable group of genera clustering about the European Ditomus
should be excluded and form a subfamily by themselves, because
of the strongly pedunculated body, long antennas, occasional very
striking modifications of the epistoma and mandibles, the peculiar
coarse sculpture of the body and the marked departure in general
habitus. Although most of the Ditomid genera are represented in
the material at hand, I have therefore thought best not to include
them within the scope of the subfamily as here considered. All
of the European tribes of the subfamily, as thus restricted, occur
in North America, but there are a few American tribes such as
Cratocarini which do not occur in the old world.
In the table of tribes given below, it will be noted that the
division heretofore proposed into three groups of genera, depending
upon the structure of the male tarsi, has been abandoned and a
succession of tribes defined upon more restricted sexual characters
of the same kind, the two principal divisions, however, being based
upon the setee of the second labio-palpal joint, first suggested by
Bates. The full importance of this character, which widely shifts
the positions of several important genera such as Polpochila and
Agonoderus into more congenial surroundings, escaped the attention
of Dr. Horn, by whom it appears to have been first brought to
notice and was employed by that author merely in the separation
of genera which seemed to be otherwise closely allied.
In the Harpalinse there are numerous confusing parallelisms of
structure, appearing in genera evidently widely separated in the
present stage of evolution and probably reversional in nature, or
indicative of like conditions of environment during the progress
of evolutionary changes, such for instance as the occurrence of
series of setigerous substrial punctures in such widely separated
types as Stenomorphus, Selenophorus and Philodes, or the occurrence
of the trifid anterior tibial spur in various not closely related genera
within the tribe Anisodactylini, also occurring in the Amarid genus
TricEna and so of no special significance in the estimation of generic
relationship. Again, the presence of the enlarged basal joint of
the anterior tarsi, especially of the female, characterizing the highly
specialized genera Stenomorphus and Gynandropus, as well as
Gynandrotarsus harpaloides of the Anisodactylini, and, finally, the
occurrence of the rare seta at the hind angles of the prothorax in
the indubitable Anisodactylid Diachromus and in Trichocellus of
the Acupalpini. Dicheirotrichus is somewhat intermediate between
these two genera, tending to unite the two divisions based upon the
labial palpi and, as significant in this respect, there seem to be only
three long anterior setae on the second labio-palpal joint; the male
tarsi, also, are not so purely Anisodactylid as in Diachromus,
although the rather even distribution of the long hairs of the soles
would seem to betoken somewhat more of an Anisodactylid than
Acupalpid affinity, the general habitus of the body, however, being
evidently more nearly that of the Acupalpini, to which tribe it is
here attached.
The various tribes of the Harpalinse, so far as represented by
material accessible to me, may be defined as follows. The exotic
groups, whether tribes or genera, in this and all subsequent tabular
statements, are indicated by a prefixed asterisk as usual :
Second joint of the labial palpi plurisetose in front 2
Second joint bisetose in front 6
2 — Middle tarsi (cf ) not modified in vestiture beneath and undilated,
the anterior sometimes so modified, however, as in Geopinus; ab-
domen generally with accessory setae as in a large division of Har-
palus; basal angles of the prothorax generally acutely rectangular
or acutely subeverted, the prosternum short DAPTINI
Middle tarsi (cf) biseriately squamulose beneath 3
Middle tarsi (cf ) with dense uniform pads of squamiform pubescence
beneath 5
3 — Elytra without series of substrial setigerous punctures, generally with
•a single puncture at or near the second stria on the third interval;
prosternum normally short before the coxae HARPALINI
Elytra with series of substrial punctures 4
4 — Prosternum normally short before the coxae; elytral series always
three in number on each SELENOPHORINI
Prosternum greatly elongated before the coxae; basal joint of the anterior
tarsi unusually developed, especially in the female as in Gynandropus
of the Selenophorini and as reappearing in some of the Anisodactylini,
such as Triplectrus (Gynandrotarsus}; series of elytral punctures
usually two in number STENOMORPHINI
5 — Anterior and middle tarsi (cf) always dilated; body more Harpalus-
like in facies than in either of the two preceding tribes.
6 — Frontal impressions isolated or continued obliquely backward in a
more or less fine canaliculation to the middle of the eyes; tarsi
variously modified sexually; body always small to very small in size.
Frontal impressions continued obliquely backward to the occiput or
posterior limit of the eyes; tarsi not or but very slightly modified
sexually; body rather large in size to moderately small. . CRATOCARINI
It seems necessary to use the name Cratocara of LeConte, for
what is now known in the lists as Polpochila Sol., for, on reading the
diagnosis of the latter genus, which is probably confined to the west
coast of South America, I fail to perceive any close relationship
with the so-called Polpochila capitata Chd. The description of
Polpochila, as given by Lacordaire, is as follows:
Mentum transverse, narrowly and deeply emarginate and with a
median tooth which is triangular and simple, its lateral lobes rounded
externally, obtuse at tip and having a small tooth on the inner side.
Ligula free, very prominent, rather broad, scarcely notched at tip, the
paraglossae large, spatuliform and internally recurved. Last joint of
the palpi oblong-oval, equal to the preceding. Labrum transverse,
angularly notched. Head short. Antenna? short, gradually increasing
in thickness, the joints 3-6 conical, equal, 7-10 larger and shorter than
the preceding, suboval and truncate at base and apex. Prothorax
transverse, scarcely narrowed behind, almost straight at the sides, trans-
versely truncate at base and separated from the elytra by a distinct
interval. Elytra parallel, rounded at apex. Legs short, the anterior
stouter, with the tibiae sensibly triangular, the four posterior tibiae
spinose. Tarsi filiform, the four basal joints of the anterior short,
strongly triangular, with the first two a little longer than the others.
Solier assigns to this genus only a very small insect (P. parallela),
3 mm. in length, of a rather brilliant black color, native to the
southern provinces of Chile and of which he had only seen a single
example of undetermined sex. It was placed among the Feroniids
by Lacordaire. In view of the size of the body, the singular
structure of the antennae and the extreme southern and isolated
habitat, I think there can be but little doubt that we have been in
error in assigning to Polpochila our large Melanotus erro Lee. (capi-
tata Chd.), subsequently given the generic name Cratocara by
LeConte (Sm. Misc. Coll. 140, p. n, 1866) because of the previous
use of Melanotus. There can be no question concerning the close
relationship of Pogonodaptus Horn, with Cratocara, as stated by
Bates. It has no affinity whatever with Daptus.
The genera of this tribe, which abound and are greatly diversified
in America, but represented in the palaearctic fauna by the single
genus Daptus, may be distinguished among themselves as follows:
Tarsi thick, the posterior rapidly tapering from base to apex, the anterior
clothed beneath in the male with confused erect squamiform hairs;
anterior tibiae with a ciliate terminal plate in both sexes, the tibial
surfaces not peculiarly modified Geopinus
Tarsi slender, the posterior filiform, the anterior apparently never hairy
beneath, the anterior tibiae without lamelliform extension, though
peculiarly modified apically in Nothopus 2
2 — Anterior and middle tibiae thickened, densely, coarsely punctured and
spinulo-setulose over their posterior and anterior surfaces respec-
tively; body subpedunculate *Daptus
Anterior and middle tibiae not specially modified on their lateral surfaces;
body not pedunculated 3
3 — Hind angles of the prothorax right or acute, frequently everted;
elytra oblong, the humeri distinct, the hind wings always well
developed 4
Hind angles very obtuse but never at all broadly rounded; elytra oval,
with rounding humeri, the hind wings apparently vestigial; mentum
edentate 8
4 — Mentum edentate; ligula small and slender, much shorter than the
large and usually thickened ciliate paraglossae 5
Mentum with a long and very acute tooth; ligula rather broader, not
evidently expanded at tip, exactly equal in length to the paraglossae. 7
5 — Body somewhat as in Daptus, narrower than in any of the following
genera, the head large, the prothorax cordate, the sides sinuate
before the right and very sharp basal angles; head without projec-
tions above the antennae, which are slender and filiform; elytra
rather short, wider than the prothorax, the base much wider than
T. L. Casey, Mem. Col. V, Oct. 1914.
the thoracic base, simply striate, the first stria bifurcating at base
because of union with the scutellar stria, the second with a single
setigerous puncture, which is unusually posterior and near the
summit of the declivity, the apex obliquely ogival, the sinus broad
and extremely feeble; legs moderate, the tibiae and tarsi slender, the
basal joint of the posterior tarsi not as long as the next two.
Body stout, the elytral and thoracic bases not differing much in width;
elytra with numerous punctures bearing long setae 6
6 — Anterior tibiae rather slender, of the usual form, not modified ex-
ternally or at apex; body nearly as in Cratacanthus in outline.
Anterior tibiae with an obtuse prominence on the external edge, the outer
apical angle greatly produced in an obtusely pointed and slightly
curved process; body larger, broader and still more compact.
7 — Body oblong, stout, very convex, shining, the elytra deeply striate
but without discal punctures of any kind, even the single puncture of
Cratognathus and many Harpali being absent, the foveae of the
marginal series irregular, the series uninterrupted medially; legs
moderate, without special modification Cratacanthus
8 — Body elongate-suboval, convex, the legs rather slender, the anterior
tibiae unmodified sexually, slender, with a small slender terminal
spur; elytra with serial punctures on the alternate intervals toward
apex only Glanodes
The above outline of Cratognathus Dej., is drawn from a pair
that I took at Wellington, near Cape Town, South Africa; the species
is probably capensis Cast. As stated by Lacordaire, Dejean was
mistaken in assuming that his type species was from South America.
Geopinus Lee.
The body is large in size, very stout and convex and of a peculiar
pale tawny yellow color throughout, with the exception of some
indefinite shading occasionally on the pronotum and elytra. The
mentum is devoid of any trace of tooth, as in all the genera of
the tribe excepting Cratacanthus, the head large, with relatively
rather small but prominent eyes, the palpi moderately slender, the
second of the labial with numerous bristling setae, the last joint
of both with but few short erect setae, the ligula long, gradually
feebly dilated apically, free and with two very long setae at the
truncate apex, the paraglossae flat, truncate, not very wide and
shorter than the ligula. The antennae are relatively very short and
rather thick, though filiform and the labrum is shallowly but acutely
emarginate medially at tip, the frontal impressions rather large,
deeply impressed and isolated. The prothorax is nearly as in
Daptus and Cratacanthus and the elytra are of the usual Har-
palid type; there is a single puncture on the second stria behind
the middle. The legs are rather short and notably stout, the
femora all rather distinctly swollen, the tibiae gradually dilated
distally, the anterior serrulate externally, with a small emargination
just before a singular oblique concave, lamelliform apical extension,
the plate densely fimbriate with short spinuliform setae; the terminal
spur of the anterior is single and feebly swollen at each side near
the base, those of the intermediate and posterior two in number,
long and very slender on the former and very stout on the latter.
The anterior tarsi of the male are rather short and chick, with mod-
erately dilated joints, the basal nearly as long as the next two but
not inflated, spinose beneath and devoid of squamae; joints 2-4
transverse and densely clothed with confused squamules, the
second in apical half only, the intermediate much longer and more
filiform than the anterior or posterior, both the latter and inter-
mediate completely devoid of squamules. The tarsi of the female
are nearly as in the male but rather less dilated throughout and
especially the anterior, all devoid of squamules. The tarsal claws
are long, divaricate, extremely slender and evenly arcuate. The
single species may be known as follows:
Stout, oblong-oval, very convex, not very shining, pale tawny-yellow in
color, the elytra each broadly and very indefinitely clouded with
darker brown discally, the pronotum clouded at apex, except at the
sides, and thence broadly posteriorly to behind the middle; head
(c?1) three-fourths as wide as the prothorax or four-fifths (9 ), the
prothorax relatively smaller in the latter sex; antennae extending
barely to the middle of the prothorax, which is nearly one-half wider
than long, the sides rounded anteriorly, feebly converging and
slightly sinuate thence to the hind angles, which are but little more
than right and slightly blunt at tip, the lateral gutter rather broad
throughout; base transverse, strongly margined, the apex sinuato-
truncate; surface deplanate from the large but vague foveae to the
hind angles and impunctate; elytra much wider than the prothorax,
oblong-oval, with arcuate sides and obtusely rounded apex, two-
fifths longer than wide, the sides becoming straight and oblique near
the base; sinus narrow but rather deep; surface coarsely, deeply
striate, the scutellar stria deep and long, uniting with the first, which
becomes therefore symmetrically bifurcate at base, the two lateral
striae on the flanks abruptly very fine and feeble, the marginal foveae
rather small and feeble, the series narrowly interrupted. Length
(cf 9 ) 13.0-14.0 mm.; width 5.9-6.5 mm. New York (Long Island).
[Daptus incrassatus Dej.] incrassatus Dej.
A — Similar to the preceding but a little larger, evidently more elongate
and devoid of darker shading on the pronotum and elytra, ex-
cepting a darker medial apical margin on the former; head rela-
tively a little smaller; prothorax nearly similar; elytra with the
humeral angles still more broadly rounded; hind tibiae of the male
more elongate and less dilated at apex, the hind tarsi a little longer
and not quite so inflated. Length (cf 9 ) 14.4-16.4 mm.; width
6.0— 6.8 mm. Iowa (Keokuk). Five examples.. . fluviaticus n. subsp.
This forms another instance of anciently identical stocks gradu-
ally becoming different on opposite slopes of the Appalachian
system, as shown by Tetraopes tetrophthalmus and iowensis (Mem.
Col. IV, p. 386) and also perhaps by Cicindela levettei, when com-
pared with sexguttata, but in the latter case the differences have
become specific, as shown by the very much longer tibiae in levettei
as well as the constantly different coloration.
Daptus Fisch.
This genus includes but few isolated species, only occurring, so
far as known, in the palsearctic fauna, where however they are
widely diffused. The type of the genus, Daptus vittatus Fisch.,
with several varieties, and pictus, of the same author, are the only
species now known. The body is rather small in size, oblong-
elongate and parallel in form, moderately convex and shining, the
elytra pale in color as in Geopinus and with nearly corresponding
darker discal parts. The head is large, the eyes moderate and
prominent, the mandibles well developed, arcuate at tip, the
labrum feebly sinuate and the frontal impressions very shallow
and diffuse; there is a pointed projection above the point of antennal
insertion and the antennae are short and rather stout but filiform,
with the third joint as long as the next two combined. The mentum
is not very large, unusually short, the sinus arcuate at the bottom
but not dentate, the ligula rather widely expanded at tip and
longer than the paraglossae, which are small in size; the palpi are
rather slender; the prothorax is transverse, cordate, about as wide
as the elytra, with the converging sides sinuate before the basal
angles, which are right, not rounded and even slightly reflexed;
the elytra are parallel, abruptly very obtuse at apex, the sinus
obsolete, the striae rather deep, feeble laterally, the scutellar strong,
tending to unite with the first, which is deflexed basally; the striae
are obsoletely and finely punctulate and, in apical half near the
second, there are about four and basal half of the third two,
rather large impressed setigerous punctures; the marginal foveae
are very small and are present only near base and apex. The legs
are thick and rather short, the femora not notably stout, the
anterior and middle tibiae somewhat inflated, the former on the
posterior face and the latter on the anterior face, covered thickly
with short stiff spinules arising from coarse deep punctures; all
the tarsi are spinose beneath in both sexes, the anterior not dilated
in the male though rather thick short and tapering, the others
slender and filiform, the basal joint of the posterior not as long as
the next two. The prosternal process is unusually narrow and
constricted between the coxae.
Piosoma Lee.
The body here is very much as in Cratacanthus in external form
but somewhat stouter, strongly convex, shining, the head moder-
ately large, with rather prominent eyes and slender filiform com-
pressed antennae, the third joint but little longer than the second
or fourth, the upper surface with fine punctures throughout and a
transverse interrupted series of coarse punctures on a line with
the posterior limit of the eyes; the frontal foveae are small and
punctiform; the prothorax is transverse, equal in width to the elytra
or nearly so, the sides feebly converging and broadly sinuate
posteriorly to the right and sharply marked angles, the surface
with numerous very coarse punctures toward base and sides, the
base transverse and margined throughout, the apex feebly sinuate
and with broadly rounded angles. The elytra are notably short,
parallel, very obtusely rounded at apex, the sinus completely
obsolete. The legs are moderate in length, not very thick, the
hind tarsi filiform, with the basal joint but little longer than the
second. All the coarse punctures of the upper surface bear very
long bristling setae, those at the sides of the prothorax forming a
conspicuous loose fringe. There seem to be three species as follows:
Elytra with all the intervals uniseriately punctate 2
Elytra with only the alternate intervals so punctured 3
2 — Body deep black in color, the under surface and legs feebly rufescent;
antennae and oral organs testaceous; head fully two-thirds as wide
as the prothorax, the latter more than one-half wider than long,
fully as wide as the elytra, the sides rounded anteriorly, moderately
converging and broadly sinuate basally; surface steeply declivous
at the sides to the distinct marginal gutter, which is rufescent from
diaphaneity, slightly explanate postero-laterally, the foveae large,
shallow and very vague; basal parts with some fine faint punctulation
and rugosity in addition to the coarse punctures; elytra oblong,
nearly a third longer than wide, parallel, very broadly rounded at
apex and with dentiform humeral angles, the striae very coarse and
deep, the scutellar finer, long, generally joining the first; intervals
feebly convex, each with a regular and widely spaced medial series of
very coarse setigerous punctures; marginal interval with scattered
smaller punctures. Length (c? 9 ) 7.8-11.7 mm. ; width 3.4-4.6 mm.
Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona. Abundant setosa Lee.
Body smaller and very much shorter, piceous in color, shining; head and
antennae nearly as in the preceding; prothorax relatively smaller,
not more than four-fifths as wide as the elytra, nearly similar in
outline but with smoother surface between the very coarse punctures;
elytra very much shorter, not longer than wide, the sides more
abruptly oblique and straight near the base, the sculpture and setae
similar, except that the punctures of the marginal interval are in a
single series; legs pale flavo-testaceous. Length 8.0 mm.; width
3.7 mm. A single example of undetermined sex and without label
in the Levette collection brevipennis n. sp.
3 — Piceous in color, shining; prothorax slightly wider than the head,
almost one-half shorter than wide, subcordate, posteriorly narrowed,
the sides rounded, setigerous, .subsinuate posteriorly, the hind
angles right, foveate laterally at base; elytra convex, the striae deep,
the intervals 1-3-5-7-9 with sparse setigerous punctures, arranged
almost uniseriately; antennae, labrum, palpi and legs rufo-testaceous.
Length 10.5 mm. Arkansas. [Cratognathus alternatus Lee.].
alternata Lee.
The description of alternata, which I have not seen, is taken from
the original; it seems to be extremely rare. There may be some
doubt as to the correctness of the generic assignment of this species.
Nothopus Lee.
Notwithstanding the evidently different facies of this genus when
compared with the preceding, there is a very close bond of affinity
and they form a notably isolated group of the Harpalinse, having a
massive compact body and very coarse scattered setigerous punc-
tuation of the upper surface. The special characters relating to the
anterior tibiae constitute the only important structural difference
to be noted so far as observed. In Nothopus the serial punctures
of the elytra are relatively much smaller than in Piosoma and they
are less numerous, but the setae borne by them are similarly long
and bristling; the punctures of the pronotum are fine. There are
undoubtedly a number of distinct species, those represented in my
cabinet being as follows:
Head notably large in both sexes, distinctly more than half as wide as
the prothorax. Body large in size, very stout, oblong-oval, convex,
shining, black to rufo-piceous, the legs, under surface, antennae and
palpi paler and obscure rufous, the labrum nearly black; head scarcely
at all punctulate, the impressions long, parallel, broadly and feebly
impressed, uneven and rugulose, the surface between them also
rugulose medially; labrum large, feebly sinuate medially, with
broadly rounded angles; eyes very moderate; antennae rather slender,
compressed, extending barely to the middle of the prothorax, the
third joint but little longer than the second or fourth; prothorax
nearly twice as wide as long, parallel, almost equal in width to the
elytra and compactly joined throughout the basal width, the humeri
only minutely exposed, the sides straight, slightly rounding anteriorly,
the basal angles not rounded and feebly subeverted; base broadly,
feebly sinuate in median half, margined throughout, the apex feebly
bisinuato-truncate, the fine margin broadly interrupted medially;
surface steeply declivous at the sides to the conspicuous and coarse
marginal gutter, which expands basally, the edge strongly re flexed
from apex to base; toward base and apex throughout the width with
rather sparse, fine and very distinct punctures; median stria bi-
abbreviated but rather deeply impressed and distinct; foveae ob-
solescent; elytra a third longer than wide, two and two-thirds times
as long as the prothorax, subparallel, slightly swollen at the sides
near the base, broadly and obtusely ogival at apex, the sinus ob-
solete; basal margin straight, curving forward slightly to the
obtusely dentate humeri; striae fine, feebly (cf) or more strongly ( 9 )
impressed, the intervals flat to feebly convex, barely more convex
behind, the scutellar stria long, the first symmetrically bifurcating
basally, as in all the subsequent species; punctures of intervals
3~5~7 very moderate, inconstant, widely and unevenly spaced;
intervals 4—6—8 also serially punctate toward apex as a rule; marginal
series uninterrupted and irregular; legs moderately long and stout,
the first four joints of the hind tarsi decreasing slowly and evenly in
length, the claws very slender and strongly arcuate. Length (cf 9 )
12.0—15.8 mm.; width 6.4—7.7 rnm. Iowa (Keokuk) and Lake
Superior. Six examples valens n. sp.
Head distinctly smaller, not more than half as wide as the prothorax in
either sex and similarly not differing much sexually 2
2 — Elytra barely perceptibly longer than wide, the punctures of the
alternate intervals larger, more impressed, more numerous and less
regularly serial in arrangement than in any other species. Head
nearly as in valens, the labrum still more feebly sinuate, obscure
rufous, always shaded with piceous-black medially, the frontal
impressions shorter, feeble; prothorax nearly similar, except that
the coarse lateral gutter expands much less basally; elytra similar in
structure but barely a fifth longer than wide and more abruptly and
broadly obtuse at apex, differing in the very strongly impressed
striae and notably convex intervals, the large impressed punctures
very much more numerous, generally confused over the entire width
of the third interval posteriorly, the punctures of the even intervals
few in number and often wanting; tarsi of the female a little more
slender than in the male as usual. Length (cf 9 ) 11.8-12.8 mm.;
width 5.5-6.0 mm. Colorado. Three examples obtusus n. sp.
Elytra distinctly elongate, the serial punctures fewer in number, smaller,
more regular and less impressed 3
3 — Body larger in size and broader though not so broad as in miens,
generally rufo-piceous in color, the elytra more gradually rounded
and obtuse at apex than in obtusus; head nearly as in valens but much
smaller, the labrum generally blackish; prothorax nearly as in
obtusus; elytra a third longer than wide, the striae fine and usually
feebly impressed, the punctures of the alternate intervals small,
rather regularly serial but very widely and unevenly spaced. Length
(cf 9 ) 11.0-14.5 rnm.; width 5.0-6.7 mm. Texas (El Paso) and
Colorado. Four examples. [Euryderus zabroides Lee.].
zabroides Lee.
A — Similar to zabroides but more broadly oblong and deep black in
color, the striae similar, the punctures of the alternate intervals
very few in number, on the third three to five and situated only
in apical third, on the fifth three or four in apical third only,
although there is a single isolated puncture on the left elytron at
basal fourth in the type, the seventh with three or four confined
to apical half; under surface a-nd legs black or piceous-black.
Length (cf ) 13.0 mm.; width 6.25 mm. Texas (El Paso).
privatus n. subsp.
Body smaller and especially narrower than in any other species and with
slightly shorter though otherwise similar tarsi, deep black in color,
the under surface and legs rufo-piceous, the antennae pale, the labrum
piceo-castaneous; head as in the other species but with the frontal
impressions small, punctiform, at the anterior end of very feeble
vague impressions of the surface; prothorax as in obtusus but with
the scattered punctures toward base and apex finer and less numerous,
sometimes wholly wanting apically, the series of about three coarse
setigerous lateral foveae in the marginal depression more distinct
than in the other species, owning to the subobsolete ground sculpture;
elytra two-fifths longer than wide, not quite three times as long as
the prothorax, the striae fine, rather feebly impressed, with nearly
flat intervals, the punctures of 3-5-7 numerous, twelve to fifteen
in number, extending from apex to base and not evenly serial but
notably irregular, the even intervals also with a few punctuies
apically. Length (cf 9 ) 11.5-11.8 mm.; width 5.0-5.2 mm. Ari-
zona arizonicus n. sp.
It is often difficult to distinguish the male from the female, but
in the latter the hind tarsi seem to be a little more slender, with the
fourth joint more elongate than in the male. I should have been
disposed to consider valens as identical with the Amara? grossa of
Say, the size and general characters being similar, were it not for
some irreconcilable statements in the description of that species,
which was founded upon a single headless individual. Say states
that the dorsal line of the prothorax is almost obsolete in grossa,
the basal margin "somewhat rough" and "elytra with a sinus
near the tip." The medial pronotal stria is rather deeply impressed
and the surface basally and apically strewn with very distinct and
clearly isolated punctures in all the known species, but the language
in reference to the elytral sinus could not by any seeming possibility
apply to any species described above, the sinus being obsolete and
traceable as a feebly straightened part of the edge only under very
careful observation. It may of course be possible that the language
of Say is inaccurate and misleading and that valens is really Amara
grossa Say, as thought by Blatchley, but I do not feel warranted in
making any such definite identification under the circumstances.
Cratacanthus Dej.
It is rather remarkable to find in a group characterized generally
by a completely edentate mentum, a genus in which the mentum
is not only dentate but to such an extreme degree as in Cratacanthus,
the tooth being very acute and extending to the transverse line
limiting the mentum anteriorly. The body is nearly as in Crato-
gnathus in its general form, shining surface and freedom from sculp-
ture, but here it is generally stouter in outline. The head is rather
large, sometimes very large, the eyes moderate, the antennae rather
stout but less so than in Daptus and the third joint is only a little
longer than the second or fourth, the frontal impressions small and
punctiform. The ligula is rather narrow, parallel, not enlarged
at apex, free and exactly equal in length to the paraglossae, which
are very thick, pale, with triangular cross-section apically and
obliquely ciliate externally at tip. The prosternal process is un-
usually broad and but very little constricted by the coxae. The
prothorax is cordiform, transverse, with sharply marked right and
sometimes acute and slightly everted basal angles, the base strongly
margined throughout; the marginal gutter at the sides is very deep
and equal from apex to base, not expanding or becoming shallower
toward base, a very peculiar character of the genus; the elytra are
short, oblong-oval, not or but little wider than the prothorax,
rather coarsely and very deeply striate, with strong scutellar stria,
which is free and not united with the first stria and the surface is
completely devoid even of the single posterior puncture of Crato-
gnathus; the apical sinus, so universal in most of the Harpalinae, is
completely obsolete, not even a vestige remaining; the marginal
line of fovese is irregular and uninterrupted. The legs are rather
short, the femora slightly swollen, the tibiae slender and the tarsi
rather short, filiform and virtually similar in the sexes, the basal
joint of the posterior a little longer than the second. The claws
are only moderate in length, arcuate and slender, though gradually
somewhat thickened basally. The male has the elytra but little
longer than the head and prothorax combined in dubius, but in the
female they are distinctly less abbreviated.
The species are closely allied among themselves and subject to a
good deal of variation in breadth of the body and relative width
of the anterior parts and elytra, but at the same time four seem to
be differentiable in the material at hand; these are as follows:
Head moderate in size and in both sexes much narrower than the pro-
thorax • 2
Head very large, only a little narrower than the prothorax 4
2 — Elytra but little longer than the head and prothorax combined,
especially in the male. Body oblong, very convex, strongly shining,
black to piceo-rufous in color, always dark red-brown beneath, the
legs, antennae and mouth-parts rufous; antennae not extending to the
middle of the prothorax, rather stout, compressed, the joints rapidly
narrowed toward their bases; prothorax one-half widep than long,
sinuously narrowed basally, the base broadly and feebly sinuate
except at the sides, the apex subtruncate, finely margined near the
sides; surface smooth, with fine distinct biabbreviated median line
and completely obsolete transverse impressions, not at all flattened
postero-externally and without distinct foveae, but densely and
rather coarsely punctured in small basal patches corresponding to
the fovese; elytra a fourth (cf ) to two-fifths (9 ) longer than wide,
very broadly and obtusely rounded at apex, the smooth and polished
intervals distinctly convex. Length (cf 9 ) 7.5-9.8 mm.; width 2.8-
4.0 mm. New Jersey to Arizona. Twenty-one examples. [C. ameri-
canus Dej., bisectus Csy. (cf ) and litoreus Csy. (9 )]• .dubius Beauv.
Elytra much longer than the head and prothorax, apparently in both
sexes 3
3 — Body narrower and more elongate than in dubius but with the elytra
similarly very obtusely rounded at apex; head similar but with the
antennae more slender; prothorax nearly similar and about as wide
as the elytra, though with the base not broadly sinuate medially
but transverse and perfectly rectilinear throughout, the coarsely
punctate basal foveae more pronounced; elytra nearly one-half
longer than wide, the striae less deeply impressed and sometimes
closely and obscurely punctulate, the intervals flatter; apex in
posterior third circularly rounded; abdomen partially punctured and
setulose as usual. Length (cT 9 ) 7.0-10.7 mm.; width 3.0-4.0 mm.
Iowa to Texas and Arizona. Eleven examples texanus Csy.
Body rather stout and more oval, strongly convex, larger in size, deep
shining black, the under surface, legs and cephalic parts colored as
in dubius; head nearly as in the preceding, the antennae stouter;
prothorax nearly similar in form but distinctly narrower than the
elytra, the base transverse and rectilinear, feebly sinuate at lateral
fourth and thence transverse and straight to the angles, which are
right and not at all everted; surface almost as in the preceding;
elytra more oval, widest near the middle, the apex more gradually
ogival from slightly behind the middle; sides broadly arcuate;
striae rather coarse, abrupt, the intervals but feebly convex. Length
(cf 9 ?) 9.9-11.0 mm.; width 4.0-4.4 mm. Southern Atlantic
seaboard subovalis n. sp.
4 — Form very stout, subparallel, convex, moderately shining, deep black
above, piceo-rufous beneath, the legs and antennae paler; head fully
four-fifths as wide as the prothorax, the eyes a little larger than usual,
the antennae stout; prothorax somewhat more than one-half wider
than long, throughout nearly as in dubius, the base broadly, feebly
sinuate, becoming somewhat posteriorly oblique laterally; elytra
oblong, scarcely wider than the prothorax and only one-fourth longer
than wide, parallel and straight at the sides, the apex rather abruptly
and very broadly arcuate; striae coarse and deep, rather abrupt, the
intervals virtually flat. Length (c?) 10.0 mm.; width 4.4 mm.
Missouri (St. Louis) cephalotes n. sp.
The example of dubius having the greatest width in the measure-
ments given above, is an exceptionally broad male from El Paso,
Texas; the next broadest examples of a large series measure barely
3.8 mm. in width.
The names bisectus and litoreus were applied by the writer (Cont.
Descr. and Syst. Col. N. A., Pt. II, p. 74) to very small and odd
looking examples of the two sexes; not having others to corroborate
them, even as subspecies, the best course is to suppress them as
slight abnormalities.
Glanodes n. gen.
The type of this genus is Har pains obliquus Horn. Dr. Horn
does not mention any dilation of the anterior male tarsi and repre-
sentatives of the three species in my collection betray no indication
of it, although one of the types seems to be a male. The body is
completely isolated in habitus among our Harpalina;, but the
genus would seem to be better placed at the end of the Daptini
than anywhere else; the only other course would be to propose for
it a distinct tribe. The mentum is completely edentate, the ligula
slender, not dilated at the bisetose apex and much shorter than the
paraglossse, which are concave, only moderately broad and thick-
ened and obliquely truncate at apex; they have two or three short
external setae. The palpi are all very slender, the second joint
of the labial equal in length to the third and with about four short
erect setae. The eyes and other dorsal cephalic characters are
exactly as in Cratacanthus , but the antennae are less abbreviated.
The prothorax is distinctly wider than the head, with strongly
oblique straight sides posteriorly, the surface smooth and convex,
steeply and evenly declivous at the sides to the very finely reflexed
margin throughout, the fovese usually deep; the base is margined.
The elytra are oval, finely striate, with or without a dorsal setigerous
puncture, the punctures and foveae of the marginal interval small,
diffused and uninterrupted; the scutellar stria is fine, rather short,
free and oblique. The intercoxal process of the prosternum is
broad, but feebly constricted by the coxae and as usual plurisetose.
The hind tarsi are slender, with the first four joints decreasing slowly
and evenly in length, the first much shorter than the fifth; the
claws are arcuate, extremely slender and moderate in length. We
appear to have four species as follows:
Elytra with a small setigerous puncture, externally adjoining the second
stria near apical third 2
Elytra without trace of a dorsal setigerous puncture near the stria. . . .3
2 — Legs and antennae ferruginous. Pitchy black, shining; head moder-
ate, sparsely punctate; prothorax cordate, one-third wider than long,
the sides in front arcuate, posteriorly oblique, the margin very
narrow; base narrower than the apex; hind angles not prominent,
very obtuse, the point of the angle blunt; basal angular impressions
moderately deep, somewhat triangular and punctured, the median
line distinctly impressed, the surface moderately convex shining,
with a few punctures along the basal margin; elytra oval, the humeri
obtusely rounded, the apex feebly sinuate; surface striate, the striae
impunctate, the intervals slightly convex, with a single dorsal
puncture, which is at posterior third on the third interval near the
second stria; under surface pitchy black, smooth, the abdomen with
a few punctures near the base and at the sides bearing accessory setae;
mentum without tooth. Length 10.0 mm. New Mexico (Fort
Bayard). [Harpalus obliquus Horn] obliquus Horn
Legs piceous-black, the antennae obscure rufous. Black and shining
above, piceous-black beneath, the abdomen slightly rufescent; head
with small impressed punctures loosely and evenly distributed over
the entire surface, two-thirds as wide as the prothorax, the mandibles
stout, strigose, the eyes moderate, the antennae not extending to the
thoracic base; prothorax one-half wider than long, the sides rounded
anteriorly, very oblique and straight thence to the base, which is
broadly and very feebly sinuate throughout and barely more than
two-thirds the maximum width, the apex sinuato-truncate, with the
angles rounded; basal angles very obtuse, blunt though barely at all
rounded; surface convex, smooth, very shining, with some very fine
sparse punctulation basally, the foveae deep, a sixth the total length,
linear, punctate and separated from the sides by a convex surface;
elytra oval, subalutaceous, one-half longer than wide, a third wider
than the prothorax and less than three times as long, very obtuse at
apex, the sides roynded, the sinus broad and barely traceable, obso-
lete; striae fine, the scutellar oblique, the intervals flat, the dorsal punc-
ture small, at posterior third; intervals 3-5-7 with two to four small
punctures forming even medial series near the apex; lateral foveae
very small, widely separated throughout, with a few smaller and
sparser punctures intermingled; abdomen punctulate basally and
with numerous accessory setae; first three joints of the hind tarsi
subequal and much shorter than the fifth. Length (9 ) 10.5 mm.;
width 3.8 mm. Arizona (Peach Spring), — Wickham.
puncticeps n. sp.
3 — Form nearly as in the preceding, the anterior parts much smaller
when compared with the elytra than in the next species; deep black,
shining, the elytra less alutaceous than in puncticeps, the under
surface and legs piceo-rufous, the antennae and mouth parts fer-
ruginous; head not quite so large and with somewhat smaller eyes
than in the preceding, the surface with fine sparse punctures, evenly
disposed throughout but much more obsolete than in puncticeps;
prothorax similar in form but with the base transverse and recti-
linear throughout and with the very obtuse angles sharply marked
and not blunt at tip, though not at all prominent; surface nearly
similar, the side margin a little less fine and similarly disappearing—
with the exception of the marginal bead — near the hind angles, the
median stria also strong, not attaining base or apex, the scattered
basal punctures extremely minute, obsolescent medially, the foveae
sublinear but broadly and very feebly impressed and subobsolete,
finely punctulate; elytra oblong-oval, the humeri rather less broadly
rounded than in the preceding, the apical sinus rather more obvious,
the striae fine but more impressed, the scutellar still shorter and
finer, oblique, the intervals feebly convex, the punctures of 3-5-7
only two to three in number and still more apical, the lateral foveae
and scattered punctures stronger; tarsi nearly similar but a little
shorter. Length ( 9 ) 9-O mm.; width 3.7 mm. Utah (Virgin River).
corpulentus n. sp.
Form more parallel, probably by reason of sexuality to some extent, the
anterior parts much larger when compared with the elytra than in
the types of the three preceding, somewhat piceous black above, the
under surface piceo-ferruginous, the legs paler and more yellow,
the antennae and mouth parts as usual; head nearly three-fourths
as wide as the prothorax, the punctulation similar but still finer,
sparser and nearly obsolete, the antennae about attaining the thora-
cic base; prothorax barely two-fifths wider than long, nearly similar
in general form but with the transversely rectilinear base just
visibly sinuate opposite each fovea and with the obtuse angles nar-
rowly rounded; surface with a few longitudinal wrinkles anteriorly
and medio-basally, the foveae short, very deep, punctulate, broaden-
ing basally; all other punctures wanting; side margins very fine;
elytra oval, rather strongly alutaceous, broadly rounding at the
sides, the humeri very broadly rounded, the sinus obsolete, scarcely
at all traceable, fully one-half longer than wide, not quite a fourth
wider than the prothorax, the striae fine, slightly impressed suturad;
intervals flat, the punctures of 3-5-7 three or four in number and
extending some distance from the apex as in pitncticeps, the marginal
punctures and foveae small and sparse; hind tarsi with the first four
joints decreasing uniformly and rather rapidly in length, the anterior
much shorter than the others but slender, nude beneath. Length
(cf) 9.0 mm.; width 3.4 mm. Arizona (near Benson), — Dunn.
regressus n. sp.
Either the figure of obliquus given by Horn is erroneous — as is
probably true — or that species differs distinctly from any at hand
also in the punctuation of the head, for, as drawn, the punctures
are mainly limited to a triangular median part, instead of being
evenly diffused throughout as in all the others. It is also probable
that the author neglected to observe the punctures near the apices
of intervals 3-5-7 on the elytra, which, without much doubt, are
present in his type of obliquus. These punctures indicate some
affinity with Piosoma alternata, as is also the case with Cratognathus
cordatus Lee., of the Harpalini, referred below to a separate genus.
These punctures also reappear in many Anisodactylids, forming
thus another case of parallelism of development or reversion.
This tribe is the largest of the subfamily and probably the most
difficult, so far as the delimitation of genera is concerned. It was
the opinion of Dr. Horn that the organs of the mouth were of less
weight in the classification of the genera of Carabidse than they
had been held to have, and this is probably true generally, but in
this particular tribe I find them to be decidedly useful ; the dentition
of the mentum however, here, as well as in the Anisodactylini,
loses much of the value that it possesses elsewhere and more especi-
ally in the large tribe of very small species, known as the Acupalpini.
In the subjoined table, many of the foreign genera are omitted
because of lack of material, but so far as represented in my col-
lection they may be arranged as follows:
Basal joint of the hind tarsi seldom much elongated, more or less evi-
dently shorter than the next two combined; elytra never opalescent,
though sometimes metallic 2
Basal joint much elongated, equal to or exceeding the next two combined,
the elytra always having strong prismatic iridescence as in many of
the Selenophorini 10
2 — Paraglossae diverging apically, more or less narrowly rounded at tip
and much longer than the ligula 3
Paraglossae more rounded, generally broadly rounded and thickened at
apex, more or less nearly equal in length to the ligula; alternate elytral
intervals rarely with serial punctures at apex, the only instances
observed being on 7 or 5 and 7 in certain Acinopus and Artabas . . .5
3 — Elytra with serial punctures on intervals 3-5-7 toward apex, as in
Glanodes of the preceding tribe; body Cratacanthus-like in habitus,
the prothorax cordiform, with right and sharply marked basal angles.
Sonoran regions Opadius
Elytra without trace of serial punctures on intervals 3-5-7 4
4 — Body Cratacanth its-like in habitus, compact, oblong, the hind angles
of the prothorax sharply rectangular; integuments very pallid in
coloration but thick and solid as in Geopinus; mentum tooth want-
ing or vestigial, the elytra without a dorsal setigerous puncture.
Gulf regions Pharalus
Body with a somewhat Acinopus-like facies but very small in size, the
basal thoracic angles broadly rounded; integuments dense, black
as usual; second labio-palpal joint longer and relatively thinner than
in any other genus of the tribe; head very large; mentum edentate.
South Africa *Micracinopus
5 — Anterior and middle tarsi subequally dilated in both sexes but bi-
seriately squamose beneath only in the male as usual; second joint
of the labial palpi much longer than the third; mandibles stout and
strigose; basal thoracic angles broadly rounded; head large; mentum
edentate. Palaearctic regions 6
Anterior and middle tarsi dilated much more strongly in the male, where
they are biseriately squamose beneath 7
6 — Head rather long behind the eyes, subparallel and not constricted;
body broad and of large size, the tarsi all very stout; marginal stiia
of the elytra arcuate opposite the interval of interruption of the
marginal line of foveae. Palaearctic fauna *Osimus
Head much shorter and somewhat constricted behind the eyes; body
narrower, more cylindric and smaller in size, the tarsi less stout;
marginal stria and labial palpi nearly similar. Palaearctic fauna.
7 — Pedestal of the mentum with a single long discal seta at each end. .8
Pedestal of the mentum with two discal setae in transverse line at each
end 9
8— Ligula not or but slightly dilated at tip; body very diversified in
habitus, smooth to distinctly punctate in various parts, in one or
both sexes, but never having the pronotum coarsely punctured
throughout as in the Dicheirus-like Ophonus; mentum dentate to
edentate; second labio-palpal joint a little longer than the third.
Cosmopolitan Harpalus
Ligula strongly expanded at tip; upper surface strongly, closely and sub-
evenly punctured throughout; mentum feebly toothed as a rule, the
palpi nearly as in Harpalus, the body small in size. Palaearctic
regions *Ophonus
9 — Body smooth, with moderate head and completely edentate mentum,
the palpi, ligula and paraglossae as in Harpalus; prothorax cordiform
as in Cratognathus, the sides sinuately converging basally; antennae
unusually slender and barely at all compressed. South Africa.
10 — Elytra with a single subposterior dorsal puncture, always strongly
opalescent; ligula as long as the paraglossae or nearly so, rather wide,
distinctly expanded at tip, the paraglossae of peculiar form, narrowly
prolonged externally at apex; labial palpi slender, gradually acu-
minate at tip, the second and third joints equal in length; mentum
toothed. North America, excepting the Pacific regions. .Pteropalus
The few exotic genera are introduced merely for comparison
with our own and can be disposed of in few words at this time.
MICRACINOPUS n. gen. — The type of this genus is a very small
species which I took at Wellington, near Cape Town; it may be
described briefly as follows:
*Micracinopus politissimus n. sp. — Narrowly oblong-suboval, convex,
polished, black above and beneath, the elytra with just visible bluish
lustre, the epipleura piceous; legs, palpi and antennae pale testaceous-
yellow; head but very little narrower than the prothorax, the eyes rather
large but only moderately convex, the mandibles stout and the frontal
impressions small and punctiform; prothorax transverse, three-fourths
wider than long, the sides broadly rounded, gradually slightly converging
and becoming not quite straight to the very broadly rounded basal angles,
the base transverse and margined throughout, not quite as wide as the
feebly sinuato-truncate apex; surface smooth, steeply sloping laterally to
the very fine re flexed margin, the foveae narrow, short and sublinear, deep
and obscurely punctate, the surface thence to the angles more feebly
convex and punctureless, the median stria distinct; elytra rather less
than one-half longer than wide, a little wider than the prothorax, the
sides parallel and feebly arcuate, the apex obtusely ogival, the sinus very
feeble; striae rather fine but impressed, deeply so toward suture and tip,
where the intervals become more convex, the scutellar short, fine and
oblique; dorsal puncture wanting, the lateral line of fovese inter-
rupted medially; anterior and middle tarsi (d71) rather strongly dilated
and biseriately squamose. Length (cf ) 7.3 mm.; width 2.7 mm. South
It is of course quite possible that this species may already be
described under another name, but I have been unable to find any
reference to it.
OSIMUS Mots. — There are many characters in the type and only
species of this genus, the Acinopus ammophilus of Dejean, such as
the broad and Zabrus-\ike form of the body, very stout tibial spurs,
form of the head and long vestiture of the abdomen, which would
seem to validate Osimus as a genus, rather than a subgenus of
Acinopus, where it now rests; but my unfamiliarity with most of
the true Acinopi gives to these assumptions but little value.
ACINOPUS Dej. — The assumed type of this genus, in comparisons
which I have made with the preceding, is the species at present
listed as picipes Oliv. The body is of a peculiar compact, parallel,
convex and cylindric form, distinguishing it at once, not only from
any Harpalus, but quite as distinctly from Osimus. The genus
Acinopus appears to be peculiar to the palaearctic faunal regions.
OPHONUS Steph. — This genus was not considered to be distinct
from Harpalus by Lacordaire, though so esteemed by modern
European writers. In so far as the species before me, azureus
Fabr., is concerned, this is undoubtedly the proper course, but in
the recent catalogue of Heyden, Reitter and Weise, some other
elements are incorporated with Ophonus which do not belong there,
such for example as Harpalophonus Gangl., founded upon such forms
as hospes; this is undoubtedly a Harpalus, in its broad sense, and
has very little affinity with Ophonus azureus.
RAPHALUS n. gen. — The type of this genus, which is close to
Harpalus, may be defined as follows:
*Raphalus convergens n. sp. — Body oblong, moderately convex,
strongly shining, black, the under surface more piceous, the legs, antennae
and trophi pale testaceous; head fully two-thirds as wide as the prothorax,
slightly constricted behind the prominent eyes, the front very smooth,
with excessively fine straight epistomal suture, behind which the foveaa
T. L. Casey, Mem. Col. V, Oct. 1914.
take the form of extremely small punctures, the oblique lateral part of
the suture obsolete; antennae extending fully to the thoracic base, very
slender, the third joint but little longer than the fourth but much longer
than the second; prothorax one-half wider than long, the sides evenly
rounded, becoming oblique and broadly sinuate basally, the base feebly
sinuate, except laterally, very finely margined, the angles slightly
obtuse but not evidently rounded; surface feebly convex, smooth, broadly
and feebly impressed near each side basally, the impressions with a few
punctures; median stria fine, extending only to the obsolete anterior
transverse impression, the side margins rather finely reflexed and sub-
equally so throughout to the basal angles; elytra oblong-oval, with parallel
and broadly arcuate sides, one-half longer than wide, a fifth wider than
the prothorax, obtusely ogival at tip, with broad and feeble oblique
sinus; striae rather fine and slightly impressed, the scutellar free, moderate,
oblique, the second with a discal puncture externally attached at apical
fourth; lateral foveae widely spaced medially; abdomen not punctulate;
anterior and middle tarsi (cf) dilated and biseriately squamose beneath,
the posterior slender, with the first four joints gradually diminishing in
length, the first equal in length to the fifth. Length (cf) 9-2 mm.;
width 2.5 mm. South Africa (Cape Town).
I am by no means certain that this species may not have been
previously described, but can find no definite reference. If de-
scribed, it can be recognized readily from the description. I took
the single representative not far from the town more than thirty
years ago.
The presence or absence of so-called opalescent lustre of the
integuments is nearly always an important character, usually in
fact generic in significance, for this play of prismatic color is due to
an exceedingly minute strigilation, forming a true diffraction
grating, such as is used for the formation of a light spectrum, while
the absence of opalescence indicates that the minute sculpture is
of an entirely different order, taking the form of reticulation, when
sculpture of any kind is present.
Opadius n. gen.
The type of this genus was originally described by LeConte
under the name Cratognathus cordatus and was compared with
Piosoma, with which it may have somewhat more than a super-
ficial affinity, owing to the well developed alternating series of
interstitial punctures, only visibly however toward apex, together
with a generally compact convex form of body and Cratacanthus-
like prothorax. It was subsequently referred by Horn and LeConte
to Harpalus, because of the distinctly dilated and squamulose
male tarsi. There can be hardly a doubt that it represents a dis-
tinct genus however, which is proposed under the above name.
The single known species is the following:
Body stout, oblong and convex, shining, dark rufo-piceous, the under
surface and legs a little paler; antennae and trophi testaceous; head
three-fourths as wide as the prothorax, with prominent and moderate
eyes; antennae rather slender, extending well behind the thoracic
base, the third joint distinctly longer than the second or fourth;
mandibles short and stout, flattened above, feebly strigose apically,
the left with a finely incurved point at apex, the right simply obliquely
acute at tip; frontal foveae short, irregularly impressed; prothorax
between a third and fourth wider than long, broadly rounded at the
sides, sinuately narrowing basally, the angles right and sharply
marked; base transverse, as wide as the apex, feebly bisinuate,
finely margined; surface convex, with fine diffused punctures latero-
basally, the median stria distinct, the foveae short, rather deeply
impressed, the side margins finely reflexed and equally so to the
basal angles, being separated from the foveae at base by a convexity
as in Cratacanthus and Glanodes; elytra short, oblong-oval, evidently
wider than the prothorax and two-fifths longer than wide, very
obtuse at apex, the sinus indistinct, vestigial; sides broadly arcuate;
striae fine but rather well impressed, with a setigerous puncture just
outside the second before apical third, the scutellar stria rather short;
marginal punctures irregular, subinterrupted medially; basal joint
of the hind tarsi barely longer than the second, evidently shorter than
the fifth; abdomen with basal punctulation and some accessory setae
as in Glanodes and many Harpali. Length (cf1) 7.3-7.5 mm.;
width 2.8-2.9 mm- Arizona (southern). [Cratognathus cordatus
Lee.] cordatus Lee.
The affinity of this species with the Harpalus obliquus of Horn,
has been pointed out by that author under his description of the
latter, which is here referred to the Daptini, especially because
there is no evidence at hand that the anterior tarsi of the male are
dilated and squamose. Perhaps, however, I may have mistaken
the sex of the type of Glanodes regressus; it is quite different in
general form from the types of the other species, owing to the
relatively larger head and prothorax, and, as those types are un-
equivocally female, it is assumed that the type of regressus is a male.
However, even though the anterior male tarsi of Glanodes should
prove to be harpaliform, it cannot be congeneric with Opadius
cordatus, though in such case to be placed near the present genus
in the Harpalini, instead of in its present place at the end of the
Daptini, with which tribe it confessedly does not harmonize very
well in facies.
Pharalus n. gen.
In this genus the habitus is peculiar, but more remindful of
Cratacanthus than of Harpalus, where it now rests in our lists;
the type was originally described by LeConte under the name
Pangus testaceus, because of the absence of a mentum tooth; the
tooth may however be wholly wanting or present in the form of a
short though decided arcuate projection, being thus variable in-
dividually. The humeri are sharply denticulate. The only known
species may be described as follows :
Body oblong, stout, parallel, strongly convex, very shining throughout
and pale testaceous-yellow in color, without darker shading of any
sort, the elytra highly polished in both sexes; head three-fifths as
wide as the prothorax, with large and prominent eyes, the antennae
stout, not quite extending to the thoracic base; mandibles stout,
the left much, the right scarcely at all, produced inward at apex;
frontal foveae small, sharply defined and deep; prothorax three-fifths
wider than long, the sides broadly and feebly rounded, slightly con-
verging and broadly, barely visibly sinuate posteriorly, the angles
right and very sharp; base strongly margined, feebly sinuate-
truncate, a little wider than the apex, which is broadly sinuate,
with widely rounded angles; surface broadly convex, smooth, the
side margins rather coarsely reflexed, more broadly so and deplanate
basally, sparsely punctured throughout, the foveae short, sublinear,
deeply impressed and punctate, separated from the deplanate
angles by a smooth convex surface; median stria fine but evident
except apically; elytra oblong, fully one-half longer than wide, very
little wider than the prothorax, obtuse at apex, the sinus vestigial,
subrectilinear; striae not coarse but very deeply impressed, the scu-
tellar long and strong, joining the first; lateral foveae small, the dorsal
completely wanting; anterior and middle tarsi (cf ) well dilated and
inferiorly squamose, the posterior slender, with the first four joints
decreasing very slowly, the first much shorter than the fifth. Length
(o71 9 ) 9.8-10.7 mm.; width 3.8-4.3 mm. Illinois, Iowa and Mis-
souri. [Pangus testaceus Lee.] testaceus Lee.
It is very difficult to understand just how to dispose of some of
the so-called aberrant Harpalids of LeConte and Horn, especially
those which I have here assigned to the genera Glanodes, Opadius
and Pharalus. They all have accessory abdominal setae, as in the
fraternus group of Harpalus, with which they undoubtedly have a
close affinity, and I have separated them more because of pro-
nounced peculiarities of habitus than any single structural character,
although in Pharalus testaceus the ligula is abruptly and strongly
dilated and very acutely angulate at each side of the apex and the
paraglossae are produced externally at apex, leaving an internal
sinus adjoining the ligula, somewhat as in most of the Selenophorid
Harpalus Latr.
This is the largest genus of the subfamily and one of the most
important of the entire Carabidae from the standpoint of extent,
and perhaps the most difficult in regard to the taxonomy of its
diversified elements. Here the mentum tooth, because of its
inconstancy, has but little value in classification. The body is
notably varied in habitus, due principally to the presence or absence
of punctuation at various parts of the surface, to the female sexual
characters on and at the apices of the elytra, in size and form of the
body and in other ways, so that Lacordaire was very undecided
as to its boundaries, including some named genera that have since
been separated on more or less evident structural peculiarities.
The mentum is of the usual short transverse form but the apical
projections, limiting the large median sinus, are unusually acute
and dentiform. The third joint of the labial palpi is generally but
little shorter than the second.
Harpalus is the only genus of the subfamily that is distributed in
about equal numbers through the palsearctic and nearctic regions.
In the southern hemisphere it is rather abundant in South Africa,
from which region I personally collected four or five species in the
vicinity of Cape Town. It is however suspected by Bates that
the genus does not occur in either South America or Australia.
In the following table of the groups into which our very numerous
species may be apportioned, I have not attempted to assign sub-
generic names except in a few cases, not knowing the named groups
of the European fauna, with which a number of our own are doubt-
less identical, and I have furthermore limited the groups here
defined to our own fauna alone, not attempting to incorporate even
such as Artabas or Pangus of the European fauna. Our very iso-
lated viridi&neus makes the closest approach to Harpalophonus and
will probably have to be included therein.
Abdomen densely and suffusedly punctured toward the sides; mentum
without vestige of tooth; elytra without dorsal puncture and with
very feeble apical sinus; body large in size. . Group I (caliginosus)
Abdomen not punctured toward the sides; mentum tooth variable.. . .2
2 — Elytra externally dentate at apex, at the anterior limit of the sinus. . 3
Elytra feebly sinuate externally or truncate at tip, not in the least dentate,
the sinus rarely obsolete 4
3 — Elytra and abdomen never punctulate discally and without dorsal
setigerous puncture; body unusually elongate. Group II (erraticus)
Elytra with suffused close-set punctuation laterally and apically and with
a dorsal setigerous puncture, which is however inconstant and fre-
quently wanting on one or both elytra; abdomen with suffused sparse
punctulation which is obsolescent laterally. . Group III (veriditzneus)
4 — Sides of the prothorax parallel or nearly so 5
Sides of the prothorax converging from about the middle to the base;
body rather small in size and smooth 9
5 — Abdomen without accessory setae, that is, setae arising from sparse
punctures irregularly disposed and sometimes transversely sublinear
in arrangement 6
Abdomen with accessory setae 8
6 — Abdomen with fine sparse punctulation toward the basal parts of the
segments; elytra truncate at tip in the female, slightly oblique in
the male Group IV (amputatus) .
Abdomen without fine punctulation, other than the usual basal punc-
tures 7
7 — Pronotum flattened and strongly, densely punctured latero-basally
and with large feeble vague foveae; body rather large in size as a
rule, the elytra generally without or rarely with a dorsal setigerous
puncture and generally with more or less obvious suffused punctu-
lation laterally, in the female of several species pervading the entire
surface in a conspicuous manner; mentum tooth usually distinct;
tarsal joints more or less hairy above Group V (pennsylvanicus)
Pronotum not distinctly flattened or very conspicuously punctured
latero-basally, the foveae generally rather deeply impressed and
less vague than in V; body frequently more abbreviated except in
the smaller species, the elytra never having suffused punctuation
in either sex, though often very opaque in the female; elytra with a
single discal setigerous punctuie, very constant and but very rarely
wanting; mentum tooth feeble and inconstant, sometimes wholly
obsolete; tarsi wholly glabrous above as usual. .Group VI (viduus)
8 — Body in form and facies nearly as in VI, rather diversified in size and
outline, the pronotum and elytra similar, the single setigerous elytral
puncture very constant as in that group. .. Group VII (jraternus)
9 — Form rather narrow, moderately convex; pronotum feebly modified
basally; elytra with a single discal setigerous puncture; abdomen
without accessory setae Group VIII (spadiceus)
These groups are of very unequal extent, the first and third
being represented at present by single species and the eighth by
only two. It will be noted that the left mandible is more incurved
at tip than the right, this seeming to be a somewhat general char-
acter in the subfamily.
Group I (caliginosus) .
Subgenus Megapangus nov.
There is but a single extremely common and widely diffused
species as follows:
Body large in size, elongate-oblong, moderately convex, shining, black
above and beneath, the legs black, with the anterior and middle
taisi piceo-rufous, the antennae and trophi testaceous; head rather
large, three-fifths as wide as the prothorax, with moderately large
and prominent eyes, the frontal foveae unusually large and notably
deep; prothorax two-thiids wider than long, the base broadly and
feebly sinuate, very imperfectly margined, much wider than the
apex, the basal angles right and very sharply marked, the sides
broadly rounded and converging anteriorly, the side margins
deplanate, gradually very broadly so basally and densely punctured,
the foveae very large, feebly impressed, vague and densely punctato-
rugose; medial parts of the base very sparsely punctulate; lateral
bead strong and abruptly elevated; median stria very fine; there
are traces of a feeble anterior transverse impression, which is finely,
suffusedly punctulate; elytra parallel, barely at all wider than the
prothorax, one-half longer than wide, very obtusely ogival at apex,
with obsolete and barely traceable sinus, the striae strong, impressed,
finely punctulate at the bottom, the scutellar very long, joining the
first, which therefore bifurcates at base, the intervals smooth, feebly
convex, the marginal gutter rather wide and deep, the marginal
interval opaque and with fine suffused punctures extending onto
the outer half of the eighth interval, the line of foveae indistinct
medially though scarcely interrupted; abdomen smooth and shining
medially, punctured densely toward the sides and with asperate
setigerous punctures medially at base; first four joints of the hind
tarsi decreasing evenly and rapidly in length, the first longer than
the fifth. Length (cf 9 ) 17.5-26.0 mm.; width 6.8-9.7 mm. Maine
to California and Texas caliginosus Fabr.
LeConte placed this species in Pangus Zieg., apparently solely
because of the absence of the mentum tooth. It is a very isolated
species and merits subgeneric designation as proposed above.
There is but little variation in this probably long geologically
established species, except in size; one very large female from
Illinois, however, has longer elytra and a noticeably larger head
than the average.
Group II (er r aliens) .
Subgenus Plectralidus nov.
The habitus in this group is altogether isolated in the genus,
the body being very elongate and rather large though extremely
variable in size intraspecifically and the coloration varies from a
peculiarly pallid tint to deep black; the external dentition of the
elytral apices, which in the female sometimes becomes conspicuously
spiniform, is a remarkable and distinctive character of the group.
We apparently have six species as follows:
Basal angles of the prothorax obtuse and narrowly rounded or never
sharply marked 2
Basal angles sharply marked, not blunt and generally subprominent;
outer prominence at the elytral apices very obtuse, never spiniform
even in the female 5
2 — Outer angle of the elytral apices spiculiform, the spicule minute (d71)
or long and spiniform (9) 3
Outer angle distinct but never spiculiform, obtuse (cf ) or right (9 ). - .4
3 — Form rather narrow, very elongate, moderately convex, shining
throughout (cf ) or with the elytra duller (9 ), piceo-rufous in color,
the elytra nearly black; under surface, legs, antennae and trophi
rufous; head rather large, three-fourths as wide as the prothorax,
with prominent eyes, the frontal foveae very small, lying in large,
feeble and very vague impressions; antennae extending fully to the
thoracic base; prothorax only about a fourth or fifth wider than long,
the transverse, strongly margined base as wide as the broadly
sinuate apex, the sides broadly and feebly arcuate, becoming gradu-
ally slightly convergent basally, the obtuse angles evidently rounded
though distinct; surface smooth, the side margins rather strongly
re flexed, the gutter coarse and deep, punctulate, much expanded into
the flattened and sparsely punctured latero-basal regions, the foveae
rather large, feebly and somewhat vaguely impressed, punctulate;
median stria fine; elytra long, three-fourths longer than wide (c?)
and nearly so (9 ), obtuse at tip, the striae deeply impressed, with
shining convex intervals and the sides feebly arcuate (o71 ), or with
the striae feebler, the intervals flatter and the sides more arcuate
(9), two-fifths to one-half wider than the prothorax; first four
joints of the hind tarsi gradually diminishing in length, the first
as long as the fifth. Length (d71 9) 11.7-16.0 mm.; width 3.7-5.8
mm. Rhode Island to Indiana. Eleven examples. . erraticus Say
Form nearly as in the preceding but notably stouter, larger in size, less
shining and paler in color, the elytra brown, dull in both sexes;
head nearly similar but with less prominent eyes; prothorax much
more transverse, more than two-fifths wider than long, otherwise
nearly similar, except that the flattened surface toward the obtuse
and rounded hind angles is much less distinctly punctured; elytra
nearly similar but broader and still more rounded at the sides, less
deeply striate and with less convex intervals in the male, the apical
sinus deeper, the spine of the outer angle even more pronounced;
lateral margins shallower and less narrowly re flexed. Length (cT 9 )
15.0-18.0 mm.; width 5.3-6.0 mm. Northern New York to Missouri
and Nebraska. Eight examples caudalis n. sp.
4 — Body about as narrow and elongate as in err aliens but much more
convex, extremely shining and sculptureless throughout above in
the male and deep black in color, blackish-piceous beneath, the legs
paler, rufous; head nearly as in erraticus, the eyes not quite so
prominent; prothorax a fourth wider than long, throughout nearly
similar, except that the reflexed side margins are a little narrower
and the latero-basal punctures stronger as a rule, the angles obtuse
and narrowly rounded, the sides more strongly converging basally
than in either of the first two species; elytra shorter, two-thirds
longer than wide, only about a fourth wider than the prothorax, the
striae similarly deeply impressed, with strongly convex intervals,
the scutellar stria not quite so long, not joining the first, the apical
sinus (cf ) less broad and relatively deeper externally, the parallel
sides more arcuate and with rather narrower reflexed margins; tarsi
nearly similar, the first joint of the posterior fully as long as the
fifth. Length (cT) 14.5-15.0 mm.; width 5.0-5.2 mm. New Mexico
(Fort Wingate). Two examples collucens n. sp.
Body smaller and much shorter, more depressed and rather less shining,
only a little larger in the female than in the male, the elytra ( 9 )
more shining than in erraticus (9 ) and very much more so than in
the nearly opaque caudalis, black, the under surface more piceous,
the legs pale testaceous, the antennae and trophi pale as usual, the
female a little paler than the male; head nearly as in the preceding
though relatively not quite so large; prothorax much shorter,
two-fifths to nearly one-half wider than long, similarly with basally
converging sides and base somewhat narrower than apex, the surface
and obtuse, narrowly rounded basal angles also similar; elytra three-
fifths to two-thirds longer than wide, much less convex than in
collucens but similar in this respect to erraticus, the striae deeply
impressed and the intervals strongly convex and almost equally
shining in both sexes, the sinus deepest externally, the outer angle
sharp but very obtuse, scarcely more so in the male than in the
female; marginal line of foveae sparse, smaller and confused medially
but not interrupted; abdomen with the basal punctures very nu-
merous, strong and conspicuously setigerous. Length (cf 9 ) n.o—
15.0 mm.; width 3.8-5.4 mm. New Mexico (Jemez Springs),—
John Woodgate. Twelve examples acomanus n. sp.
5 — Sides of the prothorax not or only very feebly and briefly sinuate
before the basal angles, which are distinctly more than right. Body
very much larger in the female than in the male, the apical sinus
of the elytra broad as usual, rather feeble and broadly curved (cf ),
or deeper externally (9 ), the angle very broadly obtuse and some-
what rounded in the former, nearly right and rather sharply marked as
a rule in the latter, sex; head relatively a little larger than in aco-
manus but otherwise nearly similar; prothorax much more evidently
narrower than the elytra in both sexes, fully a third to two-fifths
wider than long, nearly similar in outline and surface and with
similarly notably converging sides toward base, where however
they become straight and not feebly arcuate as in all the preceding
species, the angle obtuse but sharp and generally slightly prominent
externally; diffused latero-basal punctures distinct, the foveae large
and feeble as usual; elytra three-fifths to two-thirds longer than wide,
parallel and broadly rounded at the sides, barely at all less shining
in the female than in the male, the surface throughout nearly as in
acomanus, the tarsi nearly similar. Length (cT 9 ) 12.0-16.0 mm.;
width 4.0-5.8 mm. New Mexico and Arizona. Thirteen examples.
[Harpalus impiger \\ Lee.] retractus Lee.
Sides of the prothorax conspicuously sinuate posteriorly, becoming
parallel and straight for a considerable distance before the angles,
which are absolutely right and sharply marked, not at all prominent
externally. Body (cf) unusually narrow in form, moderately
convex, shining, piceous-black, red-brown beneath, the legs tes-
taceous; head nearly as in the preceding and similarly with the
shallow concavity surrounding the small deep punctiform frontal
foveae obsolete; prothorax only about a fourth wider than long, the
sides broadly rounded anteriorly, the base fully as wide as the apex
and distinctly sinuato-truncate, finely but deeply margined; latero-
basal punctures strong and close-set; elytra not quite a fourth wider
than the prothorax, nearly three-fourths longer than wide, parallel,
with broadly rounded sides, the apical sinus broadly curved exter-
nally, with the obtuse angle rounded; striae deeply impressed, the
intervals strongly convex and polished; humeri, as usual, not in the
least denticulate. Length (c?) 13.3 mm.; width 4.7 mm. Arizona.
A single specimen rectangulus n. sp.
In his original description of retractus (Proc. Acad. Phila., 1854,
p. 79), under the name impiger, LeConte states that the elytra
are unipunctate. Among the rather numerous examples of the
various species before me, I am unable to discover a single discal
setigerous puncture and am therefore at a loss to account for the
statement quoted. In most of the species there is no great sexual
disparity in the size of the body, but in retractus this becomes a very
conspicuous character of the species. The mentum usually has a
small or very short and more or less obtuse tooth, which in retractus
is broadly rounded.
Group III (viridicBneus) .
Subgenus Harpalophonus Gangl.
Our single representative of this group, which is much more
developed in the palsearctic fauna, is a small, parallel and rather
convex species, very variable in color, in the discal elytral puncture
and also varying in the number and disposition of the epistomal
setae in a most unusual manner.* The mentum has constantly a
moderate and broadly triangular tooth. The species may be
described as follows:
Form oblong, parallel, convex, shining throughout (cf), the elytra alu-
taceous (9), black above and beneath when mature, the legs
blackish-piceous to paler, the antennae and trophi obscure testaceous;
upper surface varying from obscure viridi-aeneous to bright green
or cupreous, the anterior parts sometimes green with the elytra
cupreous; head moderate, the antennae extending behind the
thoracic base; prothorax one-half wider than long, the sides parallel,
broadly rounded anteriorly, less so basally, the base transverse,
strongly margined, feebly bisinuate and slightly wider than the
apex, the angles slightly obtuse and rounded; apex sinuate, with
broadly rounded angles; surface steeply sloping at the sides to the
finely reflexed edge, the latero-basal regions distinctly punctured,
the foveae large but feeble and vague, separated from the sides by a
convex surface, the median stria distinct; elytra parallel, about as
wide as the prothorax, two-thirds longer than wide, obtuse at apex,
the sinus nearly as in Group II, deep externally, where it is limited
by an obtuse dentiform projection; surface smooth, diffusedly
punctate on the flanks and toward tip, the striae moderately fine
and impressed, the scutellar long but seldom joining the first, the
discal puncture very inconstant; abdomen with fine suffused punc-
tures bearing short hairs and rather irregularly distributed, equal
among themselves and largely wanting toward the sides; hind tarsi
rather short, the first two joints equal, two to four decreasing, the
first much shorter than the fifth; metasternum laterally and its
episterna punctate as usual. Length (cf 9 ) 9.0-10.8 mm.; width
3.2-4.0 mm. Rhode Island to Lake Superior. [//. viridis Say, as-
similis Dej. and canonicus, convictor, cenescens and lustralis Csy.].
viridiaeneus Beauv.
The peculiar form of the elytral sinus, reproducing that of the
preceding group and observable nowhere else in the genus, is
exactly similar to that of an example in my collection labeled
Harpalophonus hospes Sturm, from the European fauna; as there
are also many other points of resemblance, I do not hesitate to
place this species in that subgenus.
* In days of early inexperience and with the idea that duplication of the epistomal
punctures might be important here as well as in the Anisodactylini, as stated by Horn
(Proc. Am. Phil. Soc., 1880, p. 162), I described four species from as many individuals
of this species (Cont. Descr. Syst. Col. N. A., I, p. n), a mistake which proved to be
most unfortunate in subsequent years from many points of view.
Group IV (amputatus}.
Subgenus Harpalomerus nov.
Another very isolated type seems to require subgeneric desig-
nation as above. The body is oblong and subparallel and the upper
surface is generally pervaded by metallic blue or green gloss as in
the preceding group, though always of a darker shade when present;
but it is chiefly distinguished by the form of the elytral apices,
which are transversely truncate, with prominent sutural angle in
the female though obliquely subsinuate in the male. The single
discal puncture is apparently constant and I have noted only one
example where there is a gemination of the epistomal punctures and
this only on one side. There are three forms in my collection,
which are probably specific in nature as follows :
Upper surface with dark blue to greenish metallic lustre 2
Upper surface without trace of metallic lustre 3
2 — Body parallel, moderately stout and convex, polished, black when
mature, a little less deep beneath, the legs obscure rufous, the femora
generally black, the upper surface with deep violet-blue to green
metallic lustre on the elytra, barely observable however on the head
and prothorax, the elytra alutaceous in the female; head moderate,
three-fifths as wide as the prothorax, smooth, with prominent eyes,
the antennae extending slightly beyond the thoracic base; prothorax
one-half (cf) to three-fifths (9) wider than long, parallel, almost
evenly rounded at the sides, the basal angles broadly rounded and
obliterated, the base margined, -transverse, about as wide as the
sinuate apex, the anterior angles very broadly rounded; surface
very steeply, rather abruptly declivous at the sides to the narrow
reflexed edge, which broadens and shallows slightly behind, the
foveae large, rather deeply impressed and strongly punctate, the
punctures also often but not always scattered thence over the
convex surface separating the foveae from the sides; median stria
very fine; elytra about one-half longer than wide, very slightly
wider than the prothorax, parallel, the striae rather strong and deep,
the scutellar long, not or but very seldom joining the first; apical
truncature ( 9 ) transverse, straight, gradually becoming posteriorly
prominent toward the dentiform sutural angles, or (cf) oblique
and obsoletely sinuate and without dentiform sutural angles;
abdomen with sparse punctulation, somewhat as in the preceding
group but less extended; hind tarsi with the first three joints rather
slowly decreasing, the fourth more abruptly shorter, the first much
shorter than the fifth. Length (cf 9 ) 9.5-11.0 mm.; width 3.3-4.1
mm. New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado and Utah. Forty examples.
amputatus Say
Body parallel, very much broader than in the preceding, the metallic
coloration confined to the elytra, deep violaceous-black (cf ), almost
wanting or more greenish ( 9 ), the general characters as in amputatus,
the prothorax much more transverse though with similarly very
broadly rounded basal angles, fully two-thirds wider than long, the
surface nearly similar; elytra shorter, much less than one-half (cf),
to two-fifths (9), longer than wide, with broadly arcuate sides,
barely wider than the prothorax, the apical truncature ( 9 ) wider,
straighter and only becoming denticularly prominent at the suture
itself; tarsi somewhat longer. Length (cf 9 ) n.o mm.; width 4.2-
4.4 mm. New Mexico. Three examples transversus n. sp.
3 — Form oblong, moderately convex, testaceous in color, the elytra
alutaceous in the female and without trace of metallic lustre, the
head as in the others, the mandibles closely and finely strigose;
antennae a little shorter; prothorax nearly two-thirds wider than long,
as in amputatus, except that the basal angles though obtuse are
much less broadly rounded and not obliterated; elytra short, oblong,
with broadly rounded sides, two-fifths longer than wide and very
distinctly wider than the prothorax, the apical truncature not
transverse as in the two preceding, but distinctly oblique from the
broadly rounded external angles to the prominent and apically
everted sutural angles and very feebly sinuate; under surface and
legs still paler than the upper surface; hind tarsi more slender than
in either of the preceding. Length (9) 9.0 mm.; width 3.5 mm.
Arizona. A single example papagonalis n. sp.
It is quite certain that the type of papagonalis is immature to
some extent and that the normal coloration is darker, but there is
no contraction or distortion due to drying; in any event, the form
of the elytral tips and basal thoracic angles, as well as total absence
of the metallic coloration, which is always observable even in the
palest, most immature and testaceous examples of amputatus, will
readily identify the species; it is also materially smaller in size in
all probability.
Group V (pennsylvanicus] .
This group includes a considerable number of forms, numbering
among them our commonest species, pennsylvanicus, erythropus,
and compar being extremely abundant almost everywhere east of
the Rocky Mountains; it is also a very usual type of the genus
throughout Europe and Asia. The body is in general rather
elongate, the pronotum flattened and strongly, generally densely
punctate postero-externally and with the basal angles distinct as a
rule and but slightly blunt or rounded, though never sharply
marked, it being one of the decisive marks of the true Harpalus
throughout, that the angles are never sharply rectangular as in
Cratacanthus or Pharalus but always blunt and sometimes rather
broadly rounded ; it is only in very rare cases, such as pleuriticus
Kirby, that the basal angles become in any way sharp at tip, and
even there we find some slight bluntness. The pubescent upper
surface of the tarsi constitutes a marked peculiarity of this group.
Our species may be defined as follows:
Elytra without a dorsal setigerous puncture 2
Elytra with a distinct dorsal puncture just outside the second stria, well
behind the middle 15
2 — Elytra of the female evenly and rather closely punctured virtually
throughout, the punctures sparser and limited to the lateral parts
• of the surface in the male 3
Elytra not punctured throughout in either sex, rarely impunctate in
both sexes as in erythropus 4
3 — Body moderate in size and width or rather narrow, elongate, very
moderately convex, black or piceous-black above and beneath,
somewhat shining (cf), the elytra opaculate (9); legs, antennae
and trophi bright testaceous throughout; head two-thirds as wide
as the prothorax, differing but little sexually, the eyes prominent,
the foveae minute, perforato-punctate, at the bottom of large feeble
impressions; antennae long, very slender, extending far beyond the
prothorax, which is about a third wider than long, broadly, evenly
rounded at the sides from apex to base, the latter transverse,
margined and distinctly wider than the apex, the angles obtuse and
narrowly blunt, the apex shallowly sinuate; surface broadly sub-
deplanate and closely punctate latero-basally, the margins rather
coarsely reflexed, the foveae large but shallow; median line fine but
rather broadly impressed; elytra three-fourths longer than wide,
about a fifth wider than the prothorax, parallel, feebly arcuate and
narrowly reflexed at the sides, ogival at apex, the sinus shallow, even
and evident; surface (c?) shining, rather strongly striate, thescutellar
stria very long but free, the intervals feebly convex, the outer four
with sparse feeble diffused punctures, the next three with very few
widely scattered punctures of the same kind, or ( 9 ) with even distinct
punctures throughout; hind tarsi long, the basal joint nearly one-
half longer than the second and longer than the fifth, the tarsi ( 9 )
shorter and still more slender; in both sexes they are finely pubescent
above and coarsely setose beneath; claws moderate, arcuate, feebly
subdentate internally at base. Length (cT 9 ) 12.0-14.3 mm.;
width 4.2-5.3 mm. Indiana and Missouri (St. Louis). Six examples.
vagans Lee.
Body much larger and stouter, rather more convex, similar in lustre and
coloration, the head larger, three-fourths as wide as the prothorax,
the perforate foveae less minute; mandibles similarly smooth and
convex above; antennae rather long though not extending behind the
thoracic base; prothorax more transverse, nearly one-half wider
than long, otherwise nearly similar, except that the latero-basal
sculpture is much coarser, denser and more rugose throughout;
elytra relatively much shorter, three-fifths longer than wide, parallel,
broadly rounded at the sides, very obtuse at tip, the sinus very feeble
though evident; surface (cf) very shining, the intervals strongly
convex suturad, the two outer rather closely, the next one more
sparsely, suffusedly punctate, the next two with a few sparse punc-
tures, more evident basally, or ( 9 ) strongly, closely, very uniformly
punctured throughout, more strongly so than in vagans; tarsi nearly
similar in structure. Length (cf 9 ) 16.5-17.0 mm.; width 5.9-6.2
mm. Iowa (Keokuk) and Missouri (St Louis). Three examples.
actiosus n. sp.
Body larger and more convex than in vagans and deeper black in color,
much more slender and smaller than in actiosus, deep black, the legs,
trophi and antennae pale testaceous; head rather large, fully two-
thirds as wide as the prothorax; mandibles black throughout;
prothorax a third wider than long, not so transverse as in vagans
but otherwise almost similar, slightly more convex, with the median
stria finer; elytra (9) more elongate, fully two-thirds longer than
wide, otherwise nearly similar, except that the intervals are less
flat and differing from the female of both the preceding species,
where the small close-set punctures attain the suture without change
of character or density, in having the close-set punctures end
abruptly at the first stria, the sutural interval with scarcely any
punctures, a few being visible basally. Male slightly stouter than
in vagans, almost similarly punctured. Length (cf 9 ) 12.0-16.0
mm.; width 4.4-5.5 mm. Pennsylvania and Long Island. Three
examples haldemani n. sp.
4 — Punctuation toward the basal thoracic angles fine, sometimes with
larger punctures intermingled, the surface there not so abruptly or
so strongly flattened 5
Punctuation toward the angles decidedly coarse, the surface abruptly
and more exactly flat 1 1
5 — Elytra not punctured on the flanks in either sex; body smaller in size;
head moderate 6
Elytra with suffused punctulation near the sides in both sexes, but so
minute as only to be seen when carefully observed; body large;
head notably large 7
Elytra with suffused punctures near the sides, which are strong and easily
observed; head large 10
6 — Form elongate-suboval, rather strongly convex, deep black, shining,
a little less so (9 ), where the body is somewhat stouter; legs, trophi
and antennae testaceous; eyes prominent, the frontal foveae small
as usual; antennae slender, barely attaining the thoracic base (9),
a little longer (cf1); prothorax two-fifths wider than long, the sides
parallel and broadly, subevenly rounded, the angles slightly obtuse
and blunt, the apex sinuate, narrower than the base, which is trans-
verse and margined as usual; surface steeply declivous at the sides
to the coarsely reflexed and punctured margin, which is lost in the
general flattening at about basal third, the acute bead continuous
throughout as usual; foveae very shallow and vague; elytra three-
fifths longer than wide, slightly wider than the prothorax, parallel
and feebly arcuate at the sides, ogival at tip, the sinus broad and
evident; striae rather fine, not much impressed, the scutellar very
long, free; intervals flat or nearly so; hind tarsi slender, not puberu-
lent above, the basal joint of the posterior distinctly longer than
the fifth. Length (cf 9 ) 10.7-13.0 mm.; width 3.8-4.8 mm. New
Hampshire and Rhode Island to Missouri and Iowa. Seventy ex-
amples. Extremely abundant erythropus Dej.
Form rather narrow and elongate, nearly as in erythropus but a little
larger and with somewhat larger head, pale piceo-rufous in color,
the elytra somewhat more obscure, the under surface slightly paler,
rufo-piceous, the legs and antennae pale flavo-testaceous; head
nearly three-fourths as wide as the prothorax, with very prominent
eyes, the antennae long and slender; prothorax two-fifths wider than
long, the outline and surface throughout nearly as in erythropus;
elytra nearly similar in form, proportion, strong striafion and very
long scutellar stria, but differing very much in sexual characters,
the surface not being polished in the male and dull in the female,
but shining and only slightly and equally alutaceous in both sexes;
tarsi slender, the posterior not pubescent above, with the first three
joints decreasing evenly and rapidly in length, the first much longer
than the fifth. Length (d" 9 ) 12.0-12.8 mm.; width 4.4-4.7 mm.
Missouri (St Louis). Three examples rufopiceus n. sp.
Form notably broad, differing very much from the two preceding and
two following species in this respect, piceous-black in color, barely
at all paler beneath, the legs dark rufous; surface moderately dull,
the elytra opaculate: head not two-thirds as wide as the prothorax,
the eyes prominent, moderately large, the frontal fovese very small,
without surrounding depression, the antennae slender; prothorax
not quite one-half wider than long, the sides rounded, feebly con-
verging basally, the base evidently wider than the apex, the general
characters nearly as in erythropus; elytra shorter and broader, less
convex, barely one-half longer than wide, about a fifth wider than
the prothorax, the sides more rounding at base, the striae sharply
impressed, the intervals flat, the scutellar stria very long, fully a
fourth as long as the elytra; abdomen strongly punctured at the
sides of the base, closely medially as usual. Length (9 ) 12.7 mm.;
width 5.0 mm. Iowa (Keokuk) deludens n. sp.
Form even narrower than in erythropus, not parallel as in the next species,
piceo-rufous, the elytra slightly more obscure, the under surface
and legs rufous throughout in the type; head moderate, the frontal
foveae in feeble impressions; eyes rather prominent; prothorax re-
latively somewhat small and narrow, two-fifths wider than long, as
in erythropus, except that the feebly converging sides basally are
straight or feebly subsinuate, the angles slightly obtuse but unusually
sharp, scarcely at all blunt at the apices, and also that the latero-
basal punctures become widely separated between the feeble, vague
and densely punctate foveae and the sides; elytra fully one-half
longer than wide and almost a third wider than the prothorax, the
parallel sides unusually arcuate, the striae sharply grooved, more
impressed suturad, the scutellar long, strong and free, the intervals
flat laterally, shining and feebly alutaceous, the marginal not more
opaque than the others; tarsi rather slender. Length (cf) 10.8
mm.; width 3.9 mm. New York (Willets Point, Long Island). One
specimen effetus n. sp.
Form much more parallel and evidently more depressed than in any of
the preceding species, rather dull black (cf ), the entire under surface,
legs, trophi and antennae, also the reflexed edges of the prothorax,
pale testaceous; mandibles black at tip; small foveae of the front
slightly less widely separated than in erythropus, the eyes and an-
tennae nearly similar; prothorax much more quadrate, somewhat as
infaunus but shorter and with much finer and closer basal punctures;
sides parallel, evenly but much more feebly arcuate than in erythro-
pus, though otherwise nearly similar, the basal foveae similarly very
shallow and vague; elytra nearly similar in form but with the parallel
sides slighter, the surface less convex and duller, two and three-
fourth times as long as the prothorax and about a fifth wider.
Length (cf) 12.0 mm.; width 4.3 mm. Missouri (St Louis). One
example fenisex n. sp.
7 — Hind tarsi not or very sparsely and inconspicuously pubescent above. 8
Hind, as well as the other tarsi, rather densely and conspicuously pu-
bescent throughout their upper surface 9
8 — Body rather stout and convex, deep black above and beneath, with
testaceous legs, the upper surface polished throughout (cf ) or dull,
especially on the elytra ( 9 ) ; head notably large, with moderate and
prominent eyes, two-thirds to three-fourths as wide as the prothorax,
the antennae slender but not so long as in pennsylvanicus, barely
extending to the thoracic base (cf ) ; prothorax large, only just visibly
narrower than the elytra, two-fifths to nearly one-half wider than
long, the sides coarsely reflexed and punctured, broadly and sub-
evenly rounded, the basal angles obtuse and roundly blunted, the
impressions large, very shallow and vague; elytra three-fifths longer
than wide, the striae rather fine, the scutellar very long and strong
as usual, the intervals flat ( 9 ) or feebly convex and shining (cf);
legs and tarsi nearly as in erythropus. Length (cf 9 ) 13.0-16.5 mm. ;
width 4.7-5.8 mm. Rhode Island and Northern New York to
Indiana. Common. [//. bicolor Dej. nee Fabr. ; pennsylvanicus Say
nee DeG.] compar Lee.
Body much less stout and rather less convex, subparallel, shining in the
male, piceous-black, variegated with piceous and pale testaceous
beneath, the legs and antennae pale as usual; head large, testaceous
anteriorly; antennae and eyes as in compar, the prothorax nearly
similar throughout, except that the punctures basally are fine and
feebler, gradually notably sparse from the large, feebly impressed
punctate foveae to the sides and not dense as in compar; elytra
narrower and rather more elongate, fully two-thirds longer than wide,
only a little wider than the prothorax, the striae somewhat deeply
impressed (cf ) and with rather convex polished intervals; punctures
at base externally only very few and close to the marginal bead;
T. L. Casey, Mem. Col. V, Oct. 1914.
legs and tarsi nearly as in compar; abdomen similarly finely punctured
medially at base, the metasternal punctures also almost similar.
Length (cf) 14.0 mm.; width 4.9 mm. Pennsylvania (near Phila-
delphia) liobasis Chd.
9 — Elytra rather long, as in the two preceding species; body subparallel,
moderately convex, shining (cf ), piceous-black, the under surface
gradually rufescent posteriorly; legs and other appendages pale
testaceous; head large, nearly three-fourths as wide as the prothorax,
the eyes a little larger but scarcely so prominent as in compar, the
antennae nearly similar, the epistomal setae strikingly long; prothorax
more than two-fifths wider than long, more depressed than in
compar and broader, scarcely at all narrower than the elytra, the
sides parallel and arcuate, more converging basally, the base equal
in width to the apex and not broader as in compar; all other char-
acters nearly as in that species; elytra fully two-thirds longer than
wide, longer and relatively narrower than in compar ^ut otherwise
nearly similar, except that there are some distinct punctures toward
base of intervals five to eight, not apparent in that species, the
marginal interval similarly opaque; basal joint of the hind tarsi but
little longer than the fifth, the tarsi not very slender. Length (cf )
15.0 mm.; width 5.5 mm. Two examples, one from Summit,
Illinois, and the other without label in the Levette cabinet, probably
from Indiana pubitarsis n. sp.
Elytra shorter than in any of the preceding species, a little less than one-
half longer than wide, black or piceous-black, the entire under surface
obscure rufous, the legs testaceous; upper surface rather convex,
shining, the elytra (9 ) subopaque; head notably large, three-fourths
as wide as the prothorax, the eyes prominent as usual but relatively
moderate in size, the epistomal setae moderate; antennae extending
to the thoracic base; prothorax relatively not so large as in compar,
two-fifths wider than long, much narrower than the elytra, throughout
nearly as in pubitarsis, the base not distinctly wider than the apex;
elytra fully two-fifths wider than the prothorax, the striae rather
deeply impressed even in the female, and with distinctly convex
intervals, the scutellar stria moderately long; intervals five to eight
with a few punctures, only very near base on the former, increasing
to a loose irregular series through two-fifths on the latter; legs
rather slender, the hind tarsi more slender and less conspicuously
pubescent above than in pubitarsis, the basal joint very much longer
than the fifth. Length (9) 15.0 mm.; width 5.6 mm. Arizona.
A second example from the same locality is smaller, relatively much
narrower, with the prothorax about as wide as the elytra, with very
long scutellar stria and with the punctures basally on the elytra
nearly obsolete. Length (9) 12.8 mm.; width 4.7 mm.
nactus n. sp.
10 — Body large, stout and convex, deep black and strongly shining, the
elytra ( 9 ) only a little less so and with the micro-reticulation indis-
tinct except near the sides; under surface blackish-piceous, the legs
rufous; head actually but not relatively very large, only about
three-fifths as wide as the prothorax, the epistomal suture unusually
deep, otherwise nearly as in compar; prothorax large, nearly one-half
wider than long, the rounded sides converging anteriorly, the sinuate
apex much narrower than the truncate and strongly margined base;
surface and side margins nearly as in compar, except that the fovese
are rather deeper and the punctuation thence to the sides different,
being of very fine, intermingled with coarser, punctures; elytra
broad, one-half (d71) to two-fifths (9) longer than wide, parallel,
slightly though obviously wider than the prothorax, obtusely ogival
at tip, the sinus broad and feeble but evident; striae deeply impressed,
the intervals convex in both sexes, the outer flat, opaque and with
fine suffused punctulation, the next three or four with a very few
sparsely scattered larger punctures, this sculpture similar in the
sexes, though rather more evident in the male because of the more
shining ground; hind tarsi rather slender, clothed sparsely above with
short fine hairs, the basal joint (c?) unusually long, very nearly as
long as *he next two and much longer than the fifth. Length (cf 9 )
14.5-17.0 mm.; width 5.4-6.8 mm. Texas (Austin). Nine ex-
amples texanus n. sp.
Body large but narrower and much more elongate, convex, deep black
above and beneath, the elytra (9) alutaceous; legs bright rufous;
head large, nearly three-fourths as wide as the prothorax, the eyes
not very prominent, the foveae very small; prothorax less than a
third wider than long, the sides rounded anteriorly, feebly convergent
and less arcuate to the base, which is equal in width to the apex and
with the margin completely interrupted at the middle, the angles
obtuse and narrowly blunted; surface as in compar, except that the
re flexed side margin is narrower and does not expand posteriorly, the
convexity extending more basally between the fovese and the sides,
though gradually disappearing toward base; elytra three-fifths
longer than wide, fully a third wider than the prothorax, the parallel
sides rather strongly arcuate throughout, the striae as in compar, the
surface with scattered distinct punctures latero-basally, the outer
two intervals more finely, closely and evenly punctulate; tarsi
relatively shorter than in compar, rather distinctly and moderately
closely pubescent above, the first joint a little longer than the
fifth. Length (9 ) 16.5 mm.; width of elytra 6.1, of prothorax 4.8
mm. Pennsylvania. [H. longior Kirby?] longicollis Lee.
Body much smaller than in either of the two preceding, resembling
erythropus very closely, deep black above and nearly so beneath, the
legs bright rufous; head very moderate in size, about three-fifths as
wide as the prothorax, the eyes prominent, the foveae very small but
deep, punctiform; antennae slender; prothorax two-fifths wider than
long, broadly rounded at the sides, the latter somewhat more .con-
verging apically, the apex distinctly narrower than the base, which
is transverse, finely but strongly margined throughout, the angles
scarcely more than right but obviously narrowly rounded; surface
moderately convex, the re flexed sides fine anteriorly, gradually but
very slightly wider behind to basal third, where the gutter is lost
in the general feeble flattening, punctate as usual; foveae moderate
and very shallow; elytra but little more than one-half longer than
wide, barely a fifth wider than the prothorax, alutaceous in both
sexes though more strongly in the female; surface (9) punctured
laterally and basally as in longicollis, the fine punctures of the outer
two intervals very feeble, or (cf) with the punctures more minute
and very sparsely scattered on the basal parts of the fifth, to nearly
throughout the seventh, interval", the minute punctules of the outer
two intervals extremely few in number and subobsolete; hind tarsi
with very few fine hairs above. Length (cf 9 ) 10.5-13.0 mm.;
width 4.0-5.0 mm. Rhode Island and New York (Plattsburg). Six
examples dolosus n. sp.
II — Form parallel, the prothorax about as wide as the elytra 12
Form more oblong-oval, the prothorax always visibly, though never
greatly, narrower than the elytra 13
12 — Size moderate, not very convex, shining, the elytra only feebly alu-
taceous in the female, blackish-castaneous in color, the under surface
more rufous, the legs pale testaceous; head well developed, three-
fifths as wide as the prothorax, the eyes moderately prominent, the
antennae slender, moderate in length; prothorax a fourth to third
wider than long, nearly quadrate, the parallel sides very feebly
rounded, more converging anteriorly, the apex distinctly narrower
than the base, which is transverse, margined throughout, with the
angles right and narrowly rounded; surface feebly convex, rather
widely reflexed at the sides, the gutter strongly punctate, gradually
slightly widening and merging in the general flattening near basal
fourth; basal parts strongly punctured throughout the width, more
finely medially, coarsely in the large vague foveae and more sparsely
near the sides; elytra oblong, parallel, with very feebly arcuate sides,
not three-fifths longer than wide, the sinus feeble, the striae coarse
and deep, extremely finely punctulate along the bottom, the scutellar
long, coarse and free; intervals (-cf ) flat or nearly so and impunctate,
or ( 9 ) with the fifth and seventh usually having very widely spaced
subserial puncture and the two outer intervals very minutely, sparsely
punctulate, the foveae of the lateral line strong, uninterrupted; hind
tarsi almost completely glabrous above. Length (cf 9 ) 10.5-13.5
mm.; width 3.3-5.0 mm. Rhode Island to Missouri. Common.
[H. badiiis Dej.] faunus Say
Size much larger, rather depressed, blackish-piceous in color, rufescent
beneath, the legs pale flavo-testaceous, shining, the elytra (cf) very
feebly alutaceous; head not quite three-fifths as wide as the prothorax,
the foveae minute, linear, lying in large impressions; eyes rather large,
moderately prominent; antennaa unusually long, slender, extending
well behind the thoracic base; prothorax less than a third wider than
•long, widest well before the middle, the sides broadly rounded, feebly
converging and less arcuate thence to the very obtuse and narrowly
rounded angles, the base transverse, somewhat wider than the apex,
feebly arcuate near each side, margined; surface depressed, with
strong median stria from the feeble anterior impression to the base;
sides coarsely reflexed and punctate, the gutter but slightly wider
posteriorly and losing itself in the flattened hind angles; foveae large,
very densely and rugosely punctured and rather deep; elytra nearly
as in pennsylvanicus throughout but with straighten sides and flatter
surface, the strong scattered lateral punctuation similar, fully two-
thirds longer than wide; hind tarsi distinctly punctulate and sparsely
pubescent above, the basal joint (cf ) almost as long as the next two
and very much longer than the fifth. Length (cf) 15.5 mm.; width
5.5 mm. A single example unlabeled in the Levette collection.
thoracinus n. sp.
13 — Prothorax very long, barely a fourth wider than long. Body un-
usually elongate and rather feebly convex, piceous-black, rufous
beneath, the legs pale flavo-testaceous; head relatively large, two-
thirds as wide as the prothorax, the eyes moderate, the foveae very
small, linear, not lying in depressions ; antennae unusually long, slender, '
nearly as in thoracinus; prothorax having evenly and moderately
rounded sides, which gradually converge more anteriorly, the apex
much narrower than the base, which is as in the preceding, the angles
only slightly obtuse but unusually rounded; surface rather depressed,
almost as in the preceding throughout, except that the median stria
is very fine and the punctate lateral gutter becomes more thoroughly
lost in the greater flattening before basal fourth; elytra three-fifths
longer than wide, about a fifth wider than the prothorax, the parallel
sides broadly arcuate, the oblique sinus very long, feeble, the surface
nearly as in pennsylvanicus but less convex and with the rather
strong, irregularly scattered punctures much more numerous, sparser
internally but traceable to some extent as far as the suture; intervals
more convex; hind tarsi (cf ) very long, distinctly, though not densely
punctulate and pubescent above, barely visibly shorter than the
tibiae, the second joint distinctly longer than the fifth. Length
(c?) 16.0 mm.; width 5.6 mm. Missouri (St Louis). One specimen.
protractus n. sp.
Prothorax transverse, never less than about a third wider than long. . 14
14 — Body oblong-oval, elongate, rather strongly convex, black above,
piceous-black beneath, the legs pale testaceous, shining, the elytra
(9) distinctly duller; head moderately large, generally a little
larger in the female, the eyes moderate, the slender antennae not
quite so long as in the two preceding; prothorax rounded at the sides,
more converging anteriorly, the apex much narrower than the
base, which differs from the preceding in having the marginal bead
interrupted or nearly so medially as a rule and vanishing laterally
or barely traceable, the angles distinctly rounded, slightly obtuse;
surface rather convex, the coarsely reflexed margins and large
flattened latero-basal regions strongly and confusedly punctate
or subrugulose, the foveae large, only moderately shallow; elytra
one-half to three-fifths longer than wide, slightly wider than the
prothorax, obtusely ogival at tip, the sinus feeble; surface rather
convex, with somewhat fine but well impressed striae, the scutellar
long and free; intervals feebly convex, having some feeble and
sparsely scattered, irregularly but often sublinearly disposed punc-
tures, in about outer half and a little less developed in the male than
in the female; legs much less elongate than in protractus but with
the hind tarsi (cf ) barely visibly shorter than the tibiae, the hairs
of the upper surface notably sparse, the second joint distinctly-
shorter than the fifth. Length (cf 9 ) 11.5-16.0 mm.; width 4.4-
5.9 mm. Rhode Island and Lake Champlain to Florida and west-
ward to Lake Superior, Colorado (Boulder Co.) and Mississippi; not
at hand from Texas. Seventy examples. [H. bicolor Fab., fannns
Dej. nee Say] pennsylvanicus DeG.
A — Similar to pennsylvanicus but narrower in form and with the elytra
more elongate when compared with the combined head and pro-
thorax; antennae thicker and notably shorter, especially in the
female; prothorax rather less narrowed anteriorly and with the
large foveae decidedly deeper; elytra distinctly wider than the
prothorax, parallel, nearly two-thirds longer than wide, similarly
deeply striate and sparsely and irregularly punctured laterally;
hind tarsi (cT) much shorter than the tibiae, sparsely and finely
pubescent above, the first three joints decreasing uniformly and
rapidly in length, the second distinctly shorter than the fifth.
Length (cT 9 ) 14.0 mm.; width 5.4-5.6 mm. Utah. Three
examples mormonicus n. subsp.
Body smaller in size and narrower, piceous to black in color, rather
shining, the elytra (9) slightly opaculate; under surface rufous to
nearly black, the legs pale; head moderately large, the foveae un-
usually developed, deep; eyes prominent, the antennae slender;
prothorax a third wider than long, parallel, feebly rounded at the
sides, only slightly narrowing anteriorly, the apex evidently narrower
than the base; surface, side margins and basal bead as in pennsyl-
vanicus, the general facies more as in j 'ami us but with less coarse
though separated basal punctures; elytra two-thirds longer than
wide, throughout as in pennsylvanicus; hind tarsi very slender,
much shorter than the tibiae,, very sparsely and inconspicuously
pubescent above, the first joint much longer, the second equal to,
the fifth. Length (9 ) 13.0 mm.; width 4.6 mm.; North Carolina
(Southern Pines). New York — LeConte convivus Lee.
15 — Body elongate and rather narrow, the general habitus nearly as in
pennsylvanicus. Color piceous-black, the entire under surface and
legs bright testaceous and concolorous; mandibles, antennae and
trophi bright testaceous, the first black at the tips; head moderate,
with small and perforate foveae, the eyes well developed, and prom-
inent, the antennae (cf) slender, extending behind the thoracic
base; prothorax about a third wider than long, subparallel, the sides
broadly rounded, more converging apically, the apex narrower
than the base, which is transverse, rather finely but strongly mar-
gined throughout, the angles slightly obtuse and narrowly rounded
at their tips; surface as in pennsylvanicus and with very feeble
vague foveae, but with much finer lateral re flexed margin and with
finer punctures latero-basally; elytra fully two-thirds longer than
wide, slightly wider than the prothorax, parallel, the sides feebly
arcuate, the sinus feeble, the striae fine but deeply impressed, the
scutellar long, deep and free; intervals slightly convex, feebly alu-
taceous, 3-5-7 with minute and widely spaced, subserial punctures;
all the outer intervals with minute sparse and suffused punctulation,
visible with difficulty, the discal setigerous puncture coarse, deep,
behind apical third near the middle of the third interspace; hind tarsi
rather short, with obsolete dorsal vestiture but of the usual structure
in the group. Length (cf ) 12.6 mm.; width 4.6 mm. Rhode Island
(Boston Neck) abscrusus n. sp.
Body less elongate, rather more convex, shining, the elytra (cf ) not at all
alutaceous; color castaneous, rufous beneath, legs obscure rufous,
with blackish tibiae and hind tarsi; antennae obscure testaceous, with
paler basal joint; head moderate, with prominent eyes and very small
foveae, the antennae (cf) extending slightly behind the thoracic
base; prothorax nearly one-half wider than the median length, the
sides subparallel and strongly rounded, the apex unusually deeply
sinuate and distinctly narrower than the base, which is transverse
and finely but distinctly margined throughout, the angles obtuse and
unusually broadly rounded; surface nearly as in the preceding, except
that the foveae are deeper, the numerous fine close punctures on the
flattened latero-basal parts nearly similar; elytra shorter, one-half
longer than wide, parallel, with broadly arcuate sides, the sinus
vestigial, virtually obsolete and scarcely traceable; striae rather fine
but deeply impressed, especially suturad, the scutellar stria deep and
free but only moderately long; surface wholly devoid of punctuation,
the lateral line of foveae uninterrupted, the discal puncture at three-
fifths, adjoining the second stria externally, very large and deeply
impressed; hind tarsi rather short, glabrous above but of the usual
structure, the first three joints decreasing rapidly in length, the first
longer than the fifth. Length (cf) n.8 mm.; width 4.4 mm.
Arizona (at base of Humphrey's Peak — 9500 ft), — Snow.
pimalicus n. sp.
Body broad and much more abbreviated, more narrowed anteriorly, deep
black above, black beneath, the coxae, trochanters and median part
of the prosternum paler, the legs deep black, the tarsi more or less
rufo-piceous; abdomen feebly rufescent; antennae piceous, the basal
joint paler; lustre shining, the elytra (9 ) sericeously opaque; head
two-thirds as wide as the prothorax, the eyes somewhat smaller
than usual; antennae rather short, compressed as usual, the tenth
joint on the flat side one-half longer than wide; foveae minute;
prothorax transverse, nearly three-fifths wider than long, widest a
little before the middle, the rounded sides slightly converging and
just visibly arcuate basally; base evidently wider than the apex, the
marginal bead slightly interrupted at the middle, the angles obtuse
and narrowly rounded; apex moderately sinuate, the angles very
broadly rounded; surface nearly as in abstrustis, the dense punctures
of the large latero-basal region fine and involving the feeble and
vague foveae, which however are rather deeply impressed longitudin-
ally at the bottom; elytra short, barely two-fifths longer than wide,
more than a fourth wider than the prothorax, the parallel sides
distinctly arcuate, the sinus obsolete and barely traceable; striae
rather fine and not so deep as in any of the preceding species, the
scutellar rather long and oblique; intervals flat, devoid of punctua-
tion, the lateral foveae as usual, the discal puncture large, impressed,
near the outer side of the second stria at three-fifths ; tarsi rather short,
the posterior glabrous above, the first joint scarcely so long as the
fifth. Length (d71) 1 1-5 mm.; width 4. 8 mm. Colorado (Boulder Co.).
[Harpalus aliemis || Lee.] egregius nom. nov.
Longicollis Lee., is stated by Horn to be the same as longior
Kirby, but as this is doubtful to some extent, I have not made the
change. A singular characteristic of nearly all the species is the
fact that the larger examples in each sex are proportionally stouter
than the smaller ones, and for this and other reasons it is a difficult
operation to properly segregate the species in a miscellaneous
mixture of material, but the species are nevertheless well denned,
as a rule, and the placing of compar and erythropus as varieties of
pennsylvanicus in the Henshaw list is a gross error. The hairy
upper surface of the tarsi isolates this group from every other in
our fauna but because of its inconstancy can scarcely be regarded
as a generic character; it affects as well the similar European and
Chinese species that are among my exotic material. In the Aniso-
dactylini use will be made of similar features in the differentiation
of certain genera allied to Dicheirus, as it there appears to be
more significant taxonomically. The name alienus (1879), replaced
above by egregius, is preoccupied by Bates (Proc. Zool. Soc., 1878,
P- 59i)-
Group VI. (mduus).
This is by far the largest group of the genus and the species are
rather diversified in habitus; the vast majority are small, being
under 10 mm. in length, but there are some that are notably large
by comparison. There is a parallelism in general outline and
structure between some sections of this group and the next, so
marked in a few cases as to suggest that the presence or absence of
accessory abdominal setae may be purely arbitrary as a group
character, but it is utilized nevertheless as a convenient means of
dividing the horde of species of these two groups into sections more
readily aiding identification in dichotomous tables. The mentum
tooth is small and inconstant, being entirely obsolete in some species
such as fallax. Patronus reproduces almost the exact facies of the
fraternus group, but there is no trace of accessory abdominal setae;
the absence of denticulate sutural angles in the female led me to
believe that it might be the rare funestus of LeConte, but that
species is said to have accessory setae and is from a more moun-
tainous part of the country. The species may be known as follows:
Body of comparatively large size and broad heavy build, only descending
to the neighborhood of 10 mm. in rufimanus 2
Body small in size and always of more slender outline, very rarely measur-
ing so much as 10 mm. in length 5
2 — Elytra polished in the female, the micro-reticulation very minute and
feeble though not obsolete. Body oblong, subparallel, only very
moderately convex, shining, deep black above and beneath, the
legs black, the anterior and middle tarsi rufo-piceous; head three-
fifths as wide as the prothorax, the eyes not very prominent, the
foveae small as usual, the antennae fusco-testaceous, with the basal
joint pale though clouded on its anterior or inner face; prothorax
short and unusually transverse, not quite twice as wide as long,
parallel, rounding and converging at the sides anteriorly, the apex
moderately sinuate, narrower than the transverse base, the margin
finer but not interrupted medially, the angles but little more than
right and only very narrowly blunt; surface steeply declivous at the
sides to the coarse marginal gutter, which rapidly broadens poster-
iorly, turning strongly inward and becoming obsolete near basal
third, the foveae narrow, linear, having a few sparse punctures, the
surface thence to the sides almost flat and impunctate; elytra un-
usually long, two-thirds longer than wide, between three and four
times as long as the prothorax and barely at all wider, the parallel
sides very feebly arcuate; apex acutely ogival, the very oblique
sinus extremely feeble though evident; striae fine but well impressed,
the scutellar oblique and moderately long, the intervals broadly
convex, the third with a puncture before apical third that is discal,
not touching the second stria; marginal line of fovese uninterrupted
as usual; abdomen with the basal punctuation very fine, sparse and
almost obsolete; legs slender, the hind tarsi (9) three-fourths as
long as the tibiae, with the first joint much longer than the fifth and
alone having on its dorsal surface a few rather coarse scattered
setigerous punctures. Length (9) 13.0 mm.; width 5.2 mm.
Louisiana (Morgan City), — Wickham patronus n. sp.
Elytra dull in the female but not or scarcely sericeous, the striae not so
fine and the intervals less flat 3
Elytra densely dull and sericeous in the female, with the striae very fine,
much finer and less impressed than in the male, the intervals per-
fectly flat as a rule 4
3 — Form elongate-oval, strongly and unusually convex, deep black,
rather shining, the elytra not very dull even in the female; under
surface and legs also black or nearly so; head large, three-fourths
as wide as the prothorax, the eyes well developed and prominent,
the antennae infuscate except at base; prothorax rather more than
one-half wider than long, nearly as in the preceding in general char-
acters but more convex, with very much finer marginal gutter, which
broadens less and fades out more rapidly on the broadly and feebly
convex impunctate latero-basal region, the apex distinctly sinuate
and narrower than the base, the foveae linear, rather shallow, with
fine dispersed feeble punctures; elytra much more convex than
usual, oblong-oval, rather short, one-half longer than wide, barely
three times as long as the prothorax and, at the middle of the arcuate
sides, a fourth wider; sinus extremely feeble, barely traceable;
striae fine but well impressed, the scutellar long and oblique, the
intervals bioadly though evidently convex, the third with a fine
puncture near apical third, touching the second stria; abdomen with
the basal punctures extremely fine, sparse and scarcely traceable;
met-episternum opaque but impunctate; hind tarsi (9) with the
first joint scarcely visibly shorter than the next two combined,
smooth above like the others and nearly one-half longer than the
fifth. Length (9) 12.7 mm.; width 5.2 mm. New Hampshire.
solutus n. sp.
Form narrower, more elongate and less convex, deep black throughout,
the legs black; antennae dark brown, the two basal joints nearly
black; head not quite three-fourths as wide as the prothorax, the
eyes smaller than in solutus; frontal foveae minute, rounded, per-
forato-punctiform; prothorax as in the preceding throughout and
with the marginal gutter very fine anteriorly, much less transverse,
however, being barely two-fifths wider than long, the basal margin
narrowly interrupted medially and the fovese slightly more elongate;
elytra oblong-oval, rather convex but less so than in solutus, not
quite one-half longer than wide and only barely visibly wider than
the prothorax, the sides broadly rounded; apex gradually ogival,
the sinus feeble though evident; striae notably fine, barely impressed,
the intervals nearly flat, the third with a small feeble puncture
attached to the second stria; surface uniformly opaculate; abdomen
with a few very fine punctures medially at base, the met-episterna
opaque and with a few punctures near the inner angle; mentum
tooth distinct as in the preceding; hind tarsi nearly similar. Length
(9) 13.8 mm. width 5.0 mm. New Jersey providens n. sp.
Form parallel (cf) or with the hind body feebly inflated and more convex
(9 ), black, polished, the under surface and legs black or nearly so,
the tarsi of the two anterior pairs piceo-testaceous as usual; antennae
and palpi testaceous throughout; head large, especially in the female,
three-fourths as wide as the prothorax, the eyes moderately promi-
nent, the foveae very small, perforate; antennae (c?) scarcely extend-
ing to the thoracic base; prothorax two-fifths wider than long, paral-
lel, rounding anteriorly, the apex slightly narrower than the base;
surface as in the two preceding, except that the portion between the
foveae and the sides is still more convex, also impunctate, the foveae
linear but more broadly impressed and sparsely punctate, the basal
margin interrupted at the middle; elytra (cf ) one-half longer than
wide, not at all wider than the prothorax and moderately convex,
or ( 9 ) only a third longer than wide.felightly wider than the prothorax
and barely two and one-half times as long and strongly convex,
obtusely ogival at apex, the sutural angles dentate (9), the sinus
extremely feeble; striae moderate, deeply impressed and with convex
intervals (c?), or scarcely impressed and with nearly flat intervals,
the opacity less marked medially and more broadly basally (9),
the second stria with a puncture at three-fifths (cf ), which is wholly
obsolete in the single female at hand; abdomen with fine sparse
punctures behind the coxae. Length (cf 9 ) 13.0-13.5 mm.; width
4.5-5.0 mm. Illinois viduus Lee.
4 — Body rather large in size, the head very large. Color deep black,
shining, the elytra (9) sericeo-opaque; anterior and middle tarsi
paler; head three-fourths (cf) to nearly four-fifths ( 9 ) as wide as
the prothorax, the eyes relatively rather small and prominent, the
foveae minute, punctiform ; antennae testaceous, blackish toward base,
slender; prothorax one-half wider than long, as in viduus, except that
the broadly convex surface between the large linear, broadly and
deeply impressed punctate foveae and the sides is irregularly and
sparsely strewn with very fine feeble punctulation; basal margin
differing in not being interrupted medially; elytra nearly two-thirds
longer than wide, evidently wider than the prothorax, with rounded
sides, which arcuately converge to the ogival apex from only slightly
behind the middle, the sinus very feeble but evident; striae (cf)
rather fine, deeply impressed, with broadly convex polished inter-
vals, or ( 9 ) very fine, superficial, with perfectly flat opaque in-
tervals, the scutellar stria long, the puncture at the second stria
near apical third impressed and distinct (cf ), or very small and feeble
( 9 ) ; abdomen with the post-coxal punctures fine and sparse, asperu-
late as usual. Length (cf 9 ) 13.8-14.8 mm. ; width 5.5-5.7 mm.
Michigan (Whitefish Point — Schwarz) and Wisconsin (Bayfield—
Wickham) laticeps Lee.
Body rather large in size, the head moderately large. Body oblong-
suboval, more strongly convex than in laticeps, deep black throughout
when mature, the abdomen sometimes rufescent; lustre polished,
the elytra sericeo-opaque in the female; legs as in laticeps; head
three-fifths to two-thirds as wide as the prothorax, relatively a little
larger in the female, the eyes moderate and prominent; antennae
slender, testaceous, darker through most of the three basal joints as
a rule; prothorax one-half wider than long, only very slightly (cf )
or much ( 9 ) narrower than the elytra, nearly as in laticeps through-
out, the basal angles but slightly obtuse though narrowly rounded
as usual, the foveae a little shorter and not quite so deep, the punctures
on the broadly and feebly convex surface thence to the sides very
fine, sparse and feeble; elytra oblong, one-half ( 9 ) to three-fifths
(cf ) longer than wide, the striation and intervals in both sexes very
much as in laticeps, the dorsal puncture also similar; apical sinus
very feeble though evident; sutural angles ( 9 ) minutely denticulate;
fine post-coxal punctures of the abdomen forming only a small
patch, the terminal setae two at each side in both sexes as usual;
legs rather short, the tarsi unusually abbreviated, the posterior
(cf ) only about two-thirds as long as the tibiae, polished and smooth
throughout above, the basal joint slightly longer than the fifth.
Length (cf 9 ) 12.8-14.0 mm.; width 5.0-5.6 mm. Colorado.
(Boulder Co. and Leadville). Five examples. . .montanus Lee.
Body notably smaller in size, the head only moderate, the surface in both
sexes more depressed than in either of the two preceding. Color
deep black throughout, the anterior and middle tarsi dark rufous;
surface polished, the elytra (9) sericeo-opaque; head three-fifths
as wide as the prothorax, a little larger (9 ), the foveae small but not
isolated from the suture as they are in the preceding, the antennae
and palpi slender, testaceous throughout; eyes as usual; prothorax
transverse, one-half to three-fifths wider than long, throughout as
in laticeps but with somewhat more arcuate sides and with the base
toward the sides a little more anteriorly arcuate, so that the basal
angles, while more obtuse, are more narrowly blunt and therefore
better defined, the foveae similarly deep and the diffused punctu-
lation thence to the sides similar; elytra short, one-half longer than
wide to obviously less, the striation and intervals in both sexes as
in laticeps and montanns, the surface however less convex and the
apices more abruptly and broadly obtuse, with the sinus wholly
obsolete, the edge only a little less arcuate at its usual position;
basal and post-coxal punctures of the abdomen much more numerous
and widely diffused than in either of the preceding; legs and tarsi
almost as in montanns. Length (cf 9 ) 10.8 mm.; width 4.1-4.3 mm.
Lake Superior (Duluth and \Vhitefish Point) rufimanus Lee.
5 — Head very large, sometimes nearly as wide as the prothorax 6
Head moderate in size, though always evidently more than half as wide
as the prothorax 7
Head unusually small in both sexes, about one-half as wide as the pro-
thorax; pronotal foveae usually very feeble 35
6 — Form oblong, piceous-black, shining, head large [not narrower than
the prothorax in diagnosis but probably overstated], subquadrate,
slightly retracted behind the eyes, smooth, the frontal impressions
small, foveolaeform, the frontal suture distinct; prothorax subquad-
rate, slightly shorter than wide, rather rounded at the sides, truncate
at apex and base, the hind angles slightly obtuse and rounded ; surface
slightly convex, finely margined at the sides; anterior transverse
impression remote from the margin, arcuate; median stria deep,
abbreviated anteriorly, the basal foveae small, deep, feebly punctate,
the punctures extending to the angles; elytra obscure castaneous,
[slightly bronzed - - Proc. Acad., 1865], parallel, the apices not sinu-
ate, deeply striate, the intervals feebly convex, the marginal series
of foveae not interrupted; antennae, palpi, epipleura and legs ferru-
ginous. Length 8.7 mm.; width 3.2 mm. Lake Superior.
megacephalus Lee.
Form nearly similar, moderately convex, highly polished throughout
(c?),pale castaneo-testaceous, the elytra not evidently darker, the
under surface, legs, mouth parts and antennae very pale testaceous;
tip of mandibles and disk of labrum blackish; head (cf) scarcely
more than three-fifths as wide as the prothorax, the foveae minute
but lineiform, the eyes moderate and prominent, the antennae
slender; mandibles short, very thick, polished, but with the inner
part very minutely and closely longitudinally strigilate, except
toward base; prothorax transverse, one-half wider than long, parallel,
the sides very moderately rounded, the apex slightly narrower than
the base and only very feebly sinuate; base transverse, the margin
interrupted medially, the angles but slightly obtuse though unusually
broadly rounded; surface convex, the reflexed margin fine anteriorly,
gradually becoming about three times as wide and rather abruptly
lost on the feebly convex surface in about basal third, the fovese
moderately deep, broadly impressed, strongly and closely punctate;
finer punctures are also sparsely scattered over the surface thence to
the sides; stria extremely fine and feeble; elytra not quite one-half
longer than wide, barely as wide as the prothorax, gradually rounding
and obtuse from slightly behind the middle, the oblique sinus rather
short and extremely feeble, the edge about straight; striae strong,
deeply impressed, the scutellar rather long and also deep, the in-
tervals (cf) distinctly convex, polished, without evident micro-
reticulation, the third with a distinct puncture attached to the second
stria near apical third; lateral line of foveae very widely spaced
medially but not interrupted; hind tarsi glabrous above, the first
joint distinctly shorter than the fifth. Length (cf) 9-6 mm.;
width 3.4 mm. New Jersey. [?H. viduus Lee., i. litt. ; Sm. Cont.
Kno., 1860, p. 3 — a name subsequently given to an entirely different
species.] A female 10.0X3.8 mm. in dimensions, from Wisconsin,
is also placed here for the present; the head is a little larger, being
about two-thirds as wide as the prothorax, the latter less abbreviated
though still rather strongly transverse, similar, except that the
lateral gutter expands and curves inward more rapidly near basal
third, at the same time losing itself on the feeble latero-basal con-
vexity; the elytra are very shining though the minute sculpture is
somewhat evident, the sinus barely more than straight and the
basal joint of the hind tarsi is fully as long as the fifth — in the female
of the preceding species the basal joint is generally relatively shorter
than in the male; the mentum tooth is obsolete in both, being simply
a median arcuation recisus n. sp.
7 — Mentum distinctly and more or less strongly, often acutely toothed. 8
Mentum with an extremely short and generally broadly rounded tooth . 15
Mentum edentate, usually without trace of tooth 22
8 — Legs black or in great part black 9
Legs wholly or in great part ferruginous 13
9 — Elytral striae feebly crenulate. Form oblong-elongate, convex,
parallel, strongly shining, deep black throughout, even the anterior
and middle tarsi (c? ); head not quite three-fifths as wide as the pro-
thorax, the eyes moderate, the mandibles black, rufescent just before
the tip; antennae slender, the joints long, testaceous, gradually
infuscate basally, the basal joint pale; prothorax rather long, barely
two-fifths wider than long, the sides subevenly and very moderately
rounded, more converging anteriorly, the moderately sinuate apex
much narrower than the base, which is very feebly, angularly sinuate,
the fine margin feeble at the middle, the angles rather broadly
rounded; surface smooth, the very finely reflexed lateral margin
continuing unmodified to the base, the foveae rather deep, broadly
linear, rugosely punctate, the convex surface thence to the sides
impunctate, the stria extremely fine and feeble; elytra long, fully
two-thirds longer than wide, parallel, only very little wider than the
prothorax, rounding behind in about apical third, the sinus feeble
and rather short though distinct; striae fine but impressed, the scutel-
lar unusually short, free, the intervals broadly convex, the puncture
a little before apical fifth, the very fine punctulation of the striae
accompanied by disproportionately large but feeble crenulation of
the intervals; basal joint of the hind tarsi barely visibly longer than
the fifth. Length (c?) 10.5 mm.; width 3.8 mm. California (the
locality not recorded). A single example crenatellus n. sp.
Elytral striae smooth, impunctate and without trace of adjacent crenu-
lation 10
10 — Prothorax only very moderately transverse as in the preceding.. . n
Prothorax decidedly shorter and more transverse, about one-half wider
than long 12
II — Form (cf ) unusually narrow and elongate, colored throughout as in
the preceding and very shining; head less than three-fifths as wide
as the prothorax, as in the preceding, except that the antennae are
slightly infuscate throughout, with the two basal joints paler; pro-
thorax only about a third wider than long, similar throughout, except
that the base is transverse, the margin rather widely interrupted
medially and that there is a slight flattening of the latero-basal convex
smooth surface in the vicinity of the rounded angles, the punctures
of the foveae, also, are sparser and less rugose; elytra not evidently
wider than the prothorax, about two-thirds longer than wide, more
gradually narrowing and rounded behind from a little behind the
middle, the sinus short and feeble ; striae rather fine, slightly impressed,
the scutellar very moderate, the intervals feebly convex, polished, the
puncture near apical fifth ; basal joint of the hind tarsi equal in length
to the fifth. Length (cf) 9.0-9.8 mm. ; width 3.3-3.4 mm. Oregon
(locality unrecorded). A female with the same locality label is
stout, relatively very much stouter than the female of cautus,
rather dull throughout, the elytra densely opaculate, with thesutural
angles obtusely prominent and the legs partially piceo-rufous. It
may represent another species; it is 9.6 X 3-8 mm. in dimensions.
oregonensis n. sp.
Form (cf Distinctly shorter and stouter, similar throughout in its deep
black color, the antennae however more as in crenatellus; surface less
polished than in the preceding, the elytra even of the male being
very feebly alutaceous and with the striae finer, unimpressed as a
rule and with almost perfectly flat intervals; head similar but a trifle
larger; prothorax as in oregonensis throughout but more transverse,
with the basal bead uninterrupted and with less obvious flattening
near the hind angles but resembling it, and differing from crenatellus,
in having the fine lateral re flexed margin very faintly enlarging
before becoming obsolete at basal fourth; in the latter there is no
trace of this; elytra much shorter, only one-half longer than wide
and more abruptly rounding and obtuse behind in about apical
third, the sinus much more transverse and not so strongly oblique
as in the preceding, similarly feeble though evident; scutellar stria
much finer and more superficial, like the other striae, the dorsal
puncture near apical fifth still smaller; hind tarsi similar. Female
only a little stouter but usually duller than the male, the elytra
densely sericeo-opaque, the hind tarsi with the basal joint evidently
longer than the fifth. Length (cf 9 ) 7.3-10.4 mm.; width 2.9-3.9
mm. (California (seacoast regions near San Francisco to Humboldt
Co.) and Oregon (Clackamas Co.). Abundant. [//. advena Lee.;
defixns Walk.] cautus Dej.
Form still shorter, oblong, parallel and convex, very shining, even the
female elytra polished and with only slightly visible micro-reticu-
lation; color deep black throughout, all the tarsi black or blackish;
head rather less than three-fifths as wide as the prothorax, somewhat
more convex than usual, the eyes moderate; mandibles wholly
black, the frontal suture rather deep but fine, the adherent fovese
minute; palpi and antennae testaceous, the latter slender; prothorax
not quite one-half wider than long, the sides subevenly and feebly
arcuate, the sinuate apex much narrower than the transverse
base, the basal margin rather widely subinterrupted medially,
the angles distinctly rounded; surface as in crenatellus, the extremely
fine reflexed sides even throughout the length, the convexity of the
disk extended with but little change broadly between the feeble
linear, very finely and sparsely punctulate foveae and the sides and
impunctate; stria extremely fine and feeble; fine bead at the sides
and base rufescent from diaphaneity; elytra equal in width to the
prothorax, scarcely one-half longer than wide, somewhat abruptly
circularly rounded behind in apical third, the sinus rather feeble
but distinct, deeper externally, the outer angle very obtuse but
evident, somewhat as in viridiceneus ; striae fine, feeble, the intervals
flat, the puncture near apical fifth; abdomen impunctate, except a
small patch behind the inner part of the coxae as usual; first joint
of the hind tarsi as long as the fifth. Length ( 9 ) 8.7 mm. ; width 3.5
mm. Mexico (Colonia Garcia in Chihuahua), — Townsend.
*atripes n. sp.
12 — Body (9) oblong-oval, convex, deep black above and beneath, the
legs black, the tibiae rufous except at tip, the tarsi rufo-piceous,
shining, the elytra rather opaque and subsericeous; head nearly as in
cautus; mandibles black throughout, the antennae and palpi tes-
taceous, the former with rather shorter joints than in cautus; pro-
thorax relatively small, one-half wider than long, the sides strongly
and subevenly rounded; apex moderately sinuate, narrower than
the transverse base, where the bead is fine and entire, the angles
obtuse and distinctly rounded; surface nearly as in cautus, except
that the marginal gutter, extremely fine at apex, broadens more
rapidly and is finely punctate throughout, as in also the entire basal
region from side to side, except for a short distance in the middle, the
punctures fine, sparse and very feeble, the foveae rather deep, some-
what acutely linear at the bottom; elytra scarcely one-half longer
than wide, with parallel rounded sides, gradually obtusely ogival
behind from slightly behind the middle, almost a third wider than
the prothorax, the sinus obsolete, straight, the striae very fine and
feeble, the scutellar long, the intervals perfectly flat, the puncture
strong, impressed and at apical fourth; basal joint of the hind tarsi
as long as the fifth. Length (9) 9-7 mm.; width of elytra 3.8, of
prothorax 2.9 mm. Oregon persolus n. sp.
Body much smaller and narrower than in any of the preceding, piceous-
black, the legs black, with the tibiae and tarsi rufescent; surface
extremely shining, the elytra without trace of alutaceous lustre;
head not quite three-fifths as wide as the prothorax, the eyes moder-
ate but very prominent, the mandibles black, testaceous ante-apic-
ally; antennae only moderately slender, infuscate, the basal joint
pale; foveae minute, the suture extremely fine and feeble; prothorax
barely one-half wider than long, all the edges rufescent from dia-
phaneity, widest before the middle, the sides nearly straight, rounding
anteriorly, the apex unusually narrowly and rather feebly sinuate,
with extremely broadly rounded angles; base transverse, very much
wider than the apical sinus, the bead fine and subentire, the angles
but little more than right and only very narrowly rounded at tip;
surface with transverse wavy rugulation, impunctate, the reflexed
margin very fine apically, broadening slightly and disappearing near
basal third; foveae unusually conspicuous, very deep, coarsely
linear, a third the total length and rugulose; elytra not quite one-half
longer than wide, about a sixth wider than the prothorax, parallel,
with feebly arcuate sides, arcuately rounding behind in about apical
third, the sinus very feeble but with its outer angle somewhat obvious
though very broadly rounded; striae very fine, slightly impressed,
the scutellar moderate, free, the feebly convex intervals irregularly
crossed by impressed creases except laterally, the puncture very
small, near apical third; basal joint of the hind tarsi as long as the
last; abdomen without trace of accessory setae or scattered punctures.
Length (cf) 7-O mm.; width 2.6 mm. Colorado (Boulder Co.).
macilentus n. sp.
13 — Mentum tooth rather long, though rounded obtusely at apex. Body
oblong, moderately convex, shining, the elytra scarcely visibly
alutaceous even in the female, piceous in color, the under surface
paler, the legs, antennae, trophi and epipleura testaceous; head
three-fifths as wide as the prothorax, the foveae small, perforate, the
pale mandibles black at apex, the antennae not very slender but of
the usual length; prothorax two-fifths wider than long, almost
transversely truncate at the apex, which is very nearly as wide as
the base, the sides rounded anteriorly, feebly convergent and nearly
straight thence to the base, the fine basal bead entire, the angles only
slightly more than right, only extremely narrowly blunted; surface
with some confused creases, the lateral reflexed margin very fine
anteriorly, but little widening or incurved posteriorly and obsolete
near basal third, the bead continuing unchanged to the base as usual,
the foveae rather short, deep, punctate, separated from the sides by
a very feebly convex and sparsely punctulate area; elytra only two-
fifths longer than wide, but very slightly wider than the prothorax,
obtusely rounded in about apical third, the sides broadly rounded;
sinus short and extremely feeble; stiiae rather coarse and impressed,
the intervals distinctly convex, the puncture strong and at apical
third. Length ( 9 ) 8. o mm.; width 2.2 mm. Vermont (Bennington
Co.) pleuriticus Kirby
Mentum tooth very short and broadly rounded though obvious, approxi-
mating to the feeble arcuation characterizing the next section of the
group 14
14 — Body oblong, unusually feebly, evenly convex, highly polished
throughout, deep black above and beneath, the epipleura rufous
posteriorly; legs testaceous, the femora and tibial apices shaded
somewhat with blackish; antennae and trophi pale testaceous; man-
dibles black, with an ante-apical rufous area; head barely three-
fifths as wide as the prothorax, with moderate and very prominent
eyes, the foveae minute, the antennae slender; prothorax one-half
wider than long, the apex rather deeply sinuate and much narrower
than the base, which is transverse, with strong entire rufescent bead,
which is continuous as usual with the marginal bead; surface tes-
taceous at the sides, which are very finely re flexed anteriorly, the
gutter distinctly broadening posteriorly, becoming punctate and
then disappearing at basal fourth, the foveae rather large, broadly
impressed, deep and strongly punctate, the punctures continuing
sparsely and more finely across the convex surface thence to the
sides; stria extremely fine and feeble; elytra not quite one-half
longer than wide and nearly a fifth wider than the prothorax,
obtusely rounded in apical third, the sides very feebly arcuate, the
sinus long and just visible; striae moderate, rather abrupt, the scu-
tellar subparallel, free, the intervals perfectly flat, the puncture
strong, at apical fourth; humeri denticulate as usual; basal joint
of the hind tarsi much shorter than the fifth; under surface aluta-
ceous. Length (d71) 8.9 mm.; width 2.35 mm. California (Lake
Tahoe) futilis n. sp.
Body stouter, oblong, more convex, less shining, the elytra ( 9 ) moder-
ately shining though alutaceous, black, the ambient thoracic bead
and the entire epipleura obscure rufous; under surface piceo-rufous,
the abdomen rufous, black toward the sides, dull; legs testaceous, the
femora slightly more obscure; antennae and trophi testaceous, the
mandibles rufous, black at tip; head nearly as in the preceding;
prothorax larger, less than one-half wider than long, as in the pre-
ceding, except that the basal bead is finer and interrupted medially
and the feebly converging sides behind the middle straight, the
angles much less broadly rounded, the basal foveae broader, much
shallower and more extensively punctate, the punctures extending
somewhat closely and conspicuously thence to the sides; elytra
nearly similar but broader, more convex, the striae relatively a little
finer and evidently though feebly impressed, with broadly convex
intervals — a sexual difference, when compared with the male type
of futilis, that reverses the usual rule, where the striae are finer and
more superficial and the intervals flatter in the female; — hind tarsi
nearly similar, the basal joint much shorter than the fifth. Length
(9 ) 9.0 mm.; width 2.7 mm. California (without further indication
of locality). A single example as in the preceding., .intactus n. sp.
T. L. Casey, Mem. Col. V, Oct. 1914.
15 — Legs varicolored as in some of the preceding species, the femora
black, the trochanters paler, the tibiae and tarsi rufous, the former
blackish at tip. Body oblong, unusually depressed, shining, black,
the epipleura piceous, the antennae and trophi pale testaceous;
mandibles black, testaceous ante-apically; head moderate, with the
usual moderate prominent eyes, small foveae and slender antennae;
prothorax very nearly one-half wider than long, the apex rather
feebly sinuate, narrower than the base, the basal bead fine but
entire, the angles nearly right through distinctly rounded; sides
broadly arcuate, very slightly converging and nearly straight pos-
teriorly; surface rather gradually declivous laterally, the fine gutter
becoming slightly wider posteriorly and gradually disappearing, but
not punctate, near basal third, the foveae short, very shallow, finely
and rather sparsely punctate, the feeble broad convexity thence to
the sides with very fine, sparse and indistinct punctures; marginal
bead unusually fine and thin; elytra not quite one-half longer than
wide, obtusely rounded in apical third, about a fifth wider than the
prothorax, the sides parallel and nearly straight, rounding slightly
at base, the sinus very feeble though evident; striae rather fine,
feebly impressed, the scutellar deep, free, the intervals glossy, very
slightly convex, the puncture small, near apical fourth; basal joint
of the hind tarsi equal in length to the fifth. Length (cf ) 8.7 mm.;
width 2.4 mm. British Columbia (Frazier Valley). Probably allied
closely to carbonatus Lee fugitans n. sp.
Legs uniform pale testaceous throughout 16
16 — Surface between the pronotal foveae and the sides narrowly convex,
becoming compressed and cariniform basally. Piceous-black in
color, the elytra paler and more brownish and with a feebly sub-
metallic gloss; under surface nearly black, the epipleura and legs
pale flavo-testaceous; antennae' and trophi testaceous, the mandibles
almost uniformly pale throughout; head fully three-fifths as wide
as the prothorax, the eyes very prominent, the foveae minute and
punctiform; antennae slender; prothorax not quite one-half wider
than long, the sides rounded throughout, less so and somewhat
converging basally, the base feebly arcuato-truncate, with the angles
obtuse and distinctly rounded, much wider than the evidently
sinuate apex, the basal bead fine but strong and entire; surface
very finely reflexed at the sides apically, the gutter gradually
widening and feebler posteriorly but traceable nearly to the base,
the anterior transverse impression distinct medially though not
very deep, the stria fine but rather broadly impressed, the foveae
short, deep, more rounded than usual, rugoso-punctate, sharply
separated from the lateral subexplanate region by a basally rather
acute carina, this part with minute sparse obsolescent punctulation;
elytra one-half longer than wide, barely at all wider than the pro-
thorax, obtusely rounding in apical third, the sides feebly arcuate,
the sinus obsolete, the edge simply straight; striae fine but deeply
impressed, the intervals rather strongly convex, flatter laterally,
the puncture coarse, deep and rather before apical third; basal
joint of the hind tarsi much shorter than the fifth. Length (cf )
8.7 mm.; width 3.15 mm. New Brunswick foveicollis Lee.
Surface between the foveae and the sides broadly, feebly convex through-
out and with more or less evident though sparse and fine punctula-
tion 17
17 — Legs testaceous, the tarsi piceous to blackish in color. Body rather
stout, parallel, deep black and very shining (cf ), the elytra distinctly
alutaceous (9 ), the epipleura black; antennae and trophi testaceous,
the mandibles piceo-rufous, black at tip; head three-fifths (cf) to
fully two-thirds ( 9 ) as wide as the prothorax, the eyes only moder-
ately prominent, the antennae rather slender, the minute perforate
foveae not touching the very faint or obsolete suture; prothorax
two-fifths wider than long, the sides subevenly and rather strongly
arcuate, the apex distinctly sinuate, narrower than the base and with
rather narrowly rounded angles, the base transverse, with the fine
bead interrupted at the middle and the angles obtuse and rather
broadly rounded; surface extremely finely reflexed at the sides
apically, the gutter rather rapidly widening and punctulate pos-
teriorly, becoming lost in the general feeble convexity near basal
fourth, the foveae rather broadly impressed, .deep and strongly
punctate; elytra short, two-fifths longer than wide, slightly though
evidently wider than the prothorax, parallel, obtusely subcircularly
rounded in apical third, the sinus short and extremely feeble, ves-
tigial, the striae rather fine, evidently impressed, the scutellar a
sixth the entire length, the intervals evidently convex suturad,
nearly flat laterad, the puncture small, near apical third; basal
joint of the hind tarsi equal in length to the fifth (cf ), or a little
longer (9). Length (cf 9 ) 8.0-8.5 mm.; width 3.2-3.4 mm.
Labrador (\V. St. Modest), — Sherman and in Michigan. Five
examples recensus n. sp.
Legs clear and pale testaceous throughout, the tarsi not darker 18
18 — Sides of the prothorax from the middle to the rounded basal angles
straight and feebly converging. Form oblong-elongate, rather con-
vex, shining, the elytra ( 9 ) only very faintly alutaceous, piceous-
black, the elytra slightly brownish, the under surface black, some-
what rufescent medially and on the abdomen, the epipleura flavo-
testaceous; antennae and trophi testaceous; mandibles dark rufous,
black at tip; head three-fifths as wide as the prothorax, the eyes
prominent, the antennae rather short, not attaining the thoracic
base; prothorax rather large, two-fifths wider than long, the apical
margin peculiar in being barely visibly sinuate, transversely truncate
from a more posterior viewpoint, with very broadly rounded angles,
but slightly narrower than the base, which is transverse, rounding
slightly at the sides, the bead fine but entire; surface very finely
reflexed at the sides, the gutter increasing but slightly posteriorly,
becoming lost near basal third, the foveae sublinear but broadly
impressed, deep and rugosely punctate; transverse anterior im-
pression evident medially, the stria very fine; elytra not quite one-
half longer than wide, barely wider than the prothorax, parallel,
with broadly rounded sides, obtusely rounded in apical third, the
sinus short and very feeble; striae rather fine but somewhat deeply
impressed, the scutellar slightly more than one-sixth the entire
length, the intervals convex internally, less so laterad, the puncture
slightly before apical fourth; basal joint of the hind tarsi very much
shorter than the fifth. Length (9) 9-7 mm.; width 3.7 mm.
Colorado (Buena Vista — nearly 8000 ft. elevation), — Wickham.
aequabilis n. sp.
Sides of the prothorax rounded throughout, though less so basally, the
apex distinctly sinuate and very evidently narrower than the base. 19
19- — Pronotal foveae short, linear, narrow and feeble though punctured.
Body oblong-oval, rather convex, shining, black, partially sub-
piceous beneath, the ambient pronotal bead, "hypomera, epipleura,
antennae, trophi and legs pale flavo-testaceous; head three-fifths
as wide as the prothorax, with moderate, very prominent eyes and
minute perforate foveae, the mandibles rather bright rufous, black
at tip, the antennae slender as usual; prothorax fully one-half wider
than long, the subtransverse base with the fine bead not definitely
interrupted medially; surface with the marginal gutter fine, barely
at all widening posteriorly and feeble, though punctulate, disap-
pearing near basal third, the transverse impressions somewhat
evident medially; punctuation evident basally almost throughout
the width; elytra not quite one-half longer than wide, slightly wider
than the prothorax, obtusely rounded at apex, with feebly arcuate
parallel sides, the sinus very feeble though evident, the striae fine
but rather deeply impressed, the scutellar rather long; intervals
notably convex throughout, polished, the puncture strong, near
apical fourth on the second stria. Length (cf ) 8.5 mm.; width 3.4
mm. British Columbia (locality not stated) lascivus n. sp.
Pronotal foveae sublinear as usual but very broadly impressed, strongly
and closely punctured or rugiilose 20
20 — Basal angles of the prothorax slightly obtuse but scarcely at all
rounded, distinctly defined and only very slightly blunt at their
tips. Body small, moderately convex, rufo-piceous, paler beneath
—the type probably somewhat immature, — shining, the elytra only
faintly alutaceous even in the female; head three-fifths the thoracic
width, with prominent eyes, small perforate foveae and rather
slender antennae, the pale mandibles black at tip, the labrum black,
with fulvous edges; prothorax nearly one-half wider than long, the
base wider than the apex, with the bead interrupted at the middle;
surface with the reflexed edge only moderately fine apically, rela-
tively only slightly widening posteriorly, becoming punctulate and
disappearing behind basal third; basal punctuation wholly inter-
rupted medially, elsewhere very distinct to the sides; elytra oblong,
slightly less than one-half longer than wide, nearly a fifth wider than
the prothorax, very obtusely rounded at apex, the sides broadly
arcuate; striae rather fine, only feebly impressed, the scutellar rather
long; intervals not quite flat, the puncture near apical fourth; sinus
very feeble though evident; basal joint of the hind tarsi distinctly
shorter than the fifth. Length (9 ) 7-7 mm.; width 3.2 mm. Wis-
consin (Bayfield), — Wickham pumilio n. sp.
Basal angles of the prothorax distinctly and rather broadly rounded.. .21
21 — Body oblong-elongate, convex, very shining, piceous-brown above,
wholly pale ferruginous throughout beneath — the type probably
somewhat immature; — head rather well developed, with prominent
and well developed eyes, slightly more than three-fifths as wide as
the prothorax, as in the preceding throughout, the antennae rather
stout, not quite attaining the thoracic base; prothorax fully one-half
wider than long, the base transverse, the bead strong and entire;
surface very finely reflexed at the sides anteriorly, the gutter rapidly
widening, becoming flat, strongly punctate and wholly disappearing
only at about basal sixth, the stria fine but strong, the basal punctu-
ation strong throughout but interrupted medially; elytra not over
two-fifths longer than wide, not evidently wider than the prothorax,
obtusely ogival in about posterior two-fifths, the sides parallel and
but feebly arcuate, the external margin, as also that of the prothorax,
testaceous; striae not very fine, slightly impressed, the scutellar
long, free as usual; intervals not quite flat, the puncture near
posterior third, rather small and not touching the second stria; sinus
very feeble; basal joint of the hind tarsi much shorter than the fifth.
Length (d71) 9.5 mm.; width 3.5 mm. Colorado (Boulder Co.).
perspicuus n. sp.
Body smaller and slightly less convex, oblong, shining, black, the elytra
very dark brown; under surface black, the legs and epipleura bright
testaceous; ambient bead of the pronotum testaceous, as is frequently
the case; head very moderate, not quite three-fifths as wide as the
prothorax, with well developed prominent eyes, the usually dark
rufous mandibles black at tip; antennae scarcely attaining the thor-
acic base; prothorax barely one-half wider than long, the base
transverse, with the bead very fine though not quite interrupted
medially; surface very finely reflexed at the sides apically, the
gutter rather rapidly widening, curving inward, becoming feebly and
sparsely punctulate and disappearing near basal third, the stria
fine but rather broadly impressed; basal punctuation very fine and
sparse on the smooth lateral convexity and interrupted medially;
elytra not distinctly wider than the prothorax, rather abruptly
rounded in about apical third, the parallel sides feebly arcuate, the
sinus broad but extremely feeble ; striae rather strong, feebly impressed,
the scutellar long, the intervals very moderately convex and as
usual more so suturad than laterad, the puncture distinct and at
the second stria near posterior third; basal joint of the hind tarsi
evidently shorter than the fifth. Length (cf) 8.4-8.6 mm.; width
3.1-3.2 mm. Wisconsin (Bayfield), — Wickham lividulus n. sp.
22 — Prothorax rounded at the sides anteriorly, the upper surface always
black or piceous in color 23
Prothorax oblique and feebly arcuate at the sides in nearly anterior half,
the apex notably narrowed; upper surface vivid green in color
throughout 34
23 — Legs pale ferruginous or testacous in color throughout 24
Legs black, either entirely or in great part 27
24 — Surface between the pronotal foveae and the sides narrower, more
strongly convex and generally wholly devoid of punctures. Body
black above and beneath, the epipleura more or less piceo-testaceous,
the antennae and trophi pale, shining, the elytra (9) alutaceous;
head very moderate, distinctly less than three-fifths as wide as
the prothorax, the eyes prominent and the antennae slender; pro-
thorax transverse, fully one-half wider than long, the sides rounded,
less so basally, the apex deeply sinuate and much narrower than the
base, which is transverse, the bead generally feeble or interrupted
medially, the angles unusually broadly rounded; surface finely re-
flexed at the sides anteriorly, the gutter gradually wider and shal-
lower posteriorly, disappearing near basal fourth on the latero-
basal convexity; foveae distinct, moderately impressed and with a
few small punctures; in one example there is some extremely fine
and feeble punctulation throughout latero-basally; elytra nearly
one-half longer than wide, very little wider than the prothorax,
obtusely rounded behind, the parallel sides feebly arcuate, the sinus
extremely feeble though evident; striae rather fine, generally not
much impressed, the scutellar long; intervals flat to feebly convex,
usually distinctly so suturally, the puncture a little before apical
fourth; basal joint of the hind tarsi but little shorter than the fifth;
mentum generally without trace of tooth, though sometimes the
bottom of the emargination has a very feeble and broadly arcuate
projection, nearly as in the preceding section of the group. Length
(cf 9 ) 7.5-10.0 mm.; width 2.9-3.8 mm. Long Island and Virginia
to Nebraska. Very abundant. [H. mutabilis Hald. and proximus
Lee.] herbivagus Say
Surface latero-basally flatter, though always feebly and very broadly
convex and evidently punctured throughout, the punctures also
extending along the lateral margin for some distance anteriorly. .25
25 — Basal angles of the prothorax rather broadly rounded, the sides of the
base feebly posteriorly oblique. Body oblong, subparallel, rather
convex, polished, the elytra ( 9 ) subopaque; color black when mature,
slightly piceous beneath, the abdomen partially rufescent; appen-
dages throughout ferruginous; head scarcely three-fifths as wide as
the prothorax, the eyes moderate, the antennae slender and the foveae
small, perforate; prothorax less than one-half wider than long, much
less abbreviated than in herbivagus, the sides subevenly rounded;
apex sinuate, narrower than the base; sides finely re flexed, the gutter
only slightly widening posteriorly, disappearing near basal fourth;
foveae short, rather broadly impressed, deep centrally and very
densely, rugosely punctate; stria very fine; elytra less than one-half
longer than wide, scarcely at all wider than the prothorax and barely
two and one-half times as long, very obtusely rounded in about
apical two-fifths, the sides broadly arcuate, the sinus vestigial, barely
traceable; striae rather fine, slightly impressed, the intervals feebly
convex, nearly flat externally, the puncture distinct, near apical
third (c?) or fourth ( 9 ); basal joint of the hind tarsi about as long
as the fifth. Length (cf 9 ) 8.0-10.6 mm.; width 3.2-4.2 mm. New
Mexico and Colorado. Very abundant. Thirty-six examples.
fallax Lee.
Basal angles less broadly rounded, the base not posteriorly oblique
laterally 26
26 — Body oblong, strongly convex, piceous-black, the elytra dark brown,
the under surface deep piceous-black, the epipleura pale testaceous;
surface shining, the elytra (9) slightly alutaceous but much more
shining than in fallax, the scutellar stria much longer than in that
species; head relatively a little larger, fully three-fifths as wide as
the prothorax, the eyes prominent and the antennae slender; foveae
small and perforate but lying in feeble impressions of the surface;
prothorax one-half wider than long, the sides rounded anteriorly,
feebly converging and straight in about basal half; base transverse,
with the lateral part slightly rounded; apex much narrower and
with unusually feeble sinus, the angles very broadly rounded; surface
with the fine pallid marginal gutter much more dilated posteriorly
than in fallax, disappearing nearly at basal third, the foveae large,
more broadly and evenly impressed but moderately deep, very densely
and rugosely punctate; anterior transverse impression evident as a
fine arcuate line, the stria fine but distinct; elytra relatively longer
than in fallax, obtusely rounded in apical third, fully one-half
longer than wide, barely at all wider than the prothorax, the parallel
sides very feebly arcuate; striae fine, feebly impressed, the puncture
near apical third and on the third interval at some distance from
the stria; apical sinus feeble but evident, less obsolete than in fallax ;
hind tarsi nearly similar though less elongate. Length (9)8.8 mm. ;
width 3.7 mm. Michigan (Marquette) innocuus Lee.
Body oblong-elongate, smaller, narrower and rather less convex than
the preceding, black when mature, with pallid ambient margins, the
under surface black, the epipleura picescent, very shining above,
alutaceous beneath; head rather more than three-fifths as wide as
the prothorax, the eyes prominent, the foveae rather coarse, perforate,
not lying in feeble impressions; antennae and palpi pale testaceous,
slender; prothorax fully one-half wider than long, the base much
wider than the apex and not more arcuate near the sides; apex more
sinuate than in innocuus; sides more feebly arcuate anteriorly,
thence nearly straight and feebly converging to the rounded hind
angles; surface with the anterior arcuate impression broader, feebler
and nearer the apex than in innocuus and barely evident, the sides,
basal foveae and punctuation nearly similar; elytra about as wide
' as the prothorax and one-half longer than wide, parallel, with feebly-
arcuate sides and obtusely rounded apex, the sinus very feeble but
evident; striae rather fine though well impressed, at least inwardly,
the scutellar long, much longer than in fallax, the puncture adherent
to the second stria near apical fourth; tarsi shorter than in fallax,
the second joint of the intermediate (c?) nearly one-half wider than
long. Length (cf1) 8.8 mm.; width 3.2-3.25 mm. New Jersey
and Maine (Wales — Frost). Confounded with fallax by LeConte
and Horn but not very closely related placidus Csy.
27 — Marginal gutter of the pronotum posteriorly expanding and flatten-
ing to a slight degree 28
Marginal gutter not expanding posteriorly, the re flexed edge extremely
fine throughout the length 31
28 — Basal angles of the prothorax very obtuse and rounded. Body
abbreviated in form, convex, intense black throughout, the legs
and tarsi also deep black, the anterior and middle coxae partially
rufescent; antennae and palpi piceous, pale at base and apex respec-
tively; lustre moderately shining, the elytra (9) densely dull;
head rather more than three-fifths as wide as the prothorax, the
antennae slender; eyes prominent, the foveae very small and perforate;
prothorax more than one-half wider than long, the sides rounded,
less so and more converging than usual basally, the base evidently
wider than the strongly sinuate apex; surface with a portion of an
anterior impression at each side of the median line, which is fine,
coming far from attaining base or apex, the impressions large, shallow,
evenly concave and densely, evenly punctate, with fine punctures
sparsely scattered over the broadly convex surface thence to the
sides, the entire basal region alutaceous; elytra short, barely more
than a third longer than wide, oval, a fifth wider than the prothorax,
obtusely rounded at apex, the sides arcuate; sinus more transverse
than usual and vestigial, not at all distinct; striae rather fine, shallow
and abrupt, the inner striae and rather long scutellar slightly deeper,
the first bifurcating at base, the intervals flat; puncture at the
second stria near three-fifths; tarsi slender, the first joint of the
posterior shorter than the fifth. Length ( 9 ) 8.4 mm. ; width 3.3 mm.
Mexico (Salazar), — Wickham *aterrimus n. sp.
Basal angles less broadly rounded; upper surface much more shining, the
body more elongate 29
29 — Basal angles extremely obtuse, the tips moderately broadly rounded.
Body oblong, moderately conyex, black and shining, the under
surface picescent, the legs black, the tibiae and tarsi rufo-piceous;
antennae and trophi testaceous; head rather more than three-fifths
as wide as the prothorax, the eyes moderate, the foveae unusually
minute; antennae slender; prothorax slightly more than one-half
wider than long, the sides evenly and strongly arcuate and hence
especially arcuate basally, when compared with other species, re-
sulting in very obtuse basal angles; apex distinctly sinuate, barely
narrower than the base; surface very smooth and polished, the
anterior impression obtuse but rather deep medially, the foveae
linear, very feeble, slightly rugulose, the somewhat flattened shining
surface thence to the sides without evident punctures; lateral gutter
extremely feeble and inclined, obsolete at basal third; elytra less
than one-half longer than wide, slightly wider than the prothorax,
very obtuse behind, the sides feebly arcuate; sinus extremely feeble,
barely evident; striae very fine but deeply impressed, the scutellar
fine, rather long; intervals distinctly convex, the puncture near apical
fourth. Length (cf ) 9.0 mm.; width 3.4 mm. California (Tallac),
— Fenyes mansuetus n. sp.
Basal angles only moderately obtuse, the sides of the prothorax behind
the middle nearly straight 30
30 — Body small in size, oblong, moderately convex, black, rather shining,
the elytra (9) only feebly alutaceous; margins of the prothorax
testaceous; under surface black, the epipleura pale except basally;
femora black, pale at base; tibiae obscurely rufous, generally black
apically, the tarsi and parts of the coxae rufous; antennae and palpi
slender, testaceous; head fully three-fifths as wide as the prothorax,
the eyes prominent ; foveae perforate, the frontal suture nearly obsolete ;
prothorax fully one-half wider than long; sides rather feebly arcuate,
less so to straight basally; apex rather deeply sinuate, narrower than
the base; surface smooth, the transverse impressions feeble but
visible medially, the marginal gutter flatter and broader toward the
vanishing point near basal third, than in the preceding, the foveae
short, broadly impressed and less linear than usual, sparsely punctu-
late, the convex surface thence to the sides rarely with a few very
fine punctures; elytra two-fifths longer than wide, slightly though
very evidently wider than the prothorax, very obtuse at apex,
parallel, the sinus vestigial; striae very deeply impressed, less so ( 9 ),
the intervals (cf ) strongly convex, the puncture at or rather behind
apical fourth; scutellar stria well developed; basal joint of the hind
tarsi about as long as the fifth. Length (cf 9 ) 7.5-9.0 mm.; width
2.8-3.25 mm. California (Placer Co.) to British Columbia (Met-
lakatla) somnulentus Dej.
Body much larger and more convex, polished, deep black throughout,
the anterior and middle tarsi (cf ) rufo-piceous; antennae and palpi
dusky testaceous, the former paler at base, the latter at the apices
of the joints; head rather small though evidently more than half as
wide as the prothorax, the eyes prominent; foveas small and per-
forate, the antennae slender; prothorax not very transverse and as
wide as the elytra, two-fifths wider than long; sides broadly arcuate,
less so or nearly straight basally, the angles rounded; apex rather
deeply sinuate, much narrower than the base, the latter transverse
and straight, finely and deeply margined throughout; surface
smooth, the lateral gutter but feebly enlarged, feebly defined and
inclined posteriorly, vanishing behind basal third, the foveae narrow,
rather long, linear though broadly impressed, deep and punctured,
the surface thence to the sides evenly convex with the general
surface and impunctate; stria fine but rather broadly impressed;
elytra rather more than one-half longer than wide, rounded behind
in about two-fifths, the parallel sides broadly arcuate; sinus not
distinct, vestigial; striae fine, feebly impressed, the scutellar joining
the first; intervals nearly flat, the puncture near apical fourth; basal
joint of the hind tarsi much shorter than the fifth. Length (cf)
10.5 mm.; width 3.8 mm. Yellowstone National Park, — Wirt
Robinson pellax n. sp.
31 — Sides of the prothorax rounding basally, the basal angles very obtuse
and broadly rounded 32
Sides of the prothorax less converging and nearly straight behind the
anterior arcuation, the basal angles but little more than right and
much less broadly rounded 33
32 — Form oblong, moderately convex, strongly shining, black, only the
ambient bead of the pronotum rufescent; under surface and epi-
pleura black, the legs black, the tibiae and tarsi obscure rufous;
antennae and trophi testaceous; head unusually large for this section
of the group, two-thirds as wide as the prothorax, the eyes prominent;
antennae slender, the foveae very minute and perforate; prothorax
short, more than one-half wider than long, the sides rather strongly
arcuate; apex broadly sinuate and nearly as wide as the base, which
is transverse; surface almost evenly declivous to the marginal bead
throughout, the foveae large, moderately deep, broadly impressed
and scarcely at all linear, finely punctate, the convex surface thence
to the sides generally with very few scattered punctules basally;
median stria fine; elytra less than one-half longer than wide, slightly
wider than the prothorax, the parallel sides broadly arcuate, the
apex obtuse; sinus very feeble though evident as a rule; striae rather
fine but deep, the scutellar long, free, the intervals feebly convex,
the puncture small, before apical fourth; basal joint of the hind
tarsi much shorter than the fifth. Length (c?1) 8.5-9.1 mm.; width
3.0-3.25 mm. Colorado, — Levette. Five of the examples are
mutually similar as above, the sixth has perfectly flat strial intervals
and is without the slightest vestige of the discal puncture on either
elytron but seems to be similar otherwise seclusus n. sp.
Form broader, the size much larger, only feebly convex, shining, the
elytra (9) slightly alutaceous; under surface piceo-rufous, the epi-
pleura nearly black; femora blackish-piceous, the tibiae and tarsi
dusky rufous; cephalic appendages pale testaceous; head rather
large, more than three-fifths as wide as the prothorax, the eyes less
convex than usual; antennae slender, the small perforate foveae
lying in feeble impressions; prothorax short, more than one-half
wider than long, the sides rather strongly arcuate throughout, the
apex broadly sinuate and but little narrower than the base, which is
transverse; surface evenly and rather gradually sloping to the
marginal bead throughout the length, the setigerous puncture at
apical two-fifths unusually large, impressed and conspicuous; basal
foveae large, broadly and deeply impressed and very densely punctate,
the punctures and feeble rugulosity extending over the convex
surface thence to the sides, gradually becoming sparser; anterior
transverse impression distinct; between it and the anterior margin
there are numerous longitudinal wrinkles; elytra not quite one-half
longer than wide, subcircularly rounded in apical two-fifths, nearly
a fourth wider than the prothorax, the parallel sides unusually
arcuate; sinus short, very feeble but evident; striae fine, feebly im-
pressed, the scutellar long, uniting with the first, the puncture at
apical fourth; basal joint of the hind tarsi but little shorter than the
fifth. Length (9) 10.0 mm.; width 3.9 mm. California (Placer
Co.), — Koebele opicus n. sp.
33 — Body oblong-suboval, moderately convex, deep black, very shining
throughout (c?), the elytra (9) densely sericeo-opaque; under
surface and epipleura rufo-piceous, the femora black, rufous basally,
the tibiae and tarsi obscure rufous; cephalic appendages testaceous;
head three-fifths as wide as the prothorax, relatively smaller than
in the two preceding, the eyes prominent; antennae slender; prothorax
more parallel, fully one-half wider than long, the sides anteriorly
feebly arcuate, nearly straight posteriorly; apical sinus moderate,
much narrower than the base, the apical angles very broadly, the
basal very narrowly, rounded; surface almost evenly and very steeply
sloping at the sides to the fine marginal bead throughout; basal
regions more or less punctulate, rugulose or alutaceous throughout
the width, but more shining, convex and obsoletely punctulate
between the deep and broadly lineiform, densely rugose fovese and
the sides; base very obsoletely bisinuate but transverse; elytra one-
half (d71) to two-fifths (9) longer than wide, scarcely visibly or
evidently wider than the prothorax respectively, obtuse at apex, the
parallel sides broadly arcuate; sinus very feeble though evident;
striae fine, not deep, the intervals very feebly convex (cf) to per-
fectly flat ( 9 ), the puncture near apical third or fourth respectively;
basal joint of the hind tarsi evidently shorter than the fifth. Length
(cf 9 ) 9.0-10.0 mm.; width 3.4-4.0 mm. Female much stouter
than the male. Nevada (Reno). Four examples. . .peritus n. sp.
Body narrowly oblong, moderately convex, polished throughout (d71),
deep black above and beneath, the epipleura sometimes picescent;
legs black, the anterior and middle tarsi of the male slightly piceous;
head fully three-fifths as wide as the prothorax, the eyes very
prominent; antennae slender, testaceous, the basal joints blackish,
except the first two, which are testaceous; foveae small, circular, very
deep, abrupt and perforate; prothorax distinctly less than one-half
wider than long, the sides rounded anteriorly, slightly convergent
and nearly straight thence to the basal angles, which are but little
more than right though rounded; base transverse, wider than the
distinctly sinuate apex, the apical angles rather broadly rounded;
surface somewhat feebly convex, abruptly and very steeply sloping,
though rather shallow, at the sides, with the fine bead almost but not
quite even and equal throughout the length; foveae sublinear but
broadly impressed and moderately deep, finely, not densely punctured,
the lateral convex surface generally impunctate, though sometimes
finely punctured throughout; transverse impressions wanting, the
stria extremely fine and feeble; elytra nearly one-half longer than
wide to less, but very little wider than the prothorax, obtuse at
apex, the parallel sides feebly arcuate; sinus scarcely traceable,
obsolete; striae rather fine, feebly impressed, the scutellar long, the
intervals feebly convex, the puncture at apical fourth; basal joint
of the hind tarsi shorter than the fifth. Length (cf) 8.2-9.0 mm.;
width 3.1-3.25 mm. Oregon (Clackamas Co.) . . . .celax n. sp.
34 — Form oblong-suboval, convex, shining, brilliant green above, the
intervals 1—3—5 °f the elytra more or less aeneous; under surface
black, subalutaceous, the epipleura and legs dusky testaceous;
antennae slender, black, the first three joints pallid; palpi rather
short, testaceous; head nearly two-thirds as wide as the prothorax,
the eyes unusually large and prominent; foveae rather large, deep,
irregular, with a fine branch curving outward slightly; mandibles
short, dark rufous, black at tip; prothorax two-fifths wider than
long, the sides broadly and subevenly arcuate, gradually more
converging anteriorly, the apex feebly sinuato-truncate, much
narrower than the base, which is transverse, the bead strong and
entire, the angles nearly right, narrowly blunted; surface convex,
rather steeply declivous at the sides to the somewhat coarse pallid
marginal gutter, which widens only slightly and very gradually
posteriorly, disappearing near the base; foveae very large, feebly
concave, coarsely and rather densely punctate, a few finer punctures
spreading over the feeble convexity thence to the sides; anterior
impression distinct and angulate medially only, the stria fine but
distinct, crossing the anterior impression; elytra nearly one-half
longer than wide and a fourth wider than the prothorax, the apex
obtusely ogival; sides parallel, feebly arcuate; sinus very feeble but
evident, the apices (9 ) very narrowly rounded; striae coarse, rather
deep, abrupt and groove-like, the scutellar long, the intervals flat;
puncture on the second stria only a little behind the middle; legs,
and especially the femora, unusually slender; basal joint of the hind
tarsi equal in length to the fifth; marginal grooves of the met-
episterna unusually coarse and deep. Length (9) 8.0 mm.; width
2.8 mm. Illinois (Urbana), — -Hart and Hood . . . . gemmeus n. sp.
35 — Legs pale and clear flavo-ferruginous in color throughout 36
Legs black or in great part dark 37
36 — Body very stout, oblong, narrowed anteriorly, not very convex,
piceous-black, the epipleura paler, the antennae and trophi testaceous,
the mandibles blackish; lustre moderately shining, the elytra (9)
densely sericeo-opaque; head scarcely more than half as wide as the
prothorax, the eyes moderately prominent; antennae slender, the
foveae minute; prothorax relatively small, parallel, one-half wider
than long, the sides broadly, subevenly arcuate, a little more con-
verging anteriorly, the apex feebly sinuate, with very broadly
rounded angles, evidently narrower than the transverse and finely
margined base, the angles being right but distinctly rounded; surface
steeply declivous to the very fine reflexed edge anteriorly, the gutter
widening and curving inward shallowly posteriorly, disappearing
at basal third, the foveae narrow, feeble, rectilinear, obsolescent
basally and impunctate, the impunctate area thence to the sides
but little flattened; stria fine, almost attaining the apex; basal and
apical regions with many fine longitudinal folds; elytra oblong,
broad and short, not a third longer than wide, fully a third wider
than the prothorax, parallel, with feebly arcuate sides and broadly
obtuse apex, the sinus extremely feeble; striae very fine and not deep,
the scutellar long, the intervals perfectly flat, the puncture behind
apical third; legs rather slender, the hind tarsi defective in the type.
Length (9) 8.2 mm.; width 3.5 mm. New Brunswick.
plenalis n. sp.
Body oblong, rather depressed, moderately shining, the elytra (9)
densely sericeo-opaque; color deep black above and beneath, the
epipleura not paler; antennae slender, they and the trophi testaceous;
mandibles black, rufescent ante-apically ; head slightly more than
half as wide as the prothorax, with moderate prominent eyes and
minute perforate foveae; prothorax one-half wider than long, the
sides distinctly, subevenly arcuate and evidently converging nearly
from base to apex, the latter strongly sinuate, with broadly rounded
angles and much narrower than the base, which is transverse and
finely margined, the angles obtuse and broadly rounded; surface
steeply declivous anteriorly, the edge excessively finely re flexed,
the groove widening and curving inward, becoming very faint and
disappearing only near basal third; foveae almost completely obsolete,
except at their anterior ends, where there is a subpunctiform im-
pression, the area thence to the sides broadly convex and impunctate;
median stria rather strong but ending abruptly at the very faint
vestige of the anterior impression; elytra two-fifths longer than wide,
only very slightly wider than the prothorax, arcuately narrowing in
about apical two-fifths but with the apex very obtuse, the sinus
more distinct than usual but not otherwise peculiar; striae very fine,
not deep, the first a little stronger, the scutellar long, very fine,
the intervals perfectly flat, the puncture shallowly impressed, rather
before apical fourth; basal joint of the hind tarsi equal in length to
the fifth. Length (9) 7-6 mm.; width 3.2 mm. New Mexico
(Las Vegas), — Meeske latebricola n. sp.
Body small in size, oblong-oval, only feebly convex, polished and sculptur-
less throughout in both sexes, black above and beneath, the legs,
antennae and trophi pale testaceous, the epipleura rufescent; head
notably small, conspicuously constricted behind the prominent eyes,
the foveae small, the epistomal suture very fine and feeble; antennae
slender, only feebly compressed, extending rather behind the
thoracic base, the third joint subequal to the fourth and following
and much longer than the second; prothorax barely two-fifths
wider than long, the sides parallel and broadly, very moderately
arcuate, more rounding and converging anteriorly, the apex rather
deeply sinuate, much narrower than the base and with very narrowly
rounded angles; base transverse, not at all bisinuate, very finely
margined, the marginal line narrowly interrupted at the middle, the
angles nearly right but distinctly rounded; surface even, slightly
convex, extremely finely reflexed at the sides from apex to base,
the medial stria distinct, obsolete basally and apically, the foveae
obsolete, there being barely a trace by obliquely reflected light;
elytra two-fifths longer than wide, equal in width to the prothorax
and slightly more than twice as long, obtusely ogival at tip, the
sinus evident but short and feeble; striae rather strong, the scutellar
very short and feeble, the second with an adherent puncture near
apical third, the close-set marginal line of strong foveae abruptly
and clearly discontinuous medially; intervals not quite flat, polished,
basal punctures of the abdomen almost obsolete; legs short, the
two anterior tarsi (c?) distinctly dilated and biserially squamose, the
posterior rather long, very slender, with the first four joints decreas-
ing evenly and rapidly in length, the first fully as long as the fifth.
Length (c? 9 ) 5.8-7.2 mm.; width 2.1-2.7 mm- Virginia (Norfolk),
Ohio and Missouri nitidulus Chd.
37 — Pronotal foveae strong and deep, rather broadly linear but short, a
fourth the total length, rugose but not definitely punctured. Body
very small, rather narrow, convex, strongly shining, black above
and beneath, the epipleura rufescent except basally; legs obscure
rufous, the femora black, the slender antennae and palpi obscure
testaceous; head barely more than half as wide as the prothorax,
the eyes moderate, prominent, the foveae minute but rather linear,
not circularly perforate; mandibles rufescent, black at apex; pro-
thorax nearly one-half wider than long, subparallel, the sides broadly,
rather strongly rounded, slightly converging and becoming nearly
straight basally, the angles slightly obtuse but only very narrowly
rounded at tip; apex broadly sinuate, with broadly rounded angles,
evidently narrower than the transverse, finely and strongly margined
base; surface steeply declivous at the sides, the edge finely reflexed,
the extremely fine gutter not varying in form from apex to base,
though just visibly coarser medially, the lateral parts almost equally
convex throughout the length; fine median stria rather broadly
impressed, conspicuous and almost attaining the apex; elytra slightly
less than one-half longer than wide, slightly wider than the prothorax,
obtuse at apex, with very feeble though evident sinus, the parallel
sides evidently arcuate; striae rather fine, feebly impressed, the
scutellar moderate in length, the intervals very feebly convex,
polished, the puncture somewhat behind apical fourth; basal joint
of the hind tarsi distinctly shorter than the fifth. Length (c?)
6.7 mm.; width 2.65 mm. Colorado (Eldora) . . . .paululus n. sp.
Pronotal foveae extremely feeble, linear but sometimes barely traceable. 38
38 — Legs dark rufous in color, the femora black when mature 39
Legs deep black throughout, the tarsi more or less paler, especially the
two anterior of the male 4°
39 — Form oblong-oval, rather convex, a little broader in the female,
polished black above throughout, the elytra ( 9 ) densely subsericeo-
opaque; under surface and epipleura deep black, shining; antennae
and palpi pale testaceous, the former slender; head small but evi-
dently more than half as wide as the prothorax, the eyes rather
prominent, the foveae small, deep, perforato-punctiform; prothorax
two-fifths wider than long, the sides broadly, almost evenly arcuate
and converging almost from base to apex, the latter deeply sinuate,
with somewhat prominent and not very broadly rounded angles
and very much narrower than the base, which is transverse and
feebly margined, the angles nearly right but very broadly rounded;
surface steeply declivous at the sides anteriorly to the extremely
finely reflexed edge, the gutter rapidly expanding, turning inward and
becoming feeble behind about the middle, obsolete behind basal
third; foveae linear but broadly impressed, not very deep though
distinct, impunctate, the external convexity also impunctate; stria
very fine, not impressed; elytra not quite one-half longer than wide,
barely at all (cf) or very slightly (9) wider than the prothorax,
parallel, with feebly arcuate sides and obtuse apex, the sinus ob-
solete or vestigial; striae very fine and scarcely at all impressed in
both sexes, the scutellar well developed; intervals flat, the small
puncture near apical fourth; basal joint of the hind tarsi equal in
length to the fifth in both sexes. Length (cf 9 ) 8.2-8.7 mm.;
width 3.0-3.35 mm. Wisconsin (Bayfield), — Wickham. Five ex-
amples lacustris n. sp.
Form slightly stouter, the female scarcely differing from the male in
outline, shining, black throughout above, the elytra (9) sericeo-
opaque; under surface and epipleura black and shining, the cephalic
appendages pale testaceous; head rather evidently more than half
as wide as the prothorax, nearly as in the preceding but with the
minute foveae more lineiform, the antennae slender; prothorax two-
fifths wider than long, the sides subevenly and rather strongly
arcuate, slightly converging posteriorly but more so anteriorly, the
apex deeply sinuate, with rather prominent and narrowly rounded
angles and much narrower than the base, which is transverse and
evenly margined, the angles nearly right but well rounded; surface
throughout nearly as in lacustris, the linear and broadly impressed
foveae very evident (cf) or obsolescent (9), punctureless; elytra
throughout nearly as in lacustris, except that the striae (c/1) are
slightly more impressed, the intervals not quite flat though usually
perfectly so in the female; hind tarsi nearly similar. Length (d* 9 )
7.7-9.0 mm.; width 3.15-3.7 mm. Colorado (Boulder Co.). Thirteen
examples. Allied to lacustris but stouter and differing in the very
much less anteriorly narrowed prothorax coloradensis n. sp.
40 — Body oblong-oval, rather feebly convex, shining, black above and
beneath, the elytra (9) only faintly alutaceous; head but slightly
more than half as wide as the prothorax, the eyes prominent, the
antennae slender and testaceous and the foveae very minute; pro-
thorax nearly as in nitidulus, two-fifths wider than long, the sides
evenly and rather strongly arcuate, more converging apically than
basally, the apex deeply sinuate, with narrowly rounded and rather
prominent angles and very much narrower than the base, which is
transverse, finely margined and feebly bisinuate, with the angles
broadly rounded; surface feebly convex, steeply declivous at the
sides anteriorly to the very fine re flexed edge, the very fine gutter
not modified appreciably posteriorly, the foveae linear, nearly obso-
solete, feebly and broadly impressed, with a few punctures basally;
elytra two-fifths longer than wide, oblong, just visibly wider than
the prothorax in either sex, abruptly very obtuse at apex, the striae
feebly impressed, with very slightly convex polished intervals (cf)
or perfectly flat, with finer and more superficial striae (9 ), the sinus
broad and feeble but very obvious; basal joint of the hind tarsi
equal in length to the fifth. Length (cT 9 ) 7.4-8.0 mm.; width 2.9-
3.2 mm. New Mexico (Las Vegas and Fort Wingate) and Arizona.
Female not quite so large as the male as a rule. Ten examples.
ellipsis Lee.
Body stouter and more oblong, moderately convex, very shining, black
above and beneath, the anterior and middle male tarsi, antennae and
palpi pale testaceous; head barely more than half as wide as the
prothorax, the eyes moderately prominent, the antennae slender and
the foveae minute, rounded, perforato-punctiform and not quite
adjoining the suture; prothorax shorter than in the preceding, being
one-half wider than long but otherwise similar throughout; elytra
slightly wider than the prothorax, parallel, with feebly arcuate sides,
as in ellipsis throughout, except that the apex is more ogival and
less broadly obtuse and the sinus feebler, being almost obsolete,
the small puncture similarly near apical fourth, the tarsi similar.
Length (cf) 9.0 mm.; width 3.6 mm. Arizona (probably southern).
vespertinus Csy.
Body larger, more elongate-oblong and more convex, deep shining black
above and beneath, the tarsi rufo-piceous; antennae slender, dark
testaceous; head apparently not quite one-half as wide as the
prothorax, nearly as in the preceding throughout; prothorax two-
fifths wider than long, the sides subevenly and rather feebly rounded,
more rounding and converging apically, nearly parallel basally, the
apex deeply sinuate, with subprominent though rounded angles and
much narrower than the base, which is rectilinear and finely mar-
gined, the angles right but broadly rounded; surface almost perfectly
even throughout, the fovese as nearly obsolete as possible, barely
traceable by oblique illumination, the sides but slightly modified,
though the latero-basal region is very slightly flattened, somewhat
alutaceous and with some feeble anastomosing rugulosity; disk also
with some feeble wavy transverse lines, the stria fine and feeble;
elytra fully one-half longer than wide, about equal in width to the
prothorax, parallel and feebly arcuate at the sides, the striae (cf )
rather fine but deep, slightly impressed, the intervals feebly convex,
polished, the scutellar stria long, the puncture small and before
apical fourth; basal joint of the hind tarsi equal in length to the
fifth, the first three decreasing uniformly and not very rapidly in
length as in the allied species. Length (cT) 9.8 mm.; width 3.6 mm.
Colorado (Boulder Co.) mobilis n. sp.
The last section, with small head, Celia-like facies and obsolescent
pronotal foveae — to which paululus does not strictly belong, being
placed there solely on account of the unusually small head, — would
seem to be at least subgenerically different from the more typical
Harpalus, but there are no obvious structural peculiarities war-
ranting the separation, other than those mentioned; the absence
of a mentum tooth similarly characterizes many true Harpalus
species, such as herbivagus and fallax. The above description of
megacephalus is taken from the original, as I do not seem to have
that species in my collection. There are also a number of other
species unknown to me, that apparently belong to this viduus group
according to LeConte; these, accompanied by descriptions drawn
directly from the originals, are as follows:
H. fulvilabris Mann. — Oblong, black; prothorax short, wider than
long, subquadrate, slightly narrowed behind, evidently canaliculate
medially, the base obsoletely foveolate at each side, finely and, about the
foveae densely, punctulate, all the angles rounded; elytra striate, shining
(cf), opaque (9), the apices obliquely truncate, slightly sinuate, the
third interval with two impressed punctures [whether on each elytron or
the two combined not stated]; trophi and mandibles, palpi and labrum,
limb of the prothorax and elytra narrowly, the margins reflexed, and the
antennae and legs rufous. Length 8-9 mm.; width 3.3-4 mm. Alaska
(Kodiak Island).
Evidently different from any known to me; the language referring
to the elytral puncture is puzzling.
H. ventralis Lee. — Oblong-oval, parallel, subdepressed, nigro-piceous
above; head smooth, the frontal suture distinct, the frontal impressions
minute; mouth, antennae and palpi rufo-piceous; prothorax one-half
wider than the head, not shorter than wide [!], quadrate, anteriorly
slightly emarginate, with the sides rounded anteriorly, posteriorly nearly
straight, the base truncate, with the hind angles perfectly right, obsoletely
explanate; transverse impressions almost obsolete, the stria fine, the
basal foveae linear, not deep; elytra feebly sinuate at tip, striate, the striae
fine, deeper posteriorly, the intervals flat; under surface and legs wholly
pale rufo-piceous. Length 8.7 mm.; width 3.7 mm. Near Long's Peak.
The statement in regard to the form of the prothorax of this
species prevents the assignment to it of any known to me. No
mention is made of any peculiarity relating to the abdomen or
hind body, as the name would seem to imply.
H. opacipennis Hald. (Ophonus) — Oval, glossy, chestnut-brown
beneath and upon the middle and posterior thighs; antennae, palpi,
margin of the labrum, intermediate and posterior tibiae and tarsi and
anterior legs rufous; head with a small round indentation upon each side
between the antennae; pronotum much wider than long, transversely
rugulose, with the basal impressions rugose, shallow, each with a very
slight fossula; dorsal lines faint; elytra finely and simply striate; inter-
stices flat, with a puncture upon the third one; tip slightly sinuate;
surface sericeous. Length 9 mm. Southeastern Pennsylvania.
I cannot refer any one of the new forms here described to this
species. Although both plenalis and latebricola have the opaculate
elytra, the legs are clear and uniform testaceous throughout.
Opacipennis may come just before plenalis in the table.
H. carbonatus Lee. — Elongate-oblong, being somewhat as in cautus
(advena Lee.) but with basal thoracic angles less rounded; head obtuse,
the eyes moderately prominent; prothorax wider than the head, shorter
than wide, slightly narrowed posteriorly, the sides broadly rounded,
obsoletely explanate posteriorly, the hind angles right, with their tips
rounded; basal foveae small, not at all deep and sparsely punctate;
elytra (9 ) opaque, the apices not at all sinuate; striae impunctate, the
intervals slightly convex; antennae and palpi piceo-rufous. Length
10 mm. Saskatchewan.
T. L. Casey, Mem. Col. V, Oct. 1914.
The species named fugitans in the table came to me under the
above name, but does not agree well with LeConte's short descrip-
tion ; the form in fugitans is much shorter and more depressed than
in cautus, the hind angles of the prothorax rather broadly rounded
and the legs varicolored — rufous, with black femora. The elytral
sinus, also, while feeble, is quite evident and the size is much
smaller. It may be placed next to fugitans for the present.
The specimen serving for the description of innocuus Lee., in
the table, is doubtless immature, as the body is said to be black,
with the tibiae and tarsi obscure ferruginous, in the original female
type of that species, leaving it to be inferred that the femora are
dark; the legs in the example described above are absolutely clear
and pale flavo-ferruginous throughout. However, as it is from
the same locality and the other characters agree, I suppose that it
is properly identified.
Gemmeus is a remarkably aberrant species and might with some
propriety form a group by itself; the frontal foveae, elytral striation
and general coloration are all notably distinctive.
The name viduus was originally assigned as a cabinet name by
LeConte to a New Jersey species, here apparently described under
the name recisus, but, as no description was given, this original
viduus must be considered a purely manuscript name; that it was
evidently so regarded by LeConte himself is proved by the fact
that he subsequently (Proc. Acad. Phila., 1865, p. 103) gave the
name to another quite different species from Illinois. The language
used in coarse print remarks under the description of fallax (Col.
Kansas, p. 3) is this: "A very similar nondescript species from
New Jersey was kindly given me by Mr. Guex; it differs chiefly
by the thorax being broader, with the sides less rounded and less
narrowed anteriorly. I have named it H. viduus." It is easy to
see that this was not intended in any way as a description, and I
therefore have to differ with Chaudoir (Rev. Mag. Zool., 1868,
p. 20) in his contention that the second viduus should have its
name changed because of preoccupation. Furthermore, the few
characters given to distinguish the original viduus from fallax,
seem to be inaccurate; at any rate they do not apply in any way
to recisus.
Group VII (fraternus).
The general habitus of the body is even more varied in this
group than in the preceding, but all the species have on the ab-
domen, outside of the two regular longitudinal series of setse, a
number of additional setae arising from more or less asperate
punctures, scattered very irregularly and sparsely over the surface
as a rule, generally shorter and less erect than the regular setae
of the series and termed accessory setae by LeConte. Sometimes
these setae are reduced to a very small number, perhaps not more
than two or three in an isolated cluster that may readily be over-
looked, as in the case of lewisi, which was placed in company with
laticeps of the preceding group by LeConte but which really belongs
here. The mentum tooth varies greatly but is much less often
obsolete than in the viduus group. There are no megacephalous
forms, such as laticeps, but in renoicus and sejunctus the head be-
comes as small as in n'tidulus and allies of the preceding group,
accompanied by an almost similar general habitus of the body.
The desertus section seems however to be peculiar to this fraternus
group in habitus, and the posteriorly oblique sides of the thoracic
base and pale integuments impart a distinctive appearance. The
species are not so numerous as in the viduus group, those known to
me being definable as follows :
Body larger in size, always over 10 mm. in length and of very broad,
frequently subdepressed form; mentum tooth generally of feeble
development and more or less broadly rounded 2
Body smaller, about 10 mm. in length, narrower and more parallel;
mentum tooth completely wanting, the bottom of the emargination
transverse and even ' 6
Body still smaller, generally much under 10 mm. in length, of narrow,
suboval or oblong-oval form, the mentum tooth rather well developed
as a rule and often very acute, wanting in oppositiis 7
2 — Elytra (9) with the sutural angles not spinulose. Rather stout,
parallel, black, shining, the antennae and palpi obscure piceous, the
latter subacute at apex, the legs black; head smooth, moderately
large, the frontal impressions punctiform, the suture noticeably
deep; prothorax broader than the head, almost twice as wide as
long, quadrate, the sides moderately rounded anteriorly, the hind
angles accurately right, explanate; surface subconvex, the anterior
transverse impression arcuate and indistinct, the stria extremely
fine, abbreviated anteriorly, the basal fovese small, short and sparsely
punctate; elytra rather obtuse, the apices feebly sinuate, more than
twice as long as the prothorax, striate, the scutellar stria long;
intervals moderately convex, the third unipunctate posteriorly;
middle tarsi (cf ) not much dilated but with a double series of papillae
beneath as in the other species. Length 12.5 mm.; width 5.2 mm.
Near Long's Peak funestus Lee.
Elytra ( 9 ) with the sutural angles briefly spinulose 3
3 — Head larger, nearly two-thirds as wide as the prothorax; mentum
tooth rather strong but distinctly obtuse. Atlantic regions 4
Head more moderate, never more than three-fifths as wide as the pro-
thorax; mentum tooth very short, more or less feeble and broadly
rounded. Pacific regions 5
4 — Form broad and feebly convex, oblong-suboval, rather shining, the
elytra (9 ) densely sericeo-opaque; body piceous in color, dark red-
brown beneath, the legs piceo-rufous; cephalic appendages testaceous;
head smooth, with moderate and rather prominent eyes and small
perforato-punctiform fovese; antennae slender, shorter ( 9 ) ; prothorax
three-fourths wider than long, the sides broadly arcuate anteriorly,
feebly converging and subsinuous thence to the base, which is
transverse, finely and strongly margined and evidently wider than
the apex, which is broadly sinuate, with not very broadly rounded
angles, the basal angles strongly defined, but little more than right,
with the tips only very narrowly blunt; surface feebly convex, steeply
sloping to the very finely reflexed edge anteriorly, the gutter widen-
ning posteriorly and nearly flat, opaque but scarcely at all punctate
and disappearing in the broad latero-basal flattening in basal third,
this region more alutaceous than the rest of the surface and with
minute sparse punctules, the foveae short, moderately deep, rugulose,
opaque and punctulate; elytra less than one-half longer than wide,
gradually ogival at tip, parallel, with broadly arcuate sides and almost
a fourth wider than the prothorax; sinus broad, even and distinct and
with a second short sinus next t,o the sutural spine; striae fine, feeble,
the scutellar long, the intervals ( 9 ) perfectly flat, the puncture fine,
on the second stria near apical third; metasternum laterally moder-
ately opaque and finely, sparsely punctate; hind tarsi with the first
joint equal in length to the fifth, the third two-thirds longer than
wide. Length (9) 13.4 mm.; width 5.6 mm. Michigan (Mar-
quette) lewisi Lee.
Form in general similar but still broader and more parallel, deep black
above and beneath, the legs black, the anterior and middle tarsi (cf )
piceo-rufous; upper surface (cf) extremely polished throughout,
or (9) shining, the pronotum slightly alutaceous latero-basally
and the elytra densely sericeo-opaque; head and antennae nearly as
in lewisi; prothorax similar throughout, except that the latero-basal
flattened region is more strongly and closely punctured throughout
and that it is more nearly as wide as the elytra, the latter almost
similar, except that the sinuses at tip are feebler and that they are
only about two-fifths longer than wide, rather more obtuse at apex
and less than a fifth wider than the prothorax; metasternum ( 9 ) at
the sides more densely opaque, more rugose and more strongly
punctured; hind tarsi (9) similar, except that they are slightly
more elongate. Length (cf1 9 ) 13.3-14.0 mm.; width 5.2-5.9 mm.
^1 I I \kp\i.i \ i- 117
New York (Plattsburg). Five examples. Closely allied to lewisi
but apparently distinct aesopus n. sp.
5 — Outline oblong-suboval, more convex and narrower than the pre-
ceding, deep polished black above, the elytra opaculate (9 ); under
surface and legs very faintly rufopiceous-black in mature examples;
anterior and middle tarsi (cf ) slightly paler; head smooth, the eyes
moderate and rather prominent, the foveae small, perforato-puncti-
form; antennae slender but far from attaining the thoracic base In
either sex; prothorax one-half (cf) to three-fifths (9) wider than
long, the sides broadly rounded anteriorly, less rounded to nearly
straight and feebly converging posteriorly, the angles evidently more
than right, with their tips rather narrowly blunted; base transverse,
finely margined, feebly bisinuate, distinctly wider than the broadly
and strongly sinuate apex; surface steeply declivous anteriorly to
the moderately finely reflexed edge, the gutter finely rugulose,
gradually widening, curving slightly inward and becoming shallow
and inclined posteriorly and disappearing at basal third on the broad
and feeble, scarcely more alutaceous and usually though not always
punctureless latero-basal region; foveae short, rather shallow, sparsely
punctured, sometimes almost obsolete; elytra oblong, parallel, rather
abruptly very obtuse at apex, not quite one-half longer than wide
and but very little wider than the prothorax, the sides only very
feebly arcuate, the sinus feeble, deeper externally, where the limiting
projection is subprominently though rather broadly rounded; striae
fine, scarcely (cf ) or not (9 ) impressed, the scutellar notably long,
the intervals flat to very feebly convex; hind tarsi with the basal
joint not quite as long as the fifth. Length (cf 9 ) 10.4-13.4 mm.;
width 4.2-5.5 mm. New Mexico, Colorado and Arizona. Very
abundant. Forty-nine examples. [//. oblitus Lee. nee Dej.].
lecontei nom. nov.
Outline similar but always more elongate and larger in size, oblong, moder-
ately convex, polished black (cf) throughout above, the under
surface and legs black, the anterior and middle tarsi (cf ) scarcely
paler, piceous-black; antennae nearly similar but dusky, blackish
basally, the palpi blackish, pale at tip; head nearly as in the pre-
ceding; prothorax relatively shorter, fully three-fifths wider than
long in the male, the surface nearly as in the preceding, except that
the marginal gutter barely at all widens posteriorly and does not
turn inward, disappearing at basal third, the vicinity of the hind
angles more flattened, the anterior angles more narrowly rounded and
the basal still more sharply defined, being barely even at all blunted
at the apices, the sides anteriorly also are more strongly arcuate;
elytra more elongate, slightly more than one-half longer than wide,
nearly a fourth wider than the prothorax, with parallel and broadly
arcuate sides, the sinus of the same general form but still feebler,
the striae similar though generally a little more impressed and the
puncture similarly near apical third; hind tarsi differing distinctly,
being very much longer, with the basal joint fully as long as the
last. Length (cf) 12.5-14.5 mm.; width 5.2-5.6 mm. Utah and
Wyoming to British Columbia, Oregon and Northern California.
Seven examples, all males. [H. occidentalis Chd.].. .fraternus Lee.
6 — Form oblong-elongate, subparallel, convex, shining and deep black
above and beneath (cf), or black, with the elytra and under surface
opaculate (9), the legs dusky rufous, with the femora black, the
anterior notably swollen, or, clear testaceous throughout, with the
anterior not more swollen, respectively; antennae rather thick, moder-
ate in length, they and the palpi testaceous; head three-fifths (cf)
to nearly two-thirds ( 9 ) as wide as the prothorax, the eyes rather
prominent, the fovese small, rounded, very deep and perforate;
prothorax one-half wider than long, the sides very broadly and feebly
rounded, nearly straight though barely at all converging behind the
middle, the base transverse, finely margined, with only slightly obtuse
but rather broadly rounded angles, slightly wider than the apex,
which is rather feebly sinuate and with broadly rounded angles;
surface steeply declivous to the very finely reflexed edge anteriorly,
the gutter becoming only a little wider posteriorly and disappearing
at basal third, finely punctulate; fovese short, linear but very broadly
and moderately impressed, rather coarsely and closely punctate,
the area thence to the sides broadly convex and with a few very sparse
minute punctules; stria very fine; elytra about one-half longer than
wide, only just visibly wider than the prothorax, obtusely rounded
behind, parallel, with very feebly arcuate sides, the sinus very
feeble though evident; striae fine, the scutellar long, the intervals
nearly to quite flat; puncture near apical fourth; basal joint of the
hind tarsi equal in length to the fifth, the first three decreasing uni-
formly. Length (cf 9 ) 10.7-10.9 mm.; width 3.7-4.2 mm. Utah
(Provo), — Wickham. Peculiar because of sexual differences in the
legs , uteanus n. sp.
7 — Head moderate in size, approximating three-fifths the width of the
prothorax 8
Head notably small in size in both sexes, not or barely more than half as
wide as the prothorax 24
8 — Sides of the prothorax behind about the middle always evidently
though very moderately converging to the base, as usual in the
genus 9
Sides of the prothorax nearly straight and perfectly parallel from the
base to beyond the middle, where they become rather strongly
arcuate at the apical angles 23
9 — Hind tarsi with the basal joint not or but very little shorter than the
fifth in both sexes; sides of the thoracic base rather abruptly, pos-
teriorly oblique; antennae slender 10
Hind tarsi with the basal joint much shorter than the fifth n
10 — Body rufo-castaneous in color, always pale red-brown beneath,
polished, the elytra (9) slightly alutaceous; head smooth, with
prominent eyes, the foveae small, perforato-punctiform; mentum
tooth strong and very acute; prothorax one-half wider than long,
the sides strongly and subevenly rounded from base to apex, the
latter broadly, deeply sinuate, with rather prominent and narrowly
rounded angles and only slightly narrower than the base, which is
finely, deeply margined, the lateral obliquity always feeble and some-
times obsolete, the angles slightly obtuse and evidently rounded;
surface almost evenly convex, the reflexed margin very fine and
unmodified from apex to base, the latero-basal region a little more
feebly convex, impunctate though usually slightly rugulose, the
foveae short, feeble, sublinear, impunctate but rather coarsely and
feebly rugulose, these rugulee faintly pervading most of the disk and
longitudinal along the median parts of the base, the stria very fine;
elytra oval, about as wide as the prothorax, rounded behind, parallel,
with distinctly arcuate sides, the sinus barely traceable, vestigial,
the striae fine, the intervals nearly flat, the puncture small, behind
apical third. Length (cf 9 ) 9.7-10.3 mm.; width 3.6-3.9 mm.
Colorado (Eldora and Boulder Co.). Thirteen examples.
furtivus Lee.
Body smaller and narrower than in furtivus and darker in color, black
or with the feeblest piceous tinge, blackish-piceous beneath, polished,
the elytra (9 ) slightly alutaceous; head nearly as in the preceding;
mandibles rufous, the acute external margin basally and the tip
black; prothorax much less transverse, barely two-fifths wider than
long, the sides broadly rounded, becoming straighter basally, the
apex rather deeply sinuate, with narrowly rounded angles and only
slightly narrower than the base, which is rectilinear medially but
abruptly strongly and posteriorly oblique at the sides, the angles
therefore nearly right, narrowly rounded; surface nearly as in the
preceding but without the rugulosity, extremely smooth and polished,
with a few traces of longitudinal rugulosity medially near apex and
base and with a few feeble punctures near the linear foveolae and
near the lateral edges; elytra oblong-oval, nearly one-half longer
than wide, rather distinctly wider than the prothorax, especially in
the female, the parallel sides broadly arcuate, the sinus vestigial
and barely traceable; striae rather fine, feebly impressed (cf), the
intervals feebly convex (cf ) or flat (9 ), the puncture before apical
fourth. Length (cf 9 ) 8.4-9.5 mm.; width 3.1-3.8 mm. New
Mexico (Jemez Springs) and Colorado. Ten examples.
probatus n. sp.
Body still smaller, elongate-oval, convex, castaneous above, paler piceo-
rufous beneath, highly polished, the elytra ( 9 ) scarqely visibly less
so and just perceptibly alutaceous; head as in probatus; prothorax
also similar, except that the fine reflexed lateral margins are feebly
dilated and punctulate posteriorly, the hind angles similarly nearly
right and narrowly but very evidently rounded, the s'urface similarly
very feebly flattened very near the hind angles, the foveae linear and
still feebler, sometimes slightly punctulate; elytra similar throughout
but with feebler striae and flatter intervals; tarsi still more slender;
accessory setae of the abdomen similarly extremely few in number.
Length (cf 9 ) 7.7-8.0 mm.; width 2.9-3.25 mm. New Mexico
(Socorro Co.), — Snow. Four examples nitescans n. sp.
II — Mentum tooth distinct and usually more or less acute; basal thoracic
angles never very sharply defined, always blunt at their apices as
in the preceding section 12
Mentum edentate or with a broad obtuse and very feeble tooth; thoracic
angles sharply marked, not rounded 22
12 — Thoracic base rectilinearly transverse medially, posteriorly oblique
at the sides, so that the basal angles are more posterior in position
than the medial part as in the preceding section; color of the body
always notably pale castaneo-testaceous even apparently when
mature; antennae slender, the general affinities strongly with the
preceding three species 13
Thoracic base transverse and, although sometimes feebly bisinuate,
never having the hind angles more posterior than the medial parts;
coloration always darker, generally nearly or quite black 16
13 — Sides of the prothorax but feebly arcuate and more parallel than in
the preceding or following species, the base and apex subequal in
width; thoracic foveae larger and with conspicuous diffuse punctua-
ation. Body elongate-oval, convex, shining, testaceous, the elytra
(9) but little more obscure and strongly shining, barely visibly
alutaceous; head smooth, the eyes unusually developed, prominent,
the foveae very minute, feeble, sublinear; prothorax slightly more
than two-fifths wider than long, quadriform, the apex broadly and
feebly sinuate, with moderately rounded angles, the basal bead
strong; sides nearly straight posteriorly, the angles right but evi-
dently though not broadly rounded; surface very steeply declivous
at the sides anteriorly to the deep and moderately finely re flexed
edge, which is punctulate to the base, not dilated posteriorly and
obsolete at about basal third; surface between the large impressed
foveae and the sides feebly convex and impunctate; stria very fine;
elytra oval, very convex, barely two-fifths longer than wide, nearly
a fourth wider than the prothorax, with rather strongly arcuate
sides and gradually obtusely ogival apex, the sinus barely evident;
striae fine, slightly impressed, the intervals feebly and subequally
convex throughout the width, the puncture near apical third;
accessory setae of the abdomen very few in number; hind tarsi very
slender, the basal joint not so very much shorter than the fifth as
it is in most of the following forms of this section, being fully four-
fifths as long. Length (9 ) 8.8 mm.; width 3.5 mm. New Mexico
(Socorro Co.), — Snow clientus n. sp.
Sides of the prothorax strongly arcuate, more converging and straighter
posteriorly, the apex obviously though not greatly narrower than
the base and very feebly sinuate, with moderately rounded angles,
the thoracic foveae small, linear, very feeble and impunctate or very
nearly; hind tarsi very slender and moderately long but with the
first joint very distinctly shorter than the fifth 14
14 — Elytra almost circularly rounded behind, the sinus virtually ob-
solete. Body unusually slender, moderately convex, elongate-
suboval, very shining, fusco-testaceous in color, the elytra barely
more obscure; head with relatively rather less developed or prominent
eyes than in clientus and with the foveae small but perforato-puncti-
form; prothorax rather more than two-fifths wider than long, the
base finely beaded, with the angles slightly obtuse and notably
rounded; fine lateral gutter expanding, inclined but extremely feeble
and somewhat incurved posteriorly, disappearing on the slightly
less convex latero-basal area, which like all the rest of the surface is
smooth and impunctate; elytra about one-half longer than wide,
elongate-oval, very slightly wider than the prothorax and with
.broadly arcuate sides, the striae rather fine but somewhat groove-
like; puncture in the type on the third interval distant from the
second stria and very posterior, near apical fifth, on the left elytron,
wholly wanting on the right; accessory punctures of the abdomen
numerous, very irregularly disposed and bearing conspicuous stiff
setae. Length (cf ) 8.0 mm.; width 3.0 mm. New Mexico (locality
not recorded) malacus n. sp.
Elytra more broadly obtuse at apex, the sinus feeble but evident 15
15 — Pronotum not flattened near the hind angles, the marginal gutter,
as in the preceding species, scarcely at all expanding posteriorly.
Body elongate-suboval, rather convex, pale brunneo-testaceous
above, paler red-brown beneath, strongly shining; head nearly as in
the preceding but with slightly more prominent eyes; prothorax also
similar in outline and in the angles but with the stria not biabbre-
viated but entire and evidently coarser and the fovese still feebler,
being almost completely obsolete; elytra shorter, not quite one-half
longer than wide, the sides more arcuate than in malacus, relatively
wider, being fully a fifth wider than the prothorax; striae finer and
feebler, those toward the suture and the scutellar notably more im-
pressed and with more convex intervals; puncture very small but
regular and adjoining the second stria a little behind apical fourth;
accessory abdominal punctures small, rather few in number, situated
near the apices of the segments and bearing rather fine setae. Length
(of1) 8.8 mm.; width 3.35 mm. Utah (Virgin River). A single ex-
ample as in the preceding illectus n. sp.
Pronotum more or less strongly flattened or deplanate near the hind
angles, the marginal gutter rather coarse anteriorly, rapidly expand-
ing, nearly horizontal in plane and curving strongly inward poster-
iorly, disappearing on the flattened or very feebly convex, subalu-
taceous and impunctate latero-basal area near basal fourth or fifth.
Body unusually small in size, oblong-suboval, convex, castaneo-
testaceous, moderately shining, the elytra ( 9 ) opaque, much duller
than in any other species in this part of the group; head rather small,
with prominent eyes as usual, the foveae minute, perforato-puncti-
form and lying within feeble elongate-oval impressions; mandibles
very short, the incurved apex of the left sharply pointed; antennae
rather slender, more than attaining the thoracic base; prothorax
fully one-half wider than long, the sides of the base strongly pos-
teriorly oblique, the angles right and only narrowly blunt at their
tips; foveae finely linear, feeble, short and impunctate, the stria
fine, more or less abbreviated anteriorly; elytra short, oblong,
parallel, a third longer than wide, nearly a fourth wider than the
prothorax; sides parallel and distinctly arcuate, the striae very fine,
the intervals virtually flat; accessory punctures of the abdomen fine,
moderately numerous and irregularly scattered. Length (9)
6.3-7.0 mm.; width 2.4-2.7 mm. New Mexico (the locality un-
recorded) nugax n. sp.
16 — Species of the Pacific coast fauna, larger, more oval and convex, the
elytra much wider than the prothorax and with strongly arcuate
sides. Color piceous-black when mature, the under surface and
legs pale red-brown, the antenna slender and ferruginous; surface
highly polished, the elytra ( 9 ) slightly alutaceous, generally with
the sutural angle not or only extremely minutely denticulate; head
moderate, rather short, the eyes prominent as usual, the foveee very
small, deep, rounded and somewhat impressed; prothorax fully
one-half wider than long, the sides subparallel, almost evenly rounded,
the base but slightly wider than the apex, transverse, feebly bisinu-
ate, the angles rather obtuse and notably broadly rounded; apex
moderately sinuate, with rounded angles; surface steeply declivous
anteriorly to the rather fine reflexed edge, the gutter expanding but
slightly, inclined in plane and very feeble posteriorly, disappearing
near basal third, finely punctulate throughout; basal regions not
distinctly punctulate, the foveae narrow, very feeble and with a few
punctures; elytra only two-fifths longer than wide, nearly a fourth
wider than the prothorax, the sinus very feeble though rather evident,
the striae (cf ) fine and feebly impressed or ( 9 ) very fine and shallow,
with nearly flat intervals; accessory punctures of the abdomen
rather strong and asperate, somewhat numerous, tending to trans-
versely lineal arrangement near the apices of the segments; hind
tarsi not very short, slender, the basal joint two-thirds as long as the
fifth. Length (cf 9 ) 7.8-10.0 mm.; width 3.1-3.7 mm. Northern
coast regions of California. Eleven examples. .. albionicus Mann.
Species of the Sonoran fauna, much smaller, narrower and more parallel
in form, the elytra (9) usually rather strongly denticulate at the
sutural angles and almost as shining as in the male 17
17 — Body more elongate and slender, the elytra fully one-half longer
than wide, circularly rounded at apex; hind femora (cf ) strongly
swollen. Black, highly polished, the under surface more piceous-
black, the legs short, uniformly dark rufous; head moderate, the
eyes prominent, the foveae minute and perforato-punctiform;
mentum tooth strong, slender and subacute; antennae slender, dusky
rufous; prothorax subparallel, fully one-half wider than long, the
sides broadly rounded, gradually less so posteriorly, the apex feebly
sinuate, with broadly rounded angles and barely visibly narrower
than the base, which is transverse, finely margined, very broadly and
obsoletely bisinuate and with the angles but little more than right
and distinctly rounded; surface with feeble transverse wavy lines,
the rather fine marginal gutter curving inward and expanding though
feeble posteriorly, vanishing at basal fourth, the foveae short, sub-
linear, very feebly impressed and with a few rather coarse punctures,
otherwise impunctate; elytra barely visibly wider than the prothorax,
the sinus completely obsolete; striae rather fine, feebly impressed,
the intervals slightly convex, the puncture very small and feeble,
near posterior fifth; accessory punctures fine, sparsely and very
irregularly distributed; hind tarsi rather short but slender, the basal
joint short. Length (cf) 7-7 mm.; width 2.8 mm. New Mexico
(Jemez Springs), — Woodgate vacivus n. sp.
Body less elongate, the elytra always less than one-half longer than wide
and more obtuse at apex; hind femora (cf) only very moderately
swollen, the legs similarly short and dark rufous throughout. . . .18
1 8 — Pronotal foveae and entire latero-basal surface more or less strongly
though not densely punctate. Upper surface black or piceous-black
and highly polished throughout in both sexes, the under surface
piceous-black to dark red-brown; antennae and palpi slender and
testaceous; head moderate, the eyes and foveae as usual; mentum
tooth strong and acute; prothorax as in the preceding, except that
the basal sinuations are narrower, deeper and more abrupt and
most of the basal region rugulose or punctate, the foveae very distinct,
the surface smoother otherwise and with the transversely wavy-
lines feebler or obsolete; elytra two-fifths (cf ) to scarcely more than
a third ( 9 ) longer than wide, very slightly wider than the prothorax,
the parallel sides but feebly arcuate, the sinus extremely faint, ves-
tigial; striae rather fine, feebly impressed, with slightly convex
intervals, perfectly similar in the two sexes; accessory punctures fine,
sparse and irregular; hind tarsi still slightly shorter and less slender
than in vacivus, the fifth joint almost as long as the first two com-
bined. Length (cf 9 ) 6.5-7.9 mm.; width 2.5-3.1 mm. Wyoming
to Arizona. Nine examples. [H. lucidus Lee. nee Moraw.].
lustrans Csy.
Pronotal fovese rather less punctured, the feebly convex surface thence to
the sides generally without punctures or sometimes with a few that
are very minute and inconspicuous; hind tarsi similarly very short,
with the fifth joint subequal in length to the first two combined. . 19
19 — Elytra very obtusely but evenly and subcircularly rounded at apex,
the sinus obsolete, the antennae slender and moderately long as
usual 20
Elytra each obliquely subtruncate at apex, without the usual discal
puncture, the antennae shorter than in any other species and less
slender, the medial joints barely longer than wide 21
20 — Body oblong-suboval, convex, strongly shining, blackish-piceous,
with rufous elytra, the under surface rufo-piceous throughout; head
moderate, the foveae extremely minute, the left mandible gradually
acutely pointed and incurved apically; prothorax fully one-half
wider than long, almost as in lustrans but with the apex scarcely
at all sinuate and the lateral gutter barely at all broadening poster-
iorly, abruptly obsolete at basal fourth, the distinct foveae and basal
parts nearly similar but less rugulose and with only a few extremely
minute sparse punctules laterally; elytra (cf ) still shorter, barely a
third longer than wide, relatively wider, a fifth wider than the pro-
thorax, the parallel sides feebly arcuate; striae rather fine but even,
more impressed than in lustrans, the scutellar notably longer and
stronger, the intervals convex, much more so apically than in that
species; puncture very small and feeble, near apical fifth; accessory
punctures rather fine but numerous, sparsely distributed over nearly
the entire surface of the abdomen; legs very short, the hind tibiae
a third longer than the femora, the tarsi two-thirds as long as the
tibiae. Length (cf) 7-5 mm.; width 2.8 mm. Arizona (probably
southern) socors n. sp.
Body oblong-suboval, rather broader and less convex than in socors,
blackish-piceous to paler above, the elytra darker than the anterior
parts, red-brown beneath; surface very shining, the elytra subsimilar
in the sexes; head nearly as in socors but with rather less minute
foveae; prothorax similar throughout, except that the apex is more
deeply sinuate and with the apical angles much more narrowly
rounded and more anteriorly prominent; it is also relatively larger
in size; elytra not more than a third longer than wide, slightly wider
than the prothorax, parallel, with feebly arcuate sides, the humeri
much more strongly denticulate, the striae finer and less impressed,
the scutellar similarly long and generally free, the intervals much
less convex, the sutural angles strongly denticulate in both sexes;
accessory punctures few in number and widely dispersed; femora not
quite so short when compared with the tibiae. Length (cf 9 ) 6.5-
7.8 mm.; width 2.3-3.0 mm. New Mexico (Fort YVingate). Eight
examples. [H. ochropus Kirby?] desertus Lee.
21 — Body rather broadly oblong-suboval, notably small, rather convex,
strongly shining, blackish-piceous in color above and beneath; head
very moderate, with very prominent eyes, the foveae relatively
strong, perforato-punctiform; antennae obscure testaceous, coming
far from attaining the thoracic base; mentum tooth strong, with
the apex not acute but rounded; prothorax short, fully three-fifths
wider than long, the sides almost evenly and distinctly rounded,
only a little less so basally, the apex evidently but not deeply
sinuate, with well rounded angles and barely at all narrower than
the base, the latter subevenly transverse, finely margined, with
obtuse and broadly rounded angles ; surface almost evenly and broadly
convex, the reflexed margin moderately fine, almost even from apex
to base, the foveae small, short, linear, feebly impressed and very
indistinctly, sparsely punctulate; punctures elsewhere wanting, the
stria rather distinct but biabbreviated; elytra barely a third longer
than wide, only just visibly wider than the prothorax, the sides
feebly arcuate, the humeri not denticulate; striae fine, rather abrupt,
the scutellar short and oblique; intervals virtually flat, the dorsal
puncture completely obsolete, no vestige being discoverable on
either elytron in the type; hind tarsi barely two-thirds as long as the
tibiae; accessory punctures numerous, markedly fine and irregularly
distributed. Length (cf) 6.8 mm.; width 2.75 mm. Colorado
(Salida), — Wickham curticornis n. sp.
22 — Body oblong, subparallel, compact, very convex, highly polished
throughout, rufo-piceous to nearly black, the legs and under surface
pale and testaceous, the upper surface, especially the elytra, more or
less strongly metallic green in lustre; head short, with prominent
eyes, the mentum with a short broad and obtuse tooth, the antennae
rather short, not quite as long as the thoracic width; prothorax three-
fifths wider than long, the sides subparallel, rounding and slightly
converging anteriorly, parallel and broadly, just visibly sinuate
posteriorly, the angles right, sharp; base rectilinear, strongly
margined, a little wider than the apex, which is feebly sinuate, with
broadly rounded angles; surface very smooth, the re flexed sides very
fine and equal from apex to base, impunctate, joining the strong
marginal line of the base, the basal fovese small, elongate, rather
deep but impunctate, the median stria excessively fine; elytra short,
less than one-half longer than wide, oblong, not evidently wider than
the prothorax, very obtuse, the apex in posterior third conjointly
circularly rounded, the sinus completely wanting, the edge being
evenly arcuate; striae rather strong, deeply impressed only suturally,
the scutellar deep and joining the first, the lateral line of foveae
strong, not interrupted but widely spaced medially; surface with
a strong setigerous puncture at the second stria before apical fourth;
first three joints of the hind tarsi rapidly decreasing, the first much
shorter than the fifth. Length (cT) 7.5-8.2 mm.; width 3.4-3.7 mm.
Texas gravis Lee.
Body oblong, strongly shining, much less convex than in gravis and deep
black in color above and beneath, without trace of metallic coloration,
the prosternum medially, trochanters, tibiae and tarsi obscure rufous,
the femora deep black; antennae slender, attaining the thoracic base,
the third and fourth joints partially blackish, the trophi testaceous;
head less abbreviated, the eyes moderately prominent, the foveae
perforato-punctiform; men turn absolutely edentate, the sinus recti-
linearly transverse at the bottom; prothorax one-half wider than
long, the sides rounded anteriorly, very feebly converging and straight
posteriorly to the angles, which are right and not rounded, the tips
barely at all blunt; apex rather strongly sinuate, with moderately
rounded angles, distinctly narrower than the transverse base; surface
rather abruptly declivous anteriorly to the very fine reflexed edge,
which expands but little posteriorly, finely punctulate and obsolete
before basal fourth, the lineate foveae deep, broadly impressed and
rather densely punctate, the punctures extending sparsely and finely
over the feebly convex area thence to the sides and internally almost
to the middle; stria very fine; elytra a litttle less than one-half
longer than wide, not evidently wider than the prothorax, very
obtuse at apex, the sinus represented by a straighter part of the
edge, the parallel sides feebly arcuate; striae fine, the intervals
almost flat, the puncture near apical fourth; hind tarsi as in gravis.
Length (cf ) 9.5 mm.; width 3.65 mm. California (Siskiyou Co.),—
Koebele oppositus n. sp.
23 — Form oblong, moderately convex, shining, the elytra ( 9 ) feebly
alutaceous; color dark castaneous above, the under surface, legs
and trophi pale reddish-brown; antennae slender, more than attaining
the thoracic base, dusky testaceous, the two basal joints paler and
honey-yellow; head much smaller than in the two preceding though
nearly three-fifths as wide as the prothorax, the eyes moderate,
prominent, the foveae minutely perforato-punctiform; mentum tooth
evident but very broad at base and narrowly rounded at tip; pro-
thorax one-half wider than long, much narrower than the elytra,
the apex moderately sinuate, with well rounded angles and scarcely
more than two-thirds as wide as the base, which is transverse, finely
margined and feebly bisinuate, the angles right and distinctly
though not broadly rounded; surface broadly convex, the reflexed
sides fine and nearly even from apex to base, the fovese narrow, linear,
feebly impressed and impunctate, the area thence to the sides almost
continuing the convexity of the general surface and impunctate, the
stria very fine and broadly biabbreviated; elytra relatively large,
nearly one-half longer than wide, more than a fourth wider than the
prothorax, parallel, with feebly arcuate sides and very obtuse apex,
the sinus feeble but distinct; striae fine, the scutellar unusually long,
free, the intervals barely more than flat, the puncture distinct and
at apical fourth; hind tarsi with the first two joints subequal, each
distinctly shorter than the fifth; accessory punctures very few in
number. Length (9 ) 8.0 mm.; width 3.5 mm. Utah.
oblongus n. sp.
24 — Body more narrowly oblong-oval than in the preceding, deep black,
strongly shining, the under surface and legs black throughout, the
anterior and middle tarsi (cf) blackish-piceous; antennae slender,
extending well behind the thoracic base, black, the two basal joints
pale; palpi black with testaceous tip; head small, with rather small
but prominent eyes, the foveae small, perforato-punctiform ; mandibles
and labrum deep black, the former with a subapical rufous spot;
mentum tooth distinct but short and very obtuse; prothorax nearly
as in the preceding in general form, not quite one-half wider than
long, the sides parallel and barely at all arcuate, rounding and con-
verging moderately before the middle, the apex moderately sinuate,
with not very broadly rounded angles and fully three-fourths as wide
as the base, which is transverse, not evidently bisinuate, with the
angles as in oppositus; surface feebly rugulose and alutaceous latero-
basally but impunctate and without even a distinct trace of foveae,
the reflexed margins fine anteriorly, slightly dilated, bending inward,
smooth and feeble posteriorly and obsolete near basal third, the
puncture before the middle large and conspicuous, the stria very
fine; elytra very nearly one-half longer than wide, only about a
fifth wider than the prothorax, parallel, with feebly arcuate sides
and obtusely rounded apex, the sinus very feeble though evident,
the striae fine, the scutellar long, the intervals flat; puncture behind
apical fourth; accessory punctures small, tending to transversely
lineate arrangement; hind tarsi very slender, the first three joints
diminishing moderately, the first much shorter than the fifth.
Length (cf ) 7.3 mm.; width 2.75 mm. Colorado (Eldora).
sejunctus n. sp.
Body nearly as in the preceding but larger and broader, moderately
convex, very deep black throughout, the tarsi and antennae as in
sejunctus in form and coloration; antennae and palpi also similar,
slender; head scarcely more than half as wide as the prothorax, it
as well as the prothorax nearly as in sejunctas throughout, except
that the reflexed edge of the latter is not evidently broader or
modified posteriorly and that the foveae are distinct, broadly though
shallowly impressed, rugulose and finely punctulate; mentum tooth
strong; elytra scarcely less shining in the female than in the male,
oblong, parallel, feebly arcuate at the sides and very obtuse at apex,
slightly, to distinctly, less than one-half longer than wide and not
quite a fifth wider than the prothorax, the sinus not deep though
very distinct, stris fine, the scutellar long, the intervals nearly flat,
the puncture small, behind apical fourth; accessory punctures fine,
numerous, arranged in a very uneven transverse line on each segment;
hind tarsi nearly as in the preceding. Length (c?1 9 ) 7.8-9.0 mm.;
width 3.0-3.8 mm. Nevada (Reno). Ten examples, taken by the
writer renoicus n. sp.
In regard to albionicus, Mannerheim states that the base of the
prothorax is punctulate; this language could not apply to any of
the rather numerous examples at hand, which, answering all the
other described characters, seem to be correctly identified; it was
surmised by LeConte that the type of albionicus might be merely
an immature example of cautus, but this, according to the terms of
the description, is not at all probable. The description of funestus,
given above, is from the original.
A few species of the fraternus group are still unknown to me;
these are described as follows from the original diagnoses.
H. clandestinus Lee. — Elongate, oblong-oval, piceous-brown; an-
tennse, palpi and legs rufo-testaceous; prothorax wider than long, the
sides rounded in front, then nearly straight, but very feebly sinuate to
the hind angles, which are rectangular, not at all rounded; base emargin-
ate, the side margin more reflexed than usual, explanate and sparsely
punctulate toward the base, the basal impressions narrow, slightly
punctured; elytra not wider than the prothorax, the striae deep, impunc-
tured, the intervals slightly convex; dorsal puncture upon the third
stria; outline oblique toward tip but not sinuate; abdomen with accessory
setae, the first segment punctured behind the coxae. Length 8.5 mm.
Colorado (Garland — 8000 feet). A single male.
It is said to resemble furtivus but to differ in having the hind
angles of the prothorax rectangular and not rounded. As indicated
by the emarginate base of the prothorax, it should be placed in the
furtivus — nugax section as arranged above, but it differs from any
one of the species known to me by the unrounded thoracic angles.
H. stupidus Lee. — Oblong, suboval, convex, black; prothorax more
than one-half wider than long, the sides finely margined, rounded anter-
iorly, nearly straight posteriorly and almost parallel, the hind angles
right, slightly rounded, the basal foveae not at all deep, the entire basal
region punctulate; elytra with impunctate striae, opaque in the female,
the intervals slightly convex, the apices sinuate; antennae and legs
obscure ferruginous. Length 11.5 mm. Nebraska (near Fort Bridger).
It is said to have somewhat the appearance of funestus, which
however has black legs and is otherwise quite different, it may be
placed just after junestus in the table.
H. obesulus Lee. — Oblong-oval, slightly convex, black, shining;
prothorax almost twice as wide as long, narrowed at apex, the margin
not depressed; hind angles right, the base obsoletely bi-impressed
[" utrinque obsolete biimpresso " in the original], slightly rugoso-punctu-
late; elytra a little wider than the prothorax, the apices obliquely sinu-
ate, the striae deeper posteriorly; intervals slightly convex, the third
unipunctate; antennae testaceous at base. Length 8.7 mm. Oregon.
A single female example.
This species is now considered a synonym of basilaris Kirby,
but how justly I have no way of knowing in the absence of authen-
tically identified examples of Kirby's species, which comes from
the far north, Lat. 54°, and has the elytra chestnut-black and the
trochanters dark yellow — characters said by LeConte to be at
variance with obesulus. I am thoroughly disposed to doubt the
present synonymy and also doubt the synonymy of desertus Lee.,
with ochropus Kirby, as at present maintained; desertus is from a
far more southern habitat.
H. varicornis Lee. — Oblong-oval, subdepressed, black, shining;
head smooth, the foveae punctiform, the frontal suture fine, scarcely
distinct; palpi not truncate but subacute at apex; antennae black, the
first joint ferruginous; prothorax quadrate, rather short, twice as wide as
the head, fully one-half wider than long, slightly narrowed anteriorly,
the sides moderately rounded, the base rectilinearly truncate, the hind
angles right, not rounded, feebly explanate; transverse impressions almost
obsolete, the stria extremely fine, abbreviated anteriorly, the foveae short
and broad, almost contiguous medially, sharply separated from the
explanate angles, not deep, very finely and sparsely punctate; elytra
slightly sinuate near the apices, finely striate, the intervals feebly convex,
the third posteriorly unipunctate, the scutellar stria long; legs black.
Length 8.8 mm.; width 3.8 mm. Lake Superior.
Allied possibly to sejunctus and renoicus of the above table, in
both of which species, however, the first two antennal joints are
pale; it seems to differ conspicuously from either of them in the
transversely and internally extended thoracic foveae.
Group VIII (spadiceus] .
There is but little to be said concerning this small group of
two species, except that in general habitus it departs from any of
the others, because of the sides of the prothorax being straight or
sinuate and rather notably convergent posteriorly in about basal
half, so that the base is not wider than the apex, as is invariably
the case throughout the viduus group, to which it is allied by the
pronotal features, glabrous upper surface of all the tarsi and absence
of accessory abdominal seta?. In spadiceus the mentum has a small
but distinct tooth and the ligula is narrow, subparallel and not
dilated at apex. The species are as follows:
Form rather narrowly elongate-suboval, moderately convex, shining in
both sexes, the elytra not at all alutaceous in the female; color black
above, the under surface rufo-piceous, the legs dark rufous, the
slender antennae and the palpi testaceous; head nearly three-fourths
as wide as the prothorax, with very moderate and rather prominent
eyes and small perforato-punctiform fovese; antennae extending well
behind the thoracic base; prothorax relatively moderate in size,
longer than usual, not quite a third wider than long, the sides rounded
anteriorly, converging and straight posteriorly, the angles obtuse,
with their tips narrowly rounded; apex feebly sinuate, with rather
narrowly rounded angles and fully equal in width to the base, which
is transverse and finely, strongly margined; surface steeply declivous
at the sides to the rather fine reflexed edge, which is virtually even
throughout the length, the foveae sublinear but extremely feeble and
broadly subimpressed, finely and sparsely punctured, the minute
punctules scattered also over the feebly convex surface thence to
the sides, the stria very fine but subentire; elytra about one-half
longer than wide and a fifth wider than the prothorax, obtusely
ogival at apex, with parallel, distinctly arcuate sides, the sinus feeble
though distinct, the sutural angles obtuse; striae fine but deeply
impressed, the scutellar moderate, the intervals distinctly convex,
the puncture large and deep, near apical third; hind tarsi not very
slender, the first three joints decreasing rather rapidly, the first as
long as the fifth. Length (9) 9-5 mm.; width 3.6 mm. A single
example unlabeled in the Levette collection, probably from Indiana.
spadiceus Dej.
Form and size as in spadiceus, with similar prothorax, except that the
sides before the hind angles are sinuate, the angles rather rectangular
and not rounded, the basal impressions of the prothorax deeper and
more elongate; femora and tibiae blackish, the tarsi, antennae and
palpi rufo-testaceoin. Otherwise as in spadiceus. Length 9-9.5
mm. North Carolina (Black Mts.) carolinae Schf.
Carolina seems to be distinct from spadiceus, though we have
only the very brief resume of differences given above to rely upon ;
it is probably very local in habitat; spadiceus is rather widely dif-
fused in the Atlantic regions but is not at all common.
There are several species described as Harpahis, which I am
T. L. Casey, Mem. Col. V, Oct. 1914.
unable to place anywhere in the series ; these are as follows from the
original descriptions:
H. comis Hald. — Shining black above and upon the under surface
of the head and prothorax, chestnut brown beneath; antennae, palpi and
legs yellow testaceous; head with a small round indentation at the inner
base of the antennae; pronotum widest before the middle, contracted
behind, with the angles slightly obtuse; basal impressions shallow, some-
what rugulose; dorsal impressions distinct; lateral margin testaceous;
elytra simply striate, slightly sinuate, the margin rufo-piceous toward
tip; interstices rather flat, the third with a faint puncture. Length 8
mm.; width 3 mm. Pennsylvania.
At first LeConte (Cat. Col., Sm. Inst.) thought that this might
be the same as spadiceus Dej., but he afterwards concluded that
Ophonus mutabilis Hald., was the same as the latter, leaving comis
unidentified. I do not know of any late reference to the species.
H. curtatus Mann. — Rather short in form, parallel, black and shining,
the palpi short; antennae and legs rufo-ferruginous; prothorax very short
and transverse, twice as wide as long, smooth, the sides evenly and
moderately rounded; all the angles rounded, the base foveolate at each
side, the foveae impunctate; elytra striate, the third interval impunctate.
Length 7.5 mm.; width 2.3 mm. Alaska (Kenai Peninsula — \Yoskre-
sensk Bay).
The antennae are said to be only half as long as the head and
prothorax combined. It is evidently a peculiar species, of unusually
small size and may not be truly a Harpalus.
H. depressicollis Mots. — Elongate, subparallel, somewhat depressed,
black, the two basal joints of the antennae, the palpi and tarsi testaceous,
the labrum and epistoma margined with testaceous, the front with a
rufous spot; head rather short, with a transverse impression between the
antennae and two minute diverging grooves, which limit at each side a
triangular cavity, which is somewhat rugose; prothorax slightly broader
than the head, depressed, quadrate, rather broadly margined at the
sides and feebly narrowed posteriorly; there is at each side of the base
a shallow impression, which is covered, like the rest of the basal region,
with a fine close punctuation, which diminishes gradually toward the
middle; elytra broader than the prothorax and more than twice as long,
opaque, the second stria unipunctate, the under surface and epipleura
dullish black. Length (9) 9.0 mm.; width 3.3 mm. California.
This species evidently belongs to the genus Anisodactylus , for
the red spot on the head is frequently observable there but never in
Harpalus, and the pronotal sculpture also agrees better with that
genus. I however fail to recognize it among my material; it is
more slender in form than any true Anisodactylus known to me.
H. oodioides Chd. — About the size of cautus Dej., which it much
resembles and it is similar in coloration; antennae, palpi and tarsi dark
ferruginous, the thighs browner; head slightly smaller, the prothorax
less convex, more deeply sinuate at apex, a little more narrowed anteriorly,
the posterior part of the sides somewhat less rounded, very feebly de-
pressed above; base very slightly rugose, the basal foveae narrower and
longer; elytra less convex anteriorly but sloping more abruptly toward
tip, less oval, parallel, the humeri more nearly right-angled and strongly
denticulate; intervals flatter, very finely micro-reticulate in the male,
the female unknown. Length 9 mm. " Terre de Rupert."
No remarks are appended to give any further clue to the true
position of this species, which still remains unknown; it probably
belongs among the small-headed species at the end of either the
viduus or fraternus group.
Pteropalus n. gen.
A few species such as Harpalus mdpeculus Say and dichrons Dej.
and Feronia autumnalis Say, have ever been a source of taxonomic
discomfiture, being shifted from one genus to another until they
have finally brought up in Harpalus, in spite of recognized incon-
gruity. LeConte assigned them to Bradycelhis and in truth
autumnalis does form a genus near Bradycelhis, but vulpeculus and
dichrous must form a genus perhaps having really greater affinity
with the Selenophorids than with Harpalus, for which the above
name is suggested. The prismatic opalescence of the elytra is a
peculiarity of importance, well developed also in many Selenophorid
groups but unknown in Harpalus, and the apically expanded ligula
and externally prolonged paraglossae also show that these two
aberrant species cannot remain in that genus. The slender hind
tarsi, with a very long basal joint — a peculiarly constant character
in the Selenophorini — also betray a wide departure from most of
the genus Harpalus, though there are some species of the pennsyl-
vanicus group approaching it very closely in this respect, except
that the upper surface is there more or less pubescent, as it is in
the Selenophorini. The mentum is more strongly and constantly
toothed than in Harpalus and the general habitus of the body quite
different. We apparently have the four following species:
Sides of the prothorax rather strongly converging and broadly sinuate
posteriorly, the basal angles right and very sharply marked, not
even blunt at tip. Body oblong-suboval and very moderately
convex, polished in both sexes, dark testaceous, the elytra black,
with the opalescence feebler than in dichrous, the under surface,
legs and cephalic appendages testaceous; head fully three-fifths
as wide as the prothorax, the eyes well developed and convex, the
foveae larger than usual, deeply impressed and sublinear though
short; antennae rather long, very slender; prothorax more than one-
half wider than long, the sides rounded anteriorly, the apex very
feebly sinuate and as wide as the base, which is transverse and
minutely beaded; surface only feebly convex, rather broadly reflexed
at the sides, the gutter equal as far as basal third, where it disappears
on the broadly flattened and strongly punctured latero-basal region,
the foveae moderately impressed and punctured, the area of punctures
extending to the middle more basally; stria strong, almost entire;
marginal puncture before the middle small and very inconspicuous;
elytra one-half longer than wide, a third wider than the prothorax,
with parallel and rather strongly arcuate sides and ogival apex, the
sinus very feeble and almost obsolete; striae fine but rather deeply
impressed, the scutellar moderately long, free, the puncture small
and at apical third; abdomen not evidently punctured basally;
hind tarsi very slender, the basal joint but slightly longer than the
next two combined. Length (c?1 9) 9.0-10.0 mm.; width 3-35-3-7
mm. Indiana and Missouri. [Harpahts vulpeculus Say].
vulpeculus Say
Sides of the prothorax arcuate throughout, less so but only feebly con-
verging basally, the hind angles obtuse and more or less broadly
rounded; prothorax larger than in the preceding 2
2 — Body oblong-oval or subparallel, moderately convex, strongly shining,
dark testaceous throughout as in vulpeculus, the elytra black, with
stronger opalescence than in that species; head not quite so short,
the eyes rather smaller, the foveae very much smaller, punctiform
but lying in feeble impressions; antennae rather long, very slender;
prothorax not more than two-fifths wider than long, the broadly
rounded sides almost even throughout, the apex feebly sinuate, with
rather narrowly rounded angles and differing greatly from vulpeculus
in being barely more than three-fourths as wide as the base, which is
similarly transverse and finely beaded; surface nearly as in the
preceding, except that the rather coarse marginal gutter bends
inward, broadens, becomes feeble and disappears posteriorly; an-
terior transverse impression similarly rather distinct; elytra nearly
three-fifths longer than wide, about a fifth wider than the prothorax,
the parallel sides more feebly arcuate, the apex rather acutely ogival,
with a feeble though evident sinus; striae not very fine and deeply
impressed, the scutellar very long, parallel and free, the intervals
strongly convex, highly polished, very strongly opalescent and per-
fectly similar in the sexes, the puncture small but deep and much less
posterior, being at about three-fifths; hind tarsi very slender, the
basal joint a little longer than the next two combined. Length (cf 9 )
10.0-10.7 mm.; width 3.8-4.1 mm. New York (Long Island) to
Missouri. Ten examples. [Harpalus dichrous Dej.]. . dichrous Dej.
Body oblong, moderately convex, very shining throughout, the upper
surface black, the head and sides of the prothorax slightly rufescent,
the under surface piceous, the legs and cephalic appendages pale
testaceous; head as in dichrous but with still longer, very slender
and filiform antennae and only a little more than half as wide as
the prothorax, which is much larger, fully as wide as the elytra, a
little more than two-fifths wider than long, more inflated anteriorly
and slightly more narrowed basally, the sides rounded, becoming
feebly so basally; apex sinuate as in the preceding but with more
broadly rounded angles and much less obviously narrower than the
base, which is similar and with slightly obtuse and moderately
rounded angles; surface nearly similar and with well marked, nearly
entire stria and rather distinct anterior transverse impression, but
with the sides still more coarsely reflexed, feebly punctulate, the
deep gutter becoming obsolete near basal third on the rather flat-
tened latero-basal surface, which is sparsely but somewhat strongly
punctured from the sides almost to the middle and with two impres-
sions, the regular foveae deeper, more linear and more distinct than
in dichrous, and, between each and the sides, another feeble discal
impression; the punctures are much sparser and less conspicuous
toward the sides than in the preceding; elytra nearly as in dichrous
throughout, except that they are slightly more elongate and with
the puncture at apical third; abdomen similarly smooth and almost
punctureless, the basal joint of the hind tarsi not quite so long,
being barely as long as the next two combined; mentum tooth
rather narrow and strong but obtuse at tip. Length (9 ) n.o mm.;
width 4.1 mm. Missouri (St. Louis) fluvialis n. sp.
Body black, elytra iridescent; legs piceous, the antennae and palpi pale;
head narrower than the prothorax, impunctate, shining; piothorax
about twice as wide as long, the sides evenly arcuate, the hind angles
obtuse, rounded; basal impression rather deep ajid linear; surface
shining, without punctuation, except a very few punctures between
the basal impressions; elytra shining in both sexes and iridescent,
the striae deeply impressed, not punctate, the fovea distinct and on
the second stria; intervals slightly convex; body beneath smooth,
shining, the abdomen without accessory setae, not punctulate basally;
mentum with the sinus broadly arcuate at the bottom; anterior and
middle tarsi (cf ) dilated and biseriately squamulose. Length n-
11.5 mm. Texas (Brownsville) iripennis Schf.
The description of iripennis is drawn from the original, as I do
not know the species in actuality; the prothorax is apparently much
more transverse and the mentum tooth more obsolete than in the
other species, but it seems to belong to the present genus; the basal
joint of the hind tarsi is not described. In a strong light an almost
complete solar spectrum is displayed on the elytra of dichrous,
where the strigilation producing the play of color is rather stronger
than in the others, although it is very distinct and characteristic in
all of them.
In this tribe each elytron invariably has three series of setigerous
punctures or fovese, usually closely adjacent to striae 2-5-7, as m
Philodes of the Acupalpini; I know of no instance where there are
less than three series; in the Acupalpini, however, there is a genus
having but one series and in Stenomorphus there are two series on
each elytron ; the mentum is usually edentate and the ligula slender.
The genera known to me may be denned as follows:
Basal joint of the hind tarsi notably long as in Pteropalus of the Harpalini ;
lateral line of elytral foveae always widely interrupted 2
Basal joint short, as in most species of Harpalus, the basal joints dimin-
ishing slowly in length; lateral line of fovese not interrupted 9
2 — Middle tibiae (cf) not arcuate, the anterior tarsi always and the
intermediate generally though not always dilated — as for example
in Selenophorus riparms 3
Middle tibiae (c?) always arcuate, with its inner margin serratulo-den-
3 — Basal joint of the anterior tarsi not peculiarly modified 4
Basal joint greatly enlarged, especially in the female, as noticeable also
as a reversional character in some of the Anisodactylini (Gynan-
drotarsus) 7
4 — Hind tarsi very slender, nearly as long as the tibiae and always with
fine sparse hairs on the upper surface; dorsal surface of the body more
or less depressed as a rule 5
Hind tarsi always much shorter than the tibiae, the abbreviation of joints
2-4 generally especially apparent, their upper surface usually more
closely and evidently puberulent 6
5 — Body oblong-oval, the elytra frequently opalescent and sometimes
with fine sparse diffused punctulation; never opaque in the female;
ligula slender, generally a little shorter than the paraglossae, which
are rather broad and obliquely subtruncate at tip; labial palpi
usually somewhat stout, with the second and third joints equal in
length. North and South America. [Type Selenophorus opalinus
Lee.] Hemisopalus
Body oval or elliptical, with Celia-like habitus; ligula slightly shorter
than the paraglossae, which are long and slightly diverging; third
palpal joint a little shorter than the second. Atlantic and Gulf
coasts of North America Celiamorphus
6 — Body Harpalus-Yike in habitus, generally strongly convex; prothorax
never cordiform, the base never narrower than the apex; elytra
with the series of punctures usually regular and adherent to the striae,
as in the two preceding genera, rarely if ever opalescent, the scutellar
stria distinct; ligula about as long as the paraglossae, which diverge
slightly at apex; second and third joints of the labial palpi slender
and subequal in length, the third gradually acuminate. North and
South America. [Type Carabus palliatus Fabr. (impresses Dej.)].
Body of peculiar facies, depressed, the prothorax strongly cordiform, with
the base very much narrower than the apex; elytra with the series
of punctures very irregular, generally not adjacent to the striae, the
scutellar stria very feeble or obsolete; ligula very slender, distinctly
shorter than the paraglossae; labial palpi slender, the second and
third joints subequal in length, the third rapidly acuminate at tip.
Sonoran regions Selenalius
7 — Body nearly as in Discoderns but with less developed head and pro-
thorax, the latter more cordiform than in any species of that genus.
Atlantic regions Gynandropus
8 — Body oblong-oval, convex, the anterior and middle tarsi (c?) not
appreciably dilated, though having beneath a double series of very
small squamules; integuments always dark in color. North America,
excepting the true Pacific faunal regions Discoderus
9 — Body oblong-oval and convex as in Discoderus, but with the anterior
and middle tarsi (c?) strongly dilated and biseriately squamulose
beneath as usual, the middle tibiae not modified; integuments pe-
culiarly pallid though dense as in Geopinus. Mississippi River
Valley Hartonymus
Hemisopalus n. gen.
In this genus, which will include a considerable proportion of
the species previously placed in Selenophorus by Putzeys, LeConte,
Bates and others, we occasionally observe fine punctures pervading
the entire elytra, but they never have the character so notably
developed in Athrostictus Bates. The species at present in my
collection may be defined as follows:
Hind angles of the prothorax rounded 2
Hind angles not obviously rounded, though sometimes very obtuse. . .8
2 — Elytra with strong and very evident prismatic iridescence 3
Elytra without pronounced iridescence, though very shining and some-
times with submetallic lustre; upper surface much more convex. .6
3 — -Larger species 7-10 mm. in length, elytra with more or less sparse
but obvious suffused punctulation throughout 4
Small species, not over 6 mm. in length and of very depressed form, the
suffused punctulation obsolete 5
4 — Form oblong, very moderately convex, black, polished in both sexes
throughout, the margins of the pronotum finely testaceous and the
elytra with obvious iridescence, the under surface black, with feeble
metallic glint; legs and cephalic appendages pale testaceous; head
rather short, with well developed and prominent eyes, the foveae
extremely minute and feeble, the antennae very slender; prothorax
one-half wider than long, the sides subparallel, evenly and moder-
ately arcuate, the apex sinuate, with rather advanced though rounded
angles and much narrower than the base, which is transverse and
finely margined, with obtuse and evidently rounded angles; surface
rather finely and subevenly reflexed at the sides from apex to base,
the latero-basal region feebly flattened and with moderately distinct
suffused punctuation, the foveae nearly obsolete; stria fine, much
abbreviated anteriorly; elytra one-half longer than wide, oblong,
parallel, with feebly arcuate sides, very obtusely rounded in about
apical third and but very slightly wider than the prothorax, the
sinus long and feeble but very evident; surface somewhat depressed,
the striae rather fine, the scutellar rather short, free, the intervals
flat to distinctly convex, the fine punctures sparsely but evenly dis-
tributed throughout, the serial punctures more or less distinct;
abdomen with very minute sparse punctulation which is obsolete
laterally and more evident basally; hind tarsi very slender, with the
basal joint but little longer than the next two and almost twice as
long as the fifth, their upper surface with very fine sparse pubiferous
punctures throughout. Length (cf 9 ) 9.0-10.5 mm.; width 3.4-3.7
mm. New Jersey to Indiana. [Selenophorus opalinus Lee.]
opalinus Lee.
Form more oblong-oval, the anterior parts smaller, the surface still more
feebly convex, shining, black, the elytra only very faintly iridescent,
the under surface black to rufo-piceous; legs, antennae and palpi
very pale, flavo-testaceous; head two-thirds as wide as the prothorax,
the eyes (of) notably large and prominent, much larger than in
opalinus, the foveae very minute, sublinear and feeble; prothorax
two-fifths to one-half wider than long, the outline somewhat as in
the preceding, except that the sides are more strongly, subevenly
rounded, the apex more nearly as wide as the base and the hind
angles more broadly rounded; surface with similar rather fine even
reflexed edges from apex to base, but with the basal, lateral and
apical regions punctured rather closely throughout, very finely
toward apex, the foveae very broad and shallow, the stria strong and
subentire; elytra nearly as in opalinus but relatively wider, being
very distinctly wider than the prothorax, with the apices very
oblique, broadly, evenly arcuate to the acute apices and without
trace of sinus, the surface suffused throughout with fine but rather
close-set and very much more obvious punctulation; very slender
hind tarsi with the basal joint much longer than the next two
combined; abdomen extremely minutely, sparsely punctulate almost
throughout. Length (cf 9 ) 7.6-9.0 mm.; width 2.9-3.5 mm.
Texas (Brownsville and vicinity). [Selenophorus perpolitus Csy.].
perpolitus Csy.
5 — Form broadly suboblong, the head, prothorax and elytra increasing
evenly and rapidly in width, shining, black, the fine pronotal
reflexed margin testaceous; under surface more piceous, the epi-
pleura brownish; legs, antennae, labrum and palpi pale yellowish-tes-
taceous; elytra with pronounced opalescence; head fully three-fourths
as wide as the prothorax, with rather large but only moderately
convex eyes, the foveae subobsolete; antennae slender, fully half as
long as the body; prothorax fully one-half wider than long, widest a
little before the middle, the sides subevenly and rather strongly
arcuate; apex distinctly sinuate, with rather advanced and narrowly
rounded angles, slightly narrower than the base, which is very finely
margined, transverse medially but arcuate laterally, the angles
broadly obtuse and rounded; surface feebly convex, the fine lateral
reflexed edge equal throughout, the latero-basal area feebly de-
pressed, finely, closely punctate, the foveae short, shallow and broadly
impressed; stria strong, biabbreviated; elytra short, about a third
longer than wide, parallel, depressed, very obtuse at apex, much
wider than the prothorax, the sinus rather short and distinct,
deeper than usual; striae fine, the scutellar rather short, only feebly
oblique, the series distinct, the intervals flat, the polished surface
exhibiting somewhat the appearance of having minute sparse
punctulation which has become obsolete; tibia? and tarsi slender.
Length (cf1) 6.1 mm.; width 2.5 mm. Florida (Lake Worth).
depressulus n. sp.
Form not so broad but depressed and otherwise nearly similar in colora-
tion, lustre and proportion of the parts, the elytra rather more
brilliantly opalescent; head not so short in form, the eyes relatively
even still larger, the antennae similarly long and slightly more slender,
the labrum darker; prothorax shorter, fully three-fifths wider than
long, the apex similarly rather strongly sinuate and barely visibly
narrower than the base, which is more rectilinear throughout, not
arcuate at the sides and with the angles similarly broadly obtuse and
rounded; sides similar; surface rather more flattened over the latero-
basal thickly punctured area, but with the foveae obsolete, the dis-
tinct median stria similar; elytra less broad, about two-fifths longer
than wide, much less obviously broader than the prothorax, similarly
parallel and obtuse at apex, the sinus distinct; striae fine but more
impressed, the intervals slightly convex, smoother and still more
polished and without any indication of minute suffused punctulation;
abdomen excessively minutely, sparsely punctulate, each punctule
bearing an extremely short erect hair, only visible by oblique illu-
mination; hind tarsi rather less elongate than in depressulus though
similar in structure. Length (cf) 5-5 mm.; width 2.0 mm. Florida
(locality and collector unrecorded) vigilans n. sp.
6 — Color deep black throughout, the reflexed thoracic edge not paler, the
legs piceous-black. Body oblong, rather strongly convex, highly
polished, the elytra with feeble blue-black lustre; head moderate,
three-fifths as wide as the prothorax, the eyes moderate, not very
convex, the foveae obsolescent as usual, the very slender antennae
and the palpi testaceous; prothorax rather long, subparallel, scarcely
a third wider than long, the sides broadly and evenly arcuate; apex
deeply sinuate, with prominent and rather narrowly rounded angles
and much narrower than the base, which is transverse and distinctly
margined, the angles nearly right but distinctly rounded; surface
with a very fine even reflexed edge throughout, the lateral surface
evenly convex and impunctate from apex to base, the foveae rather
large but extremely feeble and with a few distinct punctures; median
stria very fine but almost entire; elytra not evidently wider than the
prothorax, nearly one-half longer than wide, obtusely ogival at tip,
the sinus broad and feeble but evident; striae fine but rather deep,
the scutellar moderately short, deep, the intervals feebly convex,
the series distinct; abdomen with a few very sparse and excessively
fine punctules basally only; hind tarsi four-fifths as long as the tibiae,
the claws small, strongly arcuate and very slender. Length (9)
7.0-7.2 mm.; width 2.7-2.75 mm. Rhode Island and New York
(West Point), apparently not common. [Selenophorus gagatinus
Dej., S. maurus Hald. and S. viridescens Lee.] gagatinus Dej.
Color black or piceous, the antennae and tarsi paler, the prothorax and
elytra with greenish lustre. Body rather elongate; head smooth,
without evident punctuation; prothorax rather convex, about twice
as wide as long, the sides evenly arcuate; base and apex equal, the
basal angles broadly rounded; surface and basal impressions im-
punctate; elytra wider than the prothorax at base, the sides almost
parallel, the apices feebly sinuate; striae rather deeply impressed,
the intervals feebly convex; abdomen very sparsely punctate; middle
tibiae of the male straight, not internally denticulate, the anterior
and middle tarsi dilated and biseriately squamulose beneath. Length
6.5-7 mm. Texas (Brownsville). [Selenophorus discoderoidcs Schf.l.
discoderoides Schf.
Color testaceous above, with the elytra black or blackish 7
7 — Body oblong, convex, smooth and shining, the elytra piceous-black,
with paler external margins and with extremely feeble opalescent
lustre due to the transverse elongation of the micro-reticulation;
under surface piceous, the legs and antennae testaceous; head two-
thirds as wide as the prothorax, with rather prominent moderate
eyes, the foveae very minute, perforato-punctiform; prothorax
shorter than in gagatinus, two-fifths wider than long, the sides
broadly rounded, somewhat straighter basally, the apex nearly as in
the preceding and evidently narrower than the base, the basal angles
obtuse and well rounded; surface rather more depressed latero-
basally than in gagatinus and with sparse, extremely minute punc-
tulation, becoming rugose in the moderate and very shallow, broadly
impressed foveae; stria extremely fine; elytra broader, two-fifths
longer than wide and nearly a fourth wider than the prothorax,
obtuse at apex, the sinus very feeble though rather evident; striae
very fine, the intervals perfectly flat but becoming rather abruptly
very narrow and costuliform on the apical declivity; abdomen ex-
tremely minutely, sparsely punctulate basally. Length ( 9 ) 6.7 mm. :
width 2.7 m'm. Arizona. [Selenophorus concinnus Schf.]. A single
example, collected by Morrison, was given another name by the writer
and the label marked " type " about thirty years ago, but no de-
scription appears to have been published concinnus Schf.
Body oblong-suboval, less convex, strongly shining, the elytra very
polished and black throughout, without evident metallic coloration,
the under surface anteriorly testaceous, of the hind body black, the
legs and very slender antennae testaceous; head very moderate, only
a little more than half as wide as the prothorax, the eyes moderate,
the foveae minute and perforato-punctiform; prothorax very nearly
one-half wider than long, the parallel sides subevenly and moderately
rounded throughout, with the edge finely reflexed; apex as in gaga-
tin us but with the angles scarcely at all rounded and nearly right,
barely three-fourths as wide as the base, which is transverse and
only very finely margined, the angles slightly obtuse and broadly
rounded; surface very smooth, with vitreous lustre and only feebly
convex, completely impunctate, excepting a few excessively minute
punctules at the lateral margin and scattered sparsely over the
broad and extremely shallow foveae; stria very fine, only visible in
median half of the length; elytra very nearly one-half longer than
wide, not very obviously wider than the prothorax, parallel, with
feebly arcuate sides and obtusely ogival apex, the sinus wide and
very feeble; striae fine, the scutellar distinct, the series having
numerous punctures — about twelve on the fifth stria, — the intervals
not quite flat and narrow but not very strongly convex on the de-
clivity; hind tarsi very slender. Length (9) 7.0 mm.; width 2.9
mm. Mexico (Durango City), — Wickham. Evidently allied to
semirufus Bates, but differing in the subimpunctate pronotum and
very shining elytra *dichromatus n. sp.
8 — Sides of the prothorax sinuate posteriorly, the angles right and very
acutely defined, not in the least blunt. Body subdepressed, oblong,
shining, deep black, the thoracic margins not at all paler, the elytra
polished and with feeble opalescence; tinder suiface blackish-piceous,
the legs, antennae and trophi testaceous; head large, four-fifths as
wide as the prothorax, with very prominent and rather large eyes
and very minute punctiform foveae, the antennae slender and rather
long; prothorax one-half wider than long, the sides rounded anter-
iorly, oblique posteriorly, very finely reflexed throughout; apex
broadly, evenly and feebly sinuate, with narrowly rounded but
scarcely advanced angles and barely visibly narrower than the base,
which is transverse medially, feebly arcuate laterally; surface feebly
convex, the latero-basal region scarcely at all flattened, finely, rather
closely punctate, the foveae moderate and very feebly impressed,
the stria very fine; elytra parallel, with but very feebly arcuate sides
and obtuse apex, two-fifths longer than wide and nearly a fourth
wider than the prothorax, the sinus extremely feeble; surface smooth,
polished and punctureless, except the apical slope which is punctulate
and minutely pubescent; striae fine, the scutellar moderate, scarcely
at all oblique, the series distinct, each with about six small punctures;
intervals virtually flat; abdomen very minutely and sparsely punctu-
late and minutely pubescent almost throughout; hind tarsi long and
very slender. Length ( 9 ) 5-4 mm.; width 2.0 mm. Texas (Browns-
ville) , — Snow angulatus n. sp.
Sides of the prothorax oblique but not sinuate posteriorly, the hind angles
obtuse 9
9— Form oblong, depressed, shining, black, the thoracic side margins
not paler, the under surface red-brown, the legs and long slender
antennae pale testaceous; elytra with feeble opalescence; head large
and rather short, more than three-fourths as wide as the prothorax,
the eyes large and convex, less prominent in the female; foveae ex-
cessively minute; prothorax very transverse, two-thirds wider than
long, the sides strongly rounded anteriorly, oblique and virtually
straight in more than basal half; apex deeply sinuate, with the angles
advanced and somewhat narrowly rounded, about as wide as the
base, which is broadly sinuate medially, the angles very obtuse, not
sharply marked and generally somewhat blunt; surface depressed,
with very finely reflexed margin, the foveae broad, extremely feeble
and with suffused fine and rather close punctuation, which does not
extend to the sides, the stria short and fine; elytra two-fifths longer
than wide, parallel, with broadly arcuate sides and obtuse apex, a
fifth to fourth wider than the prothorax, rather depressed, the sinus
short and very distinct; surface throughout with a suggestion of
obsolete sparse punctulation, the punctures however not visible
even apically; striae fine, the scutellar rather long, the series feeble,
of about five minute punctures each; hind tarsi very slender, nearly
as long as the tibiae (cf), evidently shorter (9). Length (cf 9 )
5.3-5.4 mm.; width 2.2-2.25 mm- Florida (Lake Worth), — Kinzel.
delumbis n. sp.
Form elongate-oblong, black, shining; prothorax not much wider than
the head, shorter than wide, narrowed posteriorly, the hind angles
obtuse, not at all rounded, the lateral margins piceous; foveae very
vague, punctulate; elytra iridescent, slightly wider than the pro-
thorax, the striae deep, coarser at apex, the second with 6—8 small
punctures, the fifth with 3-4, the punctures not very distinct;
antennae, palpi and legs testaceous. Length 6.5 mm. Louisiana.
" Allied to tricolor but smaller and narrower, with the hind angles
o,f the prothorax not at all rounded and the base each side strongly
punctulate." subtinctus Lee.
The descriptions of discoderoides and subtinctus are drawn from
the originals; the latter is evidently allied to delumbis but differs
in several characters besides size, as may be noted by comparing
the descriptions. The following species does not seem to be repre-
sented in my collection:
H. iripennis Say (Har pains) — Body black, dark piceous beneath, the
antennae, labrum, mouth and legs rufo-testaceous, the latter paler;
prothorax somewhat wider than long, widest in the middle, hardly
narrower at base than at tip, the lateral edge piceous, almost regularly
arcuated, the angles obtusely rounded, the basal edge rectilinear; dorsal
and basal lines obsolete; base with numerous slight punctures; elytra
blackish, with blue and iridescent reflections. Length 6.2 mm. Locality
not given.
It is said by LeConte that Selenophorus varicolor Lee., is identical;
it is described as follows :
Oblong, black, very shining; head smooth, the impressions almost
wanting, the mouth, antennae, palpi and legs rufo-testaceous; prothorax
half wider than long, subquadrate, feebly emarginate at apex, the sides
strongly rounded, feebly converging posteriorly, the hind angles obtuse,
broadly rounded, the base very feebly emarginate; surface almost flat,
the transverse impressions almost wanting, the stria extremely fine,
entire, the foveae broad, very shallow, finely punctate; elytra slightly
wider than the prothorax, parallel, rounded behind, with viridi-cyaneous
reflections, striate, the scutellar stria long and distinct; intervals nearly
flat, the series inconspicuous, the marginal series broadly interrupted at
the middle. Length 6.5 mm.; width 2.7 mm. Pennsyvlania and
From this evidence I think there can be no doubt that varicolor
Lee., is truly a synonym of iripennis Say, and depressulus of the
above table is evidently closely allied, but, as the thoracic stria
is by no means entire, the size somewhat smaller, the apical elytral
sinus probably deeper and the geographic habitat quite different—
at the same time considering the multiplication of allied species
in the warmer parts of the country, — I am disposed to leave it as
announced for the present. The matter seems to be settled in
favor of this course by Dr. Horn, who states (Proc. Am. Phil. Soc.,
1880, p. 182) that in iripennis the hind angles of the prothorax
are distinct but obtuse and that there are a few fine punctures in
the vague basal impressions, and further that the elytra are scarcely
sinuate. In depressulus the hind angles are broadly rounded, the
punctuation of the latero-basal parts distinctly dense and the elytral
sinus deeper and more obvious than in any other species.
Celiamorphus n. gen.
Although not differing by any decisive structural characters from
the preceding or from Selenophorus, it seems fitting to separate
the small elliptical subdepressed species allied to ellipticus Dej.,
as a distinct genus, because of their different habitus and opaque
integuments, at least in the female, these sexual differences being
unknown apparently in either of those genera. The prosternal
process is narrow, horizontal and very strongly margined through-
out, and the hind tarsi are very long. The species are compara-
tively few in number and rather closely allied among themselves.
By the descriptions of Dejean I am unable to separate the granarius
and pulicarius of that author from his ellipticus and so have ar-
bitrarily affixed these names to a rather inharmonious series taken
in the Atlantic region, whence the types of that author probably
came. There are, however, some other forms that seem to be
distinct and I would arrange them as follows:
Elytra rather abruptly somewhat wider than the prothorax. Somewhat
shining black, more opaque in the female; legs piceous; palpi black-
ish-brown, testaceous at apex; antennae obscure brown, with the
basal joint testaceous; form oblong-oval, rather depressed; head
rather small; prothorax subtrapeziform, slightly rounded at the
sides, wider than long and almost flat, impunctate, the fovese very
feeble, longitudinal; apex rather strongly sinuate; elytra rather short,
somewhat strongly sinuate at the apices, the striae fine; punctures
of the three series very fine. Length 6.0 mm.; width 2.7 mm.
Southern Atlantic states. Apparently rare. [Selena phor us ovalis
Dej.] ovalis Dej.
Elytra not or but very little wider than the prothorax 2
2 — Punctures of the three elytral series notably strong and conspicuous,
the upper surface rather more convex than in the following species.
Body oblong-oval, rather shining (cf ), not very deep black above,
the elytra with slightly greenish lustre, the legs and under surface
piceous-black, the epipleura slightly paler; head shore, not quite
three-fifths as wide as the prothorax, the eyes well developed and
moderately convex; antennae slender, piceo-testaceous, the basal
joint paler; prothorax a little more than one-half wider than long,
the sides subevenly and not strongly arcuate, feebly converging
anteriorly from near the base; apex strongly sinuate, not three-fourths
as wide as the rectilinear and very finely margined base, the basal
angles right, with their apices rather well defined and only very
finely blunt; surface somewhat feebly convex, very finely reflexed
at the sides, the margin a little more broadly subdeplanate posteriorly,
impunctate, the foveae finely linear, very feeble and impuncate;
elytra two-fifths longer than wide, gradually rounded at apex, the
sinus short and extremely feeble, vestigial; striae very fine, the scu-
tellar extremely faint, moderately short; intervals nearly flat.
Length (cf) 5.3 mm.; width 2.2 mm. Florida. [Selenophorus fos-
sulatus Dej.] fossulatus Dej.
Punctures of the three elytral series very fine though always distinct;
upper surface rather feebly convex 3
3 — Upper surface rather densely opaculate in both sexes, scarcely more
so in the female than in the male. Body unusually elongate, sub-
oval, deep black, without trace of metallic coloration, the under
surface black, with slightly paler epipleura, the legs pale testaceous
throughout; antennae brownish-testaceous, with the basal joint
pale, very slender and filiform, extending well behind the thoracic
base; palpi testaceous, the last joint blackish with pale apex; head
small, barely half as wide as the prothorax, the eyes moderate,
prominent, the foveae very minute but distinct; prothorax nearly
two-thirds wider than long, the sides subevenly and rather strongly
arcuate, converging from near the base, the apex narrow, deeply
sinuate, with right and scarcely rounded projecting angles and barely
more than two-thirds as wide as the base, which is transverse, just
visibly posteriorly oblique for a short distance at the sides and
extremely finely margined, the angles right with their tips very
nairowly but obviously rounded; surface as in the preceding,
though only very feebly shining, extensively opaculate basally and
with the fovere obsolete; elytra oblong-oval, gradually rounding
behind, more than two-fifths longer than wide (cf ), a little shorter
(9), the sinus extremely feeble, obsolete in the female as a rule;
striae very fine, the scutellai still finer but rather long, the intervals
flat, with sericeo-opaque lustre; hind tarsi (cf ) evidently longer than
the tibiae, or ( 9 ) equal in length to the latter, the setae along the
external edge of the tibiae few in number but veiy thick and subspini-
form. Length (cf 9 ) 5.9-6.1 mm.; width 2.35-2.5 mm. New
Jersey (Atlantic City). Five examples opaculus n. sp.
Upper surface shining and feebly alutaceous in the male, sericeo-opaque
in the female 4
4 — Sides of the prothorax very moderately arcuate, parallel at base, thence
converging to the apex as in the preceding 5
Sides of the prothorax more strongly arcuate, perceptibly converging
toward the basal angles 6
5 — Body oblong-oval, shorter and relatively broader than in opaculus;
coloration throughout similar but rather less intense black, the two
basal joints of the antennae paler; head and antennae similar; eyes
very moderate in size and prominence; prothorax similar in general
character but shorter, the apex rather less deeply sinuate and with
somewhat less advanced angles, a little wider, being three-fourths
as wide as the base, the latter rectilinear throughout, not posteri-
orly oblique at the sides; surface nearly similar, the fovese obsolete;
elytra much shorter, a third to fourth longer than wide, the sinus
very feeble though somewhat evident in both sexes, the elytra less
opaque and with more bronzy lustre as a rule, the striae very fine,
the scutellar very fine and extremely short as a rule, never as long
as in the preceding; hind tarsi (cf ) very slender, about as long as
the tibiae, or (9) a little shorter. Length (cf 9 ) 5.2-5.7 mm.;
width 2.1-2.6 mm. New York City to Illinois and southward to
Texas and northern Mexico. [Selenophorus ellipticus Dej. (cf);
pitlicarius Dej. (9) and granarins Dej.] ellipticus Dej.
Body slightly narrower and more elongate-oval; coloration and lustre
nearly as in ellipticus, the very slender antennae, however, with the
three basal joints paler; head similarly small and only half as wide
as the prothorax, but less transverse and with notably larger eyes,
these being separated by not more than three times their own length;
prothorax similar in general form and sculpture but slightly more
narrowed apically, the apex deeply sinuate and only two- thirds as
wide as the base, the foveae similarly obsolete; elytra more elongate,
two-fifths longer than wide, shining (cf ) though similarly with very
faint alutaceous lustre, the striae slightly less fine and notably coarser
on the posterior declivity than in ellipticus, the scutellar deeper and
longer; hind tarsi extremely slender, as long as the tibia?. Length
(cf ) 5.1-5.7 mm.; width 2.0-2.3 mm. New York (Catskill Mts.)
and Rhode Island currens n. sp.
Body stout but very small in size, elliptic, moderately convex, shining,
feebly alutaceous, piceous-black above and beneath, the latero-basal
parts of the prothorax somewhat pallescent diaphanously; elytra
deeper black but with distinct aeneous lustre; legs piceo-testaceous;
head four-sevenths as wide as the prothorax, the eyes well developed
and prominent; antennae slender, fuscous, paler basally, extending
behind the thoracic base; prothorax four-fifths wider than long, the
sides almost evenly rounded, parallel basally, gradually converging
apically; apex deeply sinuate, three-fourths as wide as the base,
which is rectilinearly transverse; surface nearly even, without punc-
tures or foveae, the median stria distinct but only present medially;
elytra a third longer than wide, parallel, with slightly arcuate sides
and very little wider than the prothorax, evenly rounded in about
apical two-fifths, the sinus very feeble; striae very fine, the scutellar
short and oblique; intervals flat; anterior tarsi (cf1) short, distinctly
dilated, the intermediate long, feebly dilated, the posterior very long
and slender, rather longer than the tibiae. Length (cf1) 4.3 mm.;
width 1.75 mm. North Carolina (Southern Pines), — Manee.
contractus n. sp.
6 — Form rather narrowly oblong-oval, deep black, strongly shining (cf ),
rufo-piceous beneath, with paler epipleura, the legs testaceous;
antennae very slender, pale testaceous throughout, the palpi with the
usual coloration as in opacnlns; head short, subtransverse, slightly
more than half as wide as the prothorax, the foveae excessively
minute; eyes rather well developed and separated by but little more
than three times their length; prothorax fully three-fifths wider than
long, the sides gradually more converging anteriorly, the apex deeply
sinuate, rather more than two-thirds as wide as the base, which is
just visibly sinuate, the angles right, with their apices very narrowly
blunt; surface smooth, rather more steeply declivous anteriorly at
the sides to the fine reflexed edge than in the preceding species, the
edge rather more horizontal but less broadly expanding posteriorly,
though similarly disappearing near basal third or fourth; foveae not
wholly obsolete as in the four preceding but broadly lineiform and
evident, though short and very feeble; elytra a third to two-fifths
longer than wide, gradually rounding behind from near the middle,
the sinus barely traceable and vestigial, the striae fine, coarser apic-
ally as usual, the scutellar short and extremely feeble; intervals
flat. Length (cf) 5.0-5.6 mm.; width 1.8-2.2 mm. Texas (Gal-
veston). Five examples adjunctus n. sp.
The above characters of ovalis Dej., are selected from the rather
diffuse original description; it is said by Horn that the surface
lustre is slightly iridescent, but I hardly think this term can apply
to such iridescence as is observed in the preceding genus, and it is
not alluded to by Dejean in his description.
Selenophorus Dej.
As a group of the Selenophorids, this genus is well distinguished
from either of the preceding by the much more convex form of the
body, with prevalence of cupreous or aeneous lustre and in the
much shorter hind tarsi; this is particularly noticeable in the more
typical forms, such as palliatns Fabr., where the tarsi become very
much stouter than usual, with joints 2-4 much abbreviated and
together but little longer than the first joint; although in smaller
forms, such as fatuus, the tarsi become slender, they are always
distinctly shorter than the tibiae. The prosternal process more
resembles that of Hemisopahis, being broader than in the preceding
genus, less horizontal and not margined. The upper surface, so
far as known to me, never becomes suffusedly punctulate as in
many species of Hemisopahis, or opaque in either sex as in Celia-
morphus. The species are rather numerous, those at present in
my collection being as follows:
Larger species, never under 6 mm. in length 2
Small species, with about 6 mm. as their superior limit of length; scutel-
lar stria short and generally feeble .6
2 — Fovese of the three elytral series large and very conspicuous 3
Foveae small, nearly as in the succeeding small species of the genus. ... 5
3 — Body stout, very convex, oblong, shining, with strong greenish-
aeneous reflection throughout above, piceous-black and without
metallic lustre beneath, the legs short and stout, testaceous; head
rather large, more than three-fifths as wide as the prothorax, with
well developed prominent eyes and distinct deep sublinear foveae;
antennae slender, obscure testaceous, gradually paler basally, the
palpi testaceous; prothorax large, subparallel, only about two-fifths
wider than long, rounded at the sides, which become straight and
barely converging behind the middle, the apex feebly sinuate and
much narrower than the base, the latter broadly and distinctly
sinuate medially, with the angles scarcely more than right and nar-
rowly blunt at their tips; surface evenly convex, very finely, evenly
reflexed at the sides, impunctate, the foveae broadly sublinear but
extremely feeble, the stria fine but subentire; elytra oblong, not
quite one-half longer than wide, the apices strongly oblique but not
sinuate, the tips acute, equal in width to the prothorax; striae very
fine, the scutellar fine, moderately long, the intervals flat, the surface
near the posterior part of the sides and the apex with suffused punc-
tures, bearing very short hairs; abdomen minutely, sparsely punctu-
late and with very short hairs. Length ( 9 ) 8.8 mm. ; width 3.5 mm.
Cuba (Havana) *pyritosus Dej.
Body narrower, smaller and less convex, with shorter prothorax 4
4 — Form oblong, somewhat strongly convex, black, with strong aeneous-
bronzy lustre above, the side edges of the pronotum pallescent;
under surface piceo-rufous, the legs testaceous; head smaller, rather
short, three-fifths as wide as the prothorax, with prominent eyes and
with smaller and more punctiform foveae, the antennae slightly
T. L. Casey, Mem. Col. V, Oct. 1914-
shorter and less slender, pale brown, the two basal joints pale tes-
taceous, the trophi testaceous; prothorax three-fifths wider than long,
the sides moderately rounded anteriorly, very feebly converging and
straighter in basal half, rather finely but strongly, evenly reflexed
throughout; apex very feebly sinuate, distinctly narrower than the
transverse, broadly and feebly bisinuate base, the flattened bead of
which becomes finer laterally, the angles slightly more than right
and distinctly though not very broadly rounded; surface impunctate,
the foveee large and broadly impressed, evident but shallow and
impunctate; stria fine, distinct and subentire; elytra more than
two-fifths longer than wide, slightly though evidently wider than
the prothorax, ogival at apex, the sides parallel and broadly arcuate,
the apices rounding, with indistinct or vestigial sinus, the tips not so
acute as in the preceding, the surface finely, suffusedly punctate
and minutely pubescent along the entire sides from base to apex;
striae fine, the intervals flat; abdomen minutely, sparsely punctulate
and pubescent throughout; legs more slender than in pyritosus, the
tibiae with external setae only in apical half. Length (cf 9 ) 7.0-8.8
mm.; width 2.9-3.4 nim. Gulf states. [Harpalus stigmosus Germ,
and S. impressiis Dej.] palliatus Fabr.
Form still narrower, smaller in size and similar in coloration and lustre,
the elytral foveae not quite so large and rather less numerous; head
nearly two-thirds as wide as the prothorax, with prominent moderate
eyes and small but deep, punctiform foveae, the antennae nearly
similar; prothorax not quite so transverse, hardly one-half wider
than long, nearly similar in form but with the sides basally more
convergent, the angles being more obtuse though less rounded; base
transverse, not evidently bisinuate and with the bead not evidently
finer laterally, abruptly interrupted at the middle; apex sinuato-
truncate, but little narrower than the base, the foveae and reflexed
edges nearly similar; elytra nearly similar throughout, the suture
and edges posteriorly similarly testaceous; abdomen with the fine
sparse punctulation broadly obsolete along the middle as a rule.
Length (cf 9 ) 6.5-7.7 rnm.; width 2.4-2.9 mm. Arizona (probably
southern). Five examples famulus n. sp.
5— Oblong, stouter and a little more convex than in palliatus, the colora-
tion similar throughout, except that the metallic lustre of the upper
surface is more obscure and bronzy; head nearly similar but with
rather more prominent eyes and with the foveae prolonged in fine
longitudinal furrows; prothorax as in palliatus throughout and with
similar scattered punctures along the basal margin laterally but not
quite so short, one-half wider than long; elytra similar but rather
more elongate, almost one-half longer than wide, the striae similarly
very fine but with the foveae of the three series having scarcely one-
half the diameter and much less impressed; abdominal punctulation
less fine, the punctures at the sides of the metasternum coarser and
more numerous. Length (9) 8.0 mm.; width 3.5 mm. Texas
(Austin). [Harpalus Icesus Lee.] laesus Lee.
6 — Prothorax subparallel, not oblique at the sides posteriorly, the apex
always evidently, though not greatly, narrower than the base;
apical sinus of the elytra wanting or extremely feeble 7
Prothorax oblique at the sides posteriorly, much narrower than the elytra,
the apex and base equal in width, the elytral sinus rather deep and
distinct, its outer limit obtusely subprominent 16
7 — Elytra together almost evenly rounded at apex, the sinus wanting,
the prothorax unusually short 8
Elytra each oblique at apex, the margin either straight or just visibly
sinuate, the prothorax less abbreviated, except in maritimus 9
8 — Body oblong, subparallel rather convex, strongly shining in both
sexes, the upper surface black, with strong Eeneous lustre, piceous-
black beneath, with paler epipleura, the legs obscure testaceous;
head rather small, four-sevenths as wide as the prothorax, the eyes
moderate, not very convex; antennae slender, obscure, pale basally,
nearly half as long as the body; prothorax fully three-fifths wider
than long, the sides subevenly and rather strongly arcuate, finely
and evenly re flexed, not narrowly deplanate; apex evenly and feebly
sinuate, the base transverse, with the angles slightly obtuse through
only somewhat blunt, not evidently rounded; surface evenly con-
vex, very smooth, with extremely fine stria, the latero-basal regions
slightly duller and feebly rugulose, the foveae rounded, distinct
though very feeble, somewhat more rugulose; elytra slightly wider
than the prothorax, parallel, with only just visibly arcuate sides,
which are more arcuate basally and broadly circularly rounded
at apex, fully two-fifths longer than wide, the striae extremely fine,
feeble, the intervals perfectly flat, the three series distinct, the
marginal interval and apex with very fine sparse punctules, generally
in single line in the long medial interval of interruption of the line
of foveae; abdomen finely, sparsely but distinctly punctulate, the
metasternum laterally with some very sparse and excessively fine
punctulation; hind tarsi much shorter than the tibiae, as usual in
the genus, the first joint unusually long, exceeding the next three
combined. Length (of 9 ) 4-5~5-7 mm.; width 1.6-2.2 mm. Colo-
rado (Boulder Co. and from an unrecorded locality). Twenty-one
examples planipennis Lee.
Body oblong, smaller, broader in form; coloration and lustre throughout
as in the preceding, the upper surface rather more obscurely bronzy;
head nearly similar, the eyes somewhat smaller, the antennae stouter,
the intermediate joints, on the compressed side, not one-half longer
than wide; prothorax similar but still shorter, fully two-thirds
wider than long, the parallel sides evenly and still more strongly
arcuate and very narrowly explanate along the fine re flexed margin,
the stria excessively fine but becoming deep and strongly impressed
just behind the centre in the type, the latero-basal regions opaculate
and with a few rugulae and fine scattered punctures, the foveae
feebler, almost completely obsolete; elytra much shorter, a third
longer than wide, only just visibly wider than the prothorax, other-
wise nearly as in the preceding throughout, the punctures of the
three series minute and feeble but distinct on the smooth ground;
abdomen with the sparse punctures very distinct; hind tarsi (9)
shorter and more slender than in planipennis (9 ), but with the first
joint distinctly longer than the next three combined; lustre of the
elytra very faintly subalutaceous and more evidently so than in the
preceding. Length ( 9 ) 5-2 mm.; width 2.0 mm. Arizona (southern).
otiosus n. sp.
9 — Prothorax very short, three-fourths wider than long, less in the male,
the foveae linear and rather deeply impressed. Form oblong, moder-
ately convex, unusually highly polished throughout in both sexes,
black, with dark greenish-aeneous lustre above, the margins of the
prothorax and the suture and margins of the elytra, posteriorly,
pallescent; under surface blackish-rufopiceous, the epipleura pale;
legs bright testaceous; head nearly two-thirds as wide as the pro-
thorax, with moderate but very prominent eyes, the foveae very
minute, perforato-punctiform; antennae very slender, obscure, paler
basally; prothorax parallel, with subevenly and very moderately
arcuate sides, the apex rather deeply sinuate; base transverse, round-
ing laterally, the angles slightly obtuse and notably broadly rounded;
surface finely reflexed at the sides, smooth, the marginal flattening
narrow but perceptible, the foveae shallow, broadly impressed,
impunctate though sometimes with very minute rugulosity; elytra
two-fifths longer than wide, not distinctly wider than the prothorax,
the obliquity of the apices feebly sinuate (cf ), or straight (9 ), the
strise extremely fine, the intervals flat, becoming narrow though
scarcely convex suturally on the declivity; serial punctures distinct,
the punctulation of the marginal interval and apex excessively
minute; basal joint of the hind tarsi very long though but little
longer than the next three in either sex; abdomen impunctate and
very shining. Length (cf 9 ) 5-3~5-9 mm.; width 2.0-2.25 mm.
Texas (Galveston) , maritimus n. sp.
Prothorax generally less abbreviated, the foveae more rounded and always
very feeble or vague 10
10 — Elytra subequal in width to the prothorax in both sexes n
Elytra distinctly wider than the prothorax, though less obviously than
in fatuus and mustus 14
II — Basal joint of the hind tarsi shorter than in the preceding but very
nearly as long as the next three combined. Oblong, moderately
convex, strongly shining and with bright aeneo-cupreous lustre
above, the under surface nearly black, with pale epipleura and legs
throughout; head fully three-fifths as wide as the prothorax, with
eyes moderate in size and prominence, the antennae slender, fusco-
testaceous; prothorax one-half wider than long, the subparallel
sides almost evenly and moderately arcuate and rather finely re-
flexed; apex feebly sinuate, the transverse base finely beaded, with
the angles broadly rounded; surface with rather sharply defined
anterior transverse impression and very fine stria, the very faint
and vague foveae with numerous fine punctures basally; elytra
two-fifths longer than wide, barely visibly wider than the prothorax,
the apical obliquity straight; striae fine but not so markedly so as in
the three preceding, the scutellar rather long, the intervals nearly
flat, barely convex on the declivity, the punctulation of the marginal
interval and the apex rather distinct, the punctures of the series
fine but distinct; abdomen with very fine sparse punctulation.
Length (9) 5.3 mm.; width 2.0 mm. Texas (locality unrecorded).
cupreolus n. sp.
Basal joint of the hind tarsi much shorter than the next three combined
in both sexes 12
12 — Upper surface with green or aeneous-green metallic lustre, the pro-
thorax much less transverse than usual and only about two-fifths
wider than long. Body oblong-oval, more convex than usual,
shining, the under surface blackish, with paler epipleura and legs;
head well developed, about two-thirds as wide as the prothorax,
the eyes moderate and not very convex, the antennae piceous, paler
at base; prothorax with subevenly and broadly arcuate sides, the
apex feebly sinuate, narrower than the base, which is transverse
medially, feebly arcuate laterally, with the angles rather broadly
rounded; surface very convex, finely reflexed at the sides, with very
fine stria and usually numerous fine feeble longitudinal folds at apex
and base, the foveae diffuse and very vague but with numerous
punctures basally as a rule and with some also near the sides; elytra
unusually short, a third longer than wide, very obtuse at apex, the
striae fine but distinct, the intervals nearly flat, becoming narrow
and convex at apex, the marginal punctulation very fine and the
scutellar stria distinct; abdomen with numerous extremely fine and
feeble punctures. Length (d71) 5.1-5.7 mm.; width 2.0-2.35 mm.
New Jersey troglodytes Dej.
Upper surface with aeneous to very obscure greenish lustre, the pro-
thorax about one-half wider than long 13
13 — The upper surface with bright aeneo-cupreous lustre; under surface
as in the preceding; tibiae and tarsi sometimes a little more obscure
than the femora; head moderate, the eyes not large, only moderately
prominent; antennae piceous, paler at base, not very long or slender;
prothorax with parallel and feebly arcuate, rather finely reflexed
sides and broadly, very moderately sinuate apex, the base somewhat
as in the preceding and with rather broadly rounded angles; surface
less convex and smoother, the very feeble and vague foveae with only
very few fine punctures and with a few also at the sides; elytra longer,
more than two-fifths longer than wide, lather less obtuse at apex,
the striae fine but distinct, the scutellar rather well developed, the
intervals flat to feebly convex, narrow but not very convex at apex,
the series distinct, the marginal punctulation extremely fine, the
apical much more evident; abdomen with fine and sparse punctures
and usually rather distinct pubescence. Length (cf 9 ) 4.6-6.0
mm.; width 1.8-2.3 mm- Long Island, New Jersey and Virginia;
also one example without label from the Levette collection. [S. ccreus
Lee. and S. puellus Putz. fide Horn] pedicularius Dej.
The upper surface with bronzy-greenish lustre, shining, the under surface
black, with pale epipleura and obscure rufous legs, the femora
clearer; head fully three-fifths as wide as the prothorax, with moder-
ate though rather prominent eyes; antennae not very long or slender,
nearly black, the basal joint pale; prothorax scarcely one-hall wider
than long, with subparallel and more strongly arcuate sides; surface
finely reflexed and feebly punctulate at the sides and with an ex-
cessively fine stria, only visible in median half, also with very nu-
merous feeble longitudinal plica? at apex and base and some trans-
verse wavy lines discally, the foveae extremely feeble and vague,
with some very minute rugulosity and a few fine punctures; apex
feebly sinuate, the basal angles rather broadly rounded; elytra nearly
as in the preceding throughout, except that the punctures at the
margin and apex are very much more distinct; abdomen (cf) more
sparsely and finely puberulent but having, almost similarly, some
remarkable modifications along the middle; the combined first and
second segments, or the apparent first segment, has at base between
the coxae a minute and densely pubescent spot, and, near the apex,
two similar and very approximate spots; the next two segments have
each two slightly larger, transversely approximate and sharply
limited medial opaque spots, of very dense pubescence; the last
segment is without spots; the anterior tarsi are feebly, the middle
not at all, dilated, the first joint of both without squamae, the next
three with two rows of very small squamules; hind tarsi very slender;
in the male of pedicularius the middle tarsi are evidently though
not strongly dilated. Length (c?) 5-7 mm.; width 2.1 mm. Missis-
sippi (Vicksburg) riparius n. sp.
14 — Head large, fully two-thirds as wide as the prothorax. Body 'oblong,
rather convex, shining, obscure piceo-rufous, with black and rather
shining though scarcely at all metallic elytra, the under surface
anteriorly, epipleura and legs pale testaceous, the hind body nearly
black; head with moderate but rather prominent eyes, the slender
antennae and palpi pale testaceous, the last joint of the latter obscure
but with pale tip; prothorax rather more than one-half wider than
long, the sides perceptibly more rounding anteriorly than posteriorly,
with very finely, abruptly and evenly reflexed edge throughout; apex
feebly sinuate, barely visibly narrower than the base, which is trans-
verse, the angles only slightly more than right and but very narrowly
rounded; surface with some fine transverse lines medially, otherwise
smooth, the biabbreviated stria very fine, the foveae almost com-
pletely obsolete but having each, before the base, a very short and
sharply linear scratch ; elytra almost one-half longer than wide, ogival
in apical third, the obliquity perfectly straight suturally, only a little
wider than the prothorax, the striae very fine, the intervals not quite
flat, very narrow and convex at apex, the marginal punctulation
very fine, almost obsolete medially, the series distinct; abdominal
punctures very fine, hind tarsi with the basal joint not quite as
long as the next three. Length (9) 5-8 mm.; width 2.2 mm.
Colorado scolopaceus n. sp.
Head only moderately developed, about three-fifths as wide as the pro-
thorax, the latter more distinctly narrower than the elytra 15
15 — Form rather narrowly oblong-oval, convex, shining, black, the upper
surface with cupreo-aeneous to more obscure metallic lustre, the
under surface shining black when mature, with the legs and epipleura
obscure rufous; head nearly as long as wide, with moderate and rather
prominent eyes and slender fuscous antennae, paler basally ; prothorax
nearly one-half wider than long, the sides parallel, evenly and very
distinctly arcuate and finely reflexed; apex feebly sinuate, nearly
as wide as the base, which is transverse medially, feebly arcuate at
each side, the angles slightly obtuse and broadly rounded; surface
nearly even, with a few very small punctures at the sides and lateral
parts of the base, the foveae very feebly impressed, not large and
rather vague, the stria extremely fine; elytra fully two-fifths longer
than wide, nearly a fifth wider than the prothorax, very obtuse at
apex, the obliquity of which is straight; striae nearly as in the pre-
ceding, the marginal and apical punctulation much closer and more
distinct; abdomen with very fine sparse punctulation; basal joint
of the hind tarsi a little shorter than the next three combined. Male
with the anterior tarsi feebly, the middle not at all dilated, both
squamulose beneath, the abdomen with the medial pubescent spots
described in riparius but all so much reduced in size as to be dis-
cernable only under very close observation and with considerable
optical enlargement. Length (cf 9 ) 4.5-5.8 mm.; width 1.7-2.2
mm. Texas (Austin) houstoni n. sp.
Form distinctly stouter, the size a little larger, with bronze lustre, the
structure otherwise almost as in houstoni, except that the pronotal
foveae are almost completely obsolete, the finely reflexed lateral
margin testaceous and not virtually concolorous as it is in houstoni,
the sides of the base less arcuate and the apical angles more
broadly rounded; the elytra are relatively shorter, being only about
a third longer than wide, the abdomen and legs nearly similar, the
basal joint of the hind tarsi even more distinctly shorter than the
next three combined. Length (9) 5.6-6.2 mm.; width 1.9-2.4
mm. Louisiana (Alexandria). Three examples.. . .implicans n. sp.
Form rather stout, nearly as in implicans, except that the prothorax is
shorter and that the shining upper surface has a dim piceo-aeneous
lustre; coloration otherwise nearly similar; head similarly with the
eyes very moderate in size, though rather prominent; prothorax
fully one-half wider than long, with parallel, evenly and moderately
rounded sides, the apex only very slightly sinuate, somewhat nar-
rower than the base, which is transverse and not evidently arcuate
at the sides, with the angles broadly rounded; surface very moderately
convex and almost even, the foveae extremely feeble and vague,
usually having a few small punctures; elytra less than one-half
longer than wide, evidently wider than the prothorax, obtuse at tip,
the feebly defined obliquity straight, the striae nearly as in the two
preceding but- with the scutellar rather more developed, the marginal
and apical punctulation very fine and rather indistinct; tarsi nearly
as in houstoni; abdomen (cf ) perfectly even, minutely punctulate
as usual but without trace of the small medial pubescent spots of the
pedicularius section and still observable in greatly reduced condition
in houstoni; basal joint of the hind tarsi about as long as the next
three combined. Length (cT 9 ) 5.2-6.0 mm.; width 1.8-2.5 mm.
Southern Arizona (Morrison) and also El Paso, Texas. Eight
examples aeneopiceus Csy.
16 — Body oblong, the anterior parts much smaller relatively than in any
of the preceding, shining black, the upper surface with very obscure
bronzy lustre, the under surface rufo-piceaus, the legs ferruginous;
head fully three-fourths as wide as the prothorax, with very much
larger eyes than usual, they being also very convex and prominent;
antennae very slender, dusky-testaceous; palpi dusky, slender, very
finely acuminate at apex; prothorax short, fully two-thirds wider
than long, widest and with rather strongly rounded sides before the
middle; apex sinuato-truncate; base subtransverse, with the angles
very obtuse though scarcely at all rounded, only narrowly blunt
at their tips; surface rather finely but strongly re flexed but only
slightly diaphanously paler at the sides, the transverse impressions
very feeble though more or less evident, the stria excessively fine,
the foveae broadly diffuse and vague, barely at all impressed or
punctulate, the latero-basal region rather flat; elytra relatively large,
nearly one-half longer than wide and a third wider than the prothorax,
parallel, obtuse at tip, the striae very fine, the scutellar notably short
and feeble, the intervals flat; punctures of the series very fine, not
always accurately following the striae, the marginal and apical
punctulation almost obsolete; abdomen scarcely at all punctulate;
hind tarsi extremely slender though distinctly shorter than the tibiae,
the basal joint slightly shorter than the next three combined. Length
(9) 4.5-6.0 mm.; width 1.75-2.4 mm. Texas (Brownsville). Six
examples. The male would probably disclose some interesting
sexual characters fatuus Lee.
Body rather less elongate, more strongly shining, black above, with
bright though dark and slightly greenish aeneous lustre, the under
surface, legs and epipleura dusky rufous; head not quite three-fourths
as wide as the prothorax, the eyes not so large as in fatuus though
well developed, the antennae very slender but not so long and black-
ish-piceous, with pale basal joint, the slender palpi blackish, with
feebly pale tip; prothorax somewhat as in fatuus but still a little
shorter, similarly strongly rounded at the sides and widest well
before the middle, but with more finely reflexed and concolorous
edges, the apex rather deeply sinuate, with prominent and barely
at all rounded angles, the basal angles very obtuse and rather blunt
though scarcely rounded; surface rather more convex, smooth and
completely impunctate, the foveae more deeply impressed, the surface
thence to the sides feebly convex and not flat; elytra not so elongate,
though more than two-fifths longer than wide, the striae very fine
and feebly impressed, the scutellar extremely short, the intervals
not quite flat, the marginal and apical punctulation obsolete; punc-
tures of the three series very much larger, more deeply impressed
and conspicuous; hind tarsi shorter though slender, the basal joint
not quite as long as the next three. Length (9) 5.0 mm.; width
2.1 mm. Florida (Biscayne Bay), — Schwarz mustus n. sp.
The remarkable abdominal sexual characters of the pedicularius
section, detailed above in describing riparius, do not seem to have
been observed hitherto; they are entirely wanting in planipennis
and maritimus, very feeble in honstoni and again obsolete in ceneo-
piceus, showing that these species are not so closely associable with
pedicular itts and troglodytes as formerly supposed. They were not
discovered by the writer until the descriptions of the species given
above had been long under way, and, as the species having like
sexual characters happen to be brought into juxtaposition by use
of other more general characters, it is not necessary to recast the
table on that score. As another interesting fact, pointing toward
Discoderus, it should be stated that in riparius the middle tarsi of
the male are completely undilated and very slender, though bearing
beneath the usual two series of squamules.
Beauvoisi Dej., is of a common Central American type and has
occurred so far only in the West Indies. The following species is
decidedly doubtful as to generic relationship, so far as published
characters serve to show:
S. breviusculus Horn — Oval, slightly oblong, robust, piceous, the
legs pale; surface feebly shining, with distinct bronze lustre; head punc-
tulate, rugulose at the sides above the eyes; prothorax broad, the apex
and base equal, the sides rather strongly arcuate; basal angles broadly
rounded, the base feebly emarginate at the middle; surface convex,
the sides slightly depressed posteriorly, more shining at the middle,
finely, transversely wrinkled, in front finely punctulate, at base and sides
densely punctate and opaque; elytra not wider than the prothorax,
scarcely a third longer than wide, the sides moderately arcuate, the apex
scarcely at all sinuate, moderately deeply but finely striate, the inter-
vals flat and irregularly but finely, biseriately punctulate and pubescent;
serial punctures very fine and indistinct; eighth stria distant from the
margin; body beneath feebly shining, the abdomen sparsely punctate
and with short pubescence; legs testaceous, the middle and posterior
tibiae slightly arcuate. Length 6.5 mm. Indian Territory (now Okla-
homa),— Fort Cobb.
I have seen no representative of this species, but it is my opinion
at present that it, together with curvipes, arcuatus and crassiusculus,
should be separated as a distinct genus, coming between Seleno-
phorns and Discoderus.
Selenalius n. gen.
The general habitus of this genus is quite distinct from that
observable elsewhere in the Selenophorini, due to the peculiar shape
of the prothorax, which recalls that of Glanodes. Presumably not
knowing the male, Dr. Horn placed the type species in Discodertis.
The head is well developed, the mentum completely edentate as
usual and the frontal fovese more obvious than usual. The hind
tarsi are short as in Selenophorus, but the basal joint is not quite
so elongate, being scarcely longer than the next two joints com-
bined. A rather singular character, partially presaged in Seleno-
phorus fatuus, is the freedom of the punctures of the elytral series
from the striae; the punctures of the two inner series are but seldom
in close contact with the strije, though they are nearly normal and
substrial in the outermost series; in fatuus it is the middle series
that is notably erratic. My material seems to indicate two species
as follows:
Form suboblong, rather elongate, very moderately convex, strongly
shining, dark testaceous throughout, except the elytra, which are
blackish-piceous and with scarcely visible greenish metallic lustre;
head fully three-fourths as wide as the prothorax, with moderate
though very prominent eyes, the foveae small and deep, punctiform
and lying within rather deep impressions; antennae pale testaceous,
slender and rather long; prothorax one-half wider than long, the
sides strongly rounded anteriorly, becoming oblique and nearly
straight thence to the base and finely though strongly, evenly
re flexed throughout; base transverse, slightly arcuate laterally,
with the angles very obtuse but evident though distinctly blunt,
not three-fourths as wide as the apex, which is broadly and very
feebly sinuate; surface with feeble transverse rugulae, fine but distinct
subentire stria and rather evident traces of irregular anterior and
posterior transverse impressions, the fovese moderate in size, deep
toward base and with a fewr feeble sparse punctures; elytra one-half
longer than wide, a third wider than the prothorax, nearly parallel,
with feebly arcuate sides, widely basally exposed and non-denticulate
humeri and obtusely ogival apex, the sinus obsolete; striae fine [but
rather deep, the scutellar nearly obsolete, the intervals flat except
at apex, the serial punctures small and feeble, the margins and apex
distinctly and suffusedly punctulate; abdomen with very fine sparse
punctures; anterior and middle tarsi (cf ) rather strongly dilated,
the two series of squamae beneath conspicuous. Length (cf) 8.0
mm.; width 2.8 mm. Arizona (Tucson). [Discoderus cordicollis
Horn] cordicollis Horn
Form somewhat similar but smaller and rather narrower, more parallel,
similarly feebly convex, very shining and piceous-black throughout
above, without metallic lustre, the rather finely but strongly and
evenly re flexed sides of the prothorax diaphanously paler; under
surface and legs testaceous, the antennae and trophi still paler;
head not so large, similarly with very prominent moderate eyes and
rather constricted neck, the foveae rather large, irregular and very
deep; antennae nearly similar; prothorax slightly more than one-half
wider than long, almost similar in outline, except that the sides basally
are less oblique and distinctly arcuate and that the basal angles are
wholly obliterated, being very broadly rounded; the marginal bead
of the base is much finer; otherwise it is nearly similar; elytra nar-
rower, t ully one-half longer than wide, nearly as in cordicollis but
more evenly parabolically rounded at apex, with the humeri less
broadly exposed basally and the striae a little coarser and more
impressed, with feebly convex intervals, especially suturally, the
scutellar stria sometimes completely obsolete; abdomen similar;
basal joint of the hind tarsi (cf1) rather distinctly longer than the
next two combined, the tarsus similarly much shorter than the tibia.
Length (cf 9 ) 7.0-7.3 mm.; width 2.65 mm. Texas (El Paso),—
Dunn parilis n. sp.
This genus seems to be confined to the Sonoran fauna and the
species are probably rather local in distribution.
Gynandropus Dej.
The Anisodactylides of Lacordaire, to which group Gynandropus
is referred by that author, are, as shown by knowledge of the
present day, the receptacle of many discordant elements, of which
the present genus is one of the most obscure in its relationships.
It is true that the tarsal vestiture of the male is rather solid, but
careful observation proves it to be seriately squamiform and not
uniformly spongiose, and the fact that the female tarsi are also
partially clothed beneath, together with the peculiar habitus of the
body, shows that it cannot be closely associated with any other
known genus. The large basal joint of the female anterior tarsi
betrays at least some affinity with Stenomorplms and the general
habitus of the body and presence of three series of setigerous elytral
punctures indicates a relationship with Selenophorus and Discoderus.
In the male of Gynandropus both the anterior and middle tarsi
are stout and densely clothed beneath, evenly throughout the
length of the first four joints, with white squamiform vestiture in
two absolutely contiguous series, so that the soles are uniformly
clothed throughout, the texture of the squamae transverse in
structure. The basal joint is only moderately enlarged, the first
four joints decreasing almost uniformly in size and nearly similar
in form, the intermediate but little less stout than the anterior and
otherwise similar. In the female the basal joint of the anterior
tarsi is relatively very large, oblong-oval, much longer than the
next two joints combined and very much broader, almost as in
Stenomorphus, though not nude beneath as in that genus; the
middle tarsi are nearly like the anterior but less dilated throughout.
The large basal joint of the anterior is broadly and feebly concave
beneath and uniformly and densely clothed with very short slender
squamae; on the second joint these become longer and less dense,
though similarly confused in arrangement, and on the third they
become still longer, finer and criniform, sparse and with their apices
apparently sensitive. The middle tarsi have the basal joint large
but much less dilated than that of the anterior and more strongly
squamose beneath, the squamae more biseriately arranged, some-
what as in the male, though much less evidently so on joints two
to four. It will be noted that these characters are most exceptional.
The two species known within our faunal limits may be described
as follows:
Form elongate, polished, convex, deep black above, without trace of
metallic lustre, piceo-rufous beneath, the legs, antennae, labrum
and oral organs pale testaceous; head nearly three-fourths as wide as
the prothorax, with rather large and prominent eyes, the antennae
slender, filiform and extending far behind the thoracic base; labrum
barely at all sinuate medially, with broadly rounded angles; frontal
impressions small, deep and punctiform, nearly as in Discoderus;
prothorax but very slightly wider than long, the apex and base
subequal, truncate, the sides rounded, a little more converging
basally, the angles very obtuse but not or scarcely rounded; base
finely margined; side margins very finely reflexed; surface smooth
and polished, more feebly declivous but scarcely explanate and with
numerous coarsish punctures latero-basally, the foveae shallow;
median stria very fine, the transverse impressions shallow and very
vague; elytra three-fifths longer than wide, fully a third wider than
the prothorax and about three times as long, parallel, obtusely
rounded at tip, the apices narrowly oblique though barely visibly
sinuate; striae rather fine but deeply and broadly impressed, the
scutellar wholly wanting, the fovea however large and distinct, the
striae shallower and sometimes feebly punctulate laterally; intervals
convex, especially suturad; setigerous punctures of striae 2-5-7
obvious; lateral line of foveae broadly interrupted; legs rather short
and slender; basal joint of the hind tarsi much longer than the next
two as in Discoderus. Length (c? 9 ) 6.0-7.0 mm.; width 2.2-2.5
mm. Rhode Island, New Jersey, Staten Island and Catskill Mts.
[G. americanus Dej.; Harpalus hylacis Say] hylacis Say
Form narrower than in the preceding, black, shining; head, antennae and
palpi similar, the legs rufous; prothorax not shorter than wide,
truncate at apex and base, the sides rounded, the hind angles slightly
explanate, obtuse, somewhat rounded; surface convex, the transverse
impressions obsolete, the longitudinal stria fine, abbreviated at both
ends, the basal foveae small, punctate; elytra slightly wider than the
prothorax, almost three times as long as wide, parallel, moderately
rounded at tip, striate; striae 2-5-7 with rather distinct series of
punctures; intervals smooth, slightly convex. Length 6.2 mm.;
width 1.8 mm. Georgia elongatus Lee.
The description of elongatus is taken from the original; it is said
to be very rare; hylacis however, is frequently taken, although not
very common. The head does not differ much sexually, but if
anything is a trifle larger in the female than in the male.
Discoderus Lee.
The genus Discoderus is represented by numerous species through-
out the temperate parts of North America but is wanting in the
true Pacific coast fauna. The body is oblong, rather strongly
convex as a rule, glabrous, the mental sinus edentate, the ligula
rather short and narrow, the paraglossse much exceeding it in
length, wide, thick and rounded at their apices, the palpi normally
slender, the second joint of the labial with about three long and
several short setae and equal in length to the third, making therefore
somewhat of an approach to the second section of the subfamily
in this respect. The frontal foveae are very small and isolated, not
linear, the mandibles and eyes moderate and the antennae slender
but not unusually long. The hind angles of the prothorax are
invariably rounded, the elytral striae more or less fine, the second,
fifth and seventh with a series of small setigerous punctures, the
outer series of foveae broadly interrupted as a rule and the scutellar
stria distinct. The two anterior tarsi of the male are scarcely at
all dilated and have two series of minute inconspicuous squamules
beneath. Our species, which are frequently closely allied among
themselves, may be described as follows:
Prothorax more strongly transverse, nearly one-half wider than long.
Form parallel, rather convex, shining, black, with subaeneous or
feeble viridi-aeneous lustre, the under surface and legs blackish-
piceous, the antennae ferruginous; head nearly two-thirds as wide
as the prothorax, the slender antennae extending well behind the
latter, which is parallel and evenly arcuate at the sides, with very
broadly rounded basal angles, the base medially feebly bisinuate;
surface with shallow subpunctiform basal foveae, behind which and
near the sides there are some evident punctures; basal stria entire,
the margin thicker medially; median stria fine but distinct; elytra
three-fifths longer than wide, but very slightly wider than the pro-
thorax and not quite three times as long, obtusely rounded at apex,
the apical sinus very feeble; striae rather fine but deep, the scutellar
long but fine, the three series of punctures distinct, the foveae of the
lateral line broadly interrupted as usual; intervals not quite flat;
legs moderate, the basal joint of the hind tarsi evidently longer than
the next two; middle tibiae (cf) only feebly arcuate and with the
inner serratures fine. Length (d" 9 ) 7.2-9.0 mm.; width 2.5-3.3
mm. Texas (El Paso — the type locality), New Mexico (Las Vegas)
and Arizona. Abundant. [HarpaliisimpoteiisLec.]. . impotens Lee.
Prothorax always less transverse, often but very little wider than long. . 2
2 — Sides of the prothorax behind the middle feebly converging and
straight to the moderately rounded basal angles. Color deep and
shining black above, the under surface, legs and antennae dark
rufous; surface convex; head short, fully two-thirds as wide as the
prothorax, the eyes well developed and prominent; antennae slender,
moderate in length; prothorax two-fifths wider than long, the sides
rounded anteriorly; base finely and deeply margined, transverse
medially, rounded laterally; surface very narrowly and feebly
subexplanate at the sides basally, the foveae feeble and slightly
punctured, the median stria very fine, almost obsolescent; elytra
barely wider than the prothorax and two and one-half times as
long, throughout nearly as in the preceding, except that the striae
are deeper, especially toward apex, and the intervals more convex,
the scutellar stria longer and deeper, the apex less obtuse suturally,
the sinus a little more evident; tarsi very slender, the basal joint of
the posterior almost as long as the next three. Length ( 9 ) 7.8 mm. ;
width 3.0 mm. Arizona (probably southern). . .obsidianus n. sp.
Sides of the prothorax parallel and broadly, subevenly arcuate through-
out 3
3 — Body obscure rufous in color, paler beneath, the legs and antennae
still paler, ferruginous, the elytra black, with strong violet-blue
lustre, shining; upper surface less convex than usual. Head small,
barely half as wide as the prothorax, the eyes prominent, the an-
tennae slender, extending slightly behind the thoracic base; prothorax
barely two-fifths wider than long, the parallel sides strongly arcuate,
the basal angles broadly, the apical rather narrowly, rounded; basal
margin very fine, the base just visibly and broadly sinuate laterally;
surface broadly concave and evidently punctate latero-basally,
somewhat reflexed basally at the sides, the fine median stria evident;
elytra rather short, barely one-half longer than wide, less than two
and one-half times as long as the prothorax and slightly wider,
parallel, very obtusely rounded at tip, the sinus barely traceable ; striae
rather strong and deep, the scutellar long, moderately deep, the
intervals slightly convex, the setigerous punctures of the three
series very fine; middle tibiae (cf ) but feebly arcuate, the graniform
inner serrules distinct, rather close-set; tarsi slender, the basal joint
of the posterior almost as long as the next three. Length (cf)
8.0 mm.; width 3.2 mm. Utah (Virgin River) amcenus Lee.
Body uniform in color above and generally deep black 4
4 — Body very stout in form and usually of rather large size, the basal
thoracic angles broadly rounded 5
Body much more slender and small in size, never so much as 10 mm. in
5 — Prothorax about as wide at apex as at base .... 6
Ptothorax distinctly narrower at apex than at base 7
6 — Elytra broader than the prothorax ( 9 ) or equal thereto (cT). Body
stout, oblong, strongly convex, shining, black in color and without
trace of metallic lustre; under surface and legs nearly black, some-
times slightly red-brown from immaturity; head not quite three-
fifths as wide as the prothorax, the eyes relatively moderate in size
and convexity; prothorax less than two-fifths wider than long, the
sides almost evenly arcuate though gradually a little less so pos-
teriorly than anteriorly, the base finely margined, broadly, feebly
sinuate medially, the basal fovese shallow but evident, feebly
punctate, the surface narrowly and feebly subexplanate at the hind
angles; elytra about twice as long as the prothorax, obtusely ogival
at apex, the sinus very feeble; striae rather coarse and deep, the
scutellar rather long S.nd strong, the intervals feebly convex, the
setigerous punctures distinct; middle tibiae (cf ) moderately arcuate
and granulo-serrate within; basal joint of the hind tarsi long as
usual. Length (cf 9 ) 9.0-11.0 mm.; width 3.4-4.2 mm. Arizona
(southern). Abundant. Ten examples robustus Horn
A — Similar but somewhat narrower, with a slightly smaller head and
generally of a pale and uniform red-brown color, occasionally
nearly black but always much paler beneath, the legs rufous; pro-
thorax slightly narrower than the elytra in both sexes; middle
tibiae (cf) nearly similar, the hind tarsi slightly more slender.
Length (cf 9 ) 9.0-11.5 mm.; width 3.4-3.9 mm. Arizona (near
Benson), — Dunn. Abundant. Twelve examples. . .piceusn. subsp.
Elytra as wide as the prothorax, apparently in both sexes; size larger.
Form robust, convex, piceous, shining, without trace of metallic
surface lustre; antennae, palpi and usually the labrum, castaneous;
head impunctate, the frontal impressions very short; prothorax
quadrate, slightly wider than long, somewhat narrowed at base,
widest at one-third from the apex, the sides regularly arcuate, the
margin not depressed; surface smooth, convex, the median impression
faint and short, the basal impressions broad but shallow and vague;
elytra not wider than the prothorax, the sides feebly arcuate, the
surface convex, finely striate, the striae impunctate, the intervals
smooth, very feebly convex, the inner sides of 3, 6 and 8 with the
usual punctures fine and rather indistinct; under surface slightly
paler, shining; prosternum not margined at tip but with two usually
conspicuous bristles on each side; abdomen very sparsely punctate,
with coarser punctures on the intercoxal process, the last segment
with two setae on each side at tip. Length 12.5 mm. Arizona
(southern) crassicollis Horn
7 — Body very stout and convex, deep black and somewhat alutaceous,
without trace of metallic lustre; head deep black, with the labrum,
palpi and antennae castaneous-red, well developed, rather more than
three-fifths as wide as the prothorax, the eyes moderate as in the
two preceding; prothorax between two-fifths and one-half wider than
long, the parallel sides evenly and rather feebly arcuate, more so
and converging anteriorly; base feebly sinuate and transverse in
median half only, and not much more broadly as it is in robustus
and piceus, finely margined throughout; surface very convex, rapidly
declivous to the unusually .pronounced marginal gutter but scarcely
visibly and narrowly subexplanate about the broadly rounded hind
angles; basal foveae rather large and elongate, broadly impressed,
indefinite and wholly impunctate; elytra twice as long as the pro-
thorax and not wider, the apex very obtusely ogival, the sinus
barely traceable; striae rather fine, well impressed suturad, the
scutellar distinct, the foveae of the three series rather large and
impressed; under surface and legs piceous-black, the legs rufescent.
Length (9) 10.8 mm.; width 4.3 mm. Arizona (southern).
pinguis Csy.
Body not quite so stout and decidedly less convex, highly oplished
throughout, black, the upper surface with feeble violaceous lustre;
under surface and legs rather pale red'-brown, the antennae, palpi,
mandibles and labrum ferruginous; head rather small, but slightly
more than half as wide as the prothorax, the frontal impressions
very small, rounded and subperforate as usual; prothorax barely a
third wider than long, as wide as the elytra, widest slightly before
the middle, the sides subevenly and strongly arcuate throughout,
the apical sinus very shallow, much feebler than in the preceding
species; base finely margined, very feebly and evenly sinuate,
except near the sides, where it becomes feebly arcuate; surface
gradually declivous to the very fine marginal gutter, rather broadly
deplanate basally between the shallow and indefinite, minutely and
feebly punctulate foveae and the sides, having a few longitudinal
plicae medially at base as in crassicoHis; elytra barely more than
twice as long as the prothorax, not very obtusely ogival at tip, the
sinus virtually obsolete; striae not very fine, abrupt and deep, the
intervals nearly flat, the punctures of the series small; marginal
interval, extending more inwardly toward tip, finely and sparsely
punctate throughout, in a manner not evident in any of the preceding
species, the marginal series of large foveae widely interrupted as
usual; middle tibiae (cf1) rather strongly arcuate and with the usual
modification, the tarsi as usual. Length (c?) 10.0 mm.; width 3.9
mm. Arizona (near Benson), — Dunn subviolaceus n. sp.
8 — Prothorax not much narrowed anteriorly, the apex subequal in width
to the base, the basal angles very broadly rounded 9
Prothorax distinctly and arcuately narrowed anteriorly, the apex much
narrower than the base, the basal angles more evident, rounded but
less broadly so than ing 14
9 — Size moderate, seldom at all less than 7 mm. in length 10
Size notably small, never so much as 7 mm. in length 13
10 — Elytral striae fine and feeble, the eighth very superficial and almost
obsolete basally, the marginal interval without trace of fine confused
punctures except apically. Body oblong, only moderately convex,
deep black above and beneath, without trace of metallic lustre at
any part, the legs rufo-piceous, the antennae ferruginous; head well
developed, two-thirds as wide as the prothorax with unusually
prominent eyes; prothorax more transverse than usual in this section,
fully two-fifths wider than long, evenly and rather strongly rounded
at the sides, the marginal groove fine; base broadly, feebly sinuate
medially; surface gradually declivo-explanate toward the hind angles,
the fovese punctiform, impressed and near basal fourth, impunctate;
elytra not distinctly wider than the prothorax, obtuse at apex, the
apices oblique and subrectilinear; scutellar stria long; punctures of
the three series strong and conspicuous but abrupt and not impressed;
intervals flat, becoming narrow and convex on the apical slope as
usual; middle tibiae (of) but feebly arcuate though distinctly granulo-
serrate within, the tarsi as usual. Length (cf) 9.0 mm.; width
3.3 mm. Arizona (probably southern) symbolicus n. sp.
Elytral striae stronger and more impressed, the eighth notably coarse and
deep throughout, the marginal interval with more or less evident
fine confused punctures throughout, though becoming obsolescent
or sparser along the interval of interruption of the series of foveae. n
IT — Punctures of the marginal interval equally distinct in the interval of
interruption of the foveae but sparser than basally or apically, the
short stiff hairs borne by these punctures more distinct and more
broadly so at apex than in any other species. Body oblong-elongate,
moderately convex, shining, black, the upper surface sometimes
with feeble viridi-aeneous lustre, especially in the female, the under
surface, legs and labrum dark red-brown; palpi and antennae paler;
head nearly three-fourths as wide as the prothorax, the eyes promi-
nent; prothorax two-fifths wider than long, parallel, the sides very
moderately and subevenly rounded, the base feebly arcuate, scarcely
traceably bisinuate; marginal gutter at the sides rather strong;
surface feebly subexplanate toward the basal angles, more strongly
in the male, with a few feeble punctures near the base, the foveae
subpunctiform, small, feeble and near basal sixth; elytra just visibly
wider than the prothorax, the apical sinus almost obsolete, the
punctures of the three series small but distinct; middle tibiae (c?)
strongly arcuate and with strong internal granulo-serration. Length
(cf 9 ) 8.5-9.5 mm. ; width 3.0-3.3 mm. Texas (locality unrecorded).
aequalis n. sp.
Punctures of the marginal interval barely at all traceable in the medial
interruption of the line of foveae, distinct basally and apically, ex-
tending to adacent intervals in the latter case; surface more strongly
convex than in either of the two preceding, the form more cylindric,
the elytral striae coarser and still more deeply impressed than in
cequalis 12
12 — Form subcylindric, shining, black, the upper surface with strong
greenish metallic lustre, especially on the elytra; under surface
nearly black, the legs and epipleura obscure rufous; antennae,
labrum and palpi paler; head rather more than two-thirds as wide
as the prothorax, with rather large and prominent eyes; prothorax
T. L. Casey, Mem. Col. V, Oct. 1914.
unusually long, barely a fourth wider than long, parallel, with evenly
and moderately rounded sides, the apical angles broadly, the basal
very broadly, rounded, the apical sinus rather shallow; base trans-
verse, arcuate laterally, the sinuses barely traceable; surface very
steeply declivous at the sides to the fine gutter, except basally, where
it is unusually widely and abruptly explanate, the foveae very feeble
and vague, with a few feeble punctures basally; elytra barely visibly
wider than the prothorax and a little more than twice as long, the
striae deep, the intervals slightly convex, the punctures of the three
series small, the fourth puncture of the inner series at some distance
from the stria on both elytra in the type; apical diffused punctures
numerous and distinct, the oblique sinus very feeble; middle tibiae
(cf ) moderately arcuate and with strong separated inner granules
and thick outer spiniform hairs; tarsi as usual. Length (cf ) 7.9
mm.; width 3.0 mm. Texas (Austin). A single example taken by
the writer longicollis n. sp.
Form subcylindric but not quite so stout, shining, deep black above,
without metallic lustre, except a feeble viridi-aeneous tinge near the
hind thoracic angles, which becomes abruptly strong on the marginal
interval of the elytra; under surface and epipleura, except basally,
black, the legs, median parts of the prosternum and gula feebly
rufescent, the anterior parts of the head as in the preceding; antennae
pale; head fully two-thirds as wide as the prothorax, the latter two-
fifths wider than long, otherwise nearly as in the preceding, except
that the surface is very feebly and gradually subexplanate postero-
externally, with the foveae still more completely obsolete; elytra
equal in width to the prothorax and nearly two and one-half times
as long, obtusely ogival at apex, the sinus barely traceable and
short ; striae fine but well impressed, 'the three series very even through-
out, the punctures small but unusually numerous, about ten in
number on the second stria; diffused punctuation at tip very fine
and barely evident; middle tibiae (cf) rather feebly arcuate, the
inner serrules few in number and widely spaced. Length (cf ) 7.2
mm.; width 2.6 mm. Arizona (probably southern). . congruens n. sp.
13 — Closely related to parallelus Hald., black, shining; head smooth, the
frontal impressions punctiform; labrum, antennae and palpi fer-
ruginous; prothorax slightly shorter than wide, slightly emarginate
at apex, the sides rounded, the hind angles obtuse and rounded,
the base very feebly bisinuate; surface subconvex, rugose, the margin
toward the hind angles feebly explanate, sometimes feebly punctate,
the longitudinal stria abbreviated anteriorly, distinct; anterior
transverse impression occasionally somewhat distinct, arcuate, the
basal wanting; elytra not sinuate at apex, deeply striate, more so
toward tip, the scutellar stria long and distinct; intervals moderately
convex, with the usual series, the marginal series of foveae widely
interrupted; legs piceous-black, the tibiae and tarsi less obscure.
Length 6.5 mm.; width 2.5 mm. Rocky Mountains. [Piceous;
surface without metallic lustre; legs somewhat paler; antennae
testaceous; prothorax equally wide at base and apex, the side margin
not depressed. Length 5.5 mm. New Mexico — Horn (Bull. Bk.
VI, p. 52)] tenebrosus Lee.
14 — Body deep black, moderately shining, the under surface and femora
black, the tibiae and tarsi obscure rufous; head (d71) evidently more
than half as wide as the prothorax, the eyes moderately large and
prominent; prothorax scarcely more than a third wider than long,
rounded on the sides and gradually narrowed anteriorly from behind
the middle, the apex feebly sinuate and four-fifths as wide as the
base, the apical angles but slightly rounded; surface distinctly
explanate near the hind angles and with fine punctures near the
base, the fovese subobsolete; elytra one-half longer than wide, the
side margins with a feeble prominence at basal fifth, the apical sinus
barely traceable, nearly obsolete; surface rather coarsely and deeply
striate, with moderate strial fovese and somewhat convex intervals.
Female with the head only scarcely visibly larger than in the male,
the prothorax distinctly shorter when compared with the elytra than
in that sex. Length (d71 9 ) 6.3-6.8 mm.; width 2.5-2.7 mm. New
Jersey (Atlantic city), and Virginia, westward to Iowa (Keokuk).
[Selenophorus parallel us Hald.; Pangus americanus Mots.]
parallelus Hald.
Body and legs nearly similar throughout to the preceding, but somewhat
narrower, less convex and with a smaller head, the elytra not quite
one-half longer than wide, though twice as long as the prothorax,
the latter a little shorter than in parallelus, less explanate postero-
externally and with the anterior angles much more broadly rounded,
the hind angles generally less broadly rounded; elytra nearly similar,
but with a less visible protuberance at the sides near the base and with
the apical sinus more completely obsolete. Length (c? 9 ) 5.2-6.4
mm.; width 1.8-2.4 mm. Kansas, Texas and Colorado (Boulder).
hesperus n. sp.
The species named parallelus Hald., above, is the one usually
identified as Selenophorus parallelus of that author, but the original
description (Pr. Acad. Phila., I, 1843, p. 301) does not agree very
well; this is as follows:
Lengthened oval, black, shining; antennae, palpi, tibiae and tarsi
rufous; femora darker or chestnut; head glabrous; posterior impressions
of the pronotum slight and minutely rugose; elytra slightly sinuate,
striate; striae alternately obsoletely punctured, a row of about 6 punctures
upon the inner edge of the 3d insterstice. 8 mill. long. Larger and
narrower in comparison than S. ellipticus, with the sides of the elytra
more nearly parallel and the abbreviated stria near the scutel more
No locality is given under the descripton, but, as the species is
listed in a catalogue of the Coleoptera of southeastern Pennsyl-
vania, preceding in the same paper, it is to be assumed that the
species is from that region. The length is materially greater than
that of any Atlantic coast form of Discoderus known to me, and
the sinus of the elytra could hardly be described even as slight; it
is the merest vestige, which would be unobservable unless looked
for very sharply.
In Bull. Mosc. 1859, p. 137, Motschulsky describes a Pangus
americanus, which is evidently a Discoderus and it is correctly
assigned to that genus in the Munich catalogue. The type was
given to the describer by Dupont, as coming from California, but,
as the genus Discoderus does not seem to occur in California, the
Dupont specimen was in all probability incorrectly labeled and
might have been from almost any other locality in North America.
As Motschulsky 's description fits parallelus very well, I think there
can be no lack of propriety in assigning it as a synonym of that
species as proposed above.
Horn describes the prothorax of robustus (Bull. Bk. Ent. Soc.,
VI, p. 52) as being "distinctly narrower at base than at apex,"
which could only be the result of an optical illusion; the prothorax
is, if anything, a little wider at base than at apex, though the two
are very nearly equal, as stated in the table. Pinguis Csy., which
was united with robustus by Dr. Horn, is a very different species,
having the prothorax notably narrowed at apex and with the forma-
tion of the basal margin and the extent of its medial sinuation
altogether at variance with the corresponding characters in robustus.
Piceus, of the table, is held to have a value at least subspecific,
because of the differences stated, which are quite apparent in series;
robustus seems to be much more constantly deep black above and
piceous-black beneath. The presence of fine suffused setigerous
punctuation at the sides and apex of the elytra in most of the
species of this genus does not seem to have been noted heretofore;
this feature is similar to that observed in the genus Selenophorus,
indicating another bond of affinity. It will also be observed that
the head is distinctly larger in the female than in the male in many
species, as in Stenomorphus. The descriptions of crassicollis and
tenebrosus are taken from the originals, as I do not have these
species at hand.
The genus Trichopselaphus Chd., has some peculiar male sexual
characters, the arcuation of the hind tibiae in that sex being analo-
gous to the similar arcuation of the intermediate tibiae in Discoderus,
but here, in addition, the hind femora are inflated and strongly
dentate beneath and the anterior tarsi are rather broadly dilated
and clothed beneath with conspicuous squamules. The type
species is Trichopselaphus subiridescens Chd., of southern Brazil.
Its relationship with Gynandropus and Stenomorphus is distinctly
indicated by the form of the female anterior tarsus, where the basal
joint is conspicuously larger than any of the following joints. La-
cordaire does not say whether the elytra are triseriately punctate
as in Discoderus, but in the single Mexican species described by
Bates, T. minor Bates, the second, fifth and seventh striae are said
to be inconspicuously punctured in series. Mr. Bates states (Biol.
Cent.-Amer., I, i, p. 62) that the Venezuelan genus Anisocnemus
Chd., belongs in this vicinity, being especially allied to Discoderus ,
but, according to the description of Lacordaire, this affinity could
only be surmised from the dilatation of the hind femora; in the very
acute basal angles of the prothorax it departs widely from Disco-
derus; there may however be a closer affinity with Trichopselaphus,
though this seems to be unsuspected by the author of the "Genera,"
who places the genus just before Harpalus.
Hartonymus n. gen.
That so conspicuous and aberrant a generic type should, in the
thickly settled state of Illinois, so long have remained undiscovered,
is merely a reminder that our Coleoptera are still only known in
comparatively small part ; the peculiar pallid coloration of the body
gives an appearance of immaturity, which may however possibly
have led many a collector to reject it as undesirable material—
always an unsafe procedure. The body is oblong, subparallel and
strongly convex, with broadly rounded basal angles of the pro-
thorax, so that in every way except color it closely resembles a very
large Discoderus, but the middle tibiae of the male are straight and
unmodified and the anterior and middle tarsi of that sex broadly
dilated and strongly biseriately squamose beneath, exactly as in
the genus Harpalus, from which it differs in having three series of
substrial elytral punctures as in Discoderus and Selenophorus. The
ligula is broadest and rectilinearly truncate at apex and equal in
length to the moderate, apically obtuse paraglossae, and the mentum
has a broad and sharply triangular tooth, all of which features are
again exactly as in Harpalus; it also resembles that genus, and
departs from the Selenophorini, in the short basal joint of the hind
tarsi. The labial palpi are as in Harpalus. In fact the only strong
evidences of affinity in the direction of Selenophorus are the triple
series of elytral punctures, uniformly punctate abdomen, and the
Discoderus-like facies of the body; as however the triple series are
unknown in Harpalus and allied genera, it would seem most fitting
to place the genus here and not in the Harpalini. This genus is
the best example known to me of the almost interminable cross
affinities, which render a satisfactory subdivision into tribes and
genera so difficult and uncertain throughout the Harpalinae. The
type species may be described as follows :
Body oblong-elongate, strongly convex, shining, the elytra ( 9 ) slightly
alutaceous; color pale and uniform testaceous throughout ;. head
nearly two-thirds as wide as the prothorax, only feebly constricted
at base, the eyes moderate, the foveae minute and perforato-puncti-
form; mandibles short, largely hidden when closed, the antennae
moderately stout, as long as the thoracic width, or shorter (9);
prothorax one-half wider than long, slightly widest before the middle,
the sides almost evenly and broadly arcuate; apex feebly and
sinuously, the base rectilinearly, truncate, equal in width; basal
angles broadly rounded; surface impunctate, steeply sloping at the
sides to the rather wide subdeplanate reflexed margin throughout
the length, the flattened margin curving inward at base, smooth but
having four long erect setae arising from coarse punctures; stria
extremely fine, the foveae small, sublinear and deeply impressed,
wholly impunctate; elytra oblong, parallel, with feebly arcuate sides
and obtuse apex, equal in width to the prothorax and fully one-half
longer than wide, the humeii minutely denticulate, the sinus broad
and extremely feeble, the apices (cf) rounded, or ( 9 ) with acutely
spiniform sutural angles, the denticles bordered externally by a short
deep sinus, this structure being somewhat as in Harpalus leicisi;
striae rather strong, the scutellar very moderate, the intervals neaily
flat, slightly convex suturally, nowhere punctulate, the marginal line
of foveae not medially interrupted; punctures of the three lines coarse,
widely spaced and somewhat erratic, not always closely connected
with the striae, this being especially the case with the middle series;
abdomen uniformly, finely and sparsely punctulate, the punctures
bearing erect and rather stiff short hairs, the apex with four setae
in both sexes; legs rather stout, the hind tarsi filiform, moderately
stout, the three basal joints decreasing uniformly and slowly in
length, the first two-thirds as long as the fifth, the claws rather long,
slender and not very arcuate; bristling hairs of the middle and hind
tibiae very numerous; tibial spurs short and stout, the single spur of
the anterior with a distinct angulation at one side near the base.
Length (d71 9 ) 10.5-13.0 mm.; width 3.8-5.0 mm. Illinois (Topeka),
—Hart and Hood. Rather abundant hoodi n. sp.
Aside from the plurality of marginal thoracic setae, in which it
resembles Nothopus, Piosoma and the Acupalpid Glycerins nitidus,
the triple elytral series of punctures and uniformly punctulate
abdomen, in which it resembles Selenophorus and allied genera and
the peculiar pallid coloration of the dense integuments, in which it
perfectly recalls Geopinus and Pharalus — all constituting further
examples of the confusing structural parallels previously alluded
to, — the characters of this genus are so purely Harpalid that it forms
a very strong argument in favor of those who contend against the
propriety of separating Selenophorns from Harpalus. In such
cases there are only two courses available to the systematist:
either to regard all as forming a single genus, with numerous sub-
generic groups, which must be named in order to facilitate refer-
ence, or to consider these groups as genera. For nomenclatorial
reasons I believe the latter course to be by far the more rational, if
warranted in any way by structural divergencies. There are
numerous instances of polymorphous genera of this kind in the
Mollusca, such as Pleurotoma and Pyramidella.
There is but a single genus assignable to this tribe, one of the most
isolated types of the subfamily as follows:
Stenomorphus Dej.
While the radical departure in habitus of this genus from the
others warrants a rather wide separation from more normal forms
of the subfamily, it is none the less truly a member of the Har-
palinae in all structural features, and its assignment to the Pogoninae
by Lacordaire was a decided error; but, in the early days, before
the discovery of criteria afforded by the supra-orbital setae, failure
to observe true relationships was quite excusable. The under
surface of the male tarsus was however erroneously figured on
Plate XII of the "Genera" by that author, joints 2-4 being depicted
as uniformly clothed throughout their under surface. In this genus
the tarsi are of a peculiar form, though recalling in their most
salient features those of Gynandropus. In the male, the first joint
of the anterior tarsi is not much dilated but long, not quite equaling
the next three combined and evidently wider than the second,
perfectly nude beneath; joints 2-4 feebly diminish in size and
have beneath two series of large and upwardly inclined squamae,
the texture of which is longitudinal and quite unlike the trans-
versely strigose squamae of Gynandropus and the series are further-
more evidently separated and not contiguous as they are in that
genus; the middle tarsi differ scarcely at all from the posterior, but
seem to have a few feeble and scarcely discernible squamae beneath
joints 2-4, amid the spiniform hairs. In the female, the first joint
of the anterior and, to a less degree, that of the intermediate tarsi,
is much more strongly dilated than in the male, oval, narrowed
basally and truncate at apex, as long as the next three combined
and even somewhat more than twice as wide as the second on the
anterior pair, 1-4 nude beneath but with short sparse spines,
2-4 spinulo-setose laterally beneath and relatively much smaller
than in the male. The palpi are unusually inflated, the last joint
of the labial oval, truncate at tip and bristling with setae in a way
not so noticeable in most of the normal genera. The mental sinus
is edentate. The elytra have two series of setigerous punctures,
at the second and fifth striae, which do not seem to have been
observed hitherto.
The species are rather numerous, those known to me, either in
nature or by description, being as follows:
Posterior tibiae with series of spinules, the anterior with a fringe of coarse
hairs internally. [Stenomorphus in sp.] 2
Posterior tibiae with rows of stout hairs replacing the spinules, the anterior
fringed internally with long dense white hair. [Agaosoma Menet.]. . 4
2 — Prothorax of the male more than three-fourths as long as the elytra;
body pale castaneo-rufous in color, the legs still paler; prothorax
parallel in anterior two-thirds, thence gently narrowed to the base,
the basal foveae feeble; legs rather long. Length (cf) 14.0 mm.
Mexico. (Guanajuato — Dujes). [S. rufipes Bates nee Lee., the de-
scription drawn from the figure published on PI. 3, Biol. Cent. Amer.
I, Part i] bates! n. sp.
Prothorax of the male never more than two-thirds as long as the elytra,
that of the female much shorter, three-fifths as long as the latter. .3.
3 — Body very slender as usual, black, shining; prothorax one-half longer
than wide, gradually narrowed posteriorly, the hind angles rounded,
briefly and deeply impressed at each side at base; elytra deeply
striate; antennae, palpi and legs obscure ferruginous. Length (o71)
10.5 mm. Dr. Berlandiere's collection. [Description drawn from
the original (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 1858, p. 59)].. rufipes Lee.
Body much larger, very elongate, feebly convex, smooth and shining, dark
castaneous in color, the legs but little though sensibly paler. Male
with the head small, less than two-thirds as wide as the prothorax;
antennae slender, long, extending rather beyond the base of the pro-
thorax, obscure ferruginous, the basal joint barely as long as the
third though thicker; frontal impressions small, deep, sublinear,
isolated and at some distance from the apex of the epistoma, the
suture fine and rectilinear; eyes moderate, prominent; prothorax
fully one-half longer than wide, four-fifths as wide as the elytra, the
sides parallel, feebly and evenly arcuate, becoming moderately
convergent and sublinear or very feebly sinuate in basal two-fifths
to the broadly rounded angles; base sinuato-truncate, the marginal
groove interrupted medially; apex feebly sinuate, the angles broadly
rounded; surface even, with a very fine but entire median stria, the
basal impressions long, fine and linear, outwardly curved basally,
rather deep and more than a fourth the total length, punctured
throughout their length, the remainder of the surface impunctate;
elytra nearly four-fifths longer than wide, subparallel and very feebly
arcuate at the sides, gradually rounding behind in about apical
third, oblique but barely at all sinuate at apex; base broadly sinuate,
the humeri somewhat prominent basally but rounded; stria; very
deep, sulciform, impunctate, the scutellar long and deep, parallel,
the series ot marginal foveae broadly interrupted; legs remarkably
short, the tarsi rather thick, filiform, somewhat hairy above, the
basal joint of the posterior fully as long as the next two. Female
like the male but smaller and more abbreviated, differing in the
tarsi, as described above, the basal joint of the posterior also differing,
being notably longer than the next two; prothorax barely a fourth
longer than wide and relatively broader, being almost as wide as the
elytra though otherwise similar; head relatively much larger, fully
three-fourths as wide as the prothorax; antennae with the basal
joint longer, distinctly longer than the third. Length (cf ) 14.0,
(9) 11.7 mm.; width (c?) 3-7, (9) 3.2 mm. Texas (Fort Worth).
Four examples scolopax n. sp.
4 — Body very elongate, black, shining; front deeply bifoveate, sparsely
punctured laterally; prothorax more than twice as long as wide
[probably overstated], the sides broadly rounded, narrowed pos-
teriorly, at base at each side and before the base at the middle,
vaguely foveate; elytra slightly wider than the prothorax, truncate
at base, deeply striate, the intervals slightly convex. Length 17.2
mm. California (Sacramento?). [Description drawn from that of
LeConte (Rept. on Surveys, 1860, p. 28)] californicus Men.
The interesting reversal of the usual sexual characters of the
Coleoptera in having the head larger, the prothorax broader and
the special sexual characters of the tarsi more developed, in the
female than in the male, as shown in scolopax, reveals itself re-
peatedly in this subfamily. In many species of true Harpalus I
have observed that the head is relatively somewhat larger in the
female than in the male, sometimes, as in the case of Harpalus
viduus, notably larger.
This is a large tribe and one of the most clearly circumscribed of
the subfamily. The body is oblong and more or less stout and
convex, the anterior and middle tarsi of the male having dense
homogeneous pads of erect squamiform pubescence beneath.
Otherwise there is considerable variety of structure, sculpture and
coloration. The terminal spur of the anterior tibiae is remarkably
diversified in form, in some groups being slender and simple, in
others subbasally swollen or angulate on one or both sides to
strongly trifid, but the form of this spur is somewhat misleading
from a taxonomic viewpoint and does not necessarily indicate the
degree of generic relationship. I have however found some other
structural features, such as the mentum, ligula and paraglossae,
to be of very decided value, the division of those generic groups
having a distinct mentum tooth into two sections according to the
form of the paraglossse, for example, being very sharply drawn and
devoid of ambiguity. The genera are numerous, those represented
before me being as follows:
Mentum not toothed 2
Mentum with a clearly denned angulate tooth n
2 — Basal joint of the hind tarsi more elongate, fully as long as the next
two combined and often longer 3
Basal joint shorter, as a rule not as long as the next two combined; ligula
and paraglossae somewhat as in Anisodactylus 8
3 — Abdomen impunctate, excepting the usual basal punctulation 4
Abdomen punctured over the entire surface, the elytra also closely and
uniformly punctate throughout; terminal spur of the anterior tibiae
slender and simple or nearly so 7
4 — Ligula increasing moderately in width apically, the tip more or less
evidently expanded, the paraglossae obtusely prolonged to a moderate
degree externally at apex; elytra and abdomen not punctulate or
pubescent; hind angles of the prothorax sharply denned to rather
broadly rounded; hind tarsi long, glabrous above 5
Ligula narrow, not expanded at apex ; hind tarsi long and glabrous above . 6
5 — Terminal spur of the anterior tibiae strongly and acutely trifid.
Nearctic regions. [Gynandrotarsus Laf.] Triplectrus
Terminal spur simple or nearly so, acute, sometimes subangularly swollen
near the base. Nearctic and palaearctic regions. [AplocentrusLec.].
6 — Anterior tibial spur slender and simple; thoracic angles broadly
rounded. Atlantic regions Xestonotus
7 — Ligula narrow, not at all expanded at tip; lateral line of elytral foveae
not interrupted; alternate elytral intervals not more coarsely punc-
tate. Atlantic regions Amphasia
Ligula broader and very broadly, angularly expanded at apex; lateral
line of foveae uninterrupted; intervals 3-5-7 of the elytra with
coarser confused punctures. Atlantic regions Pseudamphasia
8 — Terminal spur of the anterior tibiae strongly trifid; body not dapti-
form 9
Terminal spur gradually dilated basally and tumid or broadly angulate
at each side near the base • 10
9 — Abdomen punctate throughout, elytral intervals all seriately punctate;
body hairy. Pacific coast fauna Dicheirus
Abdomen impunctate, excepting the usual fine post-coxal punctulation;
integuments glabrous, the elytral intervals not punctate; body nearly
as in Anisodactylus, dark in color with brilliant metallic lustre above.
Palaearctic region *Hexatrichus
10 — Body nearly as in Daptus in habitus, the prothorax more or less
cardiform; coloration in part pale but always with dense integument;
elytra generally impunctate but sometimes with the alternate
intervals confusedly punctate. Atlantic to Pacific. . .Anadaptus
ii — Paraglossae broadly obtuse at apex, the ligula generally slender and
not or barely at all expanded at apex 12
Paraglossae externally prolonged and slender at tip 15
12 — Abdomen glabrous and impunctate behind the basal region; anterior
tibiae spur simple and slender 13
Abdomen and entire elytra densely and uniformly punctured and pubes-
cent; anterior tibial spur simple and slender 14
13 — Body daptiform, compact, with thick and shining integument, the
hind angles of the prothorax sharply defined; basal joint of the hind
tarsi short, not as long as the next two combined; ligula very slender
when compared with the paraglossae. Sonoran regions.
Body not daptiform, with thin integument as a rule, the hind thoracic
angles always blunt, at least at their tips; basal joint of the hind tarsi
long, equal to or exceeding the next two combined; ligula less
slender. Atlantic to Sonoran regions; apparently not entering the
true Pacific coast faunal limits Anisotarsus
14 — Basal joint of the hind tarsi long, the tarsi very densely hairy above;
ligula very slender; prothorax not daptiform, the hind angles rounded.
Palaearctic regions *Scybalicus
15 — Prothorax with rounded hind angles; tarsi very hairy above; an-
terior tibial spur extremely stout, truncate, strongly trifid; elytra
and abdomen densely punctate throughout as in Scybalicus; ligula
very broad, extremely expanded and laterally acute at tip. Palae-
arctic regions *Gynandromorphus
Prothorax with sharply marked and generally right basal angles, the
ligula not so broadly expanded 16
16 — -Paraglossae with the externally prolonged apices very slender and
widely diverging; body large, broad and subglabrous, sombre in
coloration. Atlantic and Gulf regions Spongopus
Paraglossae with the slender apices not widely diverging; body small in
size, densely punctate above and beneath, pale, with large obscure
elytral macula, nearly as in Gynandromorphus; hind angles of the
prothorax sharply right, with an erect seta as in Dicheirotrichus and
Trichocelliis, the second labio-palpal joint long and with very
numerous bristling setae as in typical Anisodactylus. Palsearctic
regions *Diachromus
The genus Dicheirotrichus, which was placed in this tribe by
Duval, is a singularly annectant form. The tarsal pads of the
male are loose and rather confused, but the general facies of the
body is somewhat as in the Acupalpid genus Trichocellus . The
second joint of the labial palpi has three long setae. I have placed
it among the Acupalpids rather than here. The European genera
introduced for comparative purposes in the above table are all so
well known that it seems unnecessary to dwell more upon them,
further than to say that Hexatriclms Tsch., seems to be valid as a
genus rather than as a subgenus of Anisodactylus, which is its
present position in the recently published catalogue of Heyden;
Reitter and Weise.
Triplectrus Lee.
Gynandrotarsus Laf.
This genus has been united with Anisodactylus in modern works,
but there are some peculiarities which seem to show that it can be
regarded as a genus with a good deal of propriety. Its species can
always be recognized at once by the strongly trifid anterior tibial
spur, which is always a non-sexual feature, but aside from this there
is a modification of the anterior female tarsi occurring here and
nowhere else in the tribe — not developed in all the species it is
true, but clearly defined in several, such as harpaloides, opaculus
and texanus; — this is the lateral dilatation of the basal joint, a very
significant character, recalling a nearly similar modification in
Stenomorphus and Gynandropus. Intervals 3-5-7 of the elytra
have in all the species a few serial punctures along the median line
of the interstice at apex, exactly as in Glanodes, and especially in
Piosoma alternata; this is another puzzling parallelism and a char-
acter which is not observable in Anisodactylus. The basal joint
of the hind tarsi is very long, often scarcely shorter than the next
three. The species, which appear to be purely nearctic, are
moderately numerous and recognizable as follows:
Basal joint of the anterior tarsi (9) not evidently broader than the
second 2
Basal joint (9) dilated, much wider than the second. (Gynandro-
tarsiis Laf.) 13
2 — Pronotum broadly flattened, rugulose and strongly though not very
densely punctured latero-basally. Body subparallel, rather convex,
deep black when mature, shining, the elytra alutaceous (cf) or
densely opaque (9 ); under surface and legs black; antennae rather
stout, scarcely extending to the thoracic base, black, the first two
joints rufescent; palpi piceous, paler apically; head barely half as
wide as the prothorax, the eyes very moderate, the fovese small,
elongate-perforate, with attendant feeble impression of the surface;
prothorax two-fifths wider than long, the sides broadly rounded,
gradually more converging anteriorly, the apex deeply sinuate and
much narrower than the rectilinear base, the basal angles obtuse and
evidently rounded; surface smooth, rapidly declivous to the broad
concave horizontal and opaculate margins, which expand basally
into a perfectly flat surface; fovese large but extremely feeble, separ-
ated from the flat sides by a feeble convexity, all closely punctate;
stria subentire, fine anteriorly, stronger basally as a rule; elytra very
slightly wider than the prothorax, one-half longer than wide, broadly
ogival at apex, the sinus broad and extremely feeble, almost ves-
tigial; striae fine, the scutellar long, the intervals feebly convex or
barely at all so (9), the side margins and apex with excessively
minute punctulation bearing small hairs; third interval behind the
middle with two punctures on each elytron near the second stria;
abdomen with rather close punctulation bearing somewhat long
hairs medially at base; anterior tarsi (cf) very broadly dilated, the
second joint almost twice as wide as the first. Length (cf 9 ) 11.4-
13.0 mm.; width 4.4-5.2 mm. Long Island to Missouri. [Aniso-
dactyliis luctuosns Dej. and rnfipennis Lee.] carbonarius Say
Pronotum smooth and not strongly or abruptly deplanate latero-basally . 3
3 — Upper surface opaculate in both sexes 4
Upper surface very strongly shining throughout, at least in the male. . II
4 — Third interstrial interval as a rule with two or more substrial punc-
tures behind the middle 5
Third interval with a single substrial puncture, excepting a few very
near the apex 10
5 — Upper surface moderately convex, the prothorax evenly and usually
rather strongly narrowed from base to apex 6
LIpper surface strongly convex, the prothorax subparallel basally, ar-
cuately narrowing apically 9
6 — Prothorax shorter, the sides arcuato-convergent from base to apex. .7
Prothorax much less transverse, the sides at first feebly, then more
strongly, converging anteriorly, head much larger 8
7- — Form oblong-oval, rather brownish-black, the latero-basal parts of
the prothorax somewhat pallescent from diaphaneity; under surface
and legs black: antennae slender, blackish, the two basal joints
testaceous; lustre rather dull, the elytra opaculate in both sexes;
head moderate, not over half as wide as the prothorax, the eyes
moderate but prominent; prothorax fully one-half wider than long,
the apex deeply sinuate and barely two-thirds as wide as the base,
the sides very evenly and moderately arcuate and converging
throughout, the edges rather finely and abruptly reflexed; base
transverse medially, very feebly posteriorly oblique laterally, the
angles right, narrowly rounded; surface impunctate, moderately
declivous at the sides throughout, the foveae sublinear but very
broadly, feebly impressed and vague; elytra subequal in width to the
prothorax, not quite one-half longer than wide, gradually rounding
at the sides and ogival posteriorly, the sinus feeble but evident;
surface not evidently punctulate at the sides and tip, the striae
rather fine, abrupt, the scutellar long, the intervals nearly flat;
hind tarsi very slender, the basal joint as long as the next three
combined. Length (cf 9 ) 9.0-10.5 mm. ; width 3.8-4.5 mm. Rhode
Island to Arizona. Very abundant. [Anisodactylns tristis Dei.].
rusticus Say
A — Similar to rusticus in general form but larger, the humeri similarly
without denticulation at base; head slightly larger; prothorax not
quite so transverse, otherwise similar, but with the anterior
angles rather more advanced and a little more acute and the
punctiform impression at the anterior end of the basal foveae is
more pronounced; elytra rather more dilated toward base, more
deeply striate and with more convex intervals, the posterioi
seriate punctures distinct. Length (9) 12.5 mm. Locality
uncertain, probably either from Carolina or Missouri.
haplomus Chd.
Form somewhat similar but larger and very much broader, still more
opaque throughout above; antennae (9 ) still more slender and evi-
dently longer; prothorax broader, nearly twice as wide as long, the
apex still narrower and more deeply sinuate, about three-fifths
as wide as the base, otherwise very nearly as in rusticus throughout;
elytra similar but broader, only about two-fifths longer than wide,
the humeri minutely but acutely denticulate laterally at base; legs
a little longer but otherwise similar. Length (cf) 13.5-13.8 mm.;
width 5.4-5.6 mm. North Carolina (Southern Pines), — Manee;
XewYork — LeConte. [A. (Triplectnis) gravidus Lee.]. . crassus Lee.
Form stout, nearly as in crassus but with the pronotum transversely and
feebly rugose and the subdepressed margins — posteriorly increasing
in width — obsoletely but rugosely punctate, not perfectly smooth
and densely opaque as in the three preceding forms, the basal foveae
feeble but with a few sparse punctures, which are never distinct in
those species. Length 13.7 mm.; width 5.5 mm. Rocky Mountains.
pinguis Lee.
Form less stout, nearly as in rusticus but more convex, black or blackish
throughout, the two basal joints of the antennae rufous; lustre
moderately opaque throughout as in rusticus; head distinctly larger
and with larger and more conspicuous eyes, fully three-fifths as
wide as the prothorax, the latter slightly longer, two-fifths wider
than long, the sides moderately and evenly converging and very
evenly and feebly arcuate from base to apex, the latter deeply
sinuate, two-thirds as wide as the base, which is subrectilinearly
transverse throughout; anterior angles produced but broadly rounded
at their apices, the basal angles somewhat less than right and simply
blunt; basal bead entire, nearly flat and shining; surface evenly
declivous to the reflexed margin throughout the length as in mernla,
the transverse impressions feeble though obtusely evident medially,
the stria very fine, not quite entire and the fovese long, linear, feeble,
impunctate and not punctiform anteriorly; elytra not quite one-half
longer than wide, very little wider than the prothorax, evenly
arcuately ogival behind the middle, the sinus very feeble; humeri
minutely denticulate at base; striae fine, the scutellar long, the inter-
vals almost flat, 3-5-7 with even series of small, distinct and widely
spaced punctures, much more extended than usual and almost
attaining the middle of the length on all three; hind tarsi with the
basal joint as long as the next three. Length (9 ) 11.5-12.5 mm.;
width 4.8-5.2 mm. Texas (Austin and Waco) aethiops n. sp.
8 — Body oblong-oval, rather stout, deep black, the pronotum feebly
diaphanously pallescent laterally, the under surface and legs black;
antennae as in crassns; palpi black, pale at tip; head more developed
than in rusticus or crassns, distinctly more than half as wide as
the prothorax, the eyes moderately prominent, the foveae small,
irregularly perforato-punctiform; prothorax not quite one-half wider
than the median length, the sides broadly arcuate and converging
apically, much less arcuate posteriorly; apex deeply sinuate, not
quite three-fourths as wide as the base, which is nearly as in rusticus,
the angles right, with their tips blunt; surface nearly as in rusticus,
except that the impunctate foveae are rather more impressed; elytra
nearly as in rusticus; hind tarsi ( 9 ) similarly very slender but with
joints 2-4 notably less elongate. Length (cf 9 ) 10.2-11.5 mm.;
width 4.0-4.8 mm. Virginia to Florida and Texas (Austin). Nine
examples merula Germ.
Body oblong-oval, still stouter than in merula and more densely opaque
than any other species, deep black, even the sides of the prothorax
not diaphanously paler, the legs and under surface as in the pre-
ceding; antennae rather long and very slender, black, the two basal
joints abruptly pale testaceous; head well developed as in merula
but with much less convex eyes, the foveae very small, abruptly
perforato-punctiform but at the anterior end of distinct impressions;
prothorax much more elongate, only about a third wider than long,
rather densely opaque and wholly punctureless, the sides, apex and
surface nearly as in merula but with the foveae rather sharply defined,
long, slender, linear and distinct; elytra relatively not quite so broad,
subequal in width to the prothorax and only twice as long, the sides
gradually rounding behind, the apex still more acutely ogival, the
sinus broad and deeper than in any of the preceding; margins with a
very few small punctures besides the foveae, which as usual are not
interrupted medially; striae strong and rather deep, the scutellar
long, the intervals slightly convex and extremely opaque; humeri
not denticulate; hind tarsi nearly as in the preceding species.
Length (cf 9 ) 10.5-12.3 mm.; width 4.3-5.2 mm. Texas (Gal-
veston) to District of Columbia peropacus n. sp.
9 — Form oblong-oval, moderately stout, very convex, deep black,
somewhat piceous beneath, the legs black; antennae slender, nearly
black, the first joint pale, the second dusky, testaceous; upper
surface (cf) feebly shining, or ( 9 ) with the elytra densely sericeo-
opaque; head slightly more than half as wide as the prothorax, the
eyes well developed and prominent, the foveae moderately small,
deep, somewhat irregular; prothorax one-half wider than long, sub-
parallel, the feebly arcuate sides more rounded and converging at
apex, which is deeply sinuate and three-fourths as wide as the base,
the latter very faintly sinuate from side to side, the angles right and
evidently though not broadly rounded; surface wholly impunctate,
rather convex, shining, opaculate at the sides and latero-basally,
rather strongly but not abruptly declivous laterally, gradually
feebly and more broadly so basally, the marginal bead moderately
and abruptly elevated; stria very fine, the foveae rather long and
narrow but very feeble, impunctate; elytra oblong-oval, with evi-
dently rounded sides, one-half longer than wide, barely perceptibly
wider than the prothorax, the sides rather rapidly rounding and
ogival behind, the oblique sinus long and very feeble; striae fine,
the scutellar long and deep, the intervals flat or nearly so, the third
with three or four punctures behind the middle, the fifth and seventh
with the usual apical series; abdomen very shining, with a small
patch of very fine punctures behind the inner part of each coxa;
basal joint of the hind tarsi almost as long as the next three com-
bined. Length (cf 9 ) 12.0-12.5 mm.; width 5.0-5.4 mm. Arizona
(probably southern). Six examples convexus n. sp.
10 — Form oblong-oval, not very convex and moderately shining through-
out, deep black; legs black, the tarsi slightly piceous; antennae
slender, dark brown, the two basal joints and the palpi testaceous;
head slightly more than half as wide as the prothorax, with rather
small, moderately convex eyes and minute rounded perforato-
punctiform foveae; prothorax with very evenly and distinctly arcuate
sides from base to apex, with abruptly elevated bead, the apex
deeply sinuate and barely more than two-thirds as wide as the
base, which is broadly and feebly sinuate medially, feebly posteriorly
oblique laterally, the angles right and broadly rounded; surface
not much duller laterally or basally, steeply declivous anteriorly
to the fine re flexed edge, the latter rapidly broader, abruptly flat
and with a few feeble punctules posteriorly, not abruptly but
gradually flattened basally, the foveae broad and feeble but distinct,
impunctate though slightly rugulose and separated from the lateral
flattening by the prolonged convexity of the general surface, the
stria very fine; elytra equal in width to the prothorax, almost
one-half longer than wide, the sides gradually rounding and con-
verging behind the middle to the acutely ogival apex, the sinus very
feeble; striae fine but deep, the scutellar long, the intervals feebly
convex, the third with a distinct puncture at three-fifths on the
second stria, no others visible in the type, except the very short
medial series on 3-5-7 at apex; basal joint of the hind tarsi as long
as the next three. Length (cf 9 ) 12.0-13.0 mm. ; width 4.9-5.6 mm.
Missouri (St. Louis) and Kansas (Salina) ovularis n. sp.
II — Basal foveae of the pronotum short, oblong, rather shallow but dis-
tinct, wholly impunctate, the sides rather abruptly deplanate,
gradually so in basal third or fourth and not punctate. Body rather
narrowly oblong, moderately convex, very shining throughout (cf ),
or with the elytra slightly alutaceous (9), deep black throughout,
the male tarsi not paler; antennae slender, black, with the basal
joint alone testaceous; palpi black, the apex pale; head but little
more than half as wide as the prothorax, with the eyes very moderate
in size and prominence, the foveae not very small, deep; prothorax
transverse, one-half (cf) to three-fifths (9) wider than long, the
sides rounded and converging apically, straighter and more parallel
basally, the apex moderately sinuate and much narrower than the
base, which is very feebly sinuate from side to side, the angles right
and rather narrowly rounded, the stria very fine; elytra not quite
one-half longer than wide, not distinctly wider than the prothorax,
the sides rounding and converging posteriorly from behind the middle ;
not very acutely ogival at apex, the sinus extremely feeble; striae
fine, the scutellar long, the intervals flat, the third with a substrial
puncture just behind the middle and behind this about two others,
very erratically situated on the interval, at apex with the usual
short medial series on intervals 3-5-7; lateral foveae very coarse
basally and apically but fine medially; abdomen shining; hind tarsi
not so slender as in dulcicollis but otherwise similar and with the
basal joint subequal to the next three. Length (cf 9 ) 10.3-11.0
mm.; width 4.3 mm. Mexico (near the city). {Ilarpalus anthra-
cimts Dej.] *anthracinus Dej.
Basal foveae long, narrow, linear, very feeble but finely punctate; sides
of the pronotum declivous but rather gradually, not abruptly de-
planate at any point 12
12 — Body oblong-oval, rather convex, black and strongly shining, the
pronotum laterally and the elytral suture sometimes feebly rufo-
picescent, the elytra not evidently (cf) or rather distinctly (9)
alutaceous; under surface and legs blackish-piceous; antennas
slender, piceous, with the two basal joints pale; palpi pale throughout;
head half as wide as the prothorax, the eyes moderate but prominent,
the foveae obliquely sublineiform, small and deep; prothorax one-
half wider than long or very nearly, the sides evenly and rather
strongly arcuate from base to apex, the latter moderately sinuate,
with broadly rounded angles and scarcely three-fourths as wide as
the base, which is feebly sinuate throughout, with the angles very
broadly rounded; surface slightly alutaceous on the sloping sides,
though not distinctly so in the male, impunctate, excepting in the
narrow linear foveee, the stria very fine, impinged upon by numerous
fine wavy transverse lines; basal bead strong laterally, around the
T. L. Casey, Mem. Col. V, Oct. 1914.
angle and thence along the sides; elytra subequal in width to the
prothorax, in outline and in the sinus as in the preceding, the striae
unusually coarse, deep and abrupt, the scutellar only moderately
long, very deep, the intervals flat or very feebly convex, the third
with a puncture at three-fifths, generally not exactly on the stria,
and no other except the short apical series on intervals 3-5-7,
which are very distinct; hind tarsi slender, the basal point very nearly
as long as the next three. Length (cf 9 ) 9.0-10.7 mm.; width
3.7-4.2 mm. Mississippi (Vicksburg), Louisiana and Texas. Twelve
examples. [^4. (Triplectrus) ellipticus Lee.] dulcicollis Laf.
Body nearly similar but rather more oval, more convex and more
shining, even the female elytra being very shining and barely per-
ceptibly alutaceous, except feebly so laterally and also at the sides
of the pronotum; coloration similar; head nearly as in dulcicollis,
the prothorax nearly similar, but less transverse, being distinctly
less than one-half wider than long, the sides evenly though much
less strongly arcuate, the apex more deeply sinuate, with less broadly
rounded angles, the punctured linear basal foveae larger and more
broadly impressed and the basal angles not quite so broadly rounded;
elytra nearly similar but with much more convex strial intervals in
both sexes; tarsi nearly similar and having the basal joint of the
posterior about as long as the next three in the female, though dis-
tinctly shorter in the male. Length (cf 9 ) 10.5-11.0 mm.; width
4.1-4.5 mm. Texas (Houston). Three examples., .modicus n. sp.
13 — Hind tarsi as in all the preceding species, the basal joint very much
longer than the fifth; upper surface similarly without metallic
lustre 14
Hind tarsi much shorter, the first joint subequal in length to the fifth;
upper surface with evident metallic lustre 15
14 — Body rather stout, strongly convex, somewhat as in the two pre-
ceding, very shining in both sexes, the elytra polished even in the
female, deep black throughout; antennae slender, blackish, the first
joint much, the second slightly, paler; head evidently more than
half as wide as the prothorax, the eyes moderate and not very convex,
the foveae subtriangular; prothorax one-half wider than long to
somewhat less, the sides evenly and moderately arcuate, narrowed
anteriorly, just visibly narrower at base than at the middle, the
apex deeply sinuate and much narrower than the base, which is
rectilinearly transverse, with the angles slightly obtuse and nar-
rowly rounded; surface very steeply declivous at the sides, the margin
finely reflexed, unusually narrowly subdeplanate even posteriorly,
though rapidly broader at base, the foveae sublinear and with a few
punctures, though feeble and broadly impressed, the stria very
fine; elytra slightly wider than the prothorax and almost one-half
longer than wide, the sides arcuately converging and obtusely
ogival behind the middle, the sinus very feeble; striae moderately
fine, not so coarse as in dulcicollis, deep and abrupt, the scutellar
long, the intervals moderately to rather strongly convex, the third
with two or three punctures behind the middle besides the short
interstitial series at apex on 3-5-7 ; under surface smooth and shining,
the tarsi black. Length (9) 11.0-12.0 mm.; width 4.2-4.8 mm.
Texas texanus Schf .
Body more narrowly oblong-oval, less convex and dull in lustre, the
elytra very dull (cf ) and still more densely opaque and often with a
feeble greenish tinge (9 ); color deep black, the under surface rather
less deep, the antennae slightly obscure, the palpi clearer testaceous
throughout; head nearly three-fifths as wide as the prothorax, with
well developed and very prominent eyes, the foveae sublinear, very
deep and distinct; prothorax one-half wider than long, slightly
narrower at base than medially, narrowed anteriorly, the sides sub-
evenly and distinctly arcuate and with only moderately coarse
elevated beading; apex moderately sinuate, nearly four-fifths as
wide as the base, which is transverse, feebly sinuate for a short
extent at the middle as a rule, the angles slightly obtuse but scarcely
at all rounded, their tips merely very finely blunt; surface impunctate
and nearly as in the preceding but dull in lustre, the foveae linear
though rather feebly impressed, generally not at all punctured;
elvtra rather more than one-half longer than wide, barely visibly
wider than the prothorax, sensibly flattened above and unusually
rapidly declivous at the sides, parallel, obtusely ogival at apex, the
sinus not distinct, vestigial; striae rather fine but deep and abrupt,
the scutellar very long; intervals flat or virtually so, the punctures
posteriorly as in texanus, except that on the third interval they do
not extend anteriorly much beyond apical third; under surface
alutaceous, the tarsi as in the preceding species. Length (c? 9 )
9.0-11.0 mm.; width 3.4-4.4 mm. Texas (Austin). Thirteen
examples. [Anisodactylus elongatus Chd.] opaculus Lee.
15 — Form narrower and more Harpaliis-like than in any of the preceding,
highly polished in both sexes, the elytra (9) not duller, black, the
upper surface with feeble though evident greenish-metallic lustre
on the elytra and latero-basal parts of the pronotum; under surface
black; apical margins of the ventral segments, epipleura and entire
legs pale testaceous; antennae not very slender, fusco-testaceous, the
two basal joints paler; head nearly three-fifths as wide as the pro-
thorax, with moderate though very prominent eyes, the foveae
coarse, linear and very deep; prothorax nearly one-half wider than
long, subparallel, wider slightly before the middle than at base, the
sides rounded anteriorly, straight for a short distance behind the
middle, then broadly rounded to the angles, which are right but
broadly rounded; apex moderately sinuate, with broadly rounded
angles, distinctly narrower than the base, which is broadly and feebly
sinuate medially; surface steeply sloping to the unusually fine reflexed
edge, which continues fine to behind the middle, where it expands
slightly and disappears, the margins with a few punctures posteriorly,
the foveae sublinear but shallow and very broadly impressed, coarsely
and conspicuously punctured, the broadly convex area thence to
the sides impunctate, the stria fine; elytra not (cf ) or evidently (9 )
wider than the prothorax, fully one-half longer than wide, obtusely
ogival at apex, the sinus very feeble though evident; striae fine but
rather deeply impressed, the scutellar long, coarse and deep; intervals
convex, feebly externally, strongly suturally, the third with a single
puncture behind apical third, the apical series on 3-5-7 evident but
very short; marginal series interrupted medially; hind tarsi un-
usually short, the basal joint barely longer than the next two com-
bined. Length (c? 9 ) 9.0-9.7 mm.; width 3.3-3.8 mm. Missouri
(St. Louis). Four examples. [Gynandrotarsus harpaloides Laf.].
harpaloides Laf.
The species described by La Ferte as harpaloides is singularly
aberrant, and were it not for the fact that the swollen basal joint
of the anterior female tarsi is exactly reproduced in the more normal
texanus and opaculus, I should be disposed to give Gynandrotarsus
generic standing. Carbonarius is also a remarkably distinct species,
for not only are there two distinct and constant post-medial punc-
tures on each elytron — a fact overlooked by Horn, but merely a
particular stage of the anterior prolongation of the apical series on
the third interval noticeable in all the species of the rusticus sec-
tion,— but the prosternum is punctulate and pubescent medially,
as well as the median part of the abdominal base. The epistoma
has two punctures at each angle instead of the usual one, buc,
although perhaps not so inconstant a character as in Harpalus
viridiceneus , it is at least unreliable here also, for in several cases
at hand there are three punctures instead of two. The species of
the rusticus section, as defined above, which were suppressed by
Horn, seem to be sharply limited and amply worthy of adoption.
Anisodactylus Dej.
Aplocentrus Lee.
The first species described under this name by Dejean, Carabus
heros Fabr., probably differs generically from binotatus, which I
assume to be the type of the genus. The peculiar coloration of
the body and disposition of the discal punctures of the elytra in
heros, indicate that it should not be associated closely with binotatus,
the latter being perfectly congeneric in every way with all of our
numerous black or feebly metallic species, and binotatus Fabr.,
ought therefore, in view of numerical preponderance, to be con-
sidered the generic type; the American species outnumber the
palaearctic three or four to one.
The genus Anisodactylus is very well defined in habitus and in
several structural features. The slender hind tarsi, with elongate
basal joint, are nearly as in Triplectrus, except that the upper
surface is not completely impunctate and glabrous as in that
genus but has more or less evident, sparse and sometimes rather
strong punctures bearing erect pale seise and the basal joint is
relatively not quite so long. The terminal spur of the anterior
tibise is acute and generally swollen slightly or broadly angulate
on one side or at least asymmetrically toward base. The elytra
also differ greatly from those of Triplectrus in never having more
than one discal substrial puncture and in having no vestige of the
apical series of punctures on intervals 3-5-7; there is, however,
sometimes a fine suffused punctulation on the alternate intervals
at apex, homologous with that so well developed in Anadaptus
porosus Mots, and pitychrous Lee. The vertex generally has a
central rufous spot, not only in this genus but several others of the
tribe, which spot I have never observed in Harpalus.
The numerous species may be outlined as follows:
Anterior tibial spur swollen and usually obtusely angulate at least on one
side near the base 2
Anterior tibial spur very slender and simple; body small in size, the
surface lustre more or less metallic. (Aplocentrus Lee.) 22
2 — Color deep black throughout the body and legs, the upper surface
never having a trace of metallic lustre 3
Color black, the tibiae and tarsi piceous, the upper surface with rather
strong but varied metallic lustre. Pacific coast 21
3 — Species of the Atlantic regions; body rather stout as a rule and with
deeper elytral striae except in furvus, the posterior thoracic angles
frequently somewhat rounded; head about half as wide as the
prothorax as a rule 4
Species of the Pacific faunal regions, the body in general more slender in
form and always with fine elytral striae, the posterior thoracic angles
always sharply defined; epistomal angles with a single setigerous
puncture; head slightly more than half as wide as the prothorax
throughout IO
4 — Hind angles of the prothorax slightly obtuse and more or less narrowly
but distinctly rounded 5
Hind angles slightly obtuse but always rather sharply marked, never
distinctly rounded 7
5 — Elytra rather densely opaque and lustreless in both sexes. Body
oblong-oval, much less convex than in any of the others, the head,
prothorax and under surface shining; head with deep and moder-
ately small elongate perforate foveae, the antennae rather slender,
blackish, the basal joint testaceous; epistoma with a single setigerous
puncture at each angle; prothorax one-half wider than long, the
sides evenly and rather strongly arcuate, the apex deeply sinuate,
with rather narrowly rounded angles and much narrower than the
base; surface deplanate and closely punctured at the sides, finely
anteriorly, more broadly basally, the foveae very large, shallow,
rounded and closely punctate, the punctures continuous with those
of the sides; stria distinct, attaining base but not the apex; elytra
equal in width to the prothorax (cf ) or distinctly wider (9 ), rather
less than one-half longer than wide, gradually obtusely ogival
posteriorly, the sinus very feeble but evident; striae fine and shallow,
the scutellar long, the intervals flat or nearly so, without punctula-
tion of any sort, the discal puncture near apical third and frequently
widely detached from the stria; hind tarsi with the basal joint dis-
tinctly shorter than the next three, extremely finely and sparsely
punctulate above. Length (cf 9 ) 11.0-12.0 mm.; width 4.2-4.9
mm. North Carolina (Asheville) to Missouri (St. Louis) . . furvus Lee.
Elytra apparently opaque in both sexes; size very much larger than in
any other species and also differing from any other in having no
substrial elytral puncture. Body black; epistoma with a single
puncture at each angle; head larger in the female than in the male:
prothorax at base narrower than the elytra; apex and base nearly
equal in width, the sides arcuate, the hind angles obtuse and
rounded; lateral margin rather widely depressed and densely punctu-
late; foveae large; surface almost smooth, finely punctate near the
apical margin, more coarsely along the basal; elytra feebly arcuate
at the sides, the striae impressed but not punctate; intervals convex,
not punctulate; mentum, ligula, paraglossae, anterior tibial spur and
the male tarsi as in the other true Anisodactyli; hind tarsi slender.
Length 18-19.5 mm. Alabama (Mobile) lodingi Schf.
Elytra polished in the male, feebly alutaceous in the female, the surface
more convex; epistoma having .two setigerous punctures at each
angle as a rule 6
6 — Body oblong-oval; head with short narrow and sublinear foveae, the
eyes somewhat prominent but very moderate in size as usual ; antennae
slender, nearly black, the basal joint testaceous but partially clouded
with blackish; prothorax one-half wider than long, the sides very
evenly and rather strongly arcuate, the apex moderately sinuate,
with rather broadly rounded angles and evidently narrower than the
base; surface somewhat as in furvus, excepting that the sides are
more steeply declivous to the explanate margins, which, with the
latero-basal surface, is more coarsely and sparsely punctate, much
less broadly flattened laterally at base but more broadly so anteriorly,
the foveae less broad though feeble and separated from the depressed
sides by a more pronounced convexity; stria fine, almost entire;
elytra subequal in width to the prothorax in both sexes, in outline
nearly as in furvus but much more convex and more abruptly,
obtusely ogival at apex, the sinus a little less feeble and very distinct;
striae fine but very deep, the intervals strongly convex, especially
toward the suture, the discal puncture strong, near three-fifths;
minute, sparse, suffused punctulation barely traceable, obsolete; hind
tarsi as in furvus. Length (cf 9 ) 10.2-13.0 mm.; width 4.0-4.8
mm. Rhode Island to Nebraska.. harrisi Lee.
Body nearly similar in form but rather less stout and evidently smaller
in size; head with slightly elongate perforato-punctiform foveae, the
antennae nearly as in harrisi, the eyes not so convex; prothorax
similar, except that the sides are not so widely or so definitely de-
planate and with the punctures finer and obsolescent, the foveae
variable, always feebly impressed and moderately punctate but
narrow to very broad in form; elytra similar but with the very
minute sparse punctulation somewhat less completely obsolete,
though barely glimpsible; intervals similarly much more convex
as well as more polished in the male than in the female. Length
(d71 9 ) 9.4-11.0 mm.; width 3.7-4.3 mm. Long Island to Virginia
and westward to Indiana. [A. laticollis Kirby, punctulatns Kirby
and Harpalus opacus Csy.] One example has three well developed
setigerous foveae at each side of the epistoma nigerrimus Dej.
7 — Epistoma with two to three setigerous punctures at each angle 8
Epistoma with a single setigerous puncture at each angle 9
8 — Body larger and much stouter than in either of the preceding, very
strongly convex, the elytra polished and with very fine sparse punc-
tules in both sexes; head with prominent eyes, the foveae small,
anteriorly angulate and deeper; antennae as in the preceding; pro-
thorax fully one-half wider than long, subparallel, the sides rounded
anteriorly, straighter basally, the apex rather deeply sinuate and
evidently narrower than the base; surface steeply declivous to the
very coarse concavo-explanate, closely and strongly punctured
reflexed margin, which broadens but little basally, where it is still
concave and separated from the large and moderately deep, closely
punctured foveae by a rather strongly convex and similarly punctured
area; stria fine but distinct, subentire, stronger basally; elytra
perfectly similar in the sexes and slightly wider than the prothorax,
though relatively a little broader in the female, nearly one-half
longer than wide, bioadly, feebly arcuate at the sides and obtuse at
apex, the sinus rather deep and distinct, not very long, the striae
moderately fine, very deeply impressed, the scutellar long as usual;
all the intervals very conspicuously convex; hind tarsi with the
basal joint but little longer than the next two combined, distinctly
longer than the fifth as usual, subglabrous above. Length (cf 9 )
12. o-i2. 8 mm.; width 4.9-5.35 mm. New York and New Jersey.
[A. agricola Lee. nee Say] melanopus Hald.
Body much smaller and narrower in form, the eyes relatively larger,
prominent, the foveae somewhat elongate, deep; antennae as usual,
blackish with testaceous and blackish basal joint; prothorax scarcely
more than two-fifths wider than long, parallel, with the sides sub-
evenly and very moderately arcuate, the apex rather deeply sinuate
and generally but very slightly narrower than the base; surface
steeply declivous to the very coarse and concavo-explanate, closely
punctate reflexed sides, which are nearly flat and only a little wider
basally, the latero-basal parts as in melanopus, except that the
densely punctate convexity, separating the very large shallow and
conspicuously punctured foveae from the sides, is narrower; stria
subentire, unusually deep and broadly impressed throughout;
elytra oblong, rather abruptly obtuse behind, evidently wider than
the prothorax, slightly less than one-half longer than wide, the sinus
broad and distinct; striae deeply impressed, the intervals convex,
shining (cf), slightly opaculate (9), covered throughout, except
the sutural interval, with small and sparse but distinct punctures;
basal joint of the hind tarsi as long as the next two, but little longer
than the fifth. Length (cf 9 ) n. 0-11.8 mm.; width 4.2-4.7 mm.
Rhode Island to Indiana. [A. inter piinctatus Lee. nee Kirby].
nigrita Dej.
9 — Form and size nearly as in nigrita but with relatively narrower
head and prothorax, the head relatively slightly larger and with more
convex eyes, nearly three-fifths as wide as the prothorax, the foveae
more minute and punctiform but lying in feeble impressions, the
antennae nearly similar but sensibly more elongate; prothorax differ-
ing in outline, having more arcuate sides, straighter basally and widest
slightly before the middle, the basal angles with their tips more acute
and slightly prominent; surface similar throughout, except that the
foveae are a little deeper and not so diffuse and the stria not so deeply
impressed; elytra almost exactly as in nigrita buc relatively broader,
being fuUy a fourth wider than the prothorax, the intervals not so
evenly convex, being flatter externally and more convex suturally,
the fine punctuiet similar but not quite so close-set as in nigrita, the
tarsi similar. Length (9) 11.5 mm.; width 4.4 mm. New York.
[A. lecontei \\ Chd., and nigrita Lee. nee Dej.]. . . interpunctatus Kirby
Form and size somewhat as in melanopus but still stouter, very strongly
convex, the elytra highly polished, with very strongly convex inter-
vals and perfectly similar in the sexes; head nearly as in melanopus
but larger, more than half as wide as the prothorax, the latter differ-
ing very distinctly, being inflated anteriorly, with rather strongly
rounded sides, which are straighter basally and widest before the
middle as in the preceding, the obtuse basal angles more sharply
marked and usually minutely prominent at their tips, less transverse
than in melanopus, being but little more than two-fifths wider than
long, the surface similar, except that the latero-basal punctures are
finer, the stria subentire and rather deep though fine; elytra similar
but more broadly oval and usually subinflated, being widest a
little behind the middle, the sides more strongly arcuate; surface
with barely even a trace of fine punctuation at any part, the sub-
strial puncture but little behind the middle; in melanopus it is more
feeble and more posterior; hind tarsi subglabrous, the basal joint
slightly longer than the next two and much longer than the fifth.
Length (cf 9 ) 11.5-14.0 mm.; width 4.8-5.5 mm. Indiana, Illinois
and Tennessee. [A. striatus Lee. and paradox-us Hald.].
agricola Say
10 — Sides of the prothorax only feebly converging posteriorly and nearly
straight; alternate intervals of the elytra apically, and sometimes
almost throughout the length, finely and sparsely punctulate;
pronotum evidently punctured almost throughout its extent, densely
and strongly so basally 1 1
Sides of the prothorax rather strongly converging posteriorly and more
or less sinuate, the hind angles more prominent; alternate elytral
intervals never with a trace of punctulation even at apex; pronotum
less completely punctate, generally in large part smooth 16
II — Elytra (cf) strongly shining, the micro-reticulation very feeble.
Black, shining, the under surface and legs picescent; head feebly
rugulose, with prominent moderate eyes and a few scattered punc-
tures about the small deep fovea? and throughout the occiput, the
vertex with the usual red spot of the genus; labrum unusually deeply
incised; antennae slender, black, the basal joint testaceous anteriorly,
black posteriorly; prothorax scarcely one-half wider than long,
widest rather before the middle, the sides broadly rounded, straight
posteriorly; apex rather deeply sinuate, with scarcely rounded angles
and about three-fourths as wide as the base, which is rectilinearly
transverse, with slightly obtuse but sharp, minutely subprominent
angles; surface very steeply declivous in anterior two-thirds to the
rather coarse reflexed margin, which widens barely at all to that
point, where it becomes lost on the flattened though scarcely hori-
zontal, densely punctate latero-basal area, the foveae large and
elongate but extremely feeble, the entire surface punctate and feebly
rugulose, the punctures however very fine and becoming coarse and
dense only latero-basally ; at the sides anteriorly there are some
coarser scattered punctures; median stria very fine, biabbreviated;
elytra nearly one-half longer than wide, a fifth wider than the pro-
thorax, very obtusely rounded behind, the sinus feeble; stria? fine,
coarser apically, the scutellar long; intervals flat, the alternate ones,
near base and apically, strongly though confusedly and sparsely
punctate; punctures of the two lateral intervals extending to base,
these punctures stronger and much coarser than in any other speies;
discal puncture strong, at three-fifths; hind tarsi sparsely but rather
strongly punctured above, the basal joint as long as the next two and
barely longer than the fifth. Length (c?) 12.0 mm.; width 4.8 mm.
California (Hoopa Valley. Humboldt Co.) incisus n. sp.
Elytra (cf) rather dull sericeo-opaculate, or ( 9 ) very densely dull and
sericeo-opaque; elytral punctulation finer and much less distinct,
the labrum less deeply incised 12
12 — Alternate intervals of the elytra with fine sparse punctures nearly
throughout the length, becoming less sparse in about apical third,
these punctures distinct (cT) to very feeble (9). Head finely,
sparsely punctulate basally and laterally, more or less rugose, the
rugae coarse and rather deep near the deep elongate foveae; antennae
black, with partially pale basal joint, rather slender, shorter in the
female; prothorax slightly less than one-half wider than long, the
sides broadly arcuate, becoming straight and feebly convergent
posteriorly, the apex moderately sinuate, with narrowly rounded
angles and somewhat narrower than the base, which is transverse,
with the strong bead a little thicker laterally and the angles slightly
more than right, with the apices finely acute and subprominent;
surface rather strongly but finely and sparsely punctured throughout,
more coarsely, very densely and subrugosely latero-basally and with
scattered coarse punctures on the lateral slopes, the sides with the
subdeplanate edge turning inward slightly and disappearing near
basal third, the foveae unusually short, very broad and shallow,
separated from the sides by a surface which is nearly flat to feebly
convex; stria very fine and subentire; elytra one-half longer than
wide, slightly wider than the prothorax, parallel, very obtuse at apex
and convex, the oblique sinus long, extremely feeble and nearly
obsolete, the discal puncture strong, at three-fifths; basal joint of
the hind tarsi longer than the next two combined and much longer
than the fifth. Length (cf 9 ) 12.0-12.7 mm.; width 4.7-5.0 mm.
Oregon (Clackamas Co.) and California (Yreka) . . semipunctatus Lee.
Alternate intervals only punctulace apically 13
13 — Elytra fully one-half longer than wide 14
Elytra much shorter, less than one-half longer than wide 15
14 — Body larger and stout, nearly as in semipunctatus, strongly convex;
elytra (c/1) more opaque than in the preceding, very opaque (9);
head nearly similar but rather less rugose, the rugae distinct, however,
near the somewhat smaller foveae; prothorax nearly similar but
relatively not so large, the foveae similarly very feeble and diffuse
but not so short; elytra more elongate, about a fifth wider than the
prothorax, parallel, with feebly arcuate sides and rapidly very
obtuse apex, the sinus feeble though much more evident than in
semipunctatus, the striae still finer, the scutellar similarly long, the
intervals more absolutely flat in both sexes; minute and sparse
punctulation barely traceable at the sides, the apical punctured
parts of the alternate intervals very short, the punctures very fine,
almost obsolete in the female; hind tarsi nearly similar. Length
(cf 9) ii. 0-12. 8 mm.; width 4.3-5.1 mm. California (Sonoma to
Monterey). Rather abundant solidus n. sp.
Body much narrower and not so convex; head minutely, sparsely punc-
tulate basally and with a few stronger punctures and rugulae near
the small but deep foveae, the eyes very moderate, the antennae
slender, of the usual coloration, the palpi black, with pale tip;
prothorax still more parallel, with more feebly arcuate sides an-
teiiorly, otherwise as in solidus, except that the reflexed edge is
narrower and more deeply concave, the gutter expanding slightly
posteriorly and traceable almost to the base; general punctuation
finer, the rugulosity less evident and the surface more shining, the
large vague foveae nearly similar and separated from the sides by a
rather narrower and more convex surface; scattered punctures of
the lateral slopes not so large, the lateio-basal parts densely and
subconfluently punctured as in all others of this section; elytra fully
a fifth wider than the prothorax, parallel, with feebly arcuate sides
and rather abruptly obtuse apex, the binus long and feeble but
evident, the tips near the suture similarly obtuse; striae, intervals and
punctuation as in solidus, the lustre ( 9 ) rather less densely opaque;
hind tarsi with the first joint much longer than the next two or the
fifth. Length (9) 1 1. 8 mm.; width 4.5 mm. California (Sta.
Clara Co.) incertus n. sp.
15 — Form more abbreviated than in any of the preceding and much
smaller in size, oblong-suboval, only moderately convex; head with
moderate and not very convex eyes, minutely, sparsely punctulate
and finely rugulose, the foveae strong and sublinear, flexed internally;
antennae only moderate in length and rather stout, of the usual
color; prothorax shorter than usual, one-half wider than long, the
sides more evenly and only moderately rounded, feebly converging
and nearly straight basally; surface throughout nearly as in incertus
and with a similar narrow concave marginal gutter; elytra shorter,
parallel, fully a fifth wider than the prothorax, the apex rapidly
obtuse, the oblique sinus feebler, almost obsolete, the humeri not at
all denticulate, the striae fine but groove-like as usual, the intervals
flat or very nearly, the discal puncture small, at three-fifths, the
minutely punctulate apical part of the alternate intervals very short
and indistinct, the usual row of large punctures on the seventh
interval at apex unusually distinct; basal joint of the hind tarsi but
little longer than the next two or the fifth. Length (9) 9.6-11.0
mm.; width 3.9-4.3 mm. California (San Francisco Bay).
sericatus n. sp.
16 — Prothorax shorter, one-half wider than long; elytra broad, posteriorly
dilated and widest somewhat behind the middle, densely opaque
in both sexes and almost equally. Body stout, moderately convex;
head minutely, sparsely punctulate throughout, the rugulosity not
obvious, the foveae well developed, deep and slightly linear; eyes
strongly convex, the antennae rather stout, black almost throughout;
prothorax strongly rounded at the sides anteriorly, the sides strongly
converging and straight posteriorly, minutely sinuate just at the
angles, which are acutely subprominent; apex deeply sinuate, not
very obviously narrower than the base; surface broadly and unusually
feebly convex, rapidly declivous for a short distance at the sides to
the rather narrow and deeply concave gutter, which does not
broaden posteriorly but continues to the basal angles; disk punc-
tured throughout, the punctures fine and sparser centrally, very
dense and subcoalescent basally, the admixed coarse punctures of
the sides, characterizing the preceding section, not visible; foveae
large but very shallow; stria fine but distinct, attaining apex but
not the base; elytra a little less than one-half longer than wide,
almost parallel (9), posteriorly inflated (cf), fully two-fifths wider
than the prothorax, broadly obtuse behind, the sinus very distinct
though not deep; striae fine but deep and cleft-like, the scutellar
very long, the intervals not quite flat, the discal puncture small,
at three-fifths; basal joint of the hind tarsi as long as the next two,
distinctly longer than the fifth; male with two apical abdominal
setae, the female with four as usual. Length (cf 9 ) 11.3-13.0 mm.;
width 4.3-5.2 mm. California (northern coast regions). [A. brevi-
collis Lee.] consobrinus Lee.
Prothorax not so short, always less than one-half wider than long; elytra
relatively not so broad and always parallel, generally very shining
(cf ) to more or less opaque (9 ) I/
17 — Apical sinus of the elytra nearly obsolete, barely visible; elytral
intervals not more convex apically, remaining perfectly flat. Body
small in size, moderately convex, the head and pronotum ( 9 ) strongly
shining, the elytra densely opaque; head with the minute sparse
punctulation almost obsolete, the vertex medially rugose, the foveae,
rather large, linear, flexed abruptly and strongly inwaid in the type;
antennae extending almost to the thoracic base though unusually
stout, blackish, gradually paler apically, the basal joint partially
testaceous; prothorax rather strongly rounded at the sides, the latter
converging and broadly, feebly sinuate posteriorly, the hind angles
barely perceptibly more than right and with their tips very finely
blunt; surface rather more convex than in the preceding and more
deeply declivous at the sides to the similar narrow and deep gutter,
which remains unmodified almost to the base, the large elongate-
oblong, feeble and densely punctate foveae separated from the sides
by a strongly convex prolongation of the general surface, this, as
well as the entire surface except the foveae, extremely finely, sparsely
and inconspicuously punctulate; stria very fine; elytra not quite
one-half longer than wide, parallel, very obtuse at apex, fully a fifth
wider than the prothorax, the striae very fine and shallow, the scutel-
lar long, the intervals perfectly flat; dorsal puncture at three-fifths
distinct; seventh interval with only one puncture, which is at the
apex. Length (9) 11.2 mm.; width 4.3 mm. California (San
Francisco) obsolescens n. sp.
Apical sinus moderately deep and always very distinct 18
1 8 — Antennae slender 19
Antennae notably stout in both sexes 20
19 — Body small in size and unusually slender; head almost completely
impunctate and with but few feeble rugulae, the foveae linear and
evenly arcuate, turning outward fiom the base; antennae extending
far behind the thoracic base, blackish throughout, the testaceous
basal joint with a black macula; eyes only moderately prominent;
prothorax moderately convex, steeply descending to the unusually
fine refiexed edge anteriorly, the gutter gradually increasing some-
what in width posteriorly, extending to the basal angles, which are
tight and sharply defined but not at all prominent; sides rounded,
converging and straight posteriorly; apex only feebly sinuate, nar-
rower than the base, which is very feebly sinuate from side to side;
surface finely, sparsely punctate and with transverse wavy lines,
closely punctate throughout basally and especially in the long,(broadly
impressed and unusually deep foveae, which are separated from the
sides by a rathei narrow convexity; median stria rather strong and
entire; elytra fully one-half longer than wide and only about a sixth
wider than the prothorax, parallel, obtuse and strongly sinuate at
apex; striae not very fine, deep, the scutellar long and coarse, the
intervals flat laterally, slightly convex suturally, all sericeo-opaculate
though somewhat shining and with excessively minute suffused and
scarcely discoverable punctulation, the puncture at three-fifths
distinct; hind tarsi unusually slender, the basal joint barely longer
than the fifth. Length (c?) 10.0 mm.; width 3.4 mm. California
(San Diego), — Dunn angustus n. sp.
Body larger and not quite so slender, though more slender than in cali-
fornicus, strongly shining throughout (of), the elytra (9) rather
shining but distinctly alutaceous; head smooth, very shining and
virtually punctureless, the foveae linear and outwardly arcuate as in
the pieceding, the antennae nearly similar; eyes more convex in the
male than in the female; prothorax rounded at the sides, the latter
converging and broadly, feebly sinuate posteriorly, the basal angles
obtuse but with the apices slightly prominent, forming a right angle;
base broadly and very feebly sinuate medially, not very obviously
wider than the apex, which is moderately sinuate ; surface veryJshining,
impunctate centrally, the punctures laterally and apically extremely
fine, sparse, those basally also very fine and sparse throughout
except in the rather large and subelongate, moderately deep foveae,
where they are strong and dense; marginal gutter fine, deep and
nearly constant in form from apex to base, obsolete only at the basal
angles; stria fine but rather deeply impressed, subentire; elytra
nearly one-half longer than wide, parallel, with broadly arcuate
sides and obtuse and rather strongly sinuate apex, fully a fifth wider
than the prothorax; striae and intervals nearly as in the preceding,
except that at apex the intervals become more evidently convex than
in angustus; hind tarsi moderately slender, the basal joint much
longer than the fifth in both sexes. Length (cf 9 ) 10.8-11.8 mm.;
width 3.8-4.3 mm.; Oregon oregonus n. sp.
Body still noticeably broader than in oregonus. though not stout, more
parallel, the head nearly similar but with slightly larger eyes, the
foveae well developed and of different form, being rounded and very
deep to angulate; prothorax rounded at the sides, the latter con-
verging posteriorly and broadly, feebly sinuate, the basal angles
slightly obtuse and sharply defined though scarcely at all prominent;
surface strongly shining and with extremely fine or obsolete punctures
everywhere except in the large, centrally very deep foveae, where
they are very coarse and coalescent, gradually becoming finer
outwardly, the marginal gutter differing somewhat in being very
fine anteriorly, sensibly increasing in width posteriorly, then be-
coming obsolete toward base; apex rather deeply sinuate, a little
narrower than the rectilinear base; elytra long, rather more than
one-half longer than wide, parallel, with feebly arcuate sides and
rather obtuse apex, the sinus unusually distinct; striae and intervals
neaily as in oregonus in both sexes, the very minute sparse suffused
punctulation is however rather evident (c?) or scarcely traceable
(9); hind tarsi nearly similar. Length (cf 9 ) 9.6-12.0 mm.;
width 3.8-4.7 mm. California (abundant about San Francisco, Sta.
Cruz and in Humboldt Co.). [A. confusus Lee.]. . californicus Dej.
Body larger than in californicus and still stouter, the prothorax relatively
more developed and the eyes distinctly larger, the central rufous
spot of the vertex strongly transverse; head finely, sparsely and
obsoletely punctulate, the foveae rather large, deep, rugulose and
angulate, the epistoma with many longitudinal wrinkles; antennae
slender, extending well behind the thoracic base even in the female;
prothorax in outline, structure and sculpture almost as in cali-
forniciis, but with the anterior transverse impression medially deeper
and very obvious, the stria fine, coarser basally, obliterated apically;
fine punctures of the general surface more distinct, the very large
and deep, rugosely punctured fovese and the narrow concave side
margins almost similar, the latter not quite so broad; elytra nearly
similar but with the striae suturally more deeply impressed and with
more convex and more shining intervals, the latter laterally not
quite flat, opaque and finely, suffusedly but not distinctly punctulate
throughout; apical sinus rather deep and distinct; hind tarsi nearly
similar. Length (9) 12.7 mm.; width 5.0 mm. Oregon (without
further indication of locality) sinuatus n. sp.
20 — Form and facies nearly as in calif ornicus but a little larger and some-
what stouter, very shining throughout (cf), or with the elytra
opaculate and less deeply striate ( 9 ) ; head nearly as in cali-
f ornicus but relatively somewhat larger and with slightly larger
eyes, the antennae notably thicker in both sexes; prothorax as in
californicus but relatively larger and with the minute sparse
punctulation everywhere barely traceable, the foveae similar, rather
deep and also coarsely punctate, gradually finely so toward their
boundaries, the surface between them and the sides more convex and
much more minutely punctulate; marginal gutter of the same kind
but finer, extending nearly to the base; elytra as in californicus
but broader, not quite so elongate, the tarsi nearly similar, the basal
joint with a few punctures on its upper surface. Length (cf 9 ) 12.3—
12.8 mm.; width 4.6-4.8 mm. Utah (Provo), — Wickham. Six
examples paganicus n. sp.
Form much less elongate than in either californicus or paganicus, only
moderately convex; head relatively smaller than in californicus
but otherwise nearly similar, the antennae notably shorter and
thicker; prothorax nearly similar in outline but less transverse, only
about a third wider than long, the marginal gutter not so broad
as it is in californicus, the convexity between the foveae and the
sides narrower and stronger, the fovese narrower, rather deep, closely
but not so coarsely punctate, the entire surface, excepting the foveae,
almost devoid of punctuation; elytra only about two-fifths longer
than wide, parallel, with feebly arcuate sides and very obtuse apex,
relatively much wider than usual, being fully a third wider than the
prothorax, with the base at the sides broadly exposed; surface very
smooth, densely opaque and without trace of minute punctulation,
the striae fine, the intervals flat, slightly convex and with deeper striae
near the suture basally but only slightly so apically; metasternum
laterally with fine punctuation but scarcely rugose; hind tarsi of the
usual form in the preceding species. Length (9 ) 10.8 mm.; width
4.2 mm. Nevada (Reno). A single example taken by the writer.
humeralis n. sp.
21 — Form oblong-suboval, rather convex, shining, blackish throughout
above (cf ), with more or less distinct metallic green lustre, or ( 9 )
less metallic above, with the elytra sericeo-opaque; under surface
and femora black when mature, the tibiae, tarsi and epipleura rufes-
cent; head rather small, half as wide as the prothorax, smooth, the
foveae rather large, deep, irregularly subtriangular; antennae rather
slender, nearly black, the two basal joints bright testaceous; pro-
thorax differing from any of the preceding in being perfectly parallel
and straight at the sides, the latter rounding only at apex, one-half
wider than long, the apex deeply sinuate, with narrowly rounded
angles and nearly three-fourths as wide as the transverse base, the
basal angles absolutely right, very sharply defined, not at all blunt
though not prominent; surface convex, shining, subimpunctate except
on the narrowly deplanate sides and toward base, especially in the
large deep and rather rounded foveae, the stria fine; elytra two-fifths
longer than wide, a fourth wider than the prothorax, parallel, obtuse
at tip, the sinus broad and feeble but distinct; striae fine, deeper
suturo-basally, the intervals flat or nearly so, the scutellar stria
long, the puncture at three-fifths; surface without trace of any sort
of punctuation, except the marginal fovese; hind tarsi with the basal
joint as long as the next two and equal to the fifth. Length (cf 9 )
9.0-10.0 mm.; width 3.8-4.4 mm. Northern California. Abundant.
amaroides Lee.
22 — Body small in size, oblong-oval, rather convex, shining above, with
greenish-bronze lustre, the elytra (9) sericeo-opaculate; under
surface and legs colored as in the preceding; head very small, less
than half as wide as the prothorax, smooth, with deep foveae curving
outwardly, the eyes prominent; antennae slendei, fuscous, the three
basal joints pale testaceous; prothorax two-fifths (cf ) to one-half
( 9 ) wider than long, the sides evenly and moderately arcuate and
converging almost evenly from base to apex, the latter rather feebly
sinuate, with broadly rounded angles and only three-fifths as wide
as the base, which is transverse and finely margined, with the angles
right, their apices very finely blunt; surface finely reflexed anteriorly
at the sides, the margin gradually rather wide and flat posteriorly
and sparsely punctate, the fovese large, shallow, closely punctate,
the remainder of the basal parts very finely punctulate and the rest
of the disk wholly impunctate, though with numerous transverse
wavy rugulae; elytra rather less than one-half longer than wide,
oblong-oval, slightly wider than the prothorax, the sides evenly and
moderately rounded to the thoracic angles, without exposed humeri;
apex gradually obtuse, the sinus short, very feeble; striae fine, the
scutellar long; intervals flat or nearly so, the puncture distinct and at
three-fifths, the disk without trace of other punctuation except the
lateral foveae; hind tarsi slender, the basal joint longer than the
next two or the fifth. Length (cf 9 ) 7.8-8.5 mm.; width 3.3-3.7
mm. District of Columbia to Kansas. Abundant. [.4. siibccneus
and obscurus Lee.] coenus Say
Body narrower in outline than the preceding and rather more convex,
black, the upper surface with greenish or coppery-green metallic
lustre, the elytra (9 ) barely at all alutaceous, the *idc margins of
the pronotum diaphanously pale; under surface black, the epipleura
obscure, the legs paler, rufous; head relatively much larger than in
ccenus, with remarkably large and prominent eyes, three-fifths as
wide as the prothorax, the foveae moderate, sublinear, very deep;
antennae slender, blackish, with the two basal joints pale; prothorax
one-half wider than long to a little less, the sides very evenly and
moderately rounded from base to apex, the latter sinuato-truncate,
with rounded angles and 'three-fourths as wide as the base, which is
transverse and coarsely beaded, with the angles slightly obtuse but
with their apices only very finely blunt; surface somewhat coarsely
reflexed and punctulate at the sides, almost evenly so throughout the
length, the fovese large, shallow, very coarsely punctate toward their
centres, the remainder of the surface smooth and not punctate, the
stria fine but rather strong; elytra oval, very gradually ogival behind,
with parallel arcuate sides, a little more rounding at base, nearly
one-half longer than wide, the sinus veiy oblique, obsolete; striee
coarse, deep and abrupt, the scutellar long, the intervals flat, the
surface otherwise as in cosnus; hind tarsi rather more slender, the
first joint longer than the fifth. Length (9) 8.8-9.0 mm.; width
3.3-3.6 mm. District of Columbia to Texas (Austin). Appa.ently
not at all abundant laetus Dej.
The species described by LeConte under the name similis (Ann.
Lye., V, p. 183) I cannot identify. The description is as follows:
A. similis Lee. — Oblong, "minus convexus" [the species immediately
preceding in the rather depressed consobrinus], black, the head slightly
punctulate; prothorax punctulate, one-half wider than long, not narrowed
posteriorly, the finely depressed margins evanescent, behind the middle;
hind angles right, the base slightly impressed, densely punctulate; elytra
finely striate, the intervals almost flat, the third impunctate [!]; first
joint of the antennae rufo-piceous, with a fuscous macula. Length 11.5
mm. Oregon.
If the prothorax is really not at all narrowed posteriorly, and the
statement that the hind angles are right tends to confirm the
language of the description in that respeci, it would cause similis
to depart distinctly from any other species known to me. G. H.
Horn states that both similis Lee., and puncticollis Chd., are
synonyms of semipunctatus Lee., though the latter is of a much
more recent date than similis. As to puncticollis Chd., described
as coming from Vancouver Island, the author states that the pro-
thorax in the male type is punctured throughout, showing that it
belongs to the semipunctatus section, that the hind angles of the
prothorax are " parfaitement droits" and that the elytra are not
at all punctulate. As the alternately punctulate intervals are a
very obvious feature in the male of semipunctatus, there is reason
to believe that puncticollis cannot be that species, and it is my belief
that it is a synonym of similis Lee. There is also reason to believe
that similis is a valid species, with virtually parallel sides of the
prothorax, and not very closely related to semipunctatus. I think
that the statement that the third interval is impunctate is clearly a
misprint for unipunctate. The same mistake occurs in the original
description of confusus, which, from the published characters and
the note of its abundance at San Francisco, must be identical with
californicus, in which I have seen no instance in a large series
where the discal puncture is wanting. In fact the single discal
elytral puncture is an extremely constant feature throughout the
genus. In lodingi, which is unknown to me in nature, this important
puncture is however said to be wanting; that species is aberrant
also in its great size of body.
Xestonotus Lee.
Some question has been raised as to the propriety of maintaining
this genus distinct from Anisodactylus, and in reality it is very
closely allied, but there is a rather radical departure in the form of
the ligula, which, considering the very minute punctiform frontal
fovese, which are exactly as in Harpalus, complete absence of the
rufous spot on the vertex, another harpaloid character, broadly
rounded basal angles of the prothorax and very posterior posicion
of the discal elytral puncture, would seem to warrant its retention,
at any rate as not less than a very well marked subgenus of Aniso-
dactylus. The only known species is the following:
Body oblong, stout, moderately convex, deep black and shining, the
elytra (cf) feebly or ( 9 ) strongly alutaceous; under surface and
legs throughout deep black; head rather large, two-thirds as wide
as the prothorax, the eyes very moderate, not very prominent;
antennae slender, piceous, the basal joint pale; surface very smooth,
the epistomal suture excessively feeble, sometimes obsolescent; ligula
slender, not at all enlarged at apex, the paraglossae fully as long or
somewhat longer and very obtuse at tip; prothorax short, one-half
to three-fifths (9) wider than long, the sides parallel, evenly and
rather strongly arcuate; apex broadly and very deeply sinuate, with
advanced though rounded angles and only a little narrower than
the base, which is transverse, rounding laterally toward the very
broadly rounded angles; surface very finely reflexed at the sides in
about apical half, the gutter broadening, becoming feeble and dis-
appearing at basal two-fifths on the large latero-basal, finely but
densely punctate flattened area, the foveae large, very broad and
shallow, with some coarser punctures in addition to the finer; re-
mainder of the disk impunctate, the stria fine, entire and distinct;
elytra two-fifths longer than wide, parallel, obtusely rounded at
apex, barely visibly wider than the prothorax, the sides feebly
T. L. Casey, Mem. Col. V, Oct. 1914.
arcuate; sinus feeble but distinct; striae nne/the scutellar long, usually
free; intervals flat throughout (9) or nearly so (cf), the entire
surface with traces of excessively minute punctulation, not visible
in the female, the lateral line of fovese subinterrupted medially, the
discal puncture strong, at apical fourth; hind tarsi slender, glabrous
above, the first joint fully as long as the next two and much longer
than the fifth; spur of the anterior tibiae very slender and simple.
Length (c? 9 ) 10.0-10.8 mm.; width 3.8-4.3 mm. Rhode Island to
Iowa. Abundant. [Selenophorus lugubris Dej. (9); Harpalus
manhattanis Csy. ( 9 )] lugubris Dej.
For some reason, not stated, this species was not considered by
Dr. Horn in his sketch of Anisodactylns (Proc. Am. Phil. Soc.,
1880, p. 162), though there is better reason for considering it a
part of that genus than there is to include Dicheirus. The female
type was placed in Selenophorus by Dejean, solely because of the
very slender ligula and absence of mentum tooth, but the three
series of elytral punctures constitute a more decisive generic mark
of Selenophorus than the structure of the mouth parts. The fact
that no one, observing solely the female, would probably think of
placing the species in Anisodactylus, is at least one reasonable proof
of its generic isolation.
Amphasia Newm.
In this genus, which is again monotypic, the mouth parts are
almost exactly as in Xestonotus, 'the ligula being very slender and
not in the least expanded at apex and the paraglossae fully as long,
rather broad and obtuse at apex, but otherwise, and especially in
type of coloration and sculpture, which may become of generic
significance in some groups of Carabidae, there is no similarity
whatever. The type of Amphasia may be described as follows:
Form oblong, rather feebly convex, shining throughout in both sexes,
pale testaceous in color throughout the body, legs and trophi, except
that the elytra are dark brown and the entire sterna and parapleura
of the hind body deep black; head rather small and long, one-half
as wide as the prothorax, the neck somewhat constricted behind the
moderate though very prominent eyes, the foveae very small but only
moderately deep and elongate-oval; antennae slender, rather pale
brown, the two basal joints paler and testaceous; prothorax two-
fifths (cf1) to one-half (9) wider than long, the sides parallel and
evenly, somewhat strongly arcuate; apex deeply sinuate, with
advanced and only rather narrowly rounded angles and distinctly
narrower than the base, which is transverse, rounding laterally, the
angles very broadly rounded, the fine basal bead usually broadly
interrupted medially; surface with coarse sparse punctures apically
and laterally, which become scarcely at all smaller and very dense
latero-basally, the lateral gutter rather coarse, disappearing on the
flattened latero-basal area at about basal third, the foveae extremely
shallow and vague; elytra not quite one-half longer than wide, just
visibly wider than the prothorax, with parallel and feebly arcuate
sides and obtusely rounded apex, the sinus long and feeble but
evident, the striae fine but somewhat impressed, coarser and with
rather convex intervals suturally, the intervals elsewhere feebly
convex and all covered with rather dense confused punctuation,
each puncture bearing a short fulvous hair, the punctures coarse
suturally, finer elsewhere, the lateral line of foveae not at all inter-
rupted; discal puncture small, at three-fifths; hind tarsi slender,
sparsely hairy above, the basal joint nearly as long as the next three
combined, the second not quite as long as the fifth; abdomen finely,
sparsely punctulate throughout. Length (cf 9 ) 8.5-10.0 mm.;
width 3.0-4.0 mm. Long Island to Missouri. Abundant. [A.
fulvicollis Newm., Harpalus obscuripennis Dej. and Feronia inter-
stitialis Say] interstitialis Say
This species was also omitted in the review of Dr. Horn mentioned
under Xestonotus, but sericeus Harr., was included.
Pseudamphasia n. gen.
While there is some similarity between this genus, also mono-
typic, and the preceding, due to the close punctuation and pubes-
cence, the structure of the ligula is so different as to indicate that
there is but little real affinity. The ligula is rather slender basally,
but rapidly and very broadly expands apically to the broadly
truncate apex; the paraglossae are narrower than in Amphasia and
narrowly rounded at tip. The terminal spur of the anterior tibiae
is simple and slender and the antennae of the male extend nearly to
basal fourth of the elytra. The fifth hind tarsal joint is relatively
shorter than in any other species recalled at present. The type is
as follows:
Body oblong-oval, very moderately convex, rather shining, black, the ely-
tra feebly (c?) or densely (9 ) sericeous; under surface and femora
black, the tibiae and tarji testaceous; head rather short, slightly more
than half as wide as the prothorax, with a few punctures basally
and near the rather large shallow and somewhat vague foveae, the
eyes unusually large and very prominent; antennae very slender,
somewhat dusky-testaceous throughout; prothorax but little more
than a third wider than long, the sides subparallel, evenly and rather
strongly arcuate, the apex deeply sinuate, with advanced and but
very narrowly rounded angles and much narrower than the base,
\vhich is transverse medially, feebly arcuate laterally, the angles
broadly rounded; surface strongly but rather sparsely punctured
throughout, the punctures becoming dense in the large concavo-
explanate latero-basal region, which probably represents the foveae
as these are wholly undefined; the marginal gutter is narrow ante-
riorly, gradually broader posteriorly, rather abruptly defined and
closely punctate, disappearing at about basal two-fifths; the stria
is extremely fine and broadly biabbreviated, the surface adjacent
thereto somewhat flattened; elytra nearly one-half longer than wide,
fully a fourth wider than the prothorax, the sides parallel and broadly
arcuate, the apex obtusely rounded; sinu- rather short, feeble but
very distinct; surface densely, rather finely and uniformly punctate
and minutely pubescent throughout, the striae fine, the scutellar
long, the intervals nearly flat throughout, 3-5-7 with scattered sparse
coarser punctures throughout the length, which are distinct (c?) or
feebly defined (9), the discal substrial puncture small, at three-
fifths; abdomen very finely and sparsely punctulate throughout;
hind tarsi slender, with only very few hairs above, the basal joint
longer than the next two combined and about as long as the last
three. Length (d71 9 ) 8.8-9.8 mm.; width 3.3-4.0 mm. Rhode
Island to Lake Superior and Louisiana. Abundant. [Harpaliis
femoratus Dej.] sericea Harr.
The coarsely and sparsely punctured alternate intervals of the
elytra would ally the genus with Anadaptus, except that here the
punctured intervals are 3-5-7, and not the alternate intervals
beginning with the second as in Anadaptus porosus; this is a very
singular and exceptional feature in sericea.
Dicheirus Mann.
We come here upon a series of generic types differing in a note-
worthy way from those that precede in the short basal joint of the
hind tarsi, either actually, due to the very much shorter tarsus,
or relatively as in D. piceus and allied species, where the first joint
is very much shorter than the next two combined ; in species of the
dUatatus type, the principal abbreviation of the tarsus appears in
joints 2-4, so that the basal joint may still be as long as the next
two combined or nearly so, although never longer and often shorter
than the fifth. The tarsi in this genus are conspicuously and
sometimes rather closely pubescent above, whereby in addition it
differs from the genera that precede. The terminal spur of the
anterior tibiae is strongly trifid throughout. In general habitus it
differs completely from Anisodactykis or any close relative of that
genus, being smaller in size of body, narrow in form and constantly
having two series of setigerous punctures on each elytral interval,
the series very close to the striae as a rule. The two principal groups
of Dicheirus differ from each other almost subgenerically as follows:
Body usually but feebly convex, the prothorax much narrowed basally
and cordiform; ligula slender, though gradually somewhat broader
apically, the paraglossse not very broad, somewhat produced ex-
ternally at apex, this apical part generally curving inward; palpi
stout, the last two joints of the labial extremely unequal, the third
scarcely three-fifths as long as the second, which is unusually
elongate; joints 2-4 of the hind tarsi unusually abbreviated; body
generally brown in color 2
Body strongly and subcylindrically convex as a rule, the prothorax never
more than very feebly narrowed posteriorly; erect hairs of the upper
surface always very short; ligula and paraglossae nearly as in the
preceding section, the palpi much more slender, the third joint of
the labial not very much shorter than the second; joints 2-4 of the
hind tarsi not so abbreviated; basal joint of the antennae not quite
so thick; body generally deep black in color 8
2 — Hind angles of the prothorax obtuse, sometimes distinct, often rather
rounded 3
Hind angles sharply marked and subprominent 7
3 — Middle tarsi (of) not dilated or pubescent beneath 4
Middle tarsi (cf) with joints 2-4 pubescent beneath 6
4 — Species of very large size and more convex form, the sides of the pro-
thorax opaque and impunctate beneath; form stout; hind angles of
the prothorax obtuse; elytral intervals irregularly biseriately punc-
tate; middle and posterior tibiae (cf) coarsely and roughly tuberculate
along the outer margin. Length (c?) 15 mm. California (Fort
Tejon) strenuus Horn
Species of much smaller size and more depressed upper surface, the
prothorax punctured beneath, the tibiae spinulose externally 5
5 — Body moderately stout, oblong, feebly convex, coarsely punctured,
the punctures bearing long erect setae, dark red-brown in color, the
elytra sometimes nearly black; head nearly three-fifths as wide as
the prothorax, rather constricted at base, the eyes moderate, promi-
nent; surface coarsely, rather closely punctured throughout, the
foveae not evident; antennae long, moderately slender, red-brown;
prothorax barely a third wider than long, the sides rounded anteriorly,
thence strongly converging, becoming straight to the basal angles,
which are obtuse and broadly rounded; base transverse, much
narrower than the broadly sinuate apex; surface almost even, slightly
depressed latero-basally but not otherwise modified, the foveae
wanting; side margins very finely reflexed throughout, the disk
everywhere coarsely, more or less sparsely and irregularly punctate;
elytra not quite one-half longer than wide, parallel, slightly wider
than the prothorax, very obtusely rounded at apex, the sinus ob-
solete; striae fine, the scutellar rather long, perfectly free; intervals
flat, with the punctures of the two series widely and irregularly
spaced, the usual discal puncture not visible; abdomen very finely,
sparsely punctate throughout; hind tarsi rather stout, the first
joint not quite as long as the next two together and about equal in
length to the fifth, the hind tibial spurs slender and finely pointed.
Length (c?1 9 ) 7.5-10.0 mm.; width 2.8-3.7 mm- California
(middle coast region). Abundant. [D. hirsutus Menet.].
dilatatus Dej.
Body narrower, still more depressed and smaller in size, black, the edges
of the pronotum finely pale, the under surface deep black, the legs
short, bright testaceous; hairs borne by the dorsal punctures very
short, stiff and erect; head nearly as in the preceding but about
two-thirds as wide as the prothorax, rather closely and moderately
coarsely punctate, with a large central area virtually impunctate;
antennae moderately long, testaceous, notably stout and gradually
darker basally; epistoma with a single puncture at each angle;
prothorax a third wider than long, the sides rounded, gradually rather
strongly converging and becoming nearly straight basally, the angles
very obtuse but not evidently rounded; base transverse, rounding
laterally, fully as wide as the broadly and moderately sinuate apex;
surface rather depressed, with moderately coarse sparse and some-
what unevenly distributed punctures throughout, the latero-basal
area somewhat strongly depressed and foveiform; side margins very
evenly and finely reflexed from apex to base; elytra in outline nearly
as in the preceding, very broadly, circularly rounded at apex,
without sinus and nearly a third wider than the prothorax, the
strise fine, the nearly flat interspaces with the series composed of
rather small punctures, which are usually not very close-set and in
general quite uneven in spacing; abdomen finely but rather strongly,
not very sparsely punctulate; spurs of the hind tibiae slender and
pointed but rather short, the hind tarsi more slender than in the
preceding, the basal joint shorter than the next two and barely
two-thirds as long as the fifth. Male with the anterior tarsi dilated,
densely pubescent beneath, the middle tarsi completely undilated
and without trace of pubescence beneath. Length (cf) 7-8 mm.;
width 2.9 mm. California (LakeTahoe) brevisetosus n. sp.
6 — Body similar in form to dilatatus but smaller and with the hind angles of
the prothorax quite distinct, though not prominent, and the surface
more densely punctured; prothorax beneath with but few coarse
punctures and these not deep; hairs arising from all the punctures of
the upper surface short and erect, the punctures of the elytra!
interstitial series regularly and closely placed; middle tarsi of the
male with joints 2-4 pubescent beneath. Length 7.5 mm. Cali-
fornia (San Jose). Not at all common obtusus Lee.
Body rather narrow, elongate, piceous, feebly shining, pubescent, the
legs rufous; head very coarsely and deeply punctured and with long
hairs, the epistoma with two larger setigerous punctures at each
angle; prothorax a little wider than long, narrowed behind, the sides
arcuate anteriorly, oblique posteriorly; hind angles distinct but
not prominent; base slightly arcuate at each side; surface moderately
convex, coarsely and deeply punctured, the punctures regularly
placed and bearing moderately long hairs; elytra a little wider than
the prothorax, oblong, the sides very slightly arcuate; striae fine,
the intervals flat and regularly, closely and biseriately punctate,
each puncture with a rather long semi-erect hair; prothorax beneath
very coarsely and deeply punctate, the metasternum at the sides
coarsely punctate; abdomen laterally more sparsely punctulate.
Length 7 mm. California (San Joaquin valley). More slender than
obtusus and with longer hairs pilosus Horn
7 — Form oblong-elongate, rather longer and narrower than dilatatus but
otherwise very similar in habitus, dark red-brown throughout above
and beneath, except the elytra, which are always black; upper surface
shining, the hairs long, fulvous, erect and bristling; head three-fifths
as wide as the prothorax, with moderate eyes and somewhat long
neck, which is very smooth transversely at base; surface almost
uniformly, very coarsely but not closely punctate; antennae long
but rather thick, extending to basal fifth of the elytra; prothorax a
fourth to third wider than long, the sides rounded anteriorly, oblique
posteriorly, becoming deeply sinuate before the basal angles, which
are consequently right, sharply defined and prominent; base trans-
verse, much narrower than the feebly sinuato-truncate apex; surface
with very coarse, deep, sparse and irregularly distributed punctures;
margins very finely reflexed and without marginal gutter throughout
the length; basal parts not at all modified; elytra about one-half
longer than wide, just visibly wider than the prothorax, parallel,
obtusely rounded at apex, without trace of sinus; striae not very fine,
deep, abrupt, the scutellar long, free; intervals nearly flat, shining
(9 ), the punctures of the series very coarse, widely and irregularly
spaced, more irregularly disposed than in any other species and
frequently confused; the intervals are alternately narrower and
wider; on the narrower ones there is but a single medial series, either
regular or irregular; abdomen finely, sparsely punctulate; joints
2-4 of the hind tarsi very short, the hind tibial spurs very slender and
simple. Length (9) 7.8-10.5 mm.; width 2.8-3.4 mm- California
(San Diego). Six examples angulatus n. sp.
8 — Elytra shorter, not one-half longer than wide, rather stout, moder-
ately convex, dull black, the under surface piceous, the legs and
antennae rufous; head short, with moderate eyes, about two-thirds
as wide as the prothorax, strongly and rather sparsely punctate,
the punctures smaller but not wanting centrally, the epistoma with a
single puncture at the angles, broadly impunctate medially; antennae
rather stout; prothorax as in picens throughout but duller in lustre
and not quite so convex; elytra also as in piceus but shorter, rela-
tively much broader and duller in lustre, two-fifths longer than wide,
fully a third wider than the prothorax, subparallel, with broadly
arcuate sides and very obtuse apex, the sinus feeble but distinct;
striae fine, the scutellar long, the intervals slightly convex, the punc-
tures of the two series rather small, widely and very irregularly
spaced in the series; abdomen strongly, rather closely and only
moderately finely punctate throughout; prosternum coarsely, closely
punctate at the sides. Length (9 ) 8.4 mm.; width 3.3 mm. Cali-
fornia (Valley of Eel River, Humboldt Co.) alutaceus n. sp.
Elytra always much more elongate, fully one-half longer than wide and
relatively less broad, polished in lustre in both sexes, the anterior
and middle tarsi (cf ) dilated and densely pubescent beneath 9
9 — Body smaller, more slender, convex, black and shining, the under
surface rather less deeply black, the abdomen apically, the legs and an-
tennae rufous; head fully two-thirds as wide as the prothorax, the
eyes very moderate; surface moderately coarsely, deeply, rather
sparsely and unevenly punctate, a large central space usually devoid
of punctures; antennae rather stout, the basal joint short, cylindric;
prothorax two-fifths wider than long, the sides broadly arcuate,
feebly convergent and less arcuate to straight basally; base trans-
verse, fully as wide as the sinuato-truncate apex, arcuate laterally
into and through the obtuse and rounded basal angles; surface
rather convex, not modified basally, very finely reflexed at the sides,
strongly, sparsely and irregularly punctate, the median stria very
fine, unimpressed and subentire; elytra slightly wider than the pro-
thorax, parallel, ogival at tip, the sinus extremely feeble, barely
traceable; striae fine, the intervals very feebly convex, subuniform in
width, the two series of deep moderate punctures rather irregular,
more or less widely spaced, the alternate intervals laterally tending
to slightly greater convexity and more irregular series, the eighth
stria sometimes almost obliterated; abdomen rather strongly and
not very sparsely punctate, the sides of the proste.rnum with a
mixture of coarser and finer punctures; first three joints of the hind
tarsi decreasing uniformly in length, the first much shorter than the
fifth. Length (cf 9 ) 7.6-8.8 mm.; width 2.9-3.2 mm. California
(San Francisco Bay regions). Moderately abundant. [D. villosns
and irregularis Mots, and parallelus Lee.; brunneus Mann, nee Dej.].
piceus Menet.
A — Similar to piceus but slightly more slender, the head not quite so
large, the pronotum with evident sublinear and moderately im-
pressed basal foveae, the elytral punctures finer and forming two
almost perfectly even series, although very irregularly spaced in
the rows; sides of the prosternum with moderately strong, sparse
and uniform punctures. Length (c?) 8.5 mm.; width 3.0 mm.
Utah rupimontis n. subsp.
B — Similar to piceus but much more slender, with smaller, less coarsely
and very irregularly punctate head, the sides of the prothorax
posteriorly very feebly sinuate, the obtuse hind angles rather less
rounded, the surface with evidently less coarse punctures and
more evident traces of broadly and feebly impressed basal foveae;
elytral punctures smaller and arranged in two more even seiies,
somewhat as in rupimontis; hind tarsi slightly longer and decidedly
more slender than in either of the preceding; prosternal punctures
somewhat as in piceus. Length (c?1) 8.5 mm.; width 2.8-2.85 mm.
California (Trinity River and Redwood Creek, Humboldt Co.).
angustulus n. subsp.
Body larger and much stouter than in piceus or any of its allied forms and
much more southern in habitat, deep shining black throughout;
legs dark rufous, the antennae moderately thick, somewhat obscure;
head short, nearly as in piceus but with the coarse, deeply perforate
punctures closer, wanting in a large central area; prothorax nearly
as in piceus but with the sides rather less converging posteriorly, the
basal angles very obtuse and evidently rounded, the punctures much
more numerous and slightly coarser; elytra nearly similar but larger,
more distinctly wider than the prothorax, the intervals nearly flat,
with the punctures relatively not quite so large, similarly unevenly
spaced in the series but with both series of all the intervals nearly
even; under surface and hind tarsi almost as in piceus. Length
(cf 9 ) 8.5-9.5 mm.; width 3.2-3.7 mm.; California (San Diego and
on San Clemente Island). Fifteen examples australinus n. sp.
A— Similar to australinus but still larger and rather stouter; head and
prothorax nearly similar, the punctures of the latter less close-set
as a rule, the basal angles obtuse and rounded; elytra nearly as in
australinus throughout, the series almost even, the general surface
very shining in both sexes; abdominal and prosternal punctures
sparser; hind tarsi nearly similar and a little shorter in the female
than in the male. Length (d" 9 ) 8.5-11.0 mm.; width 3.2-4.0
mm. Guadalupe Island. Fifteen examples. . .insularis n. subsp.
Body smaller than in either of the two preceding forms and somewhat
less convex, very pale testaceous in color throughout in the type,
which is doubtless immature, shining; head fully two-thirds as wide
as the prothorax, with sparse and very irregularly distributed punc-
tures, coarse laterally, smaller medially; prothorax only about a
fourth wider than long, the sides more rounded anteriorly than in
piceus and rather more converging basally, though otherwise nearly
similar and with obtuse and rounded basal angles, but more sparsely,
less coarsely punctate, with the punctures in the feebly subimpressed
basal foveae coarser and closer, the surface between this area and the
sides more narrowly and strongly convex; elytra nearly as in piceus
but with finer punctures of the series, the latter nearly regular but
loose ; punctuation of the under surface nearly as in piceus, the anterior
tarsi (cf) rather less broadly dilated, the hind :arsi nearly similar.
Length (cf) 7.0 mm.; width 2.5 mm. Arizona. A single example.
decoloratus n. sp.
The two principal groups in this genus are very clearly defined
and have somewhat the nature of subgenera. The species are
much more closely allied among themselves in the piceus than in
the more diversified dilatatus section. There are undoubtedly a
considerable number of forms closely allied to piceus, and I have
ventured to define a number of them above, but have been unable
to identify any of them with villosus or irregularis of Motschulsky,
the above synonymy being that of Horn; parallelus of LeConte is
however typical piceus. D. pallidus Mots., is Agonoderus rugicollis
Lee., of the Acupalpini. The following species cannot be placed
properly in the table given above; the table is based upon that
of Dr. Horn, for the reason that so many of the species are unknown
to me in nature:
D. immanis Horn. (Anisodactylus) — Oblong, depressed, piceous,
feebly shining and pubescent, the legs rufous; head coarsely but not deeply
punctate, with ~>hort erect hairs, the epistoma with one setigerous puncture
at each angle; prothorax broader than long, narrowed posteriorly, the
sides in front arcuate, posteriorly oblique, the hind angles distinct but
not prominent; base on each side slightly arcuate; surface feebly convex,
coarsely but not deeply punctate and with very short erect hiirs; elytra
wider than the prothorax, oblong-oval, the sides slightly arcuate; striae
fine, the intervals flat, rather finely and closely, biseriately punctulate and
with very short erect hairs; prothorax beneath with a few coarse punc-
tures in front; abdomen and sides of metasternum sparsely punctulate;
hind tibia? with short broad spatuliform spurs. Length 8.5 mm. Cali-
fornia (San Joaquin Valley).
The author states that he is disposed to regard the peculiar forma-
tion of the hind tibial spurs as specific, because he had before him
two perfectly similar specimens, both females. The characters
given fit those of brevisetosus very well, that species being founded
upon a single male, which however has perfectly normal and slender,
finely pointed hind tibial spurs; as there is no trace of dense hairs
on the under surface of the middle tarsi, it cannot be obtusus Lee.
It would be interesting to observe the male of immanis.
The following species is also unknown, beyond the unique type
in the Dejean collection; the description is curtailed from that of
Dejean :
D. brunneus Dej. (Harpalus] — Oblong-ovate, subparallel, sub-
pubescent, nigro-piceous, the antennae and legs rufous; head and prothorax
deeply punctate, the prothorax subquadrate, slightly narrowed posteriorly,
the hind angles right; elytra striate, the intervals with two lines of im-
pressed punctures; hairs of the upper surface sparse and moderately long;
punctures of the head coarse and very dense; the prothorax is only a
little wider than long, feebly rounded at the sides, feebly narrowed
posteriorly and rather convex, having coarse deep punctures, which are
very dense and often coalescent; the punctures of the binary elytral
series are moderately close-set; there is but a single series on the sutural
interval and the ninth has numerous punctures placed without order.
Length (9)6 mm.; width 2 mm. California. Sent to Count Dejean
by Eschscholtz.
This is evidently different from any species known to me, but
may be placed just after decoloratus at the end of the table; it
differs profoundly from that species in the very small size, slender
form and dense or coalescent punctures of the pronotum. That
it belongs to the piceus, rather than the dilatatus, section of the
genus, I think is sufficiently evident because of the laterally feebly
rounded and but slightly basally narrowed prothorax. It certainly
cannot be allied in any way closely with angulatus, where the
thoracic punctures are sparse and the size much larger. It is a
very interesting species that it is hoped may be rediscovered in the
course of time.
Anadaptus n. gen.
The body here is more or less narrowly elongate-suboval, strongly
convex, with cordiform prothorax, having the basal angles sharply
marked as a rule and the elytral striae deeply impressed, except in
some of the Pacific species, where the striae are feebler and the
strial intervals more or less punctate, never serially however as in
Dicheirus but confusedly over their entire breadth. The ligula is
moderately wide, gradually and only slightly broadening to the
apex, the paraglossae with the outer part of the apex prolonged and
sometimes curling inward. The species have a peculiar habitus
which indicates at a glance that they constitute a genus different
from Anisodactyhis, where they have been assigned hitherto; I
have but little doubt that the genus is desirable in the present state
of taxonomy and therefore valid. The species are moderately
numerous, those known thus far being the following:
Elytral intervals not alternately punctate; body partially pale in color,
never metallic in lustre 2
Elytral intervals alternately punctured throughout their width; body
entirely dark in color, with more or less obvious metallic lustre. . .5
2 — Epistoma with a single puncture at each angle 3
Epistoma with two or three punctures at each anterior angle 4
3 — Form ( 9 ) oblong-oval, only moderately convex, black above and
beneath, excepting the elytra, the fine thoracic margins diaphanously
pale; femora blackish, the tibiae, tarsi and epipleura testaceous;
head rather short, fully two-thirds as wide as the prothorax, with
prominent eyes, outwardly arcuate lineiform foveae and rather short
blackish, though basally pale, antennae; surface smooth, punctured
at the sides basally; prothorax a third wider than long, the sides
broadly rounded, moderately converging and just visibly sinuate
basally; apex broadly sinuate, equal to the base, which is transverse,
becoming arcuate between the end of the foveae and the angles, which
are somewhat obtuse but sharply marked and as a rule minutely
subprominent; surface very smooth and polished, with rather fine
but deep entire stria and finely reflexed side margins from apex to
base, the foveae elongate, lineiform but broadly and very deeply
impressed and finely, densely punctulate, the surface between them
and the sides narrow and strongly convex; elytra oblong-oval,
two-fifths longer than wide, a third wider than the prothorax, with
parallel arcuate sides and obtuse apex, the sinus short but rather deep ;
surface opaculate, pale tawny yellow, with a large common blackish
cloud, the striae fine, the scutellar long, the intervals flat, bearing
some short hairs laterally and apically, the punctulation however not
distinct; abdomen with some scattered fine punctulation toward
base of each segment except the last; basal joint of the hind tarsi
much shorter than the fifth. Length (9 ) 9.2-10.2 mm.; width 3.7-
4.0 mm. Utah (Provo), — YVickham. Four examples.
nivalis Horn
Form much narrower, rather more convex, small in size, black throughout
above and beneath, the legs black, the elytra and epipleura uniform
pale red-brown; head nearly as in the preceding but smaller; maxillary
palpi black, with pallid apex; antenna? rather short and stout, black,
with pale basal joint; prothorax two-fifths wider than long, nearly
as in nivalis throughout, except that the base is rectilinearly trans-
verse throughout, the sides posteriorly more sinuate, the basal
angles accurately right and sharply marked but not prominent and
the extremely deep basal fovese shorter and more rugose; elytra
nearly one-half longer than wide and a fourth wider than the pro-
thorax, obtuse at apex, parallel, the sides but slightly arcuate; sinus
very feeble though evident; surface with a few short hairs along the
sides and at apex, the striae not very fine, rather deep, the scutellar
long, the intervals feebly convex, alternating very slightly in width,
the discal puncture at apical third; metasternum finely but distinctly,
rather closely punctured laterally; abdomen without evident punctu-
lation, except the usual post-c:>xal; hind tarsi with the basal joint
but little shorter than the fifth. Length (cf ) 8.0 mm.; width 3.0 mm.
California parvulus n. sp.
4 — Body larger, oblong-suboval, strongly convex and very shining
throughout in both sexes, black above and beneath, the sides of the
pronotum, rather broadly and sharply, and all but a broad sutural
feebly defined black region on the elytra attaining the base, pale
testaceous, the epipleura, entire legs and antennae testaceous; head
with a nubilous red spot, smooth, impunctate, with prominent eyes
and slender antennae, the foveae rather coarse, very deep, somewhat
irregular; mandibles bright rufous, black apically; prothorax not
quite one-half wider than the head, not quite one-half wider than
long, the sides broadly rounded anteriorly, rather strongly converging
and feebly sinuate basally, the angles somewhat more than right,
very sharply marked and minutely subprominent; apex broadly and
moderately sinuate, somewhat wider than the base; surface with
very minute punctulation apically and stronger punctures through-
out basally, finer and sparser medially but rather coarse and dense
in the foveae, which are less abruptly linear and not so deep as in
the two preceding, the surface laterally only feebly convex, the
marginal gutter rather coarse, deep and even throughout the length,
the stria distinct and subenttre; elytra fully one-half longer than
wide and a fourth wider than the prothorax, parallel, with feebly
arcuate sides and obtuse apex, the sinus short and rather deep,
rendered very distinct by the obtuse prominence limiting it anteriorly ;
surface glabrous throughout, rather finely but very deeply striate,
the sutural stria long and deep; intervals strongly convex, the discal
puncture strong and deep, at three-fifths; abdomen with but few
fine punctures medially; hind tarsi stout, feebly tapering, the basal
joint unusually thick (9), much shorter than the fifth. Length
(cT 9 ) 10.2-12.0 mm.; width 4.0-4.6 mm. Pennsylvania to Wiscon-
sin and Missouri. Abundant discoideus Dej.
Body much smaller though otherwise nearly similar, except that the pale
lateral part of the pronotum is limited to the diaphanous reflexed
margin and the cloud-like darker area of the elytra broader and
not approaching the base, sometimes extremely faint and nubilous;
lustre shining (cf) or with the elytra subalutaceous (9); head
nearly as in the preceding, except that the eyes are less prominent,
the fovese rather more elongate and outwardly arcuate and the
antennae fusco-testaceous, with two basal joints paler; prothorax as
in discoideus throughout, except that there are numerous wavy
transverse rugulae, the basal punctures finer, the apical even more
obsolete, the latero-basal surface more convex and the basal angles
not quite so sharply marked and not at all prominent; elytra two-
fifths longer than wide, about a fifth wider than the prothorax, the
parallel sides evidently arcuate, the apex obtuse, the sinus only very
feeble though evident; striae fine, feebly impressed, the intervals
feebly convex, with a few very minute hairs apically, the puncture
similarly at three-fifths; abdomen with few basal and subbasal
punctules medially; hind tarsi nearly as in discoideus. Length (c? 9 )
8.8-10.0 mm.; width 3.4-3.9 mm. Rhode Island to Iowa. [A.
sanctcccnicis Fabr.?] baltimorensis Say
5 — Punctures of the alternate intervals confined to the apical part of
the elytra; form nearly as in the preceding but rather more convex,
dark in color, the upper surface with metallic lustre varying from
violaceous to greenish, the under surface and legs piceous; prothorax
nearly as in baltimorensis but less transverse, more convex and with
the basal regions less punctured; elytra also similar in general form
but more parallel, the striae fine; intervals flat, 2—4—6 distinctly
punctured at apex. Length 8.5-9.5 mm. Colorado to California
and Oregon. Apparently not common pitychrous Lee.
Punctures of the alternate intervals extending with equal density and
distinctness from apex to base; body elongate-suboval, strongly
convex, shining, the elytra ( 9 ) but very feebly alutaceous, deep
black throughout, the elytra generally with feeble greenish or
greenish-brassy lustre; head rather more than two-thirds as wide
as the prothorax, with only moderately prominent eyes and rather
fine, outwardly arcuate foveae, the surface smooth though with
numerous punctures broadly toward the posterior part of the eyes
and a few scattered near the foveae; antennae slender, piceous, paler
basally; prothorax a third wider than long, the sides obtusely sub-
prominent near the middle, thence feebly arcuate and subparallel
anteriorly, moderately converging and feebly sinuate in basal half,
the base transverse, about as wide as the feebly sinuate apex; basal
angles slightly obtuse, moderately sharply denned or subprominent;
surface with rather coarse and sparse punctures apically and basally,
the foveae acutely linear and deep along the bottom but broadly
impressed and strongly, densely punctate and rugose; elytra nearly
one-half longer than wide and fully a fourth wider than the prothorax,
parallel, with feebly arcuate sides and obtuse apex, the sinus notably
deep and strongly defined externally; surface with small sparse hairs
arising from the punctures of the alternate intervals, the latter flat,
the smoother intervals feebly convex and frequently with a few
irregular punctures posteriorly, the discal puncture small, at two-
thirds; abdomen with numerous fine punctures toward the bases of
the segments; hind tarsi filiform, rather slender, the first joint about
as long as the fifth. Length (cf 9 ) 8.8-10.7 mm.; width 3.2-4.0
mm. Northern California. Twelve examples. [A. sublcevis Mots.,
alternans Lee., Harpalus alternans Mots.?, A. viridescens Lee., nidis
Lee. and lecontei G. and H., fide Horn] porosus Mots.
A — Similar to porosus but brassy above and with the punctulation of
the alternate elytral intervals less close-set. Length 9.2 mm.
New Mexico (Sante Fe). [A. chalceus Lee.] chalceus Lee.
As may be noted, the species are arranged in accordance with
primary characters selected by Dr. Horn in the paper previously
mentioned. I have identified nivalis from description and do not
have the male, but my material in all probability represents that
species correctly, although there is reason to believe that the author
included more than one in his diagnosis; the above outline of
pitychrous Lee., is also drawn from that given by Horn.
This is one of the most interesting genera of the Anisodactylini
and the outward suggestion of Daptns may not be so very fanciful
after all, for the hind tarsi in discoideus are remarkably thick at
base and taper gradually, very much as they do in Geopinus — this
being another instance of the parallelisms that constantly recur
throughout the Harpalinae; — the tapering hind tarsi recall Geopinus
at one end and Agonoderus near the other end of the series, as here
arranged; in every other genus throughout the subfamily the hind
tarsi are filiform.
Stilbolidus n. gen.
The species of this genus have given rise to some divergence of
opinion, Bates assigning the type to Anisotarsus, while Horn main-
tained that it would be better placed in Anisodactylus . The
former author came the closer to the real affinities involved but, as
there are wide departures from both Anisotarsus and Anisodactylus,
the best solution seems to be the erection of a distinct genus for
the Harpalus mexicanus of Dejean and one or two allied species.
The mentum is definitely and distinctly toothed as in Anisotarsus,
the ligula long, slender, gradually but very feebly enlarged apically
and not quite so long as the larger and very broad, apically very
broadly obtuse, paraglossse. The labial palpi are thick, with the
third joint barely at all shorter than the second and rather rapidly,
obtusely acuminate at tip. The terminal spur of the anterior tibiae
is very slender and perfectly simple, and the hind tarsi are rather
short, pubescent above, with the basal joint shorter than the next
two, though distinctly longer than the fifth, which is unusually
short. It will be noticed that this formation of the anterior spur
and hind tarsi is very different from the corresponding characters
in Anisodactylus, which, in conjunction with the broad obtuse
paraglossae and the mentum tooth, shows that the species cannot
properly be placed in that genus, although more closely resembling
it to external view and in its compact robust form, than it does
any other genus of the tribe. Stilbolidus is very distinct also in
having no trace of the usual discal puncture of the elytra, the
presence of this puncture being an exceedingly constant character
in the Anisodactylini, as stated under Anisodactylus, and its absence
in lodingi Schf., is an extraordinary exception to the general rule.
There seem to be three species at hand as follows:
Body much stouter in build and larger in size, the elytral intervals feebly
convex in both sexes, polished (cf) or strongly alutaceous (9).
Color deep black throughout, the tarsi piceous, the antennae blackish
throughout; lustre (cT) very highly polished and distinctly violaceous
throughout above, or ( 9 ) similar but scarcely at all violaceous and
with the duller elytra deep black; head three-fifths as wide as the
prothorax, with well developed prominent eyes and rather large,
very deep fovese, the surface impunctate, very smooth throughout
(cf) or rugose anteriorly (9 ); prothorax transverse, more than one-
half wider than long, the sides moderately rounded, feebly converging
and becoming just visibly sinuate basally, the angles slightly obtuse
but very sharply marked and minutely subprominent; base trans-
verse, slightly wider than the very feebly sinuate apex; surface very
smooth and without any sort of sculpture throughout, finely reflexed
but with a rather thick bead at the sides, the stria very fine and
feeble; foveae small, subelongate, feebly impressed and smooth;
elytra one-half longer than wide, not evidently wider than the
prothorax (cf), or a little wider ( 9 ), ogival behind, the oblique sinus
long and very feeble, almost completely obsolete; striae rather fine
but sharply defined, the scutellar long; intervals 3-5-7 at apex each
with two or three punctures as in Triplectrus; abdomen with fine
sparse punctulation behind the coxae; hind tarsi with the first three
joints decreasing uniformly and rather rapidly in length, the first
equal in length to the fifth. Length (c? 9) 13.0-14.0 mm.; width
5.0-5.5 mm. Mexico (Guadalajara) *aztecanus n. sp.
Body relatively much more slender and smaller in size 2
2- — Elytral sinus long and extremely feeble, almost obsolete, the surface
never with more than an excessively feeble violaceous lustre, deep
black, highly polished throughout (c?1), the elytra (9) with a very
perceptible alutaceous lustre; head nearly as in the preceding but with
longer neck, less developed eyes and smaller foveae; prothorax much
less transverse, two-fifths (cf1) to three-sevenths (9) wider than
long, in outline, surface and angles nearly similar but with the foveae
less linear, broader, still feebler and more diffuse; elytra fully one-
half longer than wide, distinctly (cf) to fully a fifth (9 ) wider than
the prothorax, the striae fine; intervals almost perfectly flat through-
out in both sexes, 5 and 7 with apical series of a few punctures;
marginal line of foveae similarly irregular and not medially inter-
rupted; hind tarsi more elongate and much more slender than in
aztecanus. Length (cf 9 ) n.6 mm.; width 4.6 mm. Arizona
(southern — Morrison; also in the Chiricahua Mts.). [Anisodactylus
arizonce Csy.] arizonae Csy.
Elytral sinus not quite so long and less shallow, rather feeble but much
more distinct than in either of the preceding; body nearly as in
arizonce but still more slender, with the very polished metallic lustre
of the upper surface strongly violaceous,_the elytra only just visibly
less shining in the female than in the male; head and prothorax
nearly as in arizonce, the elytra also similar in general form and pro-
portion but more gradually narrowed behind from nearer the middle,
the apex more acutely ogival and the sinus deeper; striae similarly
fine but somewhat more impressed, the intervals feebly convex
externally, gradually more convex suturally, in a manner observable
to only a very feeble degree in arizonce; hind tarsi nearly as in the
latter, longer and more slender than in aztecanus. Length (cf 9 )
11.3-11.8 mm.; width 4.3-4.5 mm. Mexico (Durango — near the
city), — Wickham. Four examples. [Harpalus mexicanus Dej.j.
*mexicanus Dej.
The species are very much alike in general features throughout,
but closer observation reveals a number of structural differences
relating to size, form, tarsal structure and modifications of the
elytral sinus. It is probable that Anisotarsns lamprotus Bates,
also belongs to this genus.
Anisotarsus Chd.
Eurytrichus Lee.
This is one of the most distinctly isolated genera of the tribe,
not only in habitus, due to the elongate-oval outline, Calathus-\ike
form and thinness of the integuments, but in the structure of the
mouth-parts. The mentum is distinctly and angularly toothed,
the ligula slender, scarcely enlarged at apex and usually very much
shorter than the paraglossae, the lobes of the latter long and evenly
but not broadly rounded at tip. The second and third joints of the
labial palpi are subequal in length. The terminal spur of the
anterior tibiae is slender and simple and the hind tarsi are slender,
subglabrous above, with the basal joint about as long as the next
two combined and longer than the fifth as a rule. The sterna and
abdomen are almost completely impunctate. There is constantly a
single discal elytral puncture, which is more posterior in position
than usual, but there is no other distinct punctuation, excepting the
uninterrupted marginal line of large and small fovese. The species
are decidedly numerous, those known at present from our fauna
being as follows:
Body notably large in size. Color deep black throughout, without trace
of metallic reflection, the tarsi piceous or paler; lateral edge of the
pronotum slightly pale diaphanously ; lustre shining, the elytra just
visibly (cf) or strongly (9) alutaceous; head three-fifths as wide
as the prothorax, with rather large and prominent eyes, smooth, the
foveae minute and sublinear; palpi slender; antennae slender, tes-
taceous, the three basal joints partially blackish; prothorax two-
fifths wider than long, the sides broadly and almost evenly rounded,
a little less arcuate basally; apex moderately sinuate, much narrower
than the base, which is transverse medially, broadly and feebly
arcuate laterally, the angles obtuse, well defined and only finely
blunt at their apices; surface subeven, impunctate throughout, the
lateral gutter rather coarse, disappearing near basal third, the foveae
very shallow and somewhat vague, opaculate or rugulose but not
punctate, the stria short, fine; elytra rather more than one-half
longer than wide, fully a fourth wider than the prothorax, parallel,
with rounded sides and, as usual, basally unexposed humeri, the
apex gradually obtusely ogival, the sinus shallow but evident; striae
very fine, the scutellar long; intervals perfectly flat, the discal
puncture behind apical fourth. Length (cf 9 ) 11.0-12.7 mm.;
width 4.3-5.0 mm. Texas (El Paso) and Arizona. Abundant also
throughout northern Mexico. The generic type of Anisotarsus.
brevicollis Chd.
Body much smaller, seldom at all over 10 mm. in length 2
T. L. Casey, Mem. Col. V, Oct. 1914.
2 — Elytra without pronounced greenish metallic lustre, even ia the male . 3
Elytra with greenish metallic lustre, at least in the male 8
3 — Body uniformly piceous or black in color when mature 4
Body pale testaceous, the elytra piceous-brown 7
4 — Species of the Atlantic and Gulf regions 5
Species of the Sonoran regions 6
5 — Form rather stout, oblong-suboval, only modeiately convex, piceous-
black, the legs more or less pale rufous; lustre very strongly shining,
the elytra not evidently alutaceous even in the female, though the
micro-reticulation is feebly evident in both sexes; basal and lateral
parts of the pronotum diaphanously paler; head about half as wide as
the prothorax, with notably prominent eyes, the antennae slender
pale testaceous, the fovese very small; prothorax transverse, three-
fifths wider than long, the sides broadly and almost evenly arcuate,
gradually converging anteriorly from behind the middle; apex very
feebly sinuate, three-fourths as wide as the base, which is transverse
throughout, with the angles slightly obtuse, having the tips narrowly
blunt; surface very smooth, impunctate, narrowly deplanate at the
sides, rapidly more widely posteriorly, curving inward and disappear-
ing near basal third, the foveae elongate, broadly sublinear and feebly
impressed, sometimes with excessively minute and sparse surround-
ing punctulation; elytra one-half longer than wide, just visibly wider
than the prothorax, feebly arcuate at the sides, gradually sharply
ogival behind, the sinus very oblique, long and extremely feeble;
striae fine, the intervals nearly flat, the discal puncture near pos-
terior fifth; basal joint of the hind tarsi unusually short, not as
long as the next two combined and about as long as the fifth. Length
(cf 9 ) 9.5-10.8 mm.; width 3.8-4.2 mm. District of Columbia.
[Anisodactylus sayi Blatch.]. . . . '. piceus Lee.
Form much more abbreviated, rather more convex and smaller in size,
deeper black, piceous beneath, the entire legs and slender antennae
pale testaceous; sides of the pronotum only feebly diaphanous at the
edges; lustre shining, the elytra (9) scarcely at all duller; head
barely more than half as wide as the prothorax, with moderate but
prominent eyes and extremely minute punctiform fovese, lying within
feeble vague impressions; prothorax one-half wider than long, the
cides subevenly and rather strongly arcuate; apex feebly sinuate,
with broadly rounded angles and much narrower than the base,
which is transverse, with the angles rather broadly obtuse but only
blunt at the tips; surface throughout nearly as in piceus, except
that the foveae are broader, still more feeble and very vague, the
stria excessively fine, incomplete; elytra unusually short, only about
two-fifths longer than wide, oblong, with rather strongly arcuate
sides and rapidly obtusely ogival apex, fully a fifth wider than the
prothorax, the sinus feeble but distinct; striae fine, somewhat im-
pressed, the intervals feebly convex in both sexes, the puncture at
apical fifth; hind tarsi very slender, the basal joint as long as the
next two and slightly longer than the fifth. Length (cf 9 ) 8.8-9.0
mm.; width 3.7-3.8 mm. Texas (Galveston). Five examples.
convexulus n. sp.
Form broader, more oblong, not quite so convex, deep black, the fine
reflexed thoracic margins slightly pallid; under surface piceous; legs
and rather long slender antennae pale testaceous; lustre shining, the
elytra (9 ) just visibly alutaceous and sometimes with a very feeble
violet-blue tinge, never observable in the preceding; head slightly
larger, with somewhat larger and notably more prominent eye-, the
foveae very small and feeble; prothorax nearly as in the preceding
but slightly more transverse and with still more blunt and perceptibly
rounded basal angles; foveae extremely faint and vague, not in the
least lineiform; elytra rather short, less rounded at the sides than
in convexnlns, obtusely ogival at apex, with rather strong sinus, a
fifth wider than the prothorax; striae very fine, much finer than in
the preceding, with the intervals perfectly flat, though becoming
very faintly convex suturally. Length (cf 9 ) 9.0-9.3 mm.; width
3.8-4.0 mm. Texas (Galveston and westward nearly to El Paso).
Five examples. Probably allied closely to purpurascens Bates.
inaudax n. sp.
Form only moderately elongate and convex, the size still much smaller,
black or slightly piceous, the fine peripheral bead of the pronotum
diaphanously pale; under surface piceous; legs testaceous, the
femora somewhat paler than the tibiae and tarsi; antennae and palpi
slender and pale testaceous; lustre strongly shining throughout in
both sexes; head moderate, rather elongate, the eyes moderate in size
and prominence; foveae excessively minute, almost obsolete; epi-
stoma with a single angular puncture as usual; prothorax one-half
wider than long, the sides unusually parallel, evenly and rather
strongly arcuate; apex very moderately sinuate, evidently narrower
than the base, which is transverse, with the angles obtuse and narrowly
rounded; surface nearly as in the preceding, except that the marginal
line is very narrow, extremely feebly defined, not deplanate and
disappears somewhat behind the middle; median stria very much
stronger than in any of the preceding, extending from base to apical
third, where it meet.- the very feeble angulate transverse impression;
foveae rather finely sublinear but so feeble as to be barely traceable;
elytra nearly a in convexuhis, about a fifth wider than the prothorax,
with distinct sinus and fine striae; intervals similar in the sexes, flat,
becoming faintly convex suturad, slightly convex on the declivity,
there much more narrowed and more convex than in any of the
preceding; hind tarsi very slender, the basal joint much longer than
the fifth. Length (cf 9 ) 7.4-7.7. mm. ; width 3.0-3.2 mm. Missouri
(St Louis) and Texas. Apparently not common. [Harpalus agilis
Dej.] agilis Dej.
6 — Body oblong-suboval, moderately convex, nearly as in inaudax but
more elongate, more obtuse at apex and with shorter and deeper
sinus, piceous-black, the elytra deeper blue-black, the sides of the
pronotum d'aphanously paler; slender antennae and legs testaceous;
head as in inaudax but with deeper foveae, lying within deeper
impressions, the eyes similarly well developed and prominent; pro-
thorax similar, except that the basal foveae are long and finely linear
though feeble, not broadly and vaguely impressed; elytra longer,
rather more than one-half longer than wide, only a little wider than
the prothorax, parallel, with broadly arcuate sides and obtusely
ogival apex, the sinus rather short and very distinct; striae very fine,
the scutellar long, the intervals perfectly flat, becoming feebly convex
suturad, rather strongly sericeo-alutaceous in the female, the discal
puncture at apical fourth. Length (9) 9-8 mm.; width 3.8 mm.
California (Los Angeles Co.) extraneus n. sp.
Body narrower and more oval than in extraneiis, very moderately convex,
shining, the elytra (9 ) very feebly alutaceous; color piceous-brown,
the elytra but little darker than the anterior parts; under surface
more rufous; slender antennae and the legs pale testaceous; head
three-fifths as wide as the prothorax, with rather constricted neck,
prominent eyes and minute feeble foveae, also usually having a minute
punctiform impression at the centre of the vertex; prothorax one-half
wider than long, truncate at base, sinuato-truncate and slightly
narrowed at apex, the sides rounded, somewhat straighter basally,
the basal angles obtuse, with their apices blunt; surface impunctate,
feebly subdepressed latero-basally and with feeble reflexed edges,
broadening and disappearing gradually behind the middle, nowhere
at all abruptly defined, the foveae short, sublinear but very broadly
and feebly impressed, the median stria short and feeble; elytra one-
half longer than wide, with distinctly arcuate sides and obtusely
ogival apex, almost a third wider than the prothorax, the sinus very
distinct; striae very fine, the intervals flat, sometimes feebly convex
suturad; hind tarsi slender, the basal joint not as long as the next
two and equal to the fifth. Length (cf 9 ) 8.8-9.4 rnm.; width 3.6-
3.7 mm. Arizona (probably southern) calathoides n. sp.
7 — Form somewhat as in the preceding but narrower and still more
Calathus-\ike, pale testaceous in color throughout, the elytra rather
pale piceous-brown; surface shining throughout (cf), the elytra
feebly opaculate (9 ); head nearly as in the preceding but somewhat
smaller, the antennae still longer and more slender; foveae very minute,
scarcely visible; prothorax two-fifths (cf ) to slightly more (9 ) wider
than long, the apex sinuato-truncate and much narrower than the
base, the sides rather strongly, subevenly rounded throughout, the
margin narrowly deplanate anteriorly, gradually becoming rather
broadly so basally and somewhat abruptly defined throughout, the
foveae extremely feebly impressed, not linear, the stria short, medial
and feeble; elytra more than one-half longer than wide, nearly a
fourth wider than the prothorax, the sides broadly arcuate; sinus
very shallow and obsolescent; striae very fine but distinct, the inter-
vals flat ( 9 ) or feebly convex (cf ); hind tarsi very slender, the first
three joints decreasing uniformly and rapidly in length, the first
somewhat longer than the fifth. Length (cf 9 ) 8.0-9.3 mm.;
width 3.2-3.5 mm. Indiana and Wisconsin. [Ilarpahis testaceus
Hald.] testaceus Hald.
8 — Head small, never more than slightly exceeding half the width of the
prothorax 9
Head notably large, about three-fourths as wide as the prothorax. ... 12
9 — Sides of the prothorax more or less distinctly deplanate 10
Sides not at all deplanate; body very small in size II
10 — Form oblong-oval, moderately convex, piceous above and beneath,
the legs and the slender antennae testaceous; elytra black, with
greenish lustre, strongly shining (cf) or alutaceous (9); head with
well developed prominent eyes and fine foveae, the antennae not
quite half as long as the body; prothorax about one-half wider than
long, the sides nearly parallel and feebly arcuate to beyond the
middle, then rounding to the apex, which is sinuato-truncate and
much narrower than the transverse base, the basal angles nearly
right but distinctly though narrowly rounded; surface wholly devoid
of sculpture, rather coarsely concavo-explanate at the sides, rapidly
more broadly and flatly posteriorly, curving inward nearly to the
feeble and very vague foveae, diaphanously pale throughout; an-
terior angulate transverse impression rather distinct, the stria thence
nearly to the base very fine; elytra more than one-half longer than
wide and three times as long as the prothorax, a third wider than
the latter, obtusely ogival at apex, the sides arcuate; sinus feeble
but evident; striae fine but distinct, the scutellar long; intervals
nearly flat, feebly convex suturad, the discal puncture near apical
fourth to fifth; basal joint of the hind tarsi as long as the next two
and longer than the fifth. Length (cf 9 ) 7.8-9.0 mm.; width 2.9-
3.8 mm. New York to North Carolina and westward to Iowa and
Missouri. Very abundant terminatus Say
Form more elongate, larger in size, black, with diaphanous thoracic edges,
the elytra rather more obscure greenish-metallic, the lustre in both
sexes as in the preceding; under surface piceous-black, the legs and
antennae bright testaceous; head nearly as in terminatus, the antennae
relatively not so long though rather slender, the median line of the
flattened sides of the joints blackish; prothorax one-half wider than
long to a little less (cf), the sides moderately arcuate and subevenly
so from base to apex, the latter distinctly sinuate and three-fourths
as wide as the base, the basal angles but little more than right, nar-
rowly though distinctly rounded; surface impunctate but somewhat
alutaceous basally, the deplanate margin much less abruptly defined
than in terminatus, narrower and becoming extinct near basal third,
the foveae rather large but extremely feeble and vague; stria exces-
sively fine; elytra three-fifths longer than wide and more than three
times as long as the prothorax, fully a fourth wider than the latter,
parallel, with distinctly arcuate sides, the apex, striae and intervals
somewhat as in terminatus, the puncture about at apical fifth; hind
tarsi nearly similar. Length (cf 9 ) 8.8-10.0 mm.; width 3.5-4.0
mm. Texas (Austin). Twelve examples, taken by the writer.
subvirens n. sp.
Form more oblong, much smaller in size, moderately convex, black, the
thoracic bead diaphanous; elytra (c?) shining and with distinct
metallic green lustre; under surface piceous-black, the legs pale
testaceous, the antennae as in the preceding; head with moderately
large and prominent eyes and very small indistinct foveae; prothorax
fully one-half wider than long, the sides broadly rounded, rather
more so and converging apically, the apex distinctly sinuate, much
narrower than the base, the basal angles evidently more than right,
with their tips finely blunt; surface smooth and impunctate, finely
subdeplanate laterad anteriorly, gradually somewhat more broadly
posteriorly, the slope disappearing, curving inward, near basal third,
everywhere feebly defined and not flat, the region near the angles
rather flattened as usual; foveae large, somewhat elongate, more
deeply impressed than usual though not well defined, the stria almost
obsolete; elytra one-half longer than wide, gradually arcuately
narrowing and ogival behind about the middle, only about a sixth
wider than the prothorax, with feebly arcuate sides, the sinus feeble
though distinct; striae fine, the intervals feebly convex, notably so
suturad, the puncture near apical fifth; hind tarsi with the first
joint longer than the fifth. Length (cf) 7.8-8.0 mm. ; width 3.2 mm.
Florida. . floridanus n. sp.
ii — Body narrowly oblong-oval, moderately convex, black, shining, the
thoracic bead diaphanous; elytra somewhat obscure metallic-green
(cT), not distinctly so (9); under surface black, the legs pale tes-
taceous; head with very moderate and not very prominent eyes, the
foveae almost completely obsolete; antennae slender and testaceous,
moderate in length; prothorax not quite one-half wider than long,
the sides broadly rounded, a little less so posteriorly; apex distinctly
sinuate, evidently narrower than the base, which is transverse, with
the angles somewhat obtuse and with their tips narrowly rounded;
surface almost evenly and rather feebly convex from one finely
reflexed lateral edge to the other, impunctate, the foveae small but
sublinear, very feeble though evident; stria very fine from the sub-
obsolete angulate anterior impression to the base; elytra not quite
one-half longer than wide, less than a fourth wider than the prothorax,
parallel, with broadly arcuate sides and rapidly obtusely ogival
apex, the sinus broad and feeble though very distinct; striae very
fine but distinct, the scutellar oblique and very moderate in length;
intervals flat externally, feebly convex and with deeper striae suturad,
the puncture near apical fourth; tibiae and hind tarsi unusually
slender, the latter rather short, the basal joint distinctly shorter
than the next two and equal to the fifth; claws slender, not very
arcuate. Length (cf 9 ) 6.0-7.7 mm.; width 2.25-2.95 mm. North
Carolina (Asheville). Six examples, taken by the writer.
delicatus n. sp.
12 — Form elongate-suboval, moderately convex, very shining, black, the
thoracic edge and elytral suture paler, the lustre bright greenish-
metallic, a little brighter on the elytra, the under surface blackish-
piceous; legs and moderately slender antennae testaceous; head
smooth, the foveae excessively minute, lineiform, the eyes very
moderate in size and prominence; prothorax fully one-half wider than
long, the sides rounded anteriorly, slightly oblique and nearly straight
in about basal half; apex evidently sinuate and but little narrower
than the base, which is transverse, minutely beaded as usual, the
angles notably obtuse but very distinct, their apices only finely
blunt; surface subevenly and very feebly convex from side to side
and everywhere with excessively minute sparse punctulation,
observable only with difficulty, without a marginal gutter," the edge
very finely and evenly reflexed throughout the length; fovese obsolete;
anterior transverse' impression evident but feeble; stria fine but
distinct, subentire; elytra less than one-half longer than wide, at the
middle a fifth wider than the prothorax, the sides evenly, distinctly
arcuate; apex rapidly obtusely ogival, the sinus feeble though evi-
dent; stria? very fine though distinct, rapidly coarser at apex, the
scutellar rather long but oblique; intervals (9 ) flat, shining, though
with visible micro-reticulation and with excessively minute sparse
punctulation throughout; foveae of the lateral line coarse, interrupted
for a short distance medially; discal puncture behind apical fifth;
hind tarsi rather slender, the basal joint fully as long as the next two,
the second very nearly as long as the fifth, which is unusually short;
claws very small. Length (9) 8.0 mm.; width 3.0 mm.- Florida
(without further indication) cephalus n. sp.
Form subsimilar, even less convex and more parallel, piceous, with strong
metallic-green lustre above, pale brown beneath, the legs and antennae
still paler testaceous; integuments very strongly shining throughout
in both sexes; head nearly as in the preceding but relatively broader,
the antennae similar, extending slightly behind the thoracic base,
the foveae obsolete ; prothorax even shorter and more transverse, the
sides more evenly rounded, becoming only a little less arcuate and
nearer the base, the basal angles rather less obtuse but with their
apices blunter or narrowly rounded; apex similarly sinuate and sub-
equal to the base; surface nearly similar but even more depressed,
the transverse impression less visible, the extremely minute sparse
punctulation barely discoverable; foveae similarly almost completely
obsolete; elytra slightly more elongate, more rapidly and broadly
obtuse at apex, parallel, with more feebly arcuate sides and relatively
narrower, barely visibly wider than the prothorax, the sinus similar;
surface similar, except that the striae are extremely fine, much finer
even than in cephalus and relatively coarser on the declivity; intervals
perfectly flat, the minute punctulation just visible (cf), almost ob-
solete (9 ), the discal puncture at apical fifth in the former sex, at
apical sixth in the latter; hind tarsi similarly rather short and even
somewhat more slender, the first joint as long as the next two, the
second not as long as the fifth. Length (cf 9 ) 7.3-8.0 mm.; width
2.8-2.9 rnm. Florida (Lake Worth), — Kinzel tenuitarsis n. sp.
Testaceus Hald., seems to be specifically different from terminates
and I have therefore reinstated it; the very pale coloration is appar-
ently constant and is not accompanied by the desiccatory distortion
usual in cases of immaturity, although the integuments are very
thin even for the present genus. There are several species that
I am unable to recognize among my material ; these are as follows,
with characters drawn from available descriptions:
A. maculicornis Chd. (Harpalus). — Oblong, black, shining; pro-
thorax one-half wider than long, slightly narrowed anteriorly, the sides
moderately rounded, broadly subdepressed posteriorly, the hind angles
obtuse; base feebly impressed at each side; elytra striate, the intervals
barely convex, the third unipunctate posteriorly; antennae and palpi
rufous, the former with joints 2-6 more or less nigrescent. Length 14.5
mm. Louisiana.
The characters are taken from LeConte's description (Tr. Am.
Phil. Soc., 1853, p. 384); the only one mentioned which is of any
great comparative value is the size of the body, and this indicates
that the species should be placed next to brevicollis Chd., in the
above table.
A. nitidipennis Lee. — Oblong, rather narrower than agilis, shining,
obscure viridi-aeneous, the head and prothorax more obscure; head two-
thirds as wide as the prothorax, smooth, the frontal impressions puncti-
form; antennae with the three basal joints rufo-testaceous, the remainder
maculate with brown; prothorax somewhat narrowed behind, fully
one-half wider than long, quadrate, truncate at apex and base, the sides
rounded; hind angles obtuse, not rounded, scarcely explanate; surface
somewhat convex, the margin depressed; anterior transverse impression
deep, angulate, the stria fine, biabbreviated, the foveee linear; elytra
parallel, the apices only slightly sinuate, striate, the intervals accurately
flat, the third unipunctate, the marginal series of foveae interrupted
medially; under surface black, the legs and trochanters rufous. Length
7.5 mm.; width 2.8 mm. Georgia. A single specimen.
There can be but little doubt that this species belongs near
cephalus and tenuitarsis , which together form a very isolated
section of the genus, but in neither of them could the anterior
margin of the prothorax be described as truncate; the sinus is
distinct and well developed, though only moderately deep. The
coloration of the antennae, also, seems to be different; the joints
beyond the third in cephalus and tenuitarsis, have a faint blackish
slender line along the middle of the flattened sides, as is often the
case in other unrelated forms, but this would hardly suit the
language of the description. LeConte states that nitidipennis is
related to agilis, which is clearly not the case with the two species
A. flebilis Lee. (Eurytrichus). — Oblong, piceous-black, somewhat
shining; prothorax more than one-half wider than long, equally narrowed
anteriorly and posteriorly, the sides rounded, oblique posteriorly, the
hind angles obtuse, not at all rounded; surface feebly impressed at each
side of the base; elytra slightly wider than the prothorax, finely striate,
the second stria unipunctate posteriorly; antennae, palpi and legs piceo-
rufous. Length 8.8-10 mm. Lower California (Cape San Lucas).
Quite distinct from our other species by the form of the prothorax; the
sides behind are scarcely perceptibly flattened.
Probably related to calathoides, but the thoracic apex is much
narrower than the base in that species and not subequal in width
as might be inferred from the description of flebilis; this, when
considered in connection with the facts that the tip of Lower Cali-
fornia is in a somewhat different zoological region from Arizona and
the rest of the California Peninsula and that the species are some-
what numerous in the Sonoran regions, renders actual specific
identity in this case highly improbable.
Spongopus Lee.
This genus is also one of the more distinctly characterized
members of the Anisodactylini, having a facies entirely its own,
due to the short cordiform prothorax and large and very elongate
elytra, when compared with the anterior parts. It is allied closely
to Anisotarsus, but differs in the dense hard integuments among
other features. The mentum tooth is only moderate in size as in
Anisotarsus, but is triangular, clearly denned and constant. The
ligula is rather slender and is gradually and only very slightly
broader apically; the paraglossae are an extreme development of
forms frequently observed in the tribe, the outer part of the apex
being greatly prolonged into a slender process, extending far beyond
the tip of the ligula and with its apex somewhat curving inward.
The labial palpi are long and slender, the third joint but little
shorter than the second, which has many long bristling setae along
its anterior side as usual in the tribe. The terminal spur of the
anterior tibiae is long and very slender, but nevertheless has the
posterior side arcuate basally, while the anterior side is almost
perfectly straight. The hind tarsi are long, with some irregular
punctures and short hairs dorsally, the first joint about as long as
the next two and equal to the fifth, the claws strongly arcuate and
well developed. The elytra have a fine suffused punctulation, but
the abdomen is smooth, excepting the usual fine post-coxal punc-
tures. The type species may be known by the following characters:
Body above and beneath rather deep black, strongly shining throughout
above in both sexes, there being absolutely no apparent sexual
difference of any kind; legs and antennae rufo-testaceous; head
evidently more than half as wide as the prothorax, almost smooth,
with very prominent eyes and unusually large deep irregular foveae,
which have a ramus curving outwardly, generally almost to the eyes;
antennae long, rather slender; transverse red spot of the vertex
conspicuous;' prothorax fully one1half wider than long, strongly
rounded at the sides anteriorly, the sides gradually oblique and
straight posteriorly to the obtuse angles, which are sharply denned and
often minutely prominent; apex broadly and moderately sinuate and
subequal to the very feebly arcuate base, which is finely and strongly,
evenly beaded; surface moderately convex, smooth, with vestiges
of minute sparse punctulation throughout, rather broadly reflexed
and rugosely punctate at the sides, the gutter even in width from
apex to basal third where it disappears in the large concavo-ex-
planate latero-basal parts, which merge gradually into the large and
rather deep, rounded and coarsely, densely punctured fovese; the
median parts of the base are also depressed and distinctly punctured;
anterior impression distinct, rather closer to the apex than in
Anisotarsus; stria distinct and subentire; elytra oblong, parallel,
with feebly arcuate sides, rather more than one-half longer than wide
and a third wider than the prothorax, obtuse at apex, the sinus long
and distinct; striae strong and impressed, the scutellar very long;
intervals rather strongly convex throughout, the discal puncture
coarse and at three-fifths; suffused punctures dense near the sides,
where they bear minute hairs. Length (cf1 9 ) 12.8-13.5 mm.;
width 4.8-5.0 mm. North Carolina (Asheville), Iowa and Kansas.
verticalis Lee.
The genus Spongopus was considered as scarcely distinct from
Anisotarsus by Lacordaire, but it has an altogether different
habitus, as may be inferred from the description, and is without
much doubt a distinct genus.
The Central American Notiobia leiroides and parilis of Bates,
of which I have specimens from Honduras, almost exactly resemble
Spongopus verticalis in outline, facies and in the dense integuments,
but the eyes are larger and more conspicuous; the transverse cordi-
form prothorax is similar in the sharply marked hind angles, but
is without lateral or basal punctuation; the elytra are devoid of
all trace of diffused punctuation and the paraglossse are entirely
different in form, being broadly truncate at apex and not in the
least prolonged at the external apical angle. The mentum tooth
is well developed, much as in Spongopus. In a natural arrangement
Notiobia Perty, would therefore come between Anisotarsus and
Spongopus. The elytral striae in parilis are sulciform and are
especially deep along the summit of the lateral declivity.
The chief distinguishing characters of this tribe are the bisetose
second labio-palpal joint and the form of the frontal fovese; it
should be added also that the body is always small or very small
in size. The genera are numerous, perhaps more so when compared
with the known species than in most of the other tribes, indicating
an unusual amount of structural diversification ; for example, nearly
all the male tarsal modifications of all the preceding tribes occur
here, from the solidly pubescent A nisodactylus-\ike soles of Pel-
matelhis, through the biserially squamulose Harpalns-Yike develop-
ments seen in the Bradycellids and in Stenolophus, to the sexually
unmodified tarsi of Agonoderus, representing the Daptid type, and,
as in Geopinus of the Daptini, the hind tarsi in Agonoderus are of a
somewhat tapering form. There is comparatively little variety,
so far as observed, in the ligula and paraglossse, but the presence or
absence of a mentum tooth is taxonomically much more important
here than in the Harpalini and even somewhat more so than in the
Anisodactylini. The last joint of all the palpi is frequently more
subulate at apex than in the preceding tribes and the third joint of
the labial palpi is nearly always much longer than the second.
The essential differential characters distinguishing the genera
represented in the material at hand may be expressed briefly as
follows :
Mentum toothed, the anterior, at least, of the male tarsi moderately
dilated and squamulose beneath; hind tarsi always slender and fili-
form 2
Mentum not toothed; antennae with but two glabrous basal joints, as
usual in the subfamily 13
2 — Hind angles of the prothorax with a long erect seta as in Diachromus
of the preceding tribe 3
Hind angles without an erect seta 4
3 — Palpi long and slender, the second joint of the labial as long as the
third and with about three long setae; anterior tarsi (cf) broadly
dilated, the joints 2-4 transverse, clothed beneath with a loose but
rather uniform mixture of long hairs and hair-like squamae, the
middle tarsi slender, barely at all dilated and with a few squamae;
upper surface with uniform strong micro-pubiferous punctulation
throughout, the third and fifth strial intervals with widely spaced
series of slightly coarser punctures. Palaearctic regions.
Palpi all short and relatively stout, the second joint of the labial bisetose,
as usual in the tribe, and a little shorter than the third; anterior
tarsi (cf) feebly dilated, rather flattened, the joints subquadrate,
clothed uniformly and closely beneath joints 1-4 with slender sub-
decumbent squamules, which extend transversely from the median
line, the middle tarsi slender and unmodified; upper surface with
minute pubiferous punctulation marginally and sometimes through-
out the elytra, the latter with the usual single discal puncture and
without scutellar stria; body much smaller in size, inflated posteriorly
and with rather thin integuments. Nearctic and Palaearctic regions.
4 — Elytra without continuous striae, except the sutural, and without the
usual discal puncture; anterior tarsi (cf ) feebly dilated and indis-
tinctly squamulose beneath, the middle tarsi slender and unmodified;
integuments thick. Pacific regions Glycerius
Elytra each with nine uninterrupted and equal striae 5
5 — Anterior and middle tarsi (cf) rather strongly and subequally dilated,
the soles densely and uniformly clothed with subequal squamules
nearly as in the Anisodactylini; second and third labio-palpal joints
subequal, rather elongate; pronotum feebly beaded at base. Sonoran
and Mexican faunas Pelmatellus
Anterior and middle tarsi (cf) dilated though unequally, both distinctly
biserially squamose beneath as in Harpalini; labial palpi still longer,
with the second and third joints subequal; frontal foveae not much
prolonged; pronotum strongly beaded at base. Atlantic regions of
North America Episcopellus
Anterior and middle tarsi (cf ) dilated and strongly, biseriately squamose
beneath as in Episcopellus; labial palpi with the second joint much
shorter than the third; frontal foveae small, punctiform as in Harpal-
us, not obliquely prolonged; pronotum finely beaded at base, the
bead subentire; hind tarsi long and slender. South Africa.
Anterior tarsi (cf ) feebly dilated 01 swollen, feebly, biseriately squamu-
lose beneath, the middle tarsi slender and scarcely at all dilated
though feebly biseriately squamulose as a rule 6
6 — Antenna? with three basal joints glabrous, though sparsely setulose. . 7
Antennae with two or three glabrous joints; body much more slender in
form and of smaller size, the scutellar stria wholly wanting as a rule . 9
7 — Frontal foveae isolated, not obliquely prolonged toward the eyes.
Northwestern North America Tachycellus
Frontal foveaa linear and oblique as usual in the tribe and virtually
attaining the eyes; pronotum not basally beaded, except at the sides. 8
8 — Hind tarsi long. Nearctic regions Triliarthrus
Hind tarsi short though slender. Palaearctic regions *Bradycellus
9 — Pronotum not foveate or punctate basally and without trace of the
usual basal fovea of the elytra and, consequently, never with a scutel-
lar stria; antennae rather stout, with only two glabrous joints.
Atlantic regions Catharellus
Pronotum more or less foveate and punctate at base, the basal fovea of
the elytra near the scutellum always distinct 10
10 — Eyes well developed as usual, the mandibles short; antennae with
three glabrous or subglabrous joints, the third however with numer-
ous setae 1 1
Eyes small, the mandibles long and very prominent 12
II — Second labio-palpal joint short, broad, flattened and subtriangular,
shorter than the third; prothorax with obtuse or rounded basal
angles. Nearctic regions Stenocellus
Second labio-palpal joint narrower, more elongate and not flattened,
slightly shorter than the third; prothorax sinuously narrowed pos-
teriorly, the basal angles sharply defined and right. Central and
South American faunal regions *Goniocellus
12 — Second labio-palpal joint still longer, slender, about as long as the
third; mentum tooth still longer, very acute, as long as the lateral
lobes, the emargination of the mentum rather shallow; antennae with
only two glabrous joints, the third similar to the fourth in outline
and vestiture; prothorax sinuously narrowed basally, with sharp
angles. Atlantic faunal region Amerinus
13 — Elytra each with three series of substrial punctures as in the Seleno-
phorini; body very small, narrow and depressed, the prothorax
sinuously narrowed basally, with sharp angles as in the two preceding
genera. Atlantic regions Philodes
Elytra each with a single series of substrial punctures, three to five in
number and adjacent to the second stria; body very small but not so
depressed as in Philodes, the prothorax sinuously narrowed basally
as in the three preceding genera. Atlantic regions. . . Goniolophus
Elytra without series of substrial punctures but always, so far as known,
with a single discal puncture behind the middle of the elytra, as in
Harpalini and Anisodactylini 14
14 — Anterior, and frequently both anterior and middle, tarsi (c?) more
or less dilated and biseriately squamulose beneath; hind tarsi
always slender and filiform 15
Anterior and middle tarsi not or but very slightly modified sexually;
body convex, oblong-oval 19
15 — Prothorax as in the four preceding genera, sinuously narrowed basally,
with sharply defined and prominent angles; basal foveae deeply
excavated as in Amerinus; body rather depressed. Palsearctic and
Nearctic (west coast) Anthracus
Prothorax nearly as in Agonoderus, with obtuse and generally rounded
basal angles 16
16 — Fourth joint of the anterior tarsi (cf) emarginate, the middle tarsi
slender, filiform and similar in the sexes; body very small in size,
the head often greatly developed 17
Fourth joint (cf ) strongly bilobed, the lobes separated by a very deep
sinus 18
17 — Elytra with distinct striae, the prothorax with rather definite though
obtuse basal angles. Nearctic and Palaearctic faunas. . .Acupalpus
Elytra with vestigial striae and more truncate than usual at apex; pro-
thorax with broadly rounded angles; head very large in typical
forms. South African regions near the Cape *Agonidus
1 8 — Anterior and generally the intermediate tarsi (cf ) sensibly dilated
and biseriately squamulose beneath, the character somewhat in-
constant in regard to the middle tarsus, which is often undilated in
the male; hind angles of the prothorax always well rounded; hind
tarsi rather long and slender. Nearctic and Palaearctic faunas.
Anterior and middle tarsi (cf ) not known, the types being female, but the
general habitus indicates this as the proper place in the series;
body slender, much depressed, the prothorax as in Agonoderus, the
head smaller, the antennae very long and slender; hind tarsi very
slendei and filiform but shorter than in Stenolophus. Rocky
Mountain region Agonoleptus
19 — Hind tarsi short but filiform; body very small in size, the scutellar
stria very short to obsolete. Atlantic regions Tachistodes
Hind tarsi more or less stout basally, gradually tapering thence to the
tip as in Geopinns and Anadaptus; body not so small, still more
convex than in Stenolophus. Nearctic regions Agonoderus
Remarks on the exotic genera introduced above may be made as
follows :
DICHEIROTRICHUS Duval. — This is one of the most remarkably
isolated, yet synthetic genera of the entire subfamily and consists
of five or six species, confined to the European faunal regions.
It is somewhat intermediary between the divisions of the subfamily
based upon the structure of the labial palpi, and the male tarsal
soles are clothed in a peculiar manner, not exactly as in Aniso-
dactylini and widely different from the form developed in Tricho-
cellus and Stenolophus. In general appearance the genus undoubt-
edly harmonizes better with Trichocellus, and hence with the other
Acupalpids, than it does with any of the Anisodactylini. On ac-
count of the possession, in common .with Diachromus and TricJio-
celhis, of a long erect seta at the hind angles of the prothorax, a
character unknown elsewhere in the subfamily, it might perhaps
be more logical to assign these three genera to a special tribe.
BRADYCIDUS n. gen. — This genus is rather closely allied to
Bradycellus, but differs in many features structural as well as
habital; the body is more oblong and less ventricose, the emargi-
nation of the mentum deeper and the tooth small and broadly
rounded, this being a modification in the direction of Stenolophus,
and the anterior and middle tarsi of the male are almost exactly
as in that genus and Episcopellus, both being moderately dilated
and with two series of elongate scale-like plates beneath. The
palpi are slender, the third joint of the labial very gradually and
gently narrowed from near the base to the apex, narrowly truncate,
the fourth joint of the maxillary not quite twice as long as the
third. The frontal foveae are minute, punctiform and not at all
obliquely prolonged, this formation being an exception in the
Acupalpini and of a common Harpalid type; the third antennal
joint is nearly like the fourth in form, color and vestiture; the hind
tarsi are long and slender and the prosternal process has at tip two
strong setae. The single species is the following:
*B. veneris n. sp. — Oblong-suboval, rather convex, shining, deep
black, the elytra with feeble greenish lustre, the suture and thoracic edges
feebly pallescent; under surface black, the legs rather pale piceous; palpi
blackish-piceous, pale at apex; head moderate, three-fifths as wide as the
prothorax, rather constricted behind the moderate but rather prominent
eyes; antennae very slender and filiform, longer than the head and pro-
thorax, dusky, the two basal joints paler; prothorax not quite one-half
wider than long, widest very slightly before the middle, the sides broadly,
subevenly rounded, nearly straight basally; apex sinuato-truncate, with
narrowly rounded angles, narrower than the base, which is transverse,
straight and minutely beaded, the angles slightly more than right and
only very finely blunt at their tips; surface smooth and subeven, with
fine subentire stria and fine even reflexed sides, the fovese sublinear though
feeble, somewhat opaculate or subrugulose but not evidently punctate;
elytra nearly one-half longer than wide and a fourth wider than the pro-
thorax, parallel, with broadly arcuate sides and rounded apex, the sinus
wide and feeble though evident; striae fine but rather deep, the scutellar
moderately long, subparallel, with the fovea strong; intervals flat or very
nearly, the discal puncture behind apical third; lateral line of foveaa
clearly interrupted medially; abdomen smooth; hind tarsi very slender,
but slightly shorter than the tibiae, the first three joints uniformly and
gradually decreasing in length, the first fully as long as the fifth, the claws
very slender and delicate. Length (cf ) 5.0 mm. ; width 2.0 mm. Cape of
Good Hope (Wellington).
Were it not for the bisetose second labio-palpal joint, this species
could very well be regarded as a minute Harpalus. The single
example was taken by the writer while a member of the Transit of
Venus expedition of 1882, under Prof. Simon Newcomb.
BRADYCELLUS Erichs. — The species assumed as typifying this
genus in the above table is the collaris of Paykull. The body is
more ventricose than in any of the American allied forms, but
the first three antennal joints are similarly glabrous; the mentum
tooth is well developed, triangular and very acute at tip, the
mental emargination very shallow; the second labio-palpal joint is
elongate-oval, not compressed and much shorter than the third,
which rapidly becomes finely subulate at tip; the last joint of the
outer maxillary lobe has a peculiarly inflated, apically subulate
form, somewhat like that of the third labio-palpal joint but more
slender; the last joint of the maxillary palpi is twice as long as the
preceding joint and is much more gradually pointed than that of
the labial palpi. The single discal puncture of the elytra is ex-
tremely minute, the lateral line of foveae broadly interrupted
medially, the striae deep and abrupt and the scutellar stria short
but distinct, extending from an unusually strong deep annulate
fovea. The antennae and hind tarsi are distinctly short when
compared with most of the American types, and I have at present
scarcely any doubt of the generic distinctness of all the latter as
denned in the table.
GONIOCELLUS n. gen.- — The body here is somewhat ventricose
as in Bradycelhis, but the hind body is oblong and parallel and
not so oblong-oval and with rather strongly arcuate sides as it is
in that genus, and the prothorax is of an entirely different shape,
being sinuously narrowed basally, with right and very sharply
defined basal angles. The mental emargination is similarly very
shallow and the tooth large and very acutely triangular. The
palpi and maxillary lobe are also nearly as in Bradycellus, except
that the last joint of the palpi is very much more gradually pointed
and the outer lobe of the maxilla less inflated basally, longer and
much more gradually drawn out into a fine point apically. The
antennae are more slender and have but two glabrous joints, the
third being nearly like the fourth, though notably more elongate.
The elytral striae are deeply impressed, sulciform, the scutellar
wholly wanting, although the fovea is well developed; the discal
puncture is strong and the lateral line of foveae very widely inter-
rupted. The hind tarsi are very slender and more or less notably
long. There are two species before me, which may be described
as follows, bifossifrons being the type :
*G. bifossifrons n. sp. — Convex, strongly shining, blackish-piceous,
the thoracic margins somewhat paler, the head also not so dark as the
elytra; legs honey-yellow; head three-fourths as wide as the prothorax,
with well developed and prominent eyes, the frontal foveae very deep,
oblique and attaining the eyes; antennae long and slender, rather more
than half as long as the body, brown, the basal joint honey-yellow; pro-
thorax not a third wider than long, the sides rounded anteriorly, oblique
and broadly sinuate basally, the angles right and extremely sharp but not
everted; base and apex equal, the latter broadly sinuato-truncate, with
sharply marked but not prominent angles; surface smooth, finely reflexed
along the sides, feebly impressed latero-basally and with strong close-set
punctures extending to the sides, obsolescent medially, the stria fine but
strong and entire; elytra two-fifths longer than wide, three-fourths wider
than the prothorax, oblong, very obtuse at apex, the sinus very feeble
but evident; striae deep and sulciform, the intervals convex and with feeble
iridescent lustre, the discal puncture only very little behind the middle.
Length (9) 3.8-4.2 mm.; width 1.5-1.7 mm. Isthmus of Panama
(Colon). Three examples.
The hind tarsi are somewhat as in Stenolophus, the first joint as
long as the next two combined.
*G. isthmianus n. sp. — Much smaller than bifossifrons and rather
more slender, pale rufo-testaceous throughout, each elytron very faintly
clouded with a darker tint except broadly toward all the sides and more
narrowly at the suture, polished throughout; head well developed, the
eyes rather large, prominent, the foveae oblique and deeply impressed;
antennae much shorter than in the preceding, with very much shorter
joints, extending only to the basal part of the elytra; prothorax shorter,
two-fifths wider than long, rounded at the sides anteriorly, very oblique
and straight posteriorly, becoming sinuate only at the angles, which are
scarcely more than right, sharp and slightly prominent; base distinctly
narrower than the transversely truncate apex; surface nearly as in the
preceding; elytra oblong, three-sevenths longer than wide, one-half wider
than the prothorax, very obtusely rounded at apex, without evident
sinus; striae deep, intervals strongly convex suturally, less so externally,
the discal punctures more posterior, at three-fifths; hind tarsi shorter,
very slender, about two-thirds as long as the tibiae, with the basal joint
fully as long as the next two combined, the claws slender, scarcely at all
enlarged at base. Length (cf) 2.5 mm.; width i.o mm. Isthmus of
Panama (Colon). A single specimen, taken by Mr. Beaumont and sent
with examples of the preceding species.
The anterior tarsi of the male are only feebly swollen and joints
2-4 have beneath two rows of long and extremely slender, hair-
like squamules, nearly as in Amerinus, one at each side of each
segment, mingled with rather coarse setse, so that they are difficult
to observe; the claws are moderately diverging and slender but
are more or less swollen at base internally. The middle tarsi are
short but do not seem to be modified on their under surface and have
nearly normal claws. It is certain that some of the Central Ameri-
can species placed in Bradycellus by Bates, will have to be trans-
ferred to this genus, though I cannot identify any one of them with
either of the species here described.
AGONIDUS n. gen. — This is a genus doubtfully assumed to lie in
the vicinity of Acupalpus, being so different in facies that before the
discovery of the criterion afforded by the number of supra-orbital
setse, it would probably have been associated with Blechrus rather
than Acupalpus. The body is subparallel, with very large orbicular
T. L. Casey, Mem. Col. V, Oct. 1914.
head, moderate eyes and posteriorly oblique sides and very broadly
rounded hind angles, of the prothorax. The emargination of the
mentum is large and deep, broadly parabolic in form, without trace
of tooth, the mouth rather abbreviated between the mandibles and
the mentum, the labial palpi rather slender, the second joint almost
as long as the third, with two moderate longer, and about two very
short, setae, the third joint very gradually acuminate, the fourth of
the maxillary about twice as long as the third and the last joint of
the outer maxillary lobe rather short and thick, moderately acumi-
nate. The structure of the upper surface of the head is unique in
the subfamily Harpalinee, so that a separate group may have to be
formed for this genus, perhaps more in the neighborhood of the
Broscini. There is beyond doubt but one supra-orbital seta,
situated opposite posterior third of the eye and at some distance
from the latter; the epistoma is broadly circularly sinuate and it,
as well as the frontal surface adjoining, is perfectly plane and
without trace of frontal foveae of any sort. The elytra are oblong,
subtruncate at tip, without sharply marked striae, these being in
the form of very feeble superficial eroded lines in the position of
the regular striae, the scutellar stria distinct and rather long, par-
allel; the single discal puncture is unusually posterior in position,
being at apical fifth, the line of lateral foveae widely interrupted.
The hind tarsi are very slender, the basal joint rather longer than
the next two combined. The type may be described as follows:
*A. cephalotes n. sp. — Rather narrowly suboblong, moderately con-
vex, shining throughout (cT), the elytra (9) slightly alutaceous, deep
black throughout, the entire legs blackish rufo-piceous, the antennae,
extending onto the base of the elytra, very slender, black, the basal
joint testaceous; head rounded, very nearly as wide as the prothorax, the
surface very evenly convex, the eyes relatively moderate and not very
convex; prothorax one-half wider than long, widest near apical third,
the sides rounded, gradually oblique and less arcuate posteriorly and very
broadly rounded through the angles to the transverse median part of the
base, the latter barely three-fourths as wide as the apex, which is feebly
sinuato-truncate, the surface moderately and subevenly convex, not
punctate and unimpressed, finely reflexed at the sides, the stria short,
very fine, the anterior transverse impression fine but sometimes visible,
rather close to the apex; elytra oblong, parallel, with feebly arcuate sides,
two-fifths longer than wide, between a third and fourth wider than the
prothorax, the subtransverse apices truncate or just visibly sinuate; side
margins only very finely reflexed; legs slender. Length (cf 9 ) 3.3-3.6
mm.; width 1.2 mm. South Africa (Wellington, about 50 miles from
Cape Town). Two examples.
The anterior tarsi of the male are only very feebly swollen and
joints 2-4 have beneath a double line of rather large, scale-like
plates, one to each joint in each series; the middle tarsi seem to be
slender and unmodified. The eyes adjoin the buccal opening and
there is no lateral modification of the head beneath.
The genus Agonidus may be closely allied to Amblystomus Er. ;
if so the latter genus is widely out of place in the Munich catalogue,
though properly placed by Lacordaire.
There are a number of exceptions to the system of characters
defining the Acupalpini as here considered, such as the punctiform
or elongate and not obliquely prolonged frontal fovese of Bradycidus
and Tachycelhis, or the complete absence of these foveae in Agonidus;
also the trisetose second labio-palpal joint in Dicheirotrichus and
Catharellus , but, as the summation of other structural features, as
well as the general habitus of the body, places all these genera
rather plainly in juxtaposition with normal members of the tribe,
these exceptions merely serve to indicate some of the difficulties
encountered in the way of rigorous tribal definitions, in a sub-
family with so many and perplexing cross affinities and parallelisms
in all directions. As previously shown, corresponding inconsistencies
occur in almost every tribe of the subfamily.
Trichocellus Gangl.
The single European species before me, which is probably placidus
Gyll., agrees very well in general characters with our own, but is
rather more convex and with more deeply impressed striae, these,
in fact, becoming sulciform toward the suture; it is certainly not
identical with any of the moderate number of American species
represented in my collection, which without much doubt are also
distinct among themselves. Cognatus Gyll., agrees much better
with our common northern ruficrus than does placidus, but according
to Dejean it is smaller in size, his measure being 3.5 mm. in length.
The body in Trichocelhis is moderately convex, subcuneiform in
outline, the elytra being a little broader behind than before the
middle, and they generally have minute diffused punctulation.
bearing very small erect hairs, either over the entire surface,
recalling Dicheirotrichus, or simply near the edges; it is virtually
wanting altogether, except at apex and sparsely over the margina '
interval in my example of placidus. The abdomen has a suffused
and stronger micropubiferous punctulation and in the male there
is a small elongate-oval, densely pubescent spot, on the median line
near the centre of the combined basal segments, which seems to be
rather constant and is perhaps homologous with the small pubescent
spots occurring in certain species of Selenophonts, although they
are there very different in number and in disposition. The species
may be known as follows:
Punctulation and fine pubescence confined to the marginal parts of the
elytra 2
Punctulation and pubescence extending over a large part of the elytral
surface 4
2 — Elytral striae strongly impressed, the intervals rather strongly convex
suturally. Body rather strongly convex, very shining throughout,
the head and prothorax blackish-piceous, the latter nubilously paler
apically and basally, the elytra testaceous, each with an elongate
black spot near the suture behind the middle; legs testaceous; head
convex, more than three-fourths as wide as the prothorax, with
prominent eyes; antenna? rather long and slender, brown, the basal
joint paler; prothorax not quite one-half wider than long, the sides
oblique behind, the angles very obtuse but not evidently rounded;
surface punctured latero-basally, the foveae small though rather
deep; median line strong, entire, the anterior transverse impression
distinct; elytra nearly one-half longer than wide, behind the middle
one-half wider than the prothorax, obtusely rounded behind and not
sinuate; surface wholly impunctulate, except excessively minutely
in the marginal interval and more broadly at apex. Length (9)
4.0 mm.; width 1.8 mm. Europe *placidus Gyll.
Elytral striae much feebler, the intervals flat or nearly so, feebly convex
suturally ; body slightly less convex 3
3 — Color deep black throughout, the very fine thoracic edge and the
elytral suture rufescent, the under surface deep black; legs throughout
piceous-black; surface highly polished; head nearly smooth, smaller
than in placidus, though nearly three-fourths as wide as the pro-
thorax, the eyes rather prominent; antennae extending to basal
fourth of the elytra, slender, black, the basal joint obscure rufous;
prothorax two-fifths wider than long, the sides rounded anteriorly,
oblique and straight basally, the base as wide as the feebly sinuate
apex, transverse medially, anteriorly oblique at the sides, the angles
extremely obtuse but distinct, not rounded; surface smooth though
with sparse punctures, very fine apically, stronger basally, the foveae
elongate, linear, not very deep, the anterior impression and stria as
in placidus; elytra fully one-half longer than wide, much wider behind
the middle than at base and one-half wider than the prothorax,
obtusely rounded at apex, the sides broadly arcuate; sinus obsolete;
surface very smooth, extremely minutely, sparsely punctulate only
in the marginal interval and more broadly apically, the dorsal
puncture at three-fifths, the scutellar stria obsolete as usual; hind
tarsi very slender, black. Length (cf) 4.1 mm.; width 1.7 mm.
Queen Charlotte Islands, — Keen boreellus n. sp.
Color piceous-black, the prothorax nubilously paler apically and basally;
elytra black, broadly, nubilously paler basally and along the suture;
under surface black, the epipleura pallescent, the legs entirely or in
in great part pale; general habitus nearly as in cognatus Gyll.; surface
shining in both sexes; head with scattered punctures near the oblique
foveae and at base, three-fourths as wide as the prothorax, the eyes
prominent; antennae rather long, slender, piceous-black, with pale
basal joint; prothorax nearly as in the preceding but more transverse,
more than one-half wider than long, the sides more broadly rounded,
the basal angles equally obtuse but rather more blunt, not so distinctly
defined, the surface nearly similar but with less distinct punctuation;
elytra narrower and more parallel than in the preceding though
nearly similar in general form and striation, the fine punctulation
more distinct and less sparse, visible though nearly the two outer
intervals and more broadly apically, also slightly visible at base;
hind tarsi similarly very slender and moderate in length. Length
(of1 9 ) 3.8-4.3 mm.; width 1.4-1.7 mm. British Columbia (Metla-
katla) to Labrador and southwardly along the Rocky Mountains to
New Mexico (Cloudcroft), — Knaus. Abundant. [Acupalpus ax fi-
lar is, longiusculus and con fla grains Mann.]. Twenty examples.
ruficrus Kir by
Color pale tawny-yellow throughout, the elytra sometimes very inde-
finitely and feebly infumate discally, the legs pale testaceous; surface
shining in both sexes; head nearly as in the preceding, finely punc-
tulate basally but with barely any punctures near the oblique and
deep fovese; antennae slender, very pale brown, paler at base; pro-
thorax nearly as in ruficrus and similarly transverse but with larger
and more irregularly impressed foveae, the punctulation apically and
basally fine but evident; elytra much larger and longer, distinctly
widest behind the middle, with arcuate sides and obtusely rounded
apex, one-half longer than wide and nearly one-half wider than the
prothorax; striae very fine and rather feebly impressed, the intervals
flat, the discal puncture usually but little behind the middle; minute
punctulation sparse, extending a little further from the lateral, basal
and apical edges than in ruficrus, though seldom pervading the upper
part of the surface; hind tarsi very slender, the basal joint subequal
to the next two combined. Length (cf 9 ) 3-8—4.3 mm.; width 1.5—
1.8 mm. California (San Francisco to San Diego). [Bradycellus
nitens Lee.] nitens Lee.
4 — Minute punctulation extending about half way across the elytra
medially, very broadly distributed basally and apically. Color
pale testaceous, the head largely blackish, the pronotum with a small
quadrate central black spot; each elytron narrowly and nubilously
clouded with blackish toward the suture, excepting the sutural
interval, this black area extending only a little before the middle and
not attaining the apex; surface very shining; legs pale testaceous;
head nearly as in nitens but with stronger punctulation near the
foveae and basally, the eyes well developed and prominent; antennae
slender, dark brown, paler basally; prothorax in outline nearly as
in nitens but with much more numerous punctures apically and
basally, the basal foveae narrower, obliquely sublinear; elytra in size
and outline as in nitens, the striae similarly fine and the intervals
flat, the discal puncture just behind the middle; hind tarsi similarly
very slender but darker in color, much darker than the femora or
tibiae. Length (9) 4-5 mm.; width 1.85 mm. New Mexico (Fort
Wingate),— Shufeldt lateralis n. sp.
Minute punctulation extending more or less evidently throughout the
elytral surface 5
5 — Body rather small in size, subcuneiform, shining, moderately convex,
piceous-black, the head almost entirely black, the pronotum palles-
cent apically and basally, the elytra pale testaceous, with a large
elongate black cloud on each near the suture; under surface black,
with pale epipleura, the legs uniformly piceo-rufous throughout;
head and prominent eyes well developed, as in all the preceding
species, the basal punctulation indistinct excepc laterally, feeble near
the fovese; antennae slender, blackish, the basal joint pale; prothorax
nearly a: in nitens, the punctulation rather dense apically and basally,
the foveae more punctiform; elytra shorter than usual, much wider
behind the middle than at base, with fine, very feebly impressed
striae and nearly flat intervals, the punctulation very fine and ex-
ceptionally sparse, sometimes obsolescent toward the suture, the
discal puncture at about three-fifths; hind tarsi very slender though
still shorter than usual. Length (9 ) 3-7-3-9 mm.; width 1.65 mm.
California (Truckee) monticola n. sp.
Body unusually elongate, rather shining, very moderately convex, pale
testaceous, the head broadly black medially from apex to base, the
pronotum with a moderate quadrate central spot of black, the
elytra clouded rather broadly with blackish toward the suture behind
the middle nearly to the apex, the sutural interval always pale as
usual; legs rufous, the tarsi barely at all darker; head large, of the
usual form but with the fine punctulation visible throughout, except
centrally; antennae wanting in the type; prothorax transverse,
rather less narrowed basally than usual but otherwise as in nitens,
except that the punctulation is closer and more wide-spread apically
and basally and the foveae are feebler and less definite; elytra large
and unusually long, more than one-half longer than wide, nearly
one-half wider than the prothorax, less inflated posteriorly than
usual and but very little wider behind the middle than at base, the
sides arcuate; apex circularly rounded, the sinus represented only by
a slightly straighter part of the edge; striae finer and more abrupt
than in any other species, the intervals perfectly flat, the punctulation
only moderately sparse, stronger than usual and equally distinct
and close from the sides to the suture, the discal puncture near
three-fifths; legs slender. Length (9) 4-6 mm.; width 1.9 mm.
Nevada (Reno) . . . punctipennis n. sp.
The synonymy of Mannerheim's species, given above, is from
inference merely, as I have not seen his types and the large series
sent to me by Dr. Keen and Mr. Sherman display all the color
variations which seem to serve largely as the basis for the published
names. Nitens Lee., is a species evidently distinct from ruficrus
(axillaris} and not synonymous as thought by the author.
Glycerius Csy.
Although so different in the elongate-oval, very convex body,
with hard dense glabrous integuments and obsolescent elytral striae,
there can be but little doubt that this genus is more closely allied
to Trichocelhis than it is to Bradycellus; this is indicated by the even
sparse punctulation of the abdomen and by the male abdominal
and tarsal modifications. The head is relatively much smaller
but with very prominent eyes, the antennae rather short, mentum
tooth slender and very acute, the ligula feebly dilated at apex, the
inner lobe of the maxilla strongly hooked and with very coarse
cilia, the last joint of the outer lobe moderate in length, gradually
thicker toward base and very finely subulate apically and the second
labio-palpal joint is barely at all shorter than the third. The
prothorax has well defined basal angles and, along the sides in the
finely reflexed edge, there is a series of erect setae arising from very
moderate punctures and recalling a rather similar structure in
Nothopus and Hartonymus. One section of smaller species has only
one marginal seta, the others having become obsolete, but a careful
inspection of the fine marginal gutter shows a feeble irregular
crenulatioh, this being a vestigial remnant of the normal series of
definite setigerous punctures. The elytra have all the elytral
striae, excepting the deeply impressed sutural and feeble eighth and
ninth, completely obsolete or sometimes represented by very
feebly impressed punctulation. The discal puncture and scutellar
stria are obsolete, although the annuliform fovea of the latter is
well developed. The anterior tarsi of the male are feebly dilated
and have beneath joints 2-4 slender, hyaline, acutely pointed and
decumbent squamules, extending transversely and closely out-
ward from the median line, the first joint with only one or two
squamules at apex and not transversely arranged; the middle
tarsi are slender and unmodified and the posterior slender, with the
first three joints decreasing uniformly and rapidly in length. There
are on the median line of the male abdomen, near the base, two very
small rounded and densely pubescent spots, analogous to that of
Trichocellus but still smaller; it will be noted that they are arranged
longitudinally on the median line and not transversely in pairs, as
is the case with the somewhat analogous spots of Selenophorus
riparius and certain allied forms. In Trichocellus these spots
are usually coalescent, forming a single elongate spot. The species
of Glycerins are few in number and may be recognized as follows:
Pronotum plurisetose along the lateral edges 2
Pronotum with a single marginal seta situated far before the middle; body
smaller in size and more slender as a rule 3
2 — Body stouter in form, paler piceo-rufous in color, the elytra slightly
clouded with blackish; surface shining, glabrous; head about three-
fifths as wide as the prothorax, impunctate, the eyes well developed
and very prominent, the oblique foveae rather fine; antennae ex-
tending slightly behind the prothorax, the first three joints glabrous
though with the usual setae; prothorax two-fifths wider than long,
the sides broadly rounded, feebly converging and broadly, very
slightly sinuate posteriorly; base transverse medially, arcuately and
anteriorly oblique at the sides to the somewhat obtuse but distinct
angles, the apices of which are but little blunted; apex truncate,
narrower than the base; surface smooth and polished, with a very
fine stria, the foveae small, subelongate, feebly impressed and with a
few minute punctures; elytra fully one-half longer than wide, a third
to fourth wider than the prothorax, parallel, with broadly and evenly
arcuate sides and gradually ogival apex, -without vestige of sinus;
marginal line of foveae widely interrupted medially; legs rather
slender, pale testaceous; under surface of the hind body nearly black,
the epipleura pale. Length (cf 9 ) 5.2-6.2 mm.; width 2.1-2.5 mm.
California (Siskiyou to San Diego). Abundant. \_Acupalpus nitidus
Dej. — subsequently placed in Bradycelhis] nitidus Dej.
Body somewhat as in the preceding but not so large and of much more
slender form and darker general coloration, frequently nearly black
throughout, the legs and epipleura always pale; head relatively
somewhat larger but otherwise nearly similar, the antennae dark
piceous-brown, paler basally, relatively longer than in nitidus;
prothorax quite different, about a third wider than long, the sides
strongly rounded anteriorly, thence rather strongly converging and
broadly, strongly sinuate to the basal angles, which are right and
very sharply marked; base nearly similar but barely visibly wider
than the truncate apex; surface nearly similar but with the foveae
slightly narrower and more elongate; elytra nearly as in nitidus but
somewhat narrower, sometimes perfectly smooth or having feebly
impressed series of feeble punctulation taking the place of the regular
striae a^ in nitidus; not only is the fovea of the scutellar stria well
developed, but there is a small puncture at the basal end of the first
stria, which remains distinct even in those occasional individuals
having the sutural stria obsolete basally. Length (cf 9 ) 4.7-5.4
mm.; width 1.8-2.2 mm. Mexico (Amecameca and Tres Marias in
Morelos) *obsoletus Say
3 — Hind angles of the prothorax right or very nearly so; abdominal pubes-
cent spots (d* ) well separated. Similar in form to nitidus but smaller ;
body entirely black, highly polished above, usually with distinct
greenish tinge, rarely obscurely suffused with testaceous, especially
toward the base of the elytra; legs and base of the antennae testa-
ceous; prochorax rather feebly narrowed posteriorly, the sides sinuate
just before the hind angles; basal impressions rather broad and with a
few punctures; elytral striae, except the sutural, faint or obliterated;
lower surface, except the prosternal side-pieces, sparsely punctate,
each puncture bearing a short hair; ventral surface finely but dis-
tinctly alutaceous, shining. Length 3.5-5 mm. Oregon to southern
California politus Fall
Hind angles obtuse, the prothorax more distinctly narrowed posteriorly;
abdominal pubescent spot^ (cf ) confluent, this assumed in the case
of intermedius; size small 4
4 — Sides of the pro^horax slightly sinuate before the hind angles, the
latter more sharply defined; elytra three times as long as the pro-
thorax; color black, highly polished, with distinct bronze or green-
bronze surface lustre, the legs and base of the antennae pale; pro-
thorax more distinctly narrowed behind than in politus; basal
impressions with very few fine punctures, otherwise nearly as in
politus. Length 4.2-4.5 mm. California (San Bernardino Mts.
5000-7000 feet — the typical locality — and Lake Tahoe).
intermedius Fall
Sides of the prothorax scarcely visibly sinuate before the angles, which
are less sharply defined; elytra two and one-half times as long as the
prothorax; hind angles of the prothorax more obtuse than in inter-
medins, the elytra relatively shorter, otherwise nearly similar;
abdominal pubescent spots (cf) contiguous. Length 3.5-4 mm.
California (Pasadena, 1000 feet elevation) obtusus Fall
The species of the second section of the genus are defined above
from the characters given by Mr. H. C. Fall (Journ. N. Y. Ent.
Soc., 1905, p. 175). Among my series politus is easily identified
and represented by numerous examples, but whether or not either
of the others is present among individuals taken at San Diego by
Dunn, or in Monterey Co., at Lake Tahoe or Reno, Nevada, by
myself, I am uncertain; they are very closely allied among them-
selves. Mr. Bates in the "Biologia," defined several varietal forms
of obsoletus, but it would take large and carefully collected series
to demonstrate the validity of them, even as subspecies; obsoletus,
however, is different from nitidus and valid in every way as a species.
Pelmatellus Bates.
This is an isolated genus in the Acupalpini, because of the vesti-
ture of the anterior and middle tarsi of the male; these are sub-
equally and distinctly dilated and the soles are solidly squamose as
in the Anisodactylini, to which tribe there is, however, no other
suggestion of similarity. In fact the species bear a close resem-
blance to several of the genera allied to Bradycellus. The mouth
parts are nearly as in Glycerins, but the emargination of the men-
turn is much deeper than in Bradycellus, the tooth strongly de-
veloped. There is no trace of abdominal sexual characters in the
form of surface modifications, and there is no trace of the diffused
abdominal punctulation of the two preceding genera. The hind
tarsi are slender, with the first three joints decreasing uniformly
and not very rapidly in length, the first much shorter than the fifth.
Pelmatellus is moderately numerous in species, extending in range
as far to the southward as Guatemala; it was held to represent a
distinct tribe or subfamily by Bates, but scarcely merits such dis-
tinction. The two species in my collection may be known as
follows :
Form oblong, moderately convex, shining, piceous-black above and
beneath, the elytra deeper black, the suture and exterior margin
faintly pallescent; lustre non-metallic but sometimes faintly greenish;
legs pale testaceous; head mode'rate, evidently more than half as
wide as the prothorax, impunctate, the eyes moderate, prominent, the
oblique foveae distinct; antennae slender, nearly attaining basal
fourth of the elytra, fuscous, paler basally; prothorax one-half wider
than long, with the sides subevenly rounded, widest just before the
middle, apex feebly sinuate, with narrowly rounded angles, narrower
than the base, which is finely beaded throughout, transverse medially,
slightly arcuate laterally, the angles very obtuse though sharply
defined, not rounded; surface evenly convex, smooth, finely reflexed
at rhe sides throughout, with a rather strong entire stria, the foveae
shallow, oblong, widely impressed and with a few minute punctures;
elytra oblong, parallel, with feebly arcuate sides and rapidly very
obtuse apex, one-half longer than wide and fully a fourth wider than
the prothorax, the sinus rather feeble though evident; striae fine,
the scutellar oblique, moderate in length, the intervals flat; discal
puncture at two-thirds; marginal line of foveae widely interrupted;
hind tarsi three-fourths as long as the tibire. Length (cf 9 ) 5.0-6.0
mm., width 2.15-2.5 mm. Arizona and New Mexico (Cloudcroft).
Twenty examples. [Bradycellus lucidus Csy. ; Tachycelius turbatus
Fall] lucidus Csy.
Form oblong-oval, moderately convex, very shining, black, the upper
surface with feeble violaceous reflection- under surface black or
nearly so, the legs pale testaceous; head almost as in the pieceding
but neaily three-fifths as wide as the prothorax; antennae rather
slender though somewhat strongly compressed, blackish, the two
basal joints pale; prothorax nearly one-half wider than long, through-
out as in lncid-ns, except that the sides are rather more strongly
arcuate; the very obtuse basal angle- are not only not rounded but
their apices are minutely prominent in the type; marginal bead of
the base narrowly interrupted at the middle; elytra shorter, two-
fifths longer than wide, a fourth wider than the prothorax, parallel,
with broadly arcuate sides and finely reflexed edges, the apex more
produced suturally, the sinus much stronger, rather deep; striae
extremely fine, shallow, not impressed, the scutellar oblique, feeble;
discal puncture fine, at three-fifths. Length (9) 5-5 mm.; width
2.2 mm. Mexico (Salazar, Mex.), — Wickham. A single example.
*sinuosus n. sp.
Sinuosus may be allied to stenolo phoides Bates, but the basal
thoracic angles are said to be rounded in that species and the elytra
rufescent laterally. The Cloudcroft examples described by Fall as
turbatus, are exactly similar to the original type of Bradycellus
lucidus Csy., which is not alluded to by Fall in his article on the
Tachycellus-like genera, though plainly printed in the Henshaw list.
Episcopellus n. gen.
The type of this genus, the Feronia autumnalis of Say, has been
shifted back and forth from one tribe of the Harpalinae to another,
in a most unaccountable manner. It is plainly a Bradycellid as
maintained by LeConte, who however unfortunately placed two
true Harpalids with it, and, as the base of the prothorax is as
strongly and completely beaded here as in dichrous and vulpeculus,
he probably for that reason consented to have it leave Bradycellus
to go to Harpalus in company with those species. The body is
oblong, rather depressed, the head moderate and perfectly normal
in the tribe, except that the frontal fovese are obliquely prolonged
toward the eyes only for a short distance, and the labial palpi are
unusually long, slender, with the second and third joints equal,
the former bearing two long setae and one or two that are short and
inconspicuous. The third antennal joint is somewhat pubescent
in about outer half. The anterior male tarsi are very moderately
dilated, the intermediate feebly so and both have beneath two
approximate series of large elongate decumbent longitudinal
squama. The hind tarsi are slender, the basal joint as long as the
next two and longer than the fifth. The abdomen is feebly punctu-
late at base, but bears no special sexual marks in the male. The
two known species are the following :
Form oblong-suboval, rather feebly convex, polished throughout, deep
black, without metallic lustre of any kind, the edges of the pronotum
and elytra diaphanously paler; under surface piceous-black, the
legs testaceous; head smooth, the eyes only moderately prominent;
antennae extending fully to the thoracic base, pale testaceous in
color; prothorax not quite one-half wider than long, widest anteriorly,
where the sides are rather strongly rounded, thence feebly oblique
and nearly straight to the basal angles, which are rather obtuse but
sharply defined and even minutely subprominent; base transverse,
feebly arcuate laterally, strongly beaded and but slightly wider than
the apex, which is feebly sinuate, with broadly rounded angles;
surface even, smooth, finely and evenly reflexed at the sides, with a
rather distinct impressed subentire stria, the foveae small and linear,
rather shallow but distinct, barely at all punctulate; elytra oblong,
parallel, with feebly arcuate sides, not one-half longer than wide,
fully a fourth wider than the prothorax and rapidly obtusely ogival
at apex, with very feeble sinus: striae rather fine but well impiessed,
the scutellar long, subparallel, the discal puncture near two-thirds;
intervals feebly convex throughout the width; marginal series of
fovea? only imperfectly interrupted medially. Length (cf 9 ) 6.5-
7.0 mm.; width 2.6-3.0 mm. Long Island to Indiana.
autumnalis Say
Form more oblong and elongate, similar in coloration and lustre; head
and antennae nearly similar, the former rather more elongate, the
neck distinctly constricted- prothorax more quadrate, two-fifths
wider than long, widest only a little before the middle, the sides
more evenly and more feebly arcuate, otherwise nearly similar,
except that the foveae are larger, much deeper and with numerous
scattered distinct punctures; elytra similar throughout but longer,
one-half longer than wide and not quite a fourth wider than the
prothorax, the scutellar stria still longer and the lateral line of
foveae more completely interrupted medially; hind tarsi not quite so
slender but otherwise similar. Length (9)7-2 mm.; width 2.9 mm.
District of Columbia nitescens n. sp.
In this genus the emargination of the mentum is notably deeper
than in the true Bradycellus, the tooth similarly strongly developed.
Nitescens is allied rather closely to autumnalis but, on inspection
with a series of the latter at hand, it is observed to be more elongate
and more parallel and somewhat larger in size; the prothorax is
more quadrate, much less transverse and is less inflated at the
sides anteriorly; I am under the impression that the type was
found near an electric light of the city in July some years ago.
Tachycellus Moraw.
No one seems to have ever had more than a vague notion as to
what the genus Tachycellus of Morawitz might really be. Chau-
doir assigned to it such an incongruous mixture that it was
entirely rejected by LeConte in his treatment of our minute Har-
palids (Proc. Acad. Phila., 1868, p. 379). Afterwards G. H. Horn
conceived the idea that it included all those forms having three
glabrous antennal joints, but, as pointed out by Fall, the warrant
for that assumption is not clear. There exists, however, at the
present time, a tradition that there must be three glabrous antennal
joints and furthermore that the Harpalus nigrinus of Dejean, is a
typical exponent of the genus. Accepting this as true, there is no
other species than nigrinus that can properly form part of Tachy-
cellus, because of a peculiarity in the form of the frontal foveae
stated in the above table of genera; the other species placed in
Tachycellus by Horn, will therefore have to form another genus, to
which the name Triliarthrus is here assigned. The mental emargi-
nation is relatively narrow and deep and the tooth strong, with its
acutangular apex blunt at tip. The ligula is feebly dilated apically,
the paraglossse attached nearly throughout its length but having
their external angle at apex narrowly prolonged, as in some of the
Anisodactylini. The assumed type of the genus may be described
as follows:
Form oblong, moderately convex, very shining, deep black and without
metallic lustre, the under surface and femora black, the tibiae pale,
black apically, the tarn black; head rather small, barely three-fifths
as wide as the prothorax, rather constricted at base and with moder-
ately prominent eyes; antennae slender, black, with pale basal joint,
the third joint virtually glabrous, though with pallid setae; prothorax
transversely quadrate, a third to two-fifths wider than long, feebly
rounded at the sides and widest anteriorly, the sides very feebly
converging and straight thence to the basal angles, which are but
little more than right and sharply marked though not prominent;
base transverse, strongly beaded laterally, the bead interrupted in
median half, very slightly wider than the sinuato-truncate apex;
surface smooth, finely, evenly reflexed at the sides and with a
distinct median stria from the obsolescent anterior impression to
the base, the foveae linear, a third the total length, rather deep
though impressed and not evidently punctate; elytra relatively
large, one-half longer than wide and one-half wider than the pro-
thorax, parallel, with feebly arcuate sides and obtusely rounded
apex, the sinus almost obsolete; striae very fine, not deep though
acute, the scutellar extremely short, sometimes obsolete; intervals
flat or nearly so, the discal puncture strong, at four-sevenths, the
lateral line of foveae medially interrupted; hind tarsi short, not
three-fifths as long as the tibiae, the first joint not quite as long as
the next two combined; anterior tarsi (cf) feebly dilated and
biseriately squamulose beneath, the middle tarsi slender and un-
modified. Length (d71 9 ) 4.7-5.2 mm.; width 1.7-2.0 mm. Cali-
fornia (Lake Tahoe and in Siskiyou Co.). [Harpalus nigrinus Dej.—
Alaska; Geobcenus quadricollis Lee. — Lake Superior; Trechus tibialis
Kirby] nigrinus Dej.
This species seems to be very widely disseminated through the
colder parts of North America but is not very abundant.
Triliarthrus n. gen.
Except in the oblique linear form of the frontal foveae and in a
certain difference of habitus, due to the arcuate or anteriorly swollen
sides of the prothorax, there is very little difference between this
genus and the preceding. The ligula and paraglossae, mental
emargination and tooth, are all nearly similar; the labial palpi
are slender, the second and third joints exactly equal in length.
The first three joints of the antennae are glabrous, the third with
merely a single corona of long setae at apex and the scutellar stria
is generally very short, sometimes almost obsolete and most distinct
in kirbyi. The anterior male tarsi, are distinctly dilated and have
beneath a double row of very large horizontal, thin and hyaline
plates, which are transversely plicate but not divided, the middle
tarsi slender, not at all or but feebly dilated, though usually having
a double series of small slender squamae; the hind tarsi are slender,
with the basal joint not quite as long as the next two combined and
generally not as long as the fifth. The species are moderately
numerous as follows:
Species of the Atlantic regions; basal angles of the prothorax variable. .2
Species of the true Pacific coast fauna; basal angles always sharply
defined 5
2 — Basal angles of the prothorax obtuse and obviously rounded 3
Basal angles obtuse but sharply defined and generally minutely promi-
nent 4
3 — Body elongate-suboval, convex, shining, black, the edges of the pro-
notum finely, diaphanously pale, the elytra testaceous, sometimes
obscure, with a large feeble and very indefinite darker cloud, the
base before the carina deep black; under surface black, the legs and
epipleura obscure rufous; head moderate, with rather prominent
eyes, the antennae slender, blackish, with the basal joint pale; pro-
thorax two-fifths wider than long, widest well before the middle, the
sides subevenly rounded, less so basally, the base transverse and
unmargined, arcuate and very finely beaded near the sides, barely
at all wider than the feebly sinuate apex; basal angles rather broadly
rounded; surface smooth, very finely, evenly reflexed at the sides,
with an entire and distinct median stria, the foveae sublinear but
broad and very shallow, with scattered distinct punctures; elytra
one-half longer than wide and nearly one-half wider than the pro-
thorax, parallel, broadly arcuate at the sides and rather strongly
rounded at apex, the sinus wholly- wanting; striae fine, the scutellar
distinct, oblique; intervals flat, the discal puncture at four-sevenths
(cf) or three-fifths (9); lateral line of foveae widely interrupted;
hind tarsi three-fourths as long as the tibiae (cf ) or two-thirds (9 ).
Length (cf 9 ) 5.2-5.7 mm.; width 1.9-2.2 mm. New York to
Illinois. Rather abundant. [Stenolophus " badipennis " Hald.;
Geobccnus ruficrus Lee. nee Kirby and lugnbris Lee.].
badiipennis Hald.
Body still more elongate-oval, shining, the head piceous-black; prothorax
dark brown, with fine rufous margins, the elytra obscure testaceous,
with paler suture nearly as in the preceding, the under surface and
legs similar; head evidently larger and with more prominent eyes,
nearly three-fourths as wide as the prothorax, the antennae almost
similar; prothorax nearly similar in form and surface, except that
the basal angles though obtuse are much more definite, only narrowly
rounded at their apices; elytra much longer, three-fifths longer than
wide, two-fifths wider than the prothorax, parallel, with arcuate
sides and strongly rounded apex, similarly without trace of sinus,
with finer and feebler striae; intervals flat, not becoming convex
at apex as in the preceding but perfectly flat even near the sutural
angles, the discal puncture (cf ) at three-fifths; anterior tarsi (cf)
rather strongly, the middle feebly though evidently, dilated, the
posterior stouter than in badiipennis though similar in length.
Length (cf) 5.6 mm.; width 2.0 mm. Massachusetts.
protractus n. sp.
Body smaller and much more slender than in badiipennis, shining, deep
black, the elytra feebly and nubilously pallescent laterally, except
toward apex, and the suture finely rufescent; under surface and legs
black, the tibiae pallescent basally; head very moderate, barely three-
fifths as wide as the prothorax, the eyes large, moderately prominent;
antennae slender, extending well behind the thoracic base, the first
joint pale, slightly maculate, the next three black, the remainder
dark brown; prothorax not quite one-half wider than long, parallel,
with very evenly and moderately rounded sides; apex feebly but
distinctly sinuate, with rather blunt angles and equal to the base,
the basal angles broadly rounded, the very fine reflexed margin
curving around the basal angles and then disappearing; surface
smooth, the stria fine but distinct, entire, the foveae broadly and
feebly impressed, sublinear and with very few punctures; elytra
one-half longer than wide and two-fifths wider than the prothorax,
rather strongly rounded behind in apical two-fifths, without trace
of sinus; striae fine, the scutellar rather short, oblique, the discal
puncture at three-fifths; hind tarsi a little longer than in badiipennis;
middle tarsi (cf ) very slender. Length (cf) 4.9 mm.; width 1.8 mm.
New York (West Point), — Wirt Robinson properus n. sp.
4 — Body oblong-suboval, rather convex, strongly shining, piceous-black,
the thoracic margins finely rufous, the elytra dark testaceous, with a
large blackish cloud except basally and along the suture ; under surface
black, the epipleura and legs bright testaceous; head rather short,
three-fifths as wide as the prothorax, with well developed and promi-
nent eyes; surface smooth throughout; antennae slender, dark, the
first three joints rufous; prothorax two-fifths wider than long, widest
near apical third, the sides strongly rounded, oblique basally, be-
coming sinuate only at the obtuse though sharp and minutely
prominent angles; base transverse, only beaded very near the angles,
evidently wider than the very moderately sinuate apex; surface as in
badiipennis, except that the foveae are larger, deepei and more
rounded and with coarser and denser punctures, which spread finely
and sparsely far beyond the foveae and to the sides, the latter narrowly
punctured a far as the apex; elytra not quite one-half longer than
wide and two-fifths wider than the prothorax, parallel, with very
obtusely ogival apex, the sinus represented by a slightly straighter
edge; striae somewhat fine but strongly impressed, the scutellar
rather long and deep; intervals broadly convex, strongly so suturad.
Length (cf ) 5.0 mm.; width 1.9 mm. Long Island . [Tachycellus
kirbyi Horn] kirbyi Horn
Body oblong-suboval, more elongate than in kirbyi, shining; head deep
black; prothorax testaceous, with a large transverse central black
area; elytra testaceous, with a large common feeble blackish cloud,
the suture testaceous at least posteriorly; under surface and legs as
in the preceding; head very smooth, more elongate, nearly two-thirds
as wide as the prothorax, the antennae as in kirbyi; prothorax two-
fifths wider than long, widest at apical third, the sides strongly
rounded, oblique, becoming gradually feebly sinuate near the obtuse
hind angles, which are sharp and minutely, distinctly prominent;
base transverse, becoming abruptly strongly oblique but scarcely
at all beaded at the sides, as wide as the sinuato-truncate apex, some-
times apparently a little narrower; surface as in kirbyi, except that
the coarse widely disseminated punctures are confined to the latero-
basal regions, only a few being scattered along the finely reflexed
edges; elytra fully one-half longer than wide, not quite one-half wider
than the prothoiax, the striae and convex intervals nearly as in
kirbyi, the discal puncture near three-fifths (cf ) or two-thirds (9 );
hind tarsi rather long and slender. Length (cf 9 ) 6.0—6.3 mm.;
width 2.1-2.3 rnm. Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Illinois.
Rather abundant. [Feronia atrimedia Say and Trechus similis
Kirby] atrimedius Say
5 — Form elongate-oboval, broader behind the middle of the elytra,
convex, deep shining black throughout above and beneath, the fine
reflexed thoracic margins diaphanously rufescent; femora black, the
tibiae testaceous, blackish apically; tarsi piceous, the anterior paler
(cf ); head two-thirds as wide as the prothorax, very smooth, with
rather prominent though moderate eyes; antennae blackish, the
basal joint rufous; prothorax relatively rather small, two-fifth?
wider than long, widest near apical two-fifths, the sides rather
strongly rounded, converging and straighter basally, the basal angles
but little more than right, sharply defined and minutely prominent;
base transverse, just visibly arcuate and sometimes faintly beaded
near the sides, slightly wider than the rather feebly sinuate apex;
surface smooth, with a fine distinct subentire median stria, very
finely and evenly reflexed at the sides; foveae short, linear, moderately
impressed and with some extremely fine inconspicuous punctures
which do not extend at all along the sides; elytra relatively large and
posteriorly subinflated, obtusely ogival at apex and without sinus,
fully one-half longer than wide and two-thirds wider than the pro-
thorax, the stria? very fine, feeble, much finer than in any other
species of the genus, the scutellar very short and feeble; intervals
perfectly flat throughout to the suture and apices, the discal punc-
ture fine, very feeble, at three-fifths; hind tarsi long and slender.
Length (cf 9) 5-7-5-8 mm.; width 2.0-2.2 mm. Washington State
and California (northern). [Tachycellus conformis Fall].
conformis Fall
Form rather narrower but otherwise nearly similar, smaller in size, convex,
very shining, deep black, the fine thoracic bead very indistinctly
rufous; under surface, legs and antennae somewhat as in conformis;
head nearly similar, constricted at base, with moderate prominent
eyes; prothorax relatively larger, two-fifths wider than long, widest
and with strongly rounded sides at apical third, the sides thence
converging, becoming gradually straight to the basal angles, which
are very evidently more than right, very sharply defined though only
very minutely and feebly prominent; base, apex and surface nearly
similar, except that the foveae are larger, deeper, more broadly
impressed and with numerous rather coarse and very distinct
punctures; elytra nearly similar in form but not so broad and barely
one-half wider than the prothorax, the sinus obsolete; striae rather
fine but stronger than in conformis and evidently impressed, rather
strongly so and with distinctly convex intervals suturally; scutellar
stria very short; discal puncture strong, at about three-fifths; hind
tarsi long and slender; male more distinctly larger and heavier than
the female than in conformis, though this relation is also evident
there. Length (cf 9 ) 4.7—5.7 mm.; width 1.7-2.1 mm. California
(Hoopa Valley, Humboldt Co.). Three examples. . .tetricus n. sp.
The following species is somewhat doubtfully attached to the
present genus:
T. suturalis Lee. (Acupalpus] — Name subsequently changed to nebu-
losus by LeConte, because of preoccupation. — Rufo-piceous, shining; head
smooth, the frontal impressions oblique, deep; frontal suture deeply
impressed, also with a puncture on the vertex; palpi testaceous; antennae
T. L. Casey, Mem. Col. V, Oct. 1914.
rufo-piceous, the three basal joints testaceous; prothorax rufous, wider
than the head, slightly shorter than wide, quadrate; apex slightly sinuate,
with the angles rounded; sides rounded, slightly converging posteriorly;
base truncate, oblique at the sides, with the angles obtuse, not rounded;
surface slightly convex, the anterior transverse impression somewhat
distinct, arcuate, remote from the apex, the longitudinal stria entire;
foveae rounded, densely punctate; elytra rather flat, parallel, rounded at
apex, slightly wider than the prothorax, more than twice as long as wide,
rufo-piceous, shining, the margin finely and the suture rufous, striate,
the scutellar stria long, straight; intervals convex; under surface rufo-
piceous; epipleura and legs testaceous. Length 4.25 mm.; width 1.5 mm.
Mr. Fall, who examined the type in the LeConte collection,
intimates (N. Y. Journ., 1905, p. 171) that this species cannot be
referred to the present genus, as it closely resembles Bradycellus
rupestris and may possibly not differ from it specifically. But this
conclusion is probably due to hasty or inaccurate observation,
as the description clearly indicates that the scutellar stria is well
developed; it is wholly obsolete in rupestris and allied species.
This is a very important point which demands further comparative
study of the type.
Catharellus n. gen.
The only known species of this genus resembles those of Steno-
cellus in habitus, but differs in some important features. The
body is similarly elongate, parallel and moderately convex, differing
thus from the more ventricose outline of Bradycellus, but there is
no trace of the important annular fovea at the base of each elytron,
nor of the basal punctate impressions of the pronotum. The
emargination of the mentum is moderately shallow, with a distinct
and acutely angular tooth. The labial palpi are rather slender,
the second and third joints equal in length, the former convex,
cylindro-oval and certainly bearing three setae, one on the inner and
one on the anterior side at apex and one on the anterior side behind
the middle, the third joint is rapidly subulate at tip as in Brady-
cellus and, in the male, has a large rounded cavity medially. This
impression seems to affect the males of most species of the Acupal-
pini, as discovered by Horn, but I have also occasionally noted it to
some extent in females, whether it is due in part at least to post-
mortem contraction or not I cannot say. The type may be de-
scribed as follows:
Elongate, subparallel, moderately convex, black, the elytral suture and
sides posteriorly feebly rufescent; under surface black, the legs obscure
rufous; surface rather shining though feebly alutaceous; head smooth
and convex, fully three-fourths as wide as the prothorax, with promi-
nent eyes, the vertex with a feeble central puncture, the frontal
foveae deep, oblique, attaining the eyes; antennae notably stout,
black, half as long as the body, the basal joint alone rufous; prothorax
a third wider than long, widest at apical third, the sides strongly
rounded, oblique and feebly arcuate posteriorly, finely sinuate very
near the basal angles, which are obtuse but sharp and minutely
prominent; base feebly arcuate, wholly unmargined, equal in width
to the sinuato-truncate apex; surface nearly even, with feeble
anterior impression and very finely reflexed along the sides, some-
what flattened and opaculate latero-basally but impunctate, the
stria fine and subentire; elytra one-half longer than wide and two-
fifths wider than the prothorax, parallel, with feeble arcuate sides
and gradually circularly rounded apex, the sinus wholly wanting;
striae fine but rather strong; intervals flat or virtually so throughout,
not more convex at tip; discal puncture completely wanting; lateral
line of foveae broadly interrupted medially; hind tarsi rather short,
slender, three-fifths as long as the tibiae, the first four joints uni-
formly decreasing in length, the first much shorter than the fifth.
Length (d71) 4.3 mm.; width 1.5 mm. New York (Lake Champlain),
and Ontario (Montreal). Lake Superior, — LeConte. [Geobcemis
cordicollis Lee.] cordicollis Lee.
The anterior tarsi of the male are only slightly swollen and appear
to have two rows of elongate inconspicuous squamae beneath, the
middle tarsi undilated and unmodified. The absence of a discal
puncture on the elytra is an important character not specially
alluded to by LeConte, although no puncture is mentioned in his
description. The above described example, which I took at Bluff
Point, may be smaller than the type of LeConte, though the pub-
lished measurements are probably excessive, but it appears to be
the same specifically; the Montreal specimen, recently received
from Mr. Knaus, is precisely similar to the New York representa-
tive. It is a remarkable species and demands generic isolation in
my opinion.
Stenocellus n. gen.
The numerous species of this genus may be distinguished at
once from Bradycellus by their more slender elongate parallel and
subdepressed form. The prothorax is as in the preceding in general
form, but is always more or less impressed and punctate latero-
basally and, as in Triliarthrus, may have the basal angles either
minutely prominent or rounded; the sides are, however, never
broadly sinuate basally, with sharply marked right angles, as they
are in the next five genera of the table given above. The elytra
always have a discal puncture well behind the middle and a clearly
defined annular basal fovea, but there is seldom any trace of a
scutellar stria or apical sinus, the elytra always being evenly and
circularly rounded at tip; the lateral line of foveae are widely inter-
rupted medially. The emargination of the mentum is rather
shallow, the tooth narrowly acute and well developed. The labial
palpi are of quite a different form from that characterizing the
preceding genus; the second joint is unusually short, broad, flat-
tened, subtriangular, with the anterior edge acute and bearing two
long seta?, the third joint distinctly longer, inflated basally, finely
subulate apically and with a deep impression at least in the male.
The inner lobe of the maxilla is strongly hooked at apex and the
last joint of the outer lobe gradually inflated basally and drawn
distally into a long slender subulate apex. The antennse are
slender and the third joint does not have any of the very short
decumbent pubescence borne by the following joints, though
having numerous erect setae. The frontal fovese are deep and are
prolonged in a fine oblique line to the eyes. Male sexual characters
will be described under severaj specific headings below. The
species are very numerous but rather closely allied among them-
selves in some parts of the series and especially near rupestris; they
are widely distributed over the entire continent as far southward as
the table land of Mexico and are generally abundant individually.
Those represented in my cabinet are as follows:
Hind angles of the prothorax obtuse but not rounded and more or less
evidently though minutely prominent 2
Hind angles distinctly and broadly rounded 26
2 — Body less minute, between 3 and 4.5 mm. in length 3
Body minute, always distinctly under 3 mm. in length 21
3 — Species of the Atlantic region; surface always very shining 4
Species of the Rocky Mountain and Sonoran regions 10
Species of the true Pacific faunal region 14
4 — Antennae notably stout. Body and legs testaceous in color, the head
but little darker, the elytra with a large blackish cloud posteriorly;
under surface of the hind body black; head three-fourths as wide as
the prothorax, with the usual prominent eyes; antennae half as long
as the body, fuscous, paler basally; prothorax a fourth wider than
long, widest near apical third, the sides there rather strongly rounded,
thence oblique and very feebly arcuate to the minutely prominent
basal angles; base transverse, anteriorly arcuate at the sides, not
quite as wide as the truncate apex; surface convex, smooth, extremely
finely, evenly reflexed at the sides, feebly impressed and strongly,
closely punctate latero-basally, the stria fine and subentire; elytra
one-half longer than wide and two-fifths wider than the prothorax,
parallel, circularly rounded at apex, the striae deeply impressed, the
scutellar wholly wanting, the intervals distinctly convex; discal
puncture near three-fifths; hind tarsi slender, fully three-fourths as
long as the tibiae, the basal joint as long 3s the next two, the fifth as
long as the preceding three combined. Length 3.4-3.6 mm.;
width 1.15-1.2 mm. New Jersey (Atlantic City) supplex n. sp.
Antenaae slender 5
5 — Antennae unusually long, more than half as long as the body, filiform
and very slender on the narrow side, apically increasing in width on
the compressed side. Color throughout as in the preceding, except
that the elytra are largely blackish, broadly pale basally, less so
laterally and finely along the suture, and that the abdomen is gradu-
ally pale apically; head relatively much smaller and with less promi-
nent eyes, about three-fifths as wide as the prothorax, the vertex with
a central puncture; prothorax more transverse, two-fifths wider than
long, widest near apical third but with the sides more evenly rounded
throughout than in the preceding, distinctly arcuate to the minute
acute prominence at the obtuse basal angles; base narrower than the
sinuato-truncate apex; surface as in the preceding, except that the
basal foveae are smaller, deeper and more definite and with a much
smaller punctured area; the median stria is stronger; elytra fully
one-half longer than wide and less than two-fifths wider than the
prothorax, the striae and intervals as in supplex; hind tarsi slender,
fully three-fourths as long as the tibiae, the basal joint not as long as
the next two, the fifth distinctly shorter than the preceding three
combined; claws similarly very slender; anterior tarsi (cf) distinctly
dilated, each of the first four joints with two large, obliquely diverging
scale-like plates, the middle tarsi undilated and unmodified beneath.
Length (c?) 4.2 mm.; width 1.4 mm. New York (Catskill Mts.),
— H. H. Smith antennalis n. sp.
Antennae half as long as the body, not increasing in width apically on the
compressed side 6
6 — Elytra with a very short though evident scutellar stria, being the only
known exception in the entire genus. Body elongate-suboval,
rather convex, very shining, pale testaceous in color, the head red-
brown and the prothorax clear rufous, the elytra testaceous, with a
common rounded posterior black spot crossing the suture; under
surface of the hind body entirely black, the epipleura and legs pale
testaceous; head not large though nearly three-fourths as wide as
the prothorax, with prominent eyes; antennae rather more developed
than in any of the four following species, dark brown, paler basally;
prothorax rather small and very feebly transverse, not a fourth wider
than long, otherwise nearly as in the preceding, except that the base
is not evidently narrower than the truncate apex; stria deep and entire;
foveae broadly impressed and closely punctate; elytra barely one-half
longer than wide, parallel, with rather more arcuate sides than usual,
not quite one-half wider than the prothorax, the striae rather deeply
impressed; intervals convex; dorsal puncture at three-fifths; tarsi
nearly as in antennalis, the anterior (cf ) rather less dilated but with
similar large oblique scale-like hyaline plates, acucely pointed at their
apices. Length (cf) 3.7mm.; width 1.2 mm. New York (near the
City), — Jiilich insulsus n. sp.
Elytra never having a trace of scutellar stria, as is the case also in all the
subsequent species 7
7 — General color more testaceous, the pronotum always clear rufous
throughout 8
General color more blackish, the pronotum always largely dark or mottled
with blackish 9
8 — Body larger, testaceous, shining, the head but little darker; elytra
parallel, broadly clouded with blackish, with the suture paler; under
surface of the hind body piceous-black; head nearly as insulsus, the
antennae more slender and less broadly compressed, similar in color;
prothorax fully a fourth wider than long, the sides rather strongly
rounded, unusually converging basally to the minutely prominent
angles; base distinctly narrower than the truncate apex; surface nearly
as in the preceding, except that the median stria is finer and does
not attain the apex as a rule; elytra longer, almost three-fifths longer
than wide, parallel, with feebly arcuate sides and evenly rounded
apex, the striae impressed, with rather convex intervals, except apic-
ally, where the striae are more superficial and the intervals flat;
discal puncture near apical third; basal joint of the hind tarsi much
shorter than the next two, the fifth nearly as long as the preceding
three; sexual characters as in the. preceding. Length (cf 9 ) 3.4-4.5
mm.; width 1.2-1.4 mm- Long Island and North Carolina to
Missouri. [Trechns rupestris Say; T. flavipes Kirby; Acupalpus
elongatulus Dej.] rupestris Say
Body much smaller and less elongate, the head nearly black; elytra black
in about apical half, with the usual pale suture; under surface of the
hind body black, the epipleura and legs very pale; head nearly three-
fourths as wide as the prothorax, with moderate though very promi-
nent eyes; antennae dark, paler basally; prothorax nearly a third
wider than long, the sides more strongly rounded anteriorly than in
rupestris and becoming rather more sinuate at base, the minutely
prominent angles rather more acute and distinct; surface nearly
similar, except that the stria is generally entire and the foveae smaller,
more punctiform and with still smaller area of punctuation, the
punctures fine; elytra scarcely one-half longer than wide, of the usual
form, fully one-half wider than the prothorax, the striae more im-
pressed suturally, the intervals there convex but flatter externally and
at apex; discal puncture strong, at apical third ; hind tarsi very slender,
two-thirds as long as the tibiae. Length (9) 2.9-3.4 mm., width
1.0-1.2 mm. New York (Lake Champlain and Catskill Mts.), also
in Indiana. Five examples occultus n. sp.
9 — Form elongate, moderately convex, blackish-piceous, the head, pro-
thorax and sides and suture of the elytra more or less irregularly
pallescent; under surface of the prothorax blackish, gradually paler
laterally, of the hind body piceous-black; legs pale; head two-thirds
as wide as the prothorax, with distinctly larger though not more
prominent eyes than in rupestris; antennae notably slender and very
moderately compressed, piceous, the first three joints paler; puncture
at the centre of the vertex usually strong; prothorax rather trans-
verse, fully a third wider than long, of the usual form, widest at
apical third and with rounded sides, oblique and feebly arcuate
posteriorly, the obtuse angles minutely prominent; stria distinct,
subentire, the foveae rather rounded, shallow and closely punctate;
base narrower than the feebly sinuate apex; elytra long, more than
one-half longer than wide, only two-fifths wider than the prothorax,
with strong striae and distinctly convex intervals, the discal puncture
near three-fifths; hind tarsi with the first joint distinctly shorter than
the next two combined, the fifth as long as the first two. Length
(cf 9 ) 3.8-4.2 mm.; width 1.2-1.4 mm. New York and New Jersey,
westward to Iowa. [Acupalpus debilipes Say; Bradycellus parallelus
Chd.] debilipes Say
Form less elongate, the coloration nearly as in debilipes but usually not
quite so dark, the elytra often broadly testaceous toward the sides
and base, the suture always testaceous; under surface and legs similar
in color; head nearly similar, the antennae slender, dusky, the two
basal joints paler, the third intermediate in color; prothorax similar
but rather less transverse, with the base and apex more nearly equal
and the foveae more impressed and more coarsely punctate; elytra
shorter, generally scarcely one-half longer than wide, relatively a
little wider, the striae and intervals similar; hind tarsi slightly more
elongate. Length (cf 9 ) 3.6-4.0 mm.; width 1.2-1.5 mm. Rhode
Island, New York and Virginia. [Stenolophus cinctus Say].
cinctus Say
10 — Body in great part rather dark in coloration n
Body notably pallid above, excepting an elytral blackish cloud, the head
infumate in purgatus 12
II — Form and size nearly as in debilipes but not so dark in coloration, the
pronotum always clear testaceous but of either paler or darker tint;
under surface of the hind body, and usually the median part of the
prosternum, piceous-black; epipleura and legs pale; head moderate,
with prominent eyes; antennae dusky, gradually paler basally, slender,
nearly half as long as the body; vertex without an evident puncture;
prothorax nearly as in debilipes but not so transverse, with more
evenly rounded sides and with the base but little narrower than the
apex, differing especially in having the obtuse basal angles simply
not rounded and without the minutely prominent apices of the pre-
ceding species; elytra fully one-half longer than wide and nearly
one-half wider than the prothorax, testaceous, with a large blackish
cloud divided by the suture; hind tarsi slender, moderate in length,
with the usual long fifth joint. Length (cf 9 ) 3.6-4.0 mm.; width
1.1-1.4 mm. Utah, Colorado and New Mexico. [Geobcenus con-
gener Lee.] congener Lee.
Form narrower than in congener, the size rather smaller, somewhat more
convex, highly polished in lustre, dark testaceous, the head piceous
except at base; prothorax not clouded; elytra black, rather broadly
testaceous laterally and basally and with a fine, feebly rufescent
suture; under surface, legs and epipleura as in congener; head similar,
except that the antennae are not quite so long, more slender and with
evidently shorter joints; prothorax much shorter, more convex, less
evenly rounded at the sides, widest near apical third, where the
sides are rather strongly rounded, converging and feebly arcuate pos-
teriorly to the angles, which are obtuse, clearly defined though not
at all prominent; posterior fourth of the surface, between the foveae,
depressed below the general level, the foveae deep but rather narrow,
finely punctate; elytra nearly as in congener but shorter; anterior
tarsi (a71) distinctly dilated, with joints 2-4 transverse, 1-4 with the
usual long and pointed, narrowly separated, upwardly oblique,
diverging and narrowly separated hyaline plates, two to each seg-
ment, in chevron formation, the plates feebly crumpled transversely
and also with fine broken longitudinal strigilation; hind tarsi slender,
of the usual structure. Length (c?) 3-75 mm.; width 1.02 mm.
California (San Diego). A single example, taken by the writer.
aridus n. sp.
Form narrower, the size still smaller, rather more depressed, blackish-
piceous, the base of the head and base, sides and suture of the elytra
rufescent; under surface piceo-testaceous throughout, the legs and
epipleura paler, yellow; head almost four-fifths as wide as the prrtho-
rax, with well developed and prominent eyes; antennas dusky, pale
basally, rather short and slender, extending but little behind the
thoracic base; prothorax barely a fourth wider than long, widest
near apical third, where the sides. are rather strongly arcuate, thence
converging, becoming almost straight to the obtuse basal angles,
which are sharp and feebly prominent; base fully as wide as the
truncate apex, wholly unmargined as usual; surface with rather strong
sparse punctures in the vaguely but distinctly impressed latero-
basal regions; anterior and posterior transverse impressions slightly
evident; elytra one-half longer than wide, nearly one-half wider than
the prothorax, the striae fine, moderately strong; intervals flat
laterally and apically, feebly convex suturally; side margins very
finely reflexed as usual and with three or four erect setae basally, the
thoracic marginal seta, behind apical fourth, long and strong; hind
tarsi very slender, three-fifths as long as the tibiae. Length ( 9 ) 3-°
mm.; width 1.05 mm. Arizona (Tugson). A single example,
taken by the writer decorus n. sp.
12 — Body elongate, moderately convex, shining, pale, the head infumate;
elytra with a piceous cloud behind the middle and divided by the
pale suture, the under surface of the hind body and median part
of the prosternum blackish when mature; head as in congener but
shorter and with a shorter neck, the antennae similar but not so
elongate, the joints shorter; prothorax similar and with obtuse, clearly
marked though not in the least prominent, basal angles, but more
evenly rounded at the sides and with the median parts of the base
smoother, without the longitudinal rugulae generally evident in
congener, the basal foveae feebler; elytra much narrower, rather more
than one-half longer than wide and only about a third wider than
the prothorax, similarly striate and with moderately convex intervals.
Length (cf) 3.75-4.0 mm.; width 1.2-1.25 mm. California (near
San Diego), — Dunn. The hind tarsi in one example are much shorter
than in the other, possibly from muscular contraction.
purgatus n. sp.
Body larger, broader and more convex, very shining, pale testaceous, the
elytra with a feeble subposterior blackish cloud, divided by the
suture, the under surface of the hind body pale piceo-rufous, the
legs paler; head as pale as the prothorax and three-fourths as wide,
with very prominent eyes; antennae slender, dusky-testaceous, not
one-half as long as the body; prothorax rather short, fully a third
wider than long, of the usual anteriorly inflated form, the hind angles
obtuse, with their apices sharply defined but not minutely prominent
as a rule; base distinctly narrower than the apex; surface smooth,
the foveae moderate, feebly impressed and punctured as usual; elytra
not quite one-half longer than wide, fully one-half wider than the
prothorax, the striae deep and sulciform and with convex intervals
suturally, feebler laterally and apically; hind tarsi slender, only
moderate in length. Length (cf 9 ) 3.8-4.8 mm.; width 1.35-1.9
mm. Arizona (Tugson) to Texas (Austin and Waco), and north-
ward to Nevada (Reno) and California (Truckee). Abundant.
[ Brady cellus nubifer Lee. and B. ventralis Lee.]. The larger measure-
ments refer to a single remarkably developed individual.
nubifer Lee.
Body much smaller than in either of the preceding 13
13 — Form oblong-oval, moderately convex, pale rufo- testaceous above and
beneath, excepting a small cloud on each elytron posteriorly; head
nearly four-fifths as wide as the prothorax, the eyes very prominent,
separated by three and one-half times their own width; antennae
dusky testaceous, paler basally, rather short; prothorax about a
fourth wider than long, the sides rounded anteriorly, converging,
becoming sensibly sinuate for some distance before the basal angles,
which are acutely prominent and more nearly right than usual;
surface broadly but scarcely visibly impressed and closely punctured
throughout, though variably so, latero-basally ; base very slightly
narrower than the apex; elytra rather less than one-half longer than
wide, two-fifths wider than the prothorax, broadly and circularly
rounded behind, finely striate and with very feebly convex intervals
throughout, the discal puncture at three-fifths. Length (9) 3.2
mm.; width 1.15-1.2 mm. Colorado River at Yuma, California and
Arizona. [Bradycellus rival-is Lee.] rivalis Lee.
Form and coloration nearly similar throughout; head similarly large and
well developed and with very prominent eyes that are separated by
barely more than three times their own width; antennae fuscous,
paler basally, longer than in rivalis, being about half as long as the
body; prothorax similar but relatively shorter, a third wider than
long, the converging sides posteriorly straight to the very obtuse
basal angles, which are sharply defined but not or only extremely
minutely prominent; base more arcuate than in the preceding and
equal in width to the apex; surface similar, except that the basal
punctures are sparser and more limited to feebly impressed foveae,
not extending to the sides as in rivalis; elytra similar throughout but
a little more elongate, the intervals suturally somewhat more convex;
hind tarsi a little longer. Length (9 ) 3-25-3.3 mm.; width 1.2 mm.
Island of Guadalupe, off the coast of Lower California. Two ex-
amples socors n. sp.
14 — LTpper surface polished throughout (cf), the elytra densely micro-
reticulate and alutaceous (9). Body piceous-black in color, the
elytral humeri and fine sutural stripe faintly rufescent; prothorax
above and beneath sometimes faintly but uniformly pallescent;
legs dark testaceous; head nearly three-fourths as wide as the pro-
thorax, with large but only moderately convex eyes and slender
fuscous, basally paler antennae; prothorax relatively rather small,
barely a fourth wider than long, the sides subevenly rounded, more
converging and straighter basally, the angles very obtuse and some-
what blunt, though not broadly rounded; base slightly narrower than
the apex; surface smooth, the stria distinct, subentire, the latero-
basal area feebly impressed, closely, moderately strongly punctate;
elytra rather more than one-half longer than wide and about one-
half wider than the prothorax, parallel, with only very feebly arcuate
sides and circularly rounded apex; striae fine, with nearly flat inter-
vals (9), or deeper, with strongly convex intervals suturally (cf),
the discal puncture at three-fifths (cf ) or apical third ( 9 ) ; hind tarsi
rather short but slender. Length (c? 9 ) 3.7-4.3 mm.; width 1.2-
1.45 mm. California (Siskiyou Co.), — Koebele. Eight examples.
alutaceus n. sp.
Upper surface polished throughout and equally so in both sexes 15
15 — Upper surface intense and uniform black throughout, even the elytral
suture devoid of any distinct evidence of paleness. Form rather
slender, polished throughout, the under surface black: legs testaceous;
head notably small, although nearly two-thirds as wide as the pro-
thorax, the eyes very moderate and less prominent than usual;
antennae only moderately slender, almost half as long as the body,
blackish, the two basal joints pale; prothorax a third wider than
long, the converging sides basally broadly arcuate, the angles very
obtuse, rather sharply defined but not at all prominent at their
apices; base a little narrower than the sinuato-truncate apex;
surface, when not perfectly mature, feebly pallescent at the apical
and basal margins, smooth, with distinct stria, the latero-basal
region broadly flattened or very feebly and vaguely impressed and
with rather sparse uneven punctures, extending almost to the sides;
elytra one-half longer than wide, not quite one-half wider than the
prothorax, more oval than usual, the parallel sides distinctly arcuate;
striae fine, very moderately impressed, the intervals feebly convex
suturally, flat externally and apically, the discal puncture behind
three-fifths; hind tarsi three-fourths as long as the tibiae. Length
(cf 9 ) 3.4-3.6 mm.; width 1.2-1.25 mm. California (Redwood
Creek, Humboldt Co.). Two examples lustrellus n. sp.
Upper surface not uniform and deep black throughout 16
16 — Elytra black, with only the suture rufescent 17
Elytra black with the suture and long humeral nubilous area rufescent. 1 8
Elytra testaceous, each blackish toward but not across the suture. ... 19
17 — Bod y elongate, only moderately convex, shining, black, the prothorax
more piceous-black as a rule and usually pallescent apically and
basally, the sutural interval of the elytra rufescent; under surface
piceous-black; legs pale flavo-testaceous to piceo-testaceous; head
three-fourths as wide as the prothorax, the eyes only very moderate
in size and slightly prominent; antennae slender, dusky, the three
basal joints pale- prothorax short and transverse, two-fifths wider
than long, the sides strongly rounded anteriorly, oblique and nearly
straight posteriorly, the angles obtuse but sharply marked, though
the apices are scarcely at all prominent; base subequal in width to
the apex; surface with a strong entire stria, generally feeble and
sparsely punctulate anterior transverse impression and broadly
flattened or feebly impressed, closely, strongly and very conspicuously
punctured latero-basal areas, the punctures ascending along the sides
to some extent; lateral part of the surface anteriorly with fine sparse
punctulation, distinct in the type but obsolete in some individuals;
elytra one-half longer than wide, but little more than a third wider
than the prothorax, parallel, with feebly arcuate sides; striae deeply
impressed; intervals strongly convex suturally, less so externally and
apically, the discal puncture at or behind two-thirds. Length
(cf 9 ) 3.3-3.9 mm.; width 1.15-1.35 mm. California (San Fran-
cisco Bay and northward in the coast regions). Ten examples.
puncticollis n. sp.
Body larger and broader than in the preceding, otherwise somewhat
similar in general habitus, but with paler prothorax, black, shining,
the elytra black, with pale suture when mature, sometimes mostly
testaceous, the pronotum piceo-testaceous, clouded slightly with
darker tint toward the sides; under surface black, the legs and epi-
pleura piceo-testaceous; head nearly as in puncticollis. but more
elongate, the antennae slender but shorter, blackish, the two basal
joints pallid; prothorax similar in its short transverse outline and
form of the basal angles, but with the latero-basal area broadly,
feebly impressed and very minutely punctate, the punctures not
extending along the sides, the entire remainder of the surface
impunctate, the stria fine, not attaining the apex; elytra broader,
barely one-half longer than wide, one-half wider than the prothorax,
similarly striate and with convex intervals. Length (9) 3.7-4.0
mm.; width 1.35-1.4 mm. California (Truckee — 6000 feet eleva-
tion, in the Sierras). Two specimens montanus n. sp.
Body much smaller than in either of the two preceding, shining, black,
the pronotum pallescent apically and basally, the elytral suture
pale; under surface black, with pale hypomera and epipleura, the
legs very pale flavo-testaceous; head moderate, the eyes rather small
but prominent; antennae slender, rather more than half as long as the
body, dusky, the two basal joints rufous; prothorax less transverse,
a third wider than long, the sides rounded anteriorly, converging and
becoming feebly arcuate basally, the angles very obtuse, rather
sharply defined though not prominent at their apices; base slightly
narrower than the truncate apex; surface smooth, almost evenly
convex, the stria fine, not entire, the latero-basal region barely at all
impressed but with close-set, irregular, coarse and conspicuous
punctures, which do not quite extend to the side margins; elytra
only two-fifths longer than wide and two-fifths wider than the pro-
thorax, the parallel sides distinctly arcuate; striae rather deeply
impressed, the intervals evidently convex; hind tarsi moderate.
Length (c?) 3-2 mm.; width 1.22 mm. California (Hoopa Valley,
Humboldt Co.) discipulus n. sp.
1 8 — Form moderately stout and convex, shining, the head nearly deep
black, the pronotum rufo-piceous to nearly black, paler at apex and
base; elytra black, excepting along the suture and laterally toward
the humeri; under surface piceous-black, the sides of the prosternum,
epipleura and legs rufo-testaceous; head rather large, three-fourths
as wide as the prothorax or more, the eyes unusually large, prominent ;
antennae fuscous, the two basal joints paler, slender but not half as
long as the body; prothorax unusually short and transverse, two-
fifths to nearly one-half wider than long, the sides very moderately
rounded, less so basally, the angles very obtuse and so blunt as to
appear somewhat rounded; base very slightly narrower than the
feebly sinuate apex; surface smooth, the stria fine, the anterior im-
pression feebly evident, the posterior sometime rather strong though
indefinite and feebly anteriorly angulate on the stria, the latero-basal
region rather distinctly impressed and closely, rather strongly punc-
tate, the punctures not or scarcely extending to the sides; elytra
one-half longer than wide, not more than- two-fifths wider than the
prothorax, pallid along the external margin posteriorly, narrowly
medially and again more broadly toward the humeri: striae rather
impressed, deeply and with more convex intervals suturally, hind
tarsi rather long, very slender. Length (cf 9 ) 4.0-4.2 mm.; width
i-3~!-35 mm- California (Alameda Co. and Santa Rosa).
sejunctus n. sp.
19 — Pronotal punctures extending over most of the basal, lateral and
apical parts of the surface, nearly as in puncticollis, the body here
however much narrower and more elongate. Shining, the pronotum
clear and pale, the elytra darker, testaceous, the latter not clouded
with black; under surface blackish, the prosternum, epipleura and
legs pale testaceous; head moderate, somewhat dusky, the eyes
moderately large, prominent; antennae very slender though barely
half as long as the body, fusco-testaceous, clearer basally; prothorax
relatively rather small in size, fully a third wider than long, the
sides broadly rounded, feebly converging posteriorly, becoming
scarcely straight at the hind angles, which are very obtuse, with their
apices finely acute and subprominent; base subequal to the truncate
apex; surface with rather evident punctate anterior transverse
impression, the posterior impression broad, giving a depressed
appearance to the basal regions, the latero-basal region scarcely at
all impressed but with numerous close-set strong punctures, which
extend finely and sparsely along the sides anteriorly; elytra three-
fifths longer than wide, about one-half wider than the prothorax,
parallel, with feebly arcuate sides; striae well impressed, the intervals
slightly convex, more distinctly suturad. Length (9) 4.0 mm.;
width 1.2 mm. California (Sacramento Co.), — Koebele. A single
example exstans n. sp.
Pronotal punctures confined to the feebly impressed latero-basal region
as usual 2°
20 — Body moderately stout and convex; surface shining, testaceous, the
head piceous except basally, the pronotum mottled with piceous,
especially along and at a distance from each side; elytra with an
elongate blackish area parallel to the suture and frequently covering
most of the upper part of the disk;. under surface black, pale laterally
and anteriorly, the legs pale; head large, three-fourths to four-fifths
as wide as the prothorax, with rather prominent eyes; antennae
slender, half as long as the body; prothorax transverse, a third to
two-fifths wider than long, moderately rounded at the sides anteriorly,
the basal angles obtuse, sharply defined but seldom with trace of
minute prominence at their apices; surface smooth, with fine median
line, the foveae rounded, shallow and rather strongly and closely
punctate, the punctures not extending far from the foveae; elytra
one-half longer than wide, barely two-fifths wider than the prothorax,
the striae impressed and with moderately convex intervals. Length
(c? 9 ) 3.5-4.3 mm.; width 1.2-1.4 mm- California (Sta. Cruz to
Humboldt). Abundant nubicollis n. sp.
Body nearly as in rupestris but with very much less rounded sides of the
prothorax and less prominent eyes; surface shining, pale testaceous,
the vertex infumate; elytra each with an elongate blackish area;
under surface of the hind body and middle of the prosternum black,
the epipleura and legs very pale; head two-thirds as wide as the
prothorax, the eyes large but not very prominent; antennae half as
long as the body, very slender, feebly fusco-testaceous, clearer
basally; prothorax barely more than a fourth wider than long, the
sides rounded anteriorly, converging and nearly straight throughout
more than basal half, the basal angles obtuse, sharply defined but
not at all prominent at their apices; base and apex subequal; surface
with a strong entire stria, the foveae large, somewhat impressed,
strongly and closely punctate, separated from the sides by an unusu-
ally wide impunctate interval; elytra more than one-half longer than
wide, two-fifths wider than the prothorax, the ,striae moderately
impressed, the intervals evidently but not strongly convex. Length
(cf ) 3.8 mm.; width 1.3 mm. California (Sta. Cruz Mts.).
lineatus n. sp.
21 — Species of the Pacific coast faunal regions 22
Species of the Atlantic and Sonoran regions 25
22 — Legs very pale, flavo-testaceous throughout 23
Legs piceous or dark rufo-piceous in color 24
23 — Body moderately slender and convex, shining, black throughout
when mature, black beneath, paler along the sides of the prosternum
and on the epipleura; head well developed, with moderate but very
prominent eyes; antennae rather thick, half as long as the body,
fuscous, paler at base; prothorax a third wider than long, rounded
at the sides anteriorly, the sides oblique and becoming straight
posteriorly, evidently sinuate for a short distance before the angles,
which though obtuse are therefore unusually prominent at their
apices; base narrower than the apex; surface convex, smooth, with
strong entire median line, the latero-basal region flattened and
closely punctate; elytra barely one-half longer than wide, nearly
one-half wider than the prothorax, the striae more or less impressed,
the intervals convex, feebly so externally and apically, rather strongly
toward the suture; hind tarsi slender, nearly as usual. Length (cf 9 )
2.6-2.8 mm.; width 0.85-1.0 mm. Coast regions from San Diego
to Washington State. Very abundant. [Stenolopluis californicus
Lee.] californicus Lee.
Body nearly as in californicus but more slender and with relatively
smaller prothorax, generally paler in color, rufo-piceous when mature ;
under surface as in californicus but somewhat paler in all its parts;
head relatively still larger, being only very slightly narrower than
the prothorax; antennae notably more slender, piceous, paler
basally; eyes prominent; prothorax relatively smaller than in cali-
fornicus, fully a third wider than long, the sides more broadly and
less strongly rounded anteriorly, the sinus before the basal angles
still more pronounced than in californicus, the angles prominent
but with their apices less acutely defined than in that species; the
angles might be said to be only slightly more than right, the sides
of the base oblique; surface throughout nearly similar; elytra more
elongate, three-fifths longer than wide, nearly three-fifths wider
than the prothorax, otherwise as in californicus; hind tarsi slender,
three-fourths as long as the tibiae. Length (9) 2.2-2.8 mm.;
width 0.8-0.95 mm. California (St. Helena, Sonoma Co.). Fort
Ross, on the coast of the same county, — Mots. [Acupalpus "sy-
metricus" Mots.] symmetricus Mots.
24 — Form rather more elongate and more convex than in californiciis,
very shining and of the deepest black throughout, the sides beneath
not paler; head moderate, the eyes smaller and less prominent than
in californicus, the antennae much more slender and more than half
as long as the body, nearly black, dusky-testaceous at base; pro-
thorax nearly as in californicus in outline and size but more convex,
with the converging sides basally not sinuate for a sensible distance
before the angles as they are in that species, the angles obtuse though
with their apices strongly but minutely prominent; feeble latero-
basal impressions finely, less closely and less extendedly punctate, the
median stria very different, being short and broadly biabbreviated;
elytra in form and proportion as in californicus but more convex,
with finer, less impressed striae and much less convex, in fact nearly
flat, intervals, the discal puncture strong, at three-fifths; hind tarsi
piceous, slender, moderate in length. Length (9 ) 2.85 mm.; width
i.o mm. California (Siskiyou Co.), — Koebele ardelio n. sp.
Form somewhat more elongate than in californicus, similarly shining
and very moderately convex, deep black throughout, the sides of the
prosternum, epipleura and legs blackish-piceous; head as in cali-
fornicus but smaller, the neck sometimes faintly rufescent medially;
eyes moderate and not very prominent; antennae much more slender
than in californicus but also shorter, less than half as long as the
body; prothorax nearly as in ardelio in its outline basally and in the
strongly though finely prominent basal angles, but much shorter
and more transverse, more than two-fifths wider than long, the stria
distinct and subentire, the fovese feebly impressed and rather strongly,
closely punctate, the punctures not extending far beyond the foveae;
elytra as in californicus in outline and striation but less exceeding
the prothorax in width, the latter being actually much broader as
well as more transverse than in that species. Length (cf 9 ) 2.2-
2.9 mm.; width 0.8-1.05 rnm. California (Lake Tahoe). Seven
examples, taken by the writer picipes n. sp.
25 — Head very much narrower than the prothorax; form narrow and
elongate, moderately convex, shining, deep black throughout when
mature but frequently with the prothorax and elytral suture pal-
lescent; legs flavo-testaceous; head about two-thirds as wide as the
prothorax, the eyes moderate in size and prominence; antennae
blackish, paler basally, more than half as long as the body and not
very slender (cf), or somewhat shorter and more slender (9);
prothorax a third wider than long, the sides rounded anteriorly,
converging and feebly arcuate basally, the basal angles obtuse, with
their apices minutely and moderately prominent as a rule; base
slightly narrower than the truncate apex; surface smooth, rather
convex, the fovese somewhat vague and feebly impressed, finely,
rather closely punctate, the stria distinct, subentire; elytra one-half
longer than wide to a little less, two-fifths wider than the prothorax,
the striae impressed; intervals distinctly convex suturally, flatter
externally and apically; hind tarsi slender though unusually short.
Length (cf 9) 2.4-2.7 mm.; width 0.75-0.9 mm. Rhode Island to
Iowa and Texas. Very abundant. [Acupalpus tantillus and dif-
ficilis Dej.] tantillus Dej.
Head and general habitus very much as in tantillus but larger in size,
also similar to californicus but larger and with relatively smaller
anterior parts when compared with the elytra, shining, piceous-
black, the elytral suture feebly rufescent, the legs pale; head mod-
erate, the antennae s'ender, not quite half as long as the body, rather
dusky, clear testaceous basally; prothorax short, two-fifths wider
than long, the sides rounded anteriorly, oblique and evidently sin-
uate toward the basal angles, which are right, rather prominent and
sharply defined; base evidently narrower than the apex; stria dis-
tinct, subentire; foveae shallow, finely, not conspicuously punctate;
elytra three-fifths longer than wide, one-half wider than the pro-
thorax, the striae strong suturad; hind tarsi nearly three-fourths as
long as the tibiae, the basal joint as long as the next two and equal
to the fifth. Length (the sex undetermined) 2.9 mm.; width 1.2
mm. Utah (Provo), — Spalding; communicated by Mr. Knaus.
provoensis n. sp.
Head large, only just visibly narrower than the prothorax; form less
parallel, moderately convex, pale testaceous throughout, the elytra
each with a small piceous cloud near the suture posteriorly, the
under surface of the hind body partially variegated with piceous;
head smooth, convex, the eyes notably large and very prominent;
antennae slender, fusco-testaceous, clearer basally; prothorax scarcely
a third wider than long, the sides subevenly rounded, only a little
less so posteriorly, the basal angles very obtuse, clearly defined and
evidently prominent at their apices; base distinctly oblique at the
sides and but little narrower than the truncate apex; surface smooth,
the foveae small, feeble, the punctures fine, not dense and covering
but a small area, the stria distinct, subentire; elytra less than one-
half longer than wide and more than one-half wider than the pro-
thorax, the striae feebly impressed, the intervals not very convex
even suturally; discal puncture at two-thirds. Length (9) 2.5
mm.; width 0.9 mm. Texas (El Paso). A single specimen, taken
by the writer larvatus n. sp.
26 — Body very small in size. Elongate, black, shining, head smooth, the
frontal impressions oblique, deep; palpi pale; antennae obscure, the
two basal joints pallid; prothorax not shorter than wide, barely
emarginate anteriorly, the base feebly rounded, slightly narrowed
posteriorly, the sides moderately rounded, the hind angles feebly
explanate, broadly rounded; transverse impressions indistinct, the
stria deep, entire, the foveae broad, rounded, not deep, confused with
the explanate angles, obsoletely and sparsely punctate; elytra
parallel, the apex rounded, not sinuate, deeply striate, the intervals
feebly convex, the third unipunctate; scutellar stria wanting; legs
rufo-testaceous, the posterior rufo-piceous, the femora more obscure.
Length 3.0 mm.; width 1.25 mm. Island of Mackinaw. One
specimen. [Geobccnus neglectiis Lee.] neglectus Lee.
Body much larger, more southern in habitat 27
27 — Form moderately slender and convex, shining, clear testaceous in
color, the head piceous, the elytra slightly obscure toward the suture,
the latter pale; under surface of the hind body blackish-piceous, the
epipleura and legs pale testaceous; head fully three-fourths as wide
as the prothorax, the eyes moderate in size but very prominent;
antennae very slender, nearly half as long as the body, fusco-tes-
taceous, gradually clearer basally; prothorax only just visibly wider
than long, the sides broadly, almost evenly rounded, widest before
the middle; base transverse medially, the angles very broadly
rounded; apex feebly sinuate, but little wider than the base and
with rather blunt angles; surface very evenly, moderately convex, the
stria deep and entire, the foveae rather small, rounded, feeble and with
a few fine punctures; the foveae are isolated and distinct and the
basal angles are not deplanate; elytra rather more than one-half
longer than wide, only two-fifths wider than the prothorax, parallel,
with feebly arcuate sides and evenly rounded apex; striae fine but
deeply impressed, the scutellar wholly wanting as usual; intervals
feebly convex, more strongly suturad; hind tarsi slender, the first
three joints decreasing uniformly and moderately in length, the
fifth as long as the first two or 2-4 combined. Length ( 9 ) 3-8 mm. ;
width 1.3 mm. Texas (Austin) suavis n. sp.
Form rather more parallel and less convex, shining, piceous-black, the
prothorax and elytral suture generally slightly paler; under surface
nearly black, the epipleura pale; legs piceo-testaceous; head three-
fourths as wide as the prothorax, with large though only moderately
prominent eyes; antennae very slender, fully half as long as the body,
blackish, paler basally; prothorax rather transverse, fully a third
wider than long, the apex feebly sinuato-truncate, with obtuse but
rather sharply defined angles and a little wider than the base; sides
almost evenly rounded, a little more converging and less rounded
posteriorly; base transverse medially, the angles very broadly
rounded, not at all deplanate, the foveae rounded, shallow, isolated
and rather strongly and closely punctate; stria strong, entire; elytra
rather more than one-half longer than wide but only a third wider
than the prothorax, of the same form as in suavis and similarly
striate; discal puncture at three-fifths; hind tarsi similar but with a
slightly longer basal joint; male with the anterior tarsi distinctly
dilated; joints 2-4 strongly transverse, triangular and broadly
emarginate. Length (cf 9 ) 3.9-4.2 mm.; width 1.2-1.3 mm.
Kansas (Sedgwick Co.) and Texas. Three examples, .festinans n. sp.
The species from Sonoma, Cal., identified above as symmetricus
Mots., agrees in every particular with the original description,
including size of the body; the locality also is virtually identical.
The large series of tantillus at hand, by reason of certain diversity of
coloration, length of elytra, length and thickness of antennae and
other features, seems to indicate that there may be some distinct
species or subspecies that are now confused, but further extended
series from carefully recorded localities would be desirable before
coming to any definite conclusion. I am unable to identify the
male of tantillus from tarsal characters, the anterior tarsi being
undilated in all the numerous examples examined, but the male
may be relatively rare. Larvatus is allied to rivalis and is similar
in its peculiar pallid coloration and very prominent eyes, but the
size is very much smaller, the head relatively larger, the antennae
shorter and more slender and the sides of the prothorax not sinuate
toward base as they are in rivalis. Neglectus is unknown to me and
I have simply transcribed the original characters. Bradycellus
nigriceps of LeConte may be a Tachistodes and allusion will be
made to it under that genus.
T. L. Casey, Mem. Col. V, Oct. 1914.
The position of the following species is problematical, but for the
present it may be attached to Stenocelhts, although differing rad-
ically in the form of the prothorax:
Bradycellus subcordatus Chd. — Similar to rupestris but with dif-
ferent form of prothorax; eyes more prominent; prothorax slightly broader,
the anterior angles not at all rounded at their tips; sides distinctly sinuate
in posterior half and falling upon the base in a right angle; base very
feebly bisinuate, more transverse near the angles; surface more distinctly
punctured, especially in the lateral depressions; elytra slightly broader,
very parallel, flatter, without trace of scutellar stria; color probably
brown when mature. Length (9 ) 4.75 mm.
The locality is not stated, but as the type was sent by Mot-
schulsky, it is possibly a native of California; it is said by Chaudoir
to be best placed near tantillus, but this cannot be accurate, as the
size is very much greater. The peculiar conformation of the
prothorax and size of the body, precludes association with any
Stenocellus known to me at present.
Amerinus Csy.
The elongate parallel form of the body in this genus strongly
recalls Stenocellus, but in the details of structure the two genera
are only remotely connected. In Amerinus the emargination of
the mentum is unusually small and shallow, the long sharply pointed
tooth projecting even rather further than the angulate lobes; the
middle of the base of the mentum is deeply impressed, the impression
binary. The ligula is very slender and parallel to the tip and the
paraglossse do not extend quite to its apex, their outer angles
divergently prolonged, these processes becoming very fine and
curved. The labial palpi are quite different from those of Steno-
cellus, being slender, with the second joint slender, parallel and as
long as the third. The second joint of the maxillary palpi is notably
thickened, compressed and slightly arcuate. The inner lobe of
the maxilla is extremely hooked at apex, the point prolonged far
beyond the long coarse setae forming the fringe; the last joint of
the outer lobe is also very long, gradually drawn out apically into
a long slender subulate point. • The mandibles are long, prognathous,
rather slender and feebly arcuate and the right at least, and possibly
also the left, has a small acute tooth projecting from the inner
side near the middle of the length. The eyes are rather small and
generally but feebly convex, the frontal foveae long, outwardly
curved and extending to the eyes and the third antennal joint is
pubescent like the fourth, except near its base. The anterior tarsi
of the male are moderately thickened but scarcely dilated and have
beneath two rows of long slender squamiform papillae, one in each
series on each joint; the middle tarsi are slender and apparently
unmodified. The scutellar stria is wanting, though the fovea is
large and conspicuous. There are four setae at the apex of the
abdomen in both sexes.
Of this singular genus we seem to have three species as follows:
Elytra very long, nearly three times as long as the prothorax. Color
piceous-black throughout, the legs pale testaceous; surface very
shining; head rather small, elongate, three-fifths as wide as the pro-
thorax, the eyes more convex than in the other species; antennae
long, very slender, pale testaceous throughout, fully half as long as
the body; prothorax not quite as long as wide, widest at anterior
two-fifths, where the sides are somewhat prominently rounded,
thence broadly, feebly sinuate and feebly converging to the basal
angles, which are right and very sharply defined; base rectilinear
throughout and very slightly wider than the sinuato-truncate apex;
surface very feebly convex, finely reflexed and diaphanous at the
sides, the stria deep and strong, entire, the foveae isolated, linear,
extending for two-fifths but not quite attaining the basal margin,
extremely deep and cavernous, the bottom slightly rugose; near the
apex medially there are a few fine punctures; elytra three-fourths
longer than wide, parallel, with feebly arcuate sides and abruptly
very obtuse apex, two-fifths wider than the prothorax, the sinus
broad and feeble but evident; striae deep, subpunctate, the intervals
convex; discal puncture small, near two-thirds; lateral line of foveae
very widely interrupted; hind tarsi slender, three-fourths as long as
the tibiae, the first joint subequal to the next two combined, much
shorter than the fifth. Length (9) 4.5 mm.; width 1.3 mm.
Mississippi (Vicksburg) longipennis n. sp.
Elytra less, the prothorax more, elongate; eyes less convex 2
2 — Body slender, feebly convex, shining, rufo-piceous in color, paler
beneath, the legs flavo-testaceous; head two-thirds as wide as the
prothorax, smooth as usual; neck rather long, parallel; antennae
pale testaceous throughout, slender, nearly three-fifths as long as
the body; prothorax distinctly longer than wide, this a little less
marked (cf1), the sides very broadly rounded, gradually slightly
converging and broadly, feebly sinuate basally, the angles right and
sharply defined; base feebly sinuato-truncate, distinctly narrower
than the apex, which is distinctly sinuato-truncate; surface with very
deep coarse and sulciform entire median groove, the foveae very deep,
abrupt, elongate-linear, a third the total length and attaining the
basal margin, though more shallowly, the bottom rugosely punctate
but shining; obsolete anterior impression with a few punctures;
elytra three-fifths longer than wide, two and two-fifths times as
long as the prothorax and nearly one-half wider, obtuse at apex,
with very feeble sinus; sides subparallel and feebly arcuate, the disk
rather wider near the apex than at base; striae not or scarcely sub-
punctate, moderately impressed, the intervals rather feebly convex;
dorsal puncture behind two-thirds; hind tarsi nearly as in the pre-
ceding. Length (d71 9 ) 4.0-4.2 mm.; width 1.2-1.25 mm. District
of Columbia, — Ulke. Four examples. [Bradycellus linearis Lee.].
linearis Lee.
Body somewhat less slender, shining, piceous-black, the pronotum at apex
and base and the elytral suture pallescent; under surface nearly
black, the epipleura and legs testaceous; head nearly as in the pre-
ceding but with dark piceous antennae, the two basal joints testaceous;
prothorax but just visibly longer than wide, widest at two-fifths
from the apex, the sides more strongly rounded than in linearis and
more deeply sinuate posteriorly, the hind angles right and sharp;
base rectilinear and as wide as the truncate apex; surface as in
linearis, the very deep basal foveae more obliquely prolonged to the
basal margin; elytra two-thirds longer than wide, two and one-half
times as long as the prothorax and two-fifths wider, nearly as in
linearis throughout, except that the striae are subpunctate, the
intervals rather more convex and the sinus stronger and more oblique ;
the discal puncture is less posterior and at about three-fifths from
the base; hind tarsi nearly as in the other species. Length (cf)
4.3 mm.; width 1.3 mm. Virginia (Fort Monroe). A single speci-
men fuscicornis n. sp.
In all the species the side-pieces of the prosternum are strongly
though not very densely punctured throughout the width anteriorly
but not basally. Fuscicornis resembles linearis but is somewhat
larger, with less elongate and laterally more sigmoid prothorax
and darker coloration and differs especially in the coloration of the
antennae; the type is assumed to be a male, although the only trace
of inferior squamulation visible on the anterior tarsi consists of
about two long slender and coarsely hair-like squamae on the fourth
joint. The sexual modifications of the tarsi are rather more feeble
in this genus than in any other of the Eradycellid genera known to
me at present.
Philodes Lee.
The edentate mentum characterizing this and all the subsequent
genera of the Acupalpini, here pertains very appropriately to a genus
resembling Amerinus in outward appearance, being slender, even
more depressed and with basally sinuate sides and sharp right
basal angles of the prothorax. The genus is however very peculiar
in having three series of setigerous elytral punctures, exactly as in
the Selenophorini. The mental emargination is very evenly,
circularly sinuate, the ligula very slender, detached from the para-
glossse, which are of a form completely unlike that seen in Amerinus,
they being elongate, parallel, concave throughout their length and
with their apices evenly rounded. The labial palpi are only moder-
ately slender, the second joint somewhat compressed and shorter
than the third, the apex of which is rather rapidly and finely subu-
late. The inner lobe of the maxilla is moderately hooked at tip
and the last joint of the outer lobe very gradually acuminate. The
only properly glabrous antennal joint is the first, the second to
fourth are successively more closely pubescent. The mandibles are
rather short as usual, the eyes somewhat small and feebly convex
and the frontal foveae are oblique and linear, but do not quite attain
the eyes. The neck is rather long and gradually narrowed basally.
The scutellar stria is well developed and the lateral line of foveae
only very imperfectly interrupted medially. The anterior tarsi
of the male are rather strongly dilated, the joints short, transverse,
sharply angulate and with a long stiff seta at each side and have
beneath joints 1-4 two long and rather narrow, irregular, hyaline
squamules, semi-erect in position among numerous long hairs;
the middle tarsi are not at all modified. The single known species
is the following:
Body elongate, slender, very depressed, the upper surface nearly flat,
shining, testaceous, the head and the elytra, excepting the sides
and suture, infumate; under surface of the hind body somewhat
piceous, the legs pale flavo-testaceous; head smooth, with unusually
elongate neck behind the notably small and feebly convex eyes,
large, nearly four-fifths as wide as the prothorax, the antennae rather
obscure testaceous, gradually clearer basally, unusually long and
thick, nearly two-thirds as long as the body; prothorax not quite as
long as wide, strongly rounded at the sides, the latter becoming
rather abruptly deeply sinuate and thence parallel to the base in
about basal fifth, the angles right and very sharply defined; base
transverse, much narrower than the sinuato-truncate apex; surface
very feebly convex, smooth, the stria fine but broadly impressed,
entire and distinct; foveae narrow, linear and rather deeply impressed
in basal third, not attaining the base, impunctate; elytra nearly
one-half longer than wide and two-fifths wider than the prothorax,
the sides subparallel and broadly arcuate, the apex rapidly very
obtuse, the sinus obsolete; striae rather fine and feebly impressed, the
intervals feebly convex; hind tarsi slender, fully two-thirds as long
as the tibiae, the first joint rather longer than the next two combined
but not quite as long as the fifth. Length (cf) 3.3 mm.; width i.o
mm. Indiana, — -Levette. [Badister and subsequently JE,pus testa-
ceus Lee., a name afterwaid changed to Philodes alternans because of
preoccupation.] testaceus Lee.
The form of the prothorax reproduces very nearly that of the
genus Anthracus Mots., but the chief peculiarities of the species
are the triple elytral series of setigerous punctures and the long and
conspicuously heavy antenna?; it seems to be but seldom taken and
may actually be rare.
Goniolophus n. gen.
The limited number of small species forming this genus are
evidently related to Philodes and Anthracus by the form of the
prothorax, but differ from the former in having only a single series
of fewer punctures on each elytron; in Anthracus there is only the
usual single discal puncture. The emargination of the mentum
is as in Philodes, but the labial palpi have the second joint about
as long as the third, the latter more gradually and less finely acu-
minate apically. The ligula is very narrow, parallel and the para-
glossae are unattached for a considerable distance from its apex;
they are elongate and obtuse at tip, nearly as in Philodes and extend
well beyond the tip of the ligula, which has the usual two very
long setae; the inner lobe of the maxilla is broadly arcuate and much
extended at apex, the inner fringe subspinuliform, the last joint
of the outer lobe very long, gradually and moderately inflated
basally, thence drawn out and very slender for more than half the
entire length distally. The neck is short, the eyes large and very
prominent, the frontal foveae oblique but not attaining the eyes
and the mandibles are short, in large part concealed in repose. The
antennae are slender, the first two joints virtually glabrous, the
third pubescent nearly like the fourth. The scutellar stria is long
and strong and the lateral line of foveae is distinctly interrupted
medially. The anterior tarsi in the male are nearly as in Philodes,
but rather less strongly dilated, the laterally obliquely angulate
joints 1-4 each having two larger, very long, somewhat trans-
versely crumpled, internally serrulate, hyaline plates, which are
obliquely semi-erect; the fifth joint is as long as the preceding three
combined; the middle tarsi are slender and completely unmodified.
The surface of the body is much less depressed than in Philodes and
even somewhat more convex, as a rule, than in Anthracus.
Of the three described species I have only one, rectangulus Chd.,
but have tried to interpolate the others in the following table by
means of the published descriptions; the generic characters out-
lined above are from lucens, described below and to be regarded
as the type of the genus:
Elytral series composed of three punctures 2
Elytral series composed of four or five punctures 3
2 — Form elongate, rather depressed; head blackish; prothorax pale, with
a large quadrate dusky spot; anterior transverse impression deeply
marked; foveae broad, rugosely punctured; elytra pale, with a broad
dorsal vitta divided by the suture and abbreviated at each end.
Length "4 mm." Georgia. One specimen. [Stenolophus flavilimbus
Lee.] flavilimbus Lee.
Form elongate-oblong, less depressed, the size smaller, the basal thoracic
impressions deeper, feebly punctured, the sides less sinuate posteriorly
than in rectangulus and the hind angles less prominent; color tes-
taceous or rufo-piceous; legs, palpi and antennae pale; prothorax
broader than the head, nearly as long as wide, almost quadrate,
slightly narrowed behind, the sides broadly rounded anteriorly; stria
fine but distinct, the transverse impressions rather distinct; foveae
oblong, almost rounded, deep, somewhat rugosely punctulate at the
bottom; hind angles nearly right but with their apices evidently
blunt; base transverse, oblique at each side; elytra elongate, almost
parallel, slightly convex, feebly sinuate; striae distinct, the scutellar
very evident; intervals almost flat. Length 3.3 mm.; width 1.3 mm.
Sent by the elder LeConte and probably taken in Georgia. [Acu-
palpus longulus Dej.] longulus Dej.
3 — Body oblong, rather stout and convex, very shining, testaceous, the
head, a very nubilous spot on each side of the median line of the
pronotum and a very feeble nubilous cloud on each elytron toward
the suture and largely behind the middle, piceous; under surface
testaceous throughout, the hind body rather darker and more rufous;
head nearly three-fourths as wide as the prothorax, the eyes moder-
ately large, very prominent; antennae rather slender, dusky, paler
basally; prothorax just visibly wider than long, subquadrate, widest
near apical third, the sides broadly, subevenly arcuate, becoming
feebly sinuate toward base, the latter feebly arcuato-truncate,
slightly wider than the feebly sinuate apex; basal angles very nearly
right, sharply defined, not at all blunt, the apices not at all everted,
the apical angles obtuse and blunt; surface moderately convex,
wichout distinct trace of transverse impressions, the median line
coarse, every deep and entire; foveae large, elongate, moderately deep
and strongly punctate, the punctures extending also over the flat
deplanate area between the foveae and the sides; side margins very
finely reflexed, the gutter lost at the deplanate latero-basal area;
elytra two-fifths to one-half longer than wide, parallel, with feebly
arcuate sides and very obtuse apex, two-fifths wider than the pro-
thorax, the sinus short and barely visible; striae deeply impressed,
the scutellar long, parallel; intervals convex throughout; hind tarsi
slender but short, three-fifths as long as the tibiae, the first joint as
long as the next two combined, not quite as long as the fifth. Length
(cf 9 ) 3.5-3-7 mm.; width 1.2-1.45 mm. Texas (Galveston).
lucens n. sp.
Body more slender, only moderately convex, much smaller in size,
shining, blackish-piceous, the pronotum clear dusky-testaceous
throughout, sometimes blackish and gradually pallescent at the
periphery; elytral suture very finely, the external margin more
broadly, posteriorly, pallescent; legs, epipleura and prosternum
pale; head only slightly narrower than the prothorax, with rather
long neck and moderate, very prominent eyes; antennae very slender,
fully half as long as the body, fuscous, the two basal joints pale;
prothorax transverse, a third to two-fifths wider than long, the sides
rounded anteriorly, converging and evidently sinuate in about basal
half, the hind angles right, very sharply marked and sometimes
slightly prominent; base and apex equal in width; surface feebly
convex, the stria fine but very distinct, entire, the anterior transverse
impression visible but fine, rather clo^e to the apex, the basal angles
subdeplanate, flattened and punctulate, the foveae oval, rather deep
and obscurely punctate; elytra two-fifths longer than wide and fully
one-half wider than the prothorax, wider behind than before the
middle, very obtuse at apex, the apices rather abruptly, rectilinearly
oblique but without sinus, striae impressed, the scutellar long and
strong, the intervals convex; hind tarsi as in lucens. Length (cf 9 )
2.4-2.8 mm.; width o. 8-1. o mm. Tndiana to Mississippi (Vicksburg).
Not rare. [Acupalpus rectangnlus Chd.] rectangulus Chd.
The number of setigerous elytral punctures in lucens is rigorously
four in all the eight series of the four individuals at hand. In
rectangulus the number is more inconstant, some of the series having
four and some five punctures.*
* Since the above matter relating to Goniolophus was put in print, I have
received from Mr. Knaus two specimen?, taken near New Orleans, La., of a species
that answers very well to the description of longulus quoted in the table. The pro-
thorax is less sinuate basally than in the others and the basal angles are more obtuse
and blunt, the basal foveae deep, oval and abrupt, with their bottoms closely punctu-
late. I unhesitatingly label them longulus, although there are plainly four foveae in
the substrial series, the three mentioned by LeConte being therefore doubtless due
to an error of observation. The species is very different from lucens, being narrower
and more elongate, with much shorter prothorax, having much deeper subbasal
fovese and more blunted basal angles.
Anthracus Mots.
As represented by consputus Duft., this essentially palaearctic
genus bears a strong outward resemblance to Philodes and Gonio-
lopJms, having similar sinuously basally narrowed prothorax, with
usually sharply denned, right or nearly right basal angles, but
having only the single discal elytral puncture common to most of
the genera of the Harpalinae and not series of such punctures as
in both the genera mentioned. The emargination of the mentum
is very shallow and broadly, evenly sinuate throughout its width.
The second labio-palpal joint is slightly compressed but elongate,
though evidently shorter than the third and it bears two very long
stout setae; the third joint is rather slender, very gradually narrowed
apically and not rapidly subuliform at apex as it is in Bradycellus
for example. The last joint of the outer lobe of the maxilla is
altogether different from that of the Bradycellids, being long and
extremely slender from base to apex and with feeble even arcuation
throughout. The hind tarsi are very slender and only moderate
in length, the basal joint not as long as the next two combined.
The anterior tarsi of the male cannot be described at present,
as my examples are both females. The antennae are- long and
slender, with the usual two glabrous joints of the subfamily. The
elytral striae are deep and the scutellar stria is well developed.
The following species is assigned to this genus without misgiving,
although I have never seen it in actuality. It is evidently the
descendant of a migrant from the palaearctic fauna by way of
Siberia and Alaska, in recent geologic times, and forms additional
evidence to prove the semi-Asiatic nature of the true Pacific coast
fauna :
Form much elongated, depressed, shining, piceousr the prothorax and
the elytra at margin and apex rufescent; prothorax subcordate, not
shorter than wide, narrowed posteriorly, with the sides subsinuate;
hind angles right ; surface foveate basally at each side but only slightly
punctate; elytra slightly wider than the prothorax, parallel and ob-
liquely subsinuate at apex; striae rather deep, the second unipunctate;
base of the antennae, palpi and legs testaceous. Length "4 mm."
California (San Jose). One specimen. [Stenolophus tener Lee.].
tener Lee.
The general habitus of the body is said to resemble that of
Philodes testaceus. I have seen no record of the original unique
type having been duplicated by recent collectors.
Acupalpus Dej.
As represented by trivialis, the species here referred to the genus
Acupalpus, which is very much more developed in the palsearctic
than in the nearctic fauna, have the body very small in size, not
much elongated and rather convex, with the elytra frequently
wider behind the middle than at base and with the scutellar stria
short or altogether wanting, except the persistent basal fovea.
They form a group quite distinct from European species of the
meridianus and fiavicollis type, in the small size of the body, shorter
antennae, less rounded basal angles of the prothorax and in their
uniformly dark colored elytra. In trivialis the emargination of
the mentum is evenly parabolic in form, rather deep and the
palpi are short, the second joint of the labial slightly compressed
and shorter than the third, which is rapidly and acutely pointed
at apex. The ligula is very slender, parallel and shorter than the
paraglossse, the latter narrow, rounded at tip and feebly concave.
The inner lobe of the maxilla is slender and moderately arcuate
distally and the last joint of the outer lobe is somewhat as in
Anthracus in its very slender, gently arcuate form, but is not
quite so long. The mandibles are thick, oblique, nearly straight
externally and hooked slightly at tip. The anterior angles of the
epistoma are sharp and abruptly projecting. The oblique frontal
foveae are finely prolonged to the eyes. The hind tarsi are slender,
of very moderate length and the first and fifth joints are subequal,
scarcely so long as the second and third combined. The anterior
tarsi of the male are only very feebly dilated and have beneath two
approximate series of very thin elongate subdecumbent hyaline
squamae, the middle tarsi slender and unmodified. The abdomen
is finely, sparsely punctate medially, with four terminal setae in the
female and perfectly smooth, with two terminal setae in the male.
The five species in my collection may be known as follows:
Head very large, only slightly narrower than the prothorax in either sex. 2
Head smaller, much narrower than the prothorax 3
2 — Body very short and stout, subcuneiform, rather inflated posteriorly,
shining, piceo-testaceous, the prothorax generally clearer; legs, an-
tennae and palpi testaceous; head smooth, the neck unusually long
and fully as long as the eyes, which are much smaller and more
feebly convex than usual; antennae rather stout, as long as the elytra;
prothorax fully two-fifths wider than long, the sides strongly rounded
anteriorly, strongly converging and nearly straight thence to the
base in more than basal half; base feebly arcuate, much narrower
than the broad sinuato-truncate apex; basal angles very obtuse, with
their apices narrowly rounded; surface feebly impressed and with a
few distinct punctures near the hind angles, the stria fine but strong,
not quite entire; elytra but little more than a third longer than wide,
very broadly obtuse and with vestigial sinus at apex, the sides
distinctly arcuate, two-fifths wider than the prothorax; striae very
fine and superficial, the scutellar extremely short and feeble ; intervals
flat, the discal puncture behind two-thirds; lateral line of foveae
interrupted medially. Length (G? 9 ) 2.2-2.8 mm.; width 0.95-1.1
mm. Rhode Island. [Stenolophns hydropicus Lee.].
hydropicus Lee.
Body much more elongate, shining, rather convex, deep black, the pro-
thorax dark rufo-testaceous; legs pale flavate; head but just visibly
narrower than the prothorax, the neck rather long; eyes moderate,
longer than the neck behind them and very prominent, very much
larger than in hydropicus; antennae more slender, distinctly shorter
than the elytra, blackish, the basal joint pale; prothorax a third to
nearly two-fifths wider than long, the sides more evenly rounded
than in the preceding, though becoming gradually nearly straight
posteriorly; base feebly arcuate, with very obtuse and narrowly
rounded angles and but very little narrower than the sinuato-
truncate apex; surface with fine, not very strong, subentire stria, the
foveae short, sublinear, broadly and moderately impressed and with
a very few punctures, the surface thence to the sides, almost as far
as the middle, deplanate; margins very finely reflexed; elytra much
longer than in hydropicus, one-half longer than wide and one-half
wider than the prothorax, only feebly inflated posteriorly, the sides
broadly arcuate, the apex subcircularly obtuse, each apex straight and
oblique; striae very fine, the scutellar very short, oblique, rather
distinct; intervals flat, perhaps just visibly opalescent in lustre; hind
tarsi three-fourths as long as the tibiae. Length (cf 9 ) 2.25-2.75
mm.; width 0.8-1.0 mm. Rhode Island (Boston Neck). A single
pair expertus n. sp.
3- — Form more slender than in hydropicus and still smaller in size, shining,
piceous-black, the prothorax less black to obscure testaceous, the
elytral suture also sometimes finely testaceous; legs pale; head two-
thirds as wide as the prothorax, with moderate though prominent
eyes, which are but little longer than the neck; antennae slender, not
quite as long as the elytra, fuscous, paler basally; prothorax widest
near apical third, where the sides are strongly rounded, thence con-
verging and straight to the obtuse but rather clearly defined and
scarcely at all blunt basal angles; base barely narrower than the
feebly sinuate apex; surface impressed and punctate near the hind
angles, with distinct and subenure stria; elytra nearly one-half
longer than wide, subparallel, barely at all inflated posteriorly,
about a third wider than the prothorax, obtuse at apex, the striae
fine impressed, the scutellar rather well developed; intervals feebly
convex, not in the least opalescent. Length (cf 9 ) 2.3-2.5 mm.;
width 0.8-0.9 mm. Rhode Island to Lake Champlain and Iowa.
Very abundant. [Stenolophus carus Lee.; ITrechus immunis Kirby].
cams Lee.
Form much stouter but otherwise somewhat similar, very shining, piceous-
black, the prothorax throughout testaceous; legs pale; head some-
what larger, three-fourths as wide as the prothorax, the eyes smaller
but prominent and somewhat longer than the neck; antennae obscure
testaceous, only moderately slender, not quite as long as the elytra,
the joints short as usual; prothorax as in carus, except that the
converging sides are not so straight posteriorly and the obtuse basal
angles evidently rounded; surface nearly similar but with the
impressed part near the angles almost completely punctureless;
elytra barely a third longer than wide, feebly inflated posteriorly,
still more broadly obtuse at apex, the sides broadly arcuate, only a
third wider than the prothorax; striae fine, the scutellar very short
and feeble; intervals nearly flat, the discal puncture near three-fifths;
tarsi nearly similar. Length (9 ) 2.6 mm.; width i.o mm. Rhode
Island (Boston Neck). Two examples nanellus n. sp.
Form stouter than in carus, the size less minute; surface very moderately
convex, very shining, deep black, the prothorax fusco-testaceous;
legs pale; head still larger, though not so large as in hydropicus or
expertus, nearly four-fifths as wide as the prothorax, the eyes moder-
ately large and prominent; antennae much more slender and with
longer joints than in the two preceding, blackish, the first much,
the second slightly, paler, half as long as the body; prothorax nearly
as in the preceding, two-fifths wider than long, the sides rounded
anteriorly, oblique and nearly straight basally, the basal angles
obtuse and very narrowly rounded; depression near the hind angles
with a few sparse punctures; elytra oblong, parallel, differing from
any of the preceding in not being sensibly inflated posteriorly, the
sides broadly arcuate, the apex broadly obtuse, with a short but
distinct sinus; striae fine, evidently though irregularly impressed as
a rule, the scutellar not long but distinct; intervals feebly convex;
tarsi fuscous, slender, of the usual structure. Length (c? 9 ) 2.4-2.8
mm.; width 0.85-1.0 mm. New York (Lake Champlain).
trivialis n. sp.
It is possible, as suggested by LeConte, that cams may be the
same as the Trechus immunis of Kirby, but there are evidences of
other species besides those here described, more especially one,
represented by two examples labeled "Ontario," which are a little
larger in size and of more elongate form than the typical carus and
this may be the true immunis. The species in the carus group are
rather closely allied among themselves. In hydropicus the head is
relatively not quite so wide as in expertus, but is very peculiar in
its long neck and comparatively small and feebly convex eyes.
This species is also remarkably distinct in its very short and strongly,
posteriorly inflated elytra.*
A single example of a South African species, which I took at
Wellington, near Cape Town, much more closely resembles these
American forms than it does the European species of the meridianus
type; so I do not feel disposed to suggest a subgeneric name for
our species, although they are so strikingly divergent in habitus
from the normal forms of the genus.
Stenolophus Dej.
This is one of the largest genera of the Acupalpini and holds
rather closely to a fixed type throughout all the American and such
of the European species as I have had opportunity to examine.
The head is usually moderate in size, the eyes well developed and
rather prominent as a rule, the frontal fovese deep and oblique,
though generally not prolonged to the eyes and the antennae are
always rather long and slender, with the usual two glabrous basal
joints of the subfamily. The mandibles are short and thick, their
apices finely hooked and each has on the inner margin behind the
middle a small and sometimes very acute tooth. The notch of the
mentum is deep and evenly sinuate and the ligula is long, gradually
somewhat expanded apically, the paraglossae adherent about to its
tip and with their outer angle prolonged into a process that fre-
quently curls inward. The labial palpi are long, rather slender,
with the second joint barely visibly shorter than the third and
bearing three very long setae, two near the middle of the anterior
margin and one on the posterior side near the apex; the third joint
is gradually and moderately acuminate; the last joint of the maxil-
* The measurements published by LeConte of Acupalpus hydropicus (3 mm.) and
Goniolophus reclangulus (3-3.25 mm.), are plainly excessive and, as I have noted many
other overdrawn measurements of the same kind, it seems certain that that author
unconsciously fell into manipulative methods giving erroneous results. If the object
to be measured be held above the scale, its projected image on the scale will cover more
units of length than the actuality, in proportion to the distance between the scale and
the object. In making these measurements care should be taken to place the scale
close to the object and in such a way that bot